Vincenpaul-Canada The magazine of The soCieTy of sainT VinCenT de Paul naTional CounCil of Canada Volume 38 no. 3 - fall 2012 “The lighT of ChrisT” Return Address : National Council of Canada 2463 Innes Road Ottawa, ON K1B 3K3 Table of contents Penny’s Piece 3 Official publication of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - Canada • Dépôt légal elected President 5 Bibliothèque national ISSNO703 6477 spirituality 8 Agreement no. 1751697 international Council general 12 Made with the collaboration of : Ghislaine DuNord, ibero americano 15 John Grocholski, Nicole Fortin aga 2013 16 Editors : Nicole Schryburt, Ellen Schryburt systemic Change 18 Graphic Design : Nicole Schryburt Twinning 20 Printing : Impressions Daigle Inc. youth 21 emmanuel Bailly scholarship 24 Society of Saint Vincent de Paul National Council of Canada Canada’s Councils in action 2463 Innes Road Ontario regional Council 26 Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3K3 Atlantic regional Council 29 Tel. : 613-837-4363 Quebec regional Council 30 Toll Free: 1-866-997-7787 Western regional Council 33 Fax: 613-837-7375 BC & yukon regional Council 37 Email: [email protected] in memoriam 38 What’s new? 40 aga 2012 41 mission Values The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic The Mission of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul organisation whose mission is: implies that as Vincentians we: To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the • see Christ is anyone who suffers poor with love, respect, justice and joy. • come together as a family • have personal contact with the poor • help in all possible ways Time to renew your subscription Please send this form and a $20 cheque to: New subscription: ☐ SSVP National Council, 2463 Innes Road, Ottawa Ontario K1B 3K3 Renewal: ☐ Name of Conference or Council: Name of President: Name of Subscriber: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Tel.: ( ) Email: Vincenpaul fall 2012 Penny’s Piece dear BroTher and sisTer VinCenTians “The light of Christ” The time has once again whizzed right by. First let me offer a sincere vote of thanks to Carol, Maureen, Ellen, and the teams from both the Halifax Particular Council and the Dartmouth Particular Council for another great AGA! We do have fun amidst the work and learning and praying we all do together! Vincentians, as the light of Christ was certainly evident all through the AGA. Many thanks for your support during those days. Your kindness and prayers have been such a sustaining force that the doctors are amazed at how well I am doing! Thanks for all the Masses and prayers from all of you and the Vincentians from around the world! I consider myself very fortun- ate to have such brothers and sisters! Again, my thanks to the staff and Board of Directors for a job well done over the past year. We can all see the fruits of their efforts in the efficient administration of the day to day functions of the Ottawa office and its providing us with their orientation program for you communications with members. to use should you wish to do so. Our thanks to them for sharing. It will be on the web for downloading. The President’s Roundtable was delightful. This type of Everyone must have this orientation program – free discussion provides such a great avenue for open members, volunteers and staff. dialogue and teaching about the Council and how it functions. c) discrimination, harassment – national Council of Canada Policy: NEW: Several areas that bear highlighting and are worth looking up on the web are: Same as above. All levels must be oriented to this program. a) screening Process and guidelines – REV: d) isolated Conferences After the initial Police Record Check (PRC), only a declaration that indicates that you have not been When we speak of Isolated Conferences, we are charged with offense is required. Please see the web speaking of them being geographically isolated, for the form and the new procedure. The hope is to not membership isolation. It may prove helpful to make it easier for everyone while still maintaining the review both Conference and Council responsibilities integrity and safety of both our members and those regarding participatory arrangements. whom we serve. b) abuse Policy and guidelines – national Council of Canada: NEW: Please review these as they are reflective of all levels of the Society. The Windsor Essex Central Council is 3 Penny’s Piece Particular Council responsibilities The Isolated Conference also has responsibilities regarding communication and participation in a. The Particular Council responsibilities include Particular Council activities and meetings. Certainly to communication with the Isolated Conference to respond to the PC communications as they are received. allow for full participation in the meetings. This may be conducted with a letter of welcome and a. Provide a report of the IC activities at each meeting introduction to the PC; of the PC. b. Continued correspondence that includes: Notice of b. Give input related to agenda items – experience meetings and agenda of meetings of the Particular and Vincentian Spirituality know no geographical Council; invitation to the IC (Isolated Conference) boundaries… we are all in this together! to join in to the meeting either by Skype, phone etc; c. Provide the PC with as much information regarding c. Offer the IC chance to present any additions to the the issues facing the IC in their respective areas as agenda of the meeting that they might like to bring possible; help could be on the way from someone forward; they are invited to participate in prayer; who knows someone. We help in all possible ways!! reflections and discussions. Through these types of d. Provide a National Council of Canada Annual media, the IC has the opportunity to vote at these Report to the PC meetings as well. I am sure there could be many other creative ways of d. If there is not the opportunity to participate directly participating as an Isolated Conference and I would in a PC meeting, then information is sent by the PC leave that to your own Gospel based decision-making. to the IC asking for their input regarding a topic to However, the most salient point is that Isolated be brought forward for discussion and their vote as Conferences are not isolated members; their location necessary. Again, this can be done by email or post, just happens to be geographically situated which makes keeping in mind adequate timelines. travel to each monthly meeting.a difficult task. e. Voting for PC President: It should also be noted that Dear brother and sisters, I do hope you have or have had IC presidents have a vote for the PC president when the opportunity to celebrate SSVP week with prayer, the time comes. The IC president is invited to and loads of fun! Remember September 27th as the day attend the annual meeting of the PC if at all possible. of commissioning for all your members and the day If not, then a mail in ballot is used. of installation of your Spiritual Advisors if not already f. The opportunity to attend meetings provides a face done so. to face interaction that will be helpful throughout 2013 will see the 200th anniversary of Ozanam’s birth. the year. If the IC cannot afford the costs, then this Put on your celebration hats and let’s look at ways to can be an item for discussion at the PC level. It would certainly have the greatest birthday party ever! be of value for the IC president to try to attend one PC meeting or the regional annual meeting. The Once again, thanks to all for your continued support idea is to come together as a family! and prayers! isolated Conference responsibilities May the radiance of your charity always be a beaming light! Penny Craig, President Vincenpaul fall 2012 President Elect neW PresidenT-eleCT – naTional CounCil of Canada We wish to inform all Vincentians across Canada that a new National President was elected at the Annual General Assembly of the National Council, which was held in Halifax NS, June 6 to 10, 2012. Jean-Noël CORMIER was acclaimed President for the term of July 1st, 2013 to June 30th, 2019 as the Election Committee Chair reported that he was the only candidate for the position. Brother Jean-Noël will work with the current President for the coming year as he prepares to assume full responsibility next year. Bro. Jean-Noël, a retiree from Canada Post, resides in Ottawa, Ontario. He has been a member of the Society for many years; he was conference President and is currently President of the Ottawa Central Council. He also served as Executive Director of the National Council of Canada for 3 years under the leadership of former President Michael Burke (2001 - 2007). We offer our congratulations to Bro. Jean-Noël Cormier, thanking him for having accepted to assume the most important leader-servant position within the Society in Canada. We offer him our support and prayers as he gets ready to replace Sister Penny Craig, in July 2013. Jean-Noël Cormier, president elect; Penny Craig, actual President; Ed Keane, Territorial Vice-President America 1 ICG; Ellen Schryburt, Past President; Michael Burke, Past President 5 President Elect experience and education the DP teams in St Marie’s parish in Orléans, ON, and Born in Bouctouche, New Brunswick, I moved to Treasurer at Ottawa French Diocesan Council of that Montréal at the age of 8. That is where I did most of my organization. studies, including Industrial Relations at the University In 2001, I went to Bolivia with a group of Development of Montréal. Later on, I did a practical work session in and Peace volunteers, to meet with partners of the orga- Industrial Relations at Queens University, a course in nization.
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