22 GEO. V.] N alive Purposes. [1931, No. 32. 341 New Zealand. ANALYAIS. Title. 20. Provision relating to part of Rotoiti Native 1. Short Title and commencement. Township ceded to Crown for scenic pur. 2. Interpretation. poses. 3. Definition. 21. Authorizing Board of Control for Rotokakahi PART I. Lake. 22. Crown may accept gift of Urenui Pa. PROVISIONS ADECTING NATIVE RESERVES. 4. Native Trustee may lease lands vested in him under Wes~ Coast Settlement Reserves Aot, IS92. PART Ill. 5. Provisions for prospecting and mining for NATIVE TOWNSHIPS. mineral oils on West Coast Settlement Reserves. 23. Authorizing Native township sections to be 6. Special provisions as to mortgages and other let without further competition. encumbrances of leases of West Coast 24. Native township sections may be transferred Settlement Reserves. to beneficial owner. 7. Enabling the Native Trustee to lease certain 25. Making provision for exchange of existing lands for religious or educational purposes deferrcd-payment licenses to occupy lands at nominal rental. in Native townships for deferred-payment S. Native Trust\ee may subdivide Native reserves licenses under section 6 of the Land Laws and lay ofi' roads. Amendment Act, 1926. 9. Permitting payment to Natives of compensa. 26. Authorizing Crown leases of Native township tion or other moneys in respect of certain lands. Native reserves. 10. Assessment of ground.rent of Native reserves. H. Native Trustee declared a leasing authority PART IV. with ~pect to Auckland and other Native reserves. EAST COAST NATIVE TRTJST LANDS. 12. Granting power to the Native Trustee to 27. Provision for appointment of East Coast lease the Paepaetahi Block to Native Commissioner. beneficial owners. 2S. Status of Commissioner. 13. Poukawa Reserve to be administered under 29. Powers of Commissioner. the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 30. Mortgagee not bound to inquire as to pro- IS92. RepeaJ.. priety of mortgaging. 14. Reserve 4074 to be administered by Native 31. Priority of mortgages given by Commissioner. Trustee. 32. Jurisdiction of Native I.and Court. 15. Section 9, Squn.re 12, Block Ill, Totaranui 33. Commissioner may create Native villages. Survey District, to be administered by 34. Commissioner to keep one banking account. Native Trustee. 35. Provisions of principal Act against alienation ]6. Port Chalmers (Koputai) Reserve to be of trust funds to apply. administered by Native Trustee. 36. Commissioner may execute mortgages for general and special liabilities. 37. Commissioner may alienate trust lands for PART 11. school-site. 3S. Commissioner may revest certain lands in SOENlO RESERVES. heneficiaries. 17. Providing for administration of Okataina 39. Beneficial owners may alienate to other Scenic Reserve. beneficial owners. IS. Provisions relating to cession by Native 40. Annual balance-sheet to be prepared. owners of certain lands near Lakes Rotoiti 41. Accounts to be subject to control of Court. and Rotoehu, to be held by His Majesty in 42. Court may give leave to sell certain lands of trust for scenio purposes. trust estate. 19. Provision relating to cession of port.ion of 43. Commissioner protected whilst acting under Waione Block for scenic purposes. Court order. 342 1931, No. 32.] Native P'urposes. [22 GEO. V. 44. Commissioner may contribute to patriotic, N gaitahu Claim. educational, or charitable purposes. 65. 8etting up Board in connection with Ngaitahu 45. Repeals. claim. Kaiapoi Ruerve Board. 66. Old Native Pa at Kaiapoi to be a reserve PART V. under control 01 Kaiapoi Reserve Board. ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS AND BODIES. Maori Purposu Fund. PART VI. 46. Provisions aflecting Maori Purposes Fund Control Board. MIsOELLANEOUS POWERS AND JURISDIOTION. (a) Affecting Tuwkaretoa Tribe. Maori Ethnological Ruearck. 67. Authorizing the Aotea Maon Land Board to 47. Provisions affecting Maori Ethnological Re. pay to the Tuwharetoa Co.operative Dairy search Board. Company (Limited) instalments due to owners of the Puketapu Block who signed Maori Arl8 and Crafts. deed of consent. 48. Provisions affeoting Maori arts and crafts. 68. Governor-General may make regulations Repeal. authorizing Ngati-Tuwharetoa to take ConjiBcated Landa. trout or other fish in Lake Roto-Aira. 49. Authorizing settlement of Native grievances 69. Exempting Ngati-Tuwharetoa Tribe from regarding confiscated land. paying heavy-traffic fees on the Tokaanu­ Waimarino Road. Rewi Maniapoto Memnrial T1"U8t. 70. Enabling disposal of land set apart for dis­ 50. Vesting Lot 112, Kihikihi, in a corporate charged l\Iaori soldiers. body for special purposes. 71. Validating payment of rent of Owhaoko D 7 Block to Natives. Arawa DiBtrict Trust Board. (b) Matter8 affecting Tokerau District. 51. Provisions affecting Arawa District Trust Board. 72. Autholizing inquiry as to alienation of part 52. Authorizing loans by Arawa District Trust of Kaihu 2B 3 Block. Board to members. 73. Enabling Kaihu lA 1 school-site to be revested 53. Authorizing Arawa District Trust Board to in Natives. act as Maori Council. 74. Empowering adjustment of title of, and oharges on, Motatau No. 2 Block. Tuwkaretoa T1"U8t Board. 75. Revesting Taiharuru school-site in Natives. 54. Payment of annual sum to Tuwharetoa Trust (c) Matter8 affecting Waikato-Maniapoto District. Board authorized. 55. Tuwharetoa Trust Board constituted. 76. Enabling adjustment of rates levied by the 56. Authorizing loans by Tuwharetoa Trust Mangapu Drainage Board. Board to members. 77. Authorizing trustees of Waitangirua Block to distribute trust funds. Ringatu Church TrU8t. 78. Permitting variation of leases of Native land in Waikato-Maniapoto district. 57. Wainui or Section 313, Parish of Waimana, 79. Applying Part XVIII of principal Act to to be administered by trustees for the Allotment 6, Section 2, Raglan. Ringatu Church. 80. Authorizing titles to issue for certain Crown lands to Natives. Rotorua T0wn8hip Ruervu. 8]. Authorizing COUlt to inquire as to burial­ 58 Administration of reserves in Rotorua Town· place on Waipapa Block and make vesting ship vested in Waiariki Maori Land order. Board. Wkakarua Park. (d) Matters affecting Waiariki District. 59. Providing for the administration of Whakarua 82. Sections 125 and 128 of Public Works Act, Park. 1928 (relating to roads), not to apply to sale or subdivision of land situate within Hinerupe T1"U8t (Te Araroa). the Ohinemutu Pa. 60. Court may vest part of Te Araroa Native 83. Reserves for Natives may be set apart in Township in trustees. Urewera lands. 84. Authorizing Court to confer easement in W i Pere T1"U8t. respect of Matata water-supply. , 61. Wi Pere Trust Lands Management. Repeal. 85. Restricting alienation of lease of the Whaka­ poungakau No. 15B Block. 86. Enabling Court to exercise jurisdiction with Kaiti Maori Pa. regard to Ohinemutu and Whakarewarewa 62. Provision for oontrolling trust fund arising out Villages. of Seotions 35 to 39, Kaiti. 87. Enabling the ownership of Utuhina No. 3D Block to be adjusted. Administration of Otaki Land8. 88. Provision with regard to Arawa Lakes. 63. Provision for recovering Native rates due to Otaki Borough. (e) Matter8 affecting Tairawhiti DiBtrict. 89. Permitting appeals respecting Marangairoa ID Mataikona Blocks. Block. 6i Native Trustee to administer Mataikona , 90. Allotting rents of Ahirau 1 and 2 Blocks for Blocks. Repeal I religious purposes. 22 GEO. V.] Native Purposes. [1931, No. 32. 343 91. Setting aside rents of Tapuaeroa 2A 2 Block for religious purposes. (g) Mattera affecting Ika'l'oo Diatrict. 92. Relative interests in Anaum, Kaiaua No. 1, 106. Funds from disposal of part of Town Section and Kopuatarakihi No. 1 Blocks may be 306, Napier, to be used for Native purposes. redefined. 107. Exempting Maori agricultural college from 93. Authorizing Court to exercise jurisdiction as rates. to Patutahi Block. lOS. Authorizing recommendation regarding Ao­ 94. Report respecting Patutahi Block may be rangi Block to be carried out. given effect to. 95. Governor-General may prohibit alienation of (h) Matter8 affecting South I8land District. Native land bordenng on Lake Waikare· moana. 109. Enabling Court to exercise jurisdiction re­ 96. Tairawhiti Maori Land Board to administer garding heneficiaries of Titi Islands. Waikaremoana debentures. 110. South Island landless Natives' lands enabling. 97. Authorizing Court to exercise jurisdiction Ill. Mahakipawa Native burial-ground set aside respecting Marau Block. as a cemetery may be used by Natives. 9S. Authorizing appeal respecting will of Heni 112. Authorizing rehearing regarding Cobden Parekuta Ahuroa (deceased). Reserve. (j) Matter8 affecting Aotea Diatrict. 99. Enabling Chief Judge to exercise jurisdiction PART VII. respecting Katere Pd,. 100. Adjusting compensation for Waipuku-Patea GENERAL. Reserve. 113. Power of appointment includes power of 101. Survey charging-order in respect of Reureu removal. No. 1 Block mav issue. 114. Authorizing Native Trustee to cxpend fund 102. Validating inclusion of land in Bulls rifle­ in respect of land administered by him. range. 115. Power to adjust rent under Native leases. 103. Providing for reservation and administration 116. Assignments to certain Boards permitted. of Manukorihi Pa, Waitara. 117. Provision for control of Native burial­ 104. Vesting part of Native Reserve .. R," New grounds. Plymouth, in the New Plymouth Borough Council. Repeals. 105. Providing for administration of Paribaka US. Repeals. Native Settlement. Schedule. 1931, No. 32. AN ACT to consolidate various Amendments of the Laws relating Title. to Native
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