J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/15572625-11-2-154 on 1 March 1998. Downloaded from Acute Toxicity From Home-Brewed Gamma· Hydroxybutyrate Barbara Hodges, MD, andjames Everett, MD, PhD Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) has become an GHB, sedation is rapid, and amnesia is complete. 1 increasingly dangerous, illicitly marketed sub­ The sedated person will not recall any events that stance with numerous potential health hazards. 1-8 occurred shortly before or during the period of se­ GHB was originally developed as an anesthetic dation, including rape, physical abuse, or even the but was withdrawn as a result of unwanted side ef­ person they were with shortly before becoming fects.4 Marketed for the treatment of narcolepsy unconscious. These effects make GHB an ideal and alcohol withdrawal, it was used illicitly as a agent of assault. A rapist could sexually assault a growth hormone and fat-burning drug by body woman, and the victim would not recall the details builders. It has also been used as a date-rape of the experience. As a result of the victim's amne­ drug.1,Z,9,10 In 1990 the Food and Drug Adminis­ sia, the rape might not be reported. tration banned the sale of GHB in the United GHB is also popular among body builders. Its States. popularity increased after GHB was reported to Common street names for gamma hydroxybu­ enhance muscle mass. 1 Although the muscle­ tyrate include GHB, Liquid E, Liquid X, and building properties of GHB have never been Scoop. It is also referred to as gamma hydroxy, proven, GHB remains popular among body 4-hydroxybutyrate, gamma hydroxybutyrate so­ builders as an aid to increasing muscle mass. 1,3 dium, and sodium oxybate. This drug, reported to GHB became popular as an aid for weight loss stimulate growth hormone release, body building, after it was advertised as the active ingredient in and weight loss, as well as act as a sleeping po­ Love Potion #8 I/Z' This substance was sold in nu­ tion,I-5 is also associated with a number of serious trition stores and to the public by mail order un­ neurologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and gas­ der the generic name of GHB. Among the most trointestinal side effects.IO- IS We describe a case of falsely advertised properties of Love Potion #8 l/z GHB abuse from a home-brewed preparation re­ was that GHB could help a person lose weight by http://www.jabfm.org/ sulting in toxicity, withdrawal symptoms, and suppressing appetite. Although there is no re­ rhabdomyolysis. The withdrawal symptoms in­ ported evidence that this claim is true, GHB con­ cluded insomnia, anxiety, and tremors, which re­ tinues to be used as an appetite suppressant.4,17 solved within 9 days.13,16 This case is the first re­ ported describing GHB overdose associated with Case Report withdrawal symptoms and rhabdomyolysis. A 27-year-old white man was brought to the GHB became popular as a drug to help assault emergency department with altered mental status, on 3 October 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. women. 1,2,IO Several properties of this drug ac­ agitation, hallucinations, and seizures. He became count for its popularity as an tool in sexual assault. more obtunded but responded to deep pain.· First, although no longer legally accessible, GHB Physicians were unable to obtain a history from is easily and cheaply manufactured in the home. the patient or his family. The emergency depart­ Second, the drug is colorless, tasteless, and odor­ ment physician accomplished endotracheal intu­ less, and it mixes well with all liquid and foods; as a bation. The patient was given oxygen and intra­ result, it is easy for an unaware person to consume venous fluids, and cardiac monitoring and pulse this drug. Third, shortly after consumption of oximetry were started. A urinary catheter was in­ serted, and urine and blood samples were sent for Submitted, revised, 16 September 1997. analysis. A total of 4 mg of naloxone hydrochlo­ From the Department of Family Medicine, Morehouse ride and 50 percent dextrose was administered in­ School of Medicine. Atlanta, Georgia. Address reprint re­ quests to Barbara Hodges, MD, 2219 \Voodridge Trail, travenously without effect. The patient's pupils Murfreesboro, TN 37130. were decreased in size to 3 mm but remained 154 ]ABFP March-Aprill998 Vol. 11 No.2 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/15572625-11-2-154 on 1 March 1998. Downloaded from equal and reactive, and he was hypertensive (blood rhabdomyolysis. He continued to be combative, pressure 18011 00 mmHg). An electrocardiogram agitated, and uncooperative throughout his stay in showed sinus tachycardia with a rate of 115 beats the intensive care unit and after extubation on the per minute. The respiratory rate was 16/min with 5th day. His creatine kinase level decreased to somewhat shallow respirations. 1300 mg/dL with vigorous intravenous hydration, A nasogastric tube was then inserted for gastric and by day 7 his temperature, blood pressure, and lavage followed by oral administration of 50 g of heart rate remained stable, and results of a physi­ activated charcoal. One hour after arrival the pa­ cal examination were unremarkable. During his tient became only moderately alert but continued hospitalization he was examined by a consulting to be severely agitated and have hallucinations and psychiatrist, nephrologist, and neurologist. Rec­ seizure activity. He attempted to remove his endo­ ommendations were followed. The psychiatrist tracheal tube. Information obtained from the im­ diagnosed the patient's condition as Axis I (acute mediate family and spouse described the patient as brain disorder with delirium secondary to illicit a weight builder who had been using home­ drug use). Axis II was GHB withdrawal. brewed GHB for 7 years. His wife stated that her Arrangements were made to transfer the pa­ husband consumed 1 tablespoon of GHB four tient from the intensive care unit to a hospital for times a day. He had had numerous episodes of im­ addiction management and detoxification. The paired psychomotor skills while operating a motor patient had a good support system at home. His vehicle. mother was instrumental in making arrangements Results of the serum and urine drug screening to assist in placing him in an addiction center for tests were negative. No serum ethanol was re­ inpatient therapy. ported. A prominent hilum, without evidence of acute disease, was seen on the portable chest ra­ Discussion diograph. Comp'uted tomographic scans of his GHB is an illegal drug in the United States. lO It is head with and without contrast were negative. falsely promoted for strength training, muscle An electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia building, weight loss, and inducing sleep. GHB is with a heart rate of 113 beats per minute and produced as a white powder, but it is more com­ nonspecific ST segment elevation in precordial monly encountered as an odorless, clear liquid. It leads VI and V z. Arterial blood gas measure­ has a salty taste that is masked when mixed with a ments were pH 7.33, pCOz 26 mmHg, and bi­ drink. GHB will remain in a person's blood for ap­ carbonate 22 mEq/L. Serum electrolytes were proximately 4 hours and will remain detectable in http://www.jabfm.org/ sodium 142 mEqlL, potassium 4.0 mEq/L, chlo­ the urine until it has been excreted.4,6,9,13 ride 99 mEq/L, urea nitrogen 52 mg/dL, creati­ Illicit use of GHB often involves oral doses of nine 2.0 mg/dL, and serum glucose 71 mg/dL. 114 teaspoon to 4 tablespoons. It has been associ­ The anion gap was 26.4 mmollL. Calculated ated with numerous central nervous system ef­ serum osmolality was 275 mOsm/kg HzO and fects, and reported complications include convul­ measured 297 mOsm/kg H 20. The white cell sions, confusion, seizure-like activity, shortness of count was 14,000 IJ,lL with a normal differential. breath, and combative and self-injurious behavior on 3 October 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Hemoglobin was 17.6 mg/dL. Total creatine ki­ followed by coma. Less severe effects include nase was 34,500 mg/dL, lactic dehydrogenase drowsiness, dizziness, hypomania, hallucinations, 559 U/L, fibrinogen 305 mg/dL, and aspartate headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, aminotransferase 190 U/L. Prothrombin time uncontrollable shaking, transient amnesia, and in­ was 11.2 sec with an international normalized ra­ continence. In all reported cases, symptoms re­ tio of 0.83. Lumbar puncture was performed, solved rapidly with drug discontinuation. Acute and results were negative. Viral cultures of lum­ • symptoms usually resolve within 8 hours. Body bar puncture grew no organisms. builders usually ingest 1 to 2 teaspoons (2.5 to 5.0 Approximately 3 hours after arrival, the patient g) per day.8,lO,I7-19 became more alert but continued to be belliger­ Because GHB is an illegal drug in the United ent, severely agitated, and confused. He was ad­ States, much of the drug sold on the street is mitted to the intensive care unit, sedated, para­ home-brewed and laced with accidental contami­ lyzed, and subsequently intubated secondary to nants, the most common and dangerous of which Toxicity from GHB 155 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/15572625-11-2-154 on 1 March 1998. Downloaded from is lye. No antidote to GHB exists. To date there try monitoring, airway maintenance, and ventila­ have been no reported deaths in the medical liter­ tory support as needed. Temperature regulation ature directly attributed to GHB. Physical depen­ might also be indicated if hypothermia develops.
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