U — MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, July 28, 1986 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by U rry Wright MANCHESTER HOMES HOMES FOCUS SPORTS FOR SALE i i U FOR SALE J i BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY l4 H o 0 «> fW b Columbia Loke- Secretary- for Manches­ District awaits Woodland Terrace. S-6 ter Builder. Knowledge of 'ThWCJWERCAT Locai bicyciists Gienn ciinches bedrooms, 3 botbs, over 1 home construction and 'Xbo. acre with o 150 foot lake computer helpful. Small PAMTHI8/ M8CELUU»MI8 B B S I M H IU t biii for insurance frontooe. AAoonlflcent office. 646JI505 or 649-2656. GNUOCAIIE PAKMm I8EIWICE8 R M C E t join peace trek tie for crown view, fireplace In llvno I room, large enclosed Llcefi8gd bv state for doy- Nome your own price — . p a g e 3 ... p a g e 9 porch. Flexible financing ICONOOMINIUMS Odd lobs. Trucking. Art's Light Trucking - ... page 12 | fob s a le corg at my homa. Any ooa Father and son. Post, Homg rgpairs. You namg Cellara, attics, goroggs possible. S275K. Owner- and all hours ovallablg. dependable serylce. It, wp do It. Frgg ttfl- ogent. 644-0139. clgongd. Junk hauigd. Call 646<415t. Painting, Paperhanging motps. Insurgd. 643-0304. Fumiturg and opplloncgs South Vllloge Condomini­ $■ Remoyol. Coll 646-5761. ums. 3 room condomi­ moygd. Odd lobs. Vgry For Sole By Owners • 80 Ddllvgrlng clpon farm Lorobee St, East Hart­ nium. 165 South St. No.42. hongst, dgpgndobig CARPEimiY/ John Deere Painting Con­ loom; 5 yards $75 plus tax. workgr. 25 ygors gxpg­ ford. 3 family house! Lot Rockville. Asking $45,900. tractor. Interlor/exte- Inquire at premises. REMOOEUm Also sond, stong, and rigncg In moving. 646-9669 100 X 300.) Coll 649-9535 I rlor. Quality point, grovgl. Call 6469504. anytlmg. after 4:00. quality work. References, Special Condo 2 b ^room Forrond Remodallno — free estimates. 649024$. Bookkggplng fullchargg Manchester- 3 bedroom townhouse with I'/j bath, Coblnets, roofing, gut­ Your Nglghborhood custom kitchen, rec room ters, room additions, 14 ygare gxpgrigncg for Handyman - Goroggs, at­ ronch with large In-law small businsts. Writg C A apartment. Fine location. and a fireplace I Low low decks, all types of remo­ tics cigangd, bosgmgnts deling and repoirs. FR EE N Bookkggplng, 47 Torgsa clgongd or watgrproofgd, 8159,900. Peterman 80's. Must be seen."We lElECTHICAL Rd., /Monctigstgr, CT. aurlr^B trr Agency. 649-9404 or 647- Guarantee our Houses" estimates. Fully Insured. lawns mowod, ggngral 0080, or 647-1340. Blanchard 8, Rosetto Real Telephone 6434017, otter landscaping, Intgrior and Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hrralh Estate 646-2482.0 6pm, 647-0509. Dumas Electric— HoyIng T gxtgrior pointing, ony odd Electrical Problems? A. Hgnry Pgrsonollzgd lob. No lob too big or too M anchester- $124,900. small. Hongst family men Spectacular three bed­ Carpentry and remodel­ Need a large or a small Lawn Corg-Compigtg • lMBbyWA.b«. ILOTS/LAND ing services.— Complete Repair? We Specialize In lawn carg and landscap­ will work for you at a fair room roomy recently re­ ing. Frgg gstlmotgs, fully price. Call John and Mark decorated ranch. This FOR sa le home repairs and remo­ Residential Work. Joseph Tuesday, July 29.1986 deling. Quality work. Ref­ Dumas. Fully Licensed. Insurgd, all work guoran- ot6464353. 25 Cents house has many special Free Estimates. 646-5253. tggd, sgnlor citizgns dis­ features Including new erences, licensed and In­ MISCELLANEOUS CARS sured. Coll 6460165. counts. 647-1349. SPRAY TH A T Stain away. vinyl siding, beautiful VT/NH BORDER Ballpoint Ink stains on l 2 l J iFOR SALE deck with benches, new FOR SALE J 9 acres-$16,900 HEATNI8/ Nggd A Good Toncnt? shirt pockets...othgr ptor D rought storm windows and Zlmmor managgmgnt will cos, tbo...can be removM screens all surrounded by 50 mile views PUIMIIIIB Bicycle Stand ta use when 1977 VW Rabbit, 2 door, a loyely landscaped lot. find a won quolflod, goxxt almost magically by 2nd Beirut paying tonant for your repairing bicycles - like good running condition, Call for on appointment Independent Construc­ spraying hair spray on the Solar sight with views of Fogarty SrotligrB — Bo- rontal propgrtv In East of spot then washing In the new. Purchase at Farrs. AM /FM , $750 or best today. Joyce G. Epstein C T River valley and Ver- tion Co. General Contrac­ fbroom remodeling; In­ hits close the Rlvor aroa. Many $10.0 offer. Call 647-1159. Real Estate. 647-8895.0 monfs Green Mountains. tors, custom home build­ usual way. Idle Items stallation water beaters, ygars of gxpgrigncg. Vgry oround the home can be Near lakes and ski areas. ing and remodeling, garboge disposals; faucet rgosonabig fggg. Call for Carriage, Walker and Chevy Monza-1980. Hatch­ Two family duplex, oulet Town-maintained road siding, excavation, etc. exchanged for cosh, al­ repairs. 6494539. Vlsa/M- particulars. 6463778 or most moglcollv, when ad­ patty chair. Good condi­ back. Completely rust- street. 3 bedrooms. A with utilities. Located only Call 4568865 or 4567215. asterCard occepted. 20 minutes from 1-91 and 2 873-4115. Ask for Lisa. vertised In classified. tion $15 for all three. Call proofed. Automatic to hom e bomb kills sound Investment, hours from Manchester. 647-9515 anytlme.D transmission. Power 0 $124,900. Klernan Realty, steering, AM/FM stereo, Inc. 649-1147. Excellent terms available. Call owner: (602) 257- Maxfield Parrish 11 Four new radlals,new muffler, 4347, 9 am to 9 pm. Illustrations from Tangle- and brakes. Runs great, Prices are up Colonial Cape - 5 rooms, wood Tales. Matted In 9 x must see. $2500 or best front to back living room R^APARTMENTS APARTMENTS I d ^BDATS/MARINE 32" frame $60 6466526.D offer. 647-9203, keep with fireplace. Formal FURNITURE In area stores at least 25 ^ F O R RENT I fo b r e n t EQUIPMENT trying. dining room, eat-ln kit­ ROOMS "Bug Whacker" Elec­ chen. Dormers, front and FOR RENT tronic bug killer, extra back. Garage. $115,000. Manchester- 2 bedrooms. 3 rooms near parkade, 16 foot Mad River canoe, paddles Included. Used large, V/i acre. Excellent By Jahn F. Kirch Group 1 Phllbrick 2nd floor, heat and ap­ heat, stove, refrigerator, working condition. $35 Agency, 64M200. Female or couple wanted pliances. No pets. Secur- carpeting, older persons four times. Excellent con­ Herald Reporter Blast leaves death toll L Call 649-1794.0 to rent 1 large furnished tty. $575 month.Call 646 preferred, no pets. $425 King - Sized bed. Firm dition. $800. Please call 1977 Cordoba - All the mattress. Two twin box toys, power brakes and Manchester Charming room. Complete use of 3979. plus security. Available 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- With weather forecasters pre­ oportment. Coll 649-7911. August 15. Coll 643-6802. springs. Frame. Excellent 9946 8:30-<$:30. Ask for steering, air conditioning, 1895 5 bedroom Colonial. condition. Will be sold dicting more of the same for the since Monday at over 50 Beautifully landscaped 2 bedroom flat- heat, hot Bob. For Sale- Antiques-large power seats, power win­ water, carpeted, all ap­ with 2 complete sets of orientals, dishes, glass­ dows, white leather Inte­ drought-stricken South. Manches­ lot. 4 car garage. 2 hand­ lAPARTMENTS sheets, 1 bedspread. All crafted firepalces. Hard­ pliances, air condltton- CONDOMINIUMS 7 foot fiber glass sailing ware, Hummels, desk, rior. Needs minor work ter residents may soon start |F0R RENT for $220, or best otter. $800 or best offer 6467835. wood floors and oak trim Ing. Call 647-1595. ___ IFOR BENT dink with oars. $250. Call chair, table and more. feeling the pinch when shopping By RIma Salameh center of the American University 643-8082, evenings & wee­ 647-8345. Call 2263527 or 2269772. for their weekly groceries. odd a touch of old to this kends. Keeptryingl. The Associated Press of Beirut issued appeals for urgent Impeccably maintained 474 Main Street, 3 room Manchester - 2 bedroom, 1973 Gold Cadillac - Inte­ Manchester- 4 bedroom rior excellent - body rust - Local store managers and dis­ blood donations to cope with the home. Electrical and apartment. $400 monthly. second floor, no pets, F o r Sale- Evenraud Cash Register 1985 model. Utilities not Included. No condo unit. $750 per For Sal6 Recllner bed, Motor- 33 H.P. with con­ not running. $99 or best tributors predicted today that BEIRUT. Lebanon — A car influx of casualties. heating recently updated. stove and refrigerator. Electronic digital unitrex laden with explosives and mortar appliances. Security. Call $475 a month plus utilities. month. Security deposit twin size, remote control, trols. Price negotiable. otter 6465296 Bolton.□ poultry prices will continue to rise The Lebanese army command $215J)00. Call Flano Realty and 1 year lease. No pets. excellent condition. Ask­ 2000. Most to seel Please for appointment, 646-5200. 646-2426 weekdays 9 to 5. 6461379. Call 647-0151. call 6469649, $99.o as thousands of chickens succumb shells blew up in a bustling market . ordered all crossings between Available August 1st. 6^- ing price $650 or best Dodge Arles Wagon-1982, to what has been called one of the in Moslem west Beirut today, and Christian east Beirut and the 0795. offer. Goyernment Homes from 630 Locust St. 2nd floor, 4 One bedroom apartment B6K, must sell, ^995. Call worst droughts in.recent history. police said the blast killed at least Moslem west closed following the I MUSICAL Commodore - VIC 20 $45 Dick, 646-4732 after 6pm. $1(U repair). Delinquent room, heated apartment. close to shopping and bus Like new. Call 6461427.0 Along with chicken prices, egg 25 people and wounded 170. explosion. No appliances. Security. [ it e m s ___________ tax property.
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