Free by request to residents of East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer SEND YOUR NEWS AND PICS TO [email protected] Friday, August 30, 2019 Organizers thrilled with Berthiaume Street Party’s success announces local office hours REGION — State Rep. Donnie Berthiaume will hold office hours at the following locations for September 2019. Tuesday, Sept. 17 – In the town of North Brookfield, at the Senior Center Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19 - In the Town of Brookfield at the Town Hall 10 – 10:45 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 19 – In the Town of East Brookfield- Senior Center – 11-11:45 a.m. Kevin Flanders Photos Thursday, Sept. 19 – In the Town of Spencer at Kaileena Cairns, two, of Monson gets ready for a fun day at the first ever Spencer Street Fair. Howe Village Hall, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. BY KEVIN FLANDERS den, and appearances from local nonprofit groups. Thursday, Sept. 26 – In the Town of West Brookfield STAFF WRITER Events were also held inside Richard Sugden at the Senior Center Noon – 12:45 p.m. SPENCER – After extensive planning and prepa- Public Library, and several local businesses got rations, organizers of the Spencer Street Party involved. Barnstorm Cycles served as a hub of were thrilled with the success of their debut event. activity, and other businesses were eager to show Constituents and town officials are invited to meet The Aug. 24 event brought thousands of people off their locations as well. with him to express any concerns, ideas, or issues into downtown Spencer to enjoy a day of arts and For more photos from the inaugural Street that they may need assistance with. Please feel free entertainment. Several crafters displayed items, Party, see page A3. to contact Donna if you would like a private meeting. and the event also included live music, a beer gar- 774-402-4742 Brookfield artist creates portrait of Blues pioneer BROOKFIELD — Brookfield shows in her music. She was Smith is known now as a blues artist Laura O. Cenedella a powerful black woman at pioneer, her recorded works has accepted an assignment a time when black women seldom are played. People from the Worcester Hot Club did not have any stature. So who stop by the Bessie Smith to immerse herself in the life my approach was to go for Marathon for a few minutes, and music of blues pioneer an exaggerated look, to try to a few hours, or all day will Bessie Smith and reflect the have her coming out of the have a chance to experience forceful woman in a paint- canvas.” her power. ing. The work is being used Over a 10-hour time span, Music begins at 10 a.m., and to help promote the Bessie the Bessie Smith Marathon continues until 8 p.m. Between Smith Marathon taking place will present every recording song sets, the Worcester Hot in Worcester on Sept. 21. Smith made. Her first record- Club will provide details about A lifelong artist and art edu- ing was made in 1923, and the Smith’s life and career, the cator, Cenedella is a member last in 1933. The event will take relationship of Smith’s music of the Blackstone Valley Art place in the FRONTROOM to recording industry norms, Association, where she leads performance space in the and the role of the blues in workshops and contributes to WCUW studio in Worcester. Jazz Age culture. In addition, art exhibits. She acknowledg- While most of the recordings a film program will run con- es the challenge of painting will be played back through tinuously from noon through portraits, and says portraits conventional equipment, some 8 p.m. Movies will include provide her greatest reward. original 78-RPM records will the only Bessie Smith perfor- Cenedella’s objective with be played on period hardware. mance caught on film, perfor- the Bessie Smith painting Smith’s impassioned perfor- mances by her contemporar- was to reflect the energy of mances are seen as pivotal in ies, and related modern takes the woman in the work, titled modernizing popular music on early blues performers. “Bessie.” of the 20th century. Although Cenedella will attend the She explains, “Bessie Smith she achieved extraordinary Marathon, and at 11 a.m. will Courtesy Photo was thunderous, powerful in popularity as a performer and give a short talk about her Immersion in recordings and reviewing archival photos helped Brookfield everything she did, and that recording artist, and although artist Laura O. Cenedella produce a painting that represents the power of Please Read BESSIE, page A2 blues pioneer Bessie Smith. Digital Accordions to shake up Spencer Fairgrounds SPENCER — Ever heard an accordi- ers will be treated to a full orchestral on orchestra? We didn’t think so. spectrum of sound, including classical, show pieces, rock ‘n’ roll, jazz standards But the New England Digital and a selection of ethnic/cultural favor- Accordion Orchestra — in its fifth sea- ites from around the world and from son of public performances as the only the American songbook. The orchestra act of its kind — next performs at the is complemented by drums, percussion, Spencer Fair at 2 p.m. on Saturday, guitar, and vocalists. Audiences often Aug. 31. find themselves joining in song and dancing along. There are horn and wind Formed and conducted by nationally sections, strings, guitars and rhythm recognized accordionist and music edu- sections, all true tones coming from cator Sam Falcetti of Wilbraham, the these digital accordions. ensemble of 20 players hails from across New England and harnesses their digi- Each instrument is an “an orchestra tally enhanced accordions in a variety in a box” that can blend the range of of musical styles. tones, said Falcetti, retired founder of Courtesy Photo The New England Digital Accordion Orchestra — in its fifth season of public performances as The Labor Day Weekend fair-go- Please Read ACCORDIONS, page A2 the only act of its kind — next performs at the Spencer Fair at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 31. 2 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, August 30, 2019 LEICESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS PUBLIC NOTICE Safeguards Brochure modation has a duty to identify refer, evaluate, A special education Parent’s Notice In a car, park, abandoned building, and if eligible, provide access to public of Procedural Safeguards is available or bus or train station Doubled up with education to student with impairments Special Education Child Find Notice from the Office of Student Services, 508- other people due to loss of housing or in its jurisdiction. For additional infor- Under federal and state special edu- 892-7040 and this brochure is available economic hardship mation about the rights or parents of cation regulations, Leicester Public in a number of different languages at eligible children, or for answers to any Schools has a duty to locate, identify, http://ww.doe.mass.edu/sped/prb. If you believe, your children may questions you might have about identi- refer, evaluate and, if eligible, provide be eligible, contact Pamela Smith, fication, evaluation and placement into a free, appropriate public education to McKinney-Vento Liaison McKinney-Vento local liaison at 508- Section 504 programs, please contact students with disabilities who reside 892-7040 X9010 to find out what services the District’s Section 504 Coordinator at in the town of Leicester. For parents IF YOUR FAMILY LIVES IN ANY OF and supports may be available. There the following: or guardians of children ages 3-21 years THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS: also may be supports available for your of age who have a disability or develop- preschool-age children. Pamela Smith mental delay, and who would like more Your school-age children may qualify Director of Student Services information, please contact Pamela for certain rights and protections under §504 Child Find Notice Leicester Public Schools Smith, Director of Student Services and the federal McKinney-Vento Act. Pursuant to Section 504 of the 3 Washburn Square, 3rd Fl. Child Find Coordinator, at 508-892-7040 In a shelter Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which pro- Leicester, MA 01524 X9010 In a motel or campground due to the hibits discrimination in publicly funded 508-892-7040 X9010 lack of an alternative adequate accom- activities the Leicester Public Schools Parent’s Notice of Procedural Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts open new Leadership Center WORCESTER — The Girl Scouts of Central and and the Worcester Railers. Western Massachusetts for decades to come,” said Western Massachusetts is pleased to announce the The 7,400-square-foot facility houses more than 20 Pattie Hallberg, CEO. “With state-of-the-art equip- grand opening celebration of its new Leadership full-time staff, as well as a store stocked with every- ment and room to facilitate large and small groups, Center on Sunday, Sept. 8 from 1 to 4 p.m. at 115 thing a Girl Scout needs, a historical museum, and a the Leadership Center will become a focal point for Century Dri. in Worcester. large STEM center which is equipped with 3-D print- activities, meetings, and growth.” The event is free, with separate fees for the food ers, a smartboard, robotics equipment, cameras and The grand opening event is generously sponsored trucks. Activities will include archery, letter boxing, other devices to support girls’ STEM interests. by RP Masiello, Citizens Bank, Fidelity Bank, TD hula hooping, s’mores, slime making and much more. “The new Leadership Center is exactly what Bank, and St. Pierre Manufacturing Company. Special activities will be conducted by the EcoTarium GSCWM needs to serve the girls of Central and BESSIE continued from page 1 SPENCER ALMANAC impressions of Bessie Smith and the Western New England process of capturing personality in art.
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