1 x2 p(x) = e 2 LATEX Graphics for R √2π − Charlie Sharpsteen Cameron Bracken 2 p(x)dx ≈ 0.954 Z−2 ) x ( p Device 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Z -4 -2 0 2 4 k Version: x NA Ti https://github.com/yihui/tikzDevice Contents i Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Acknowledgements .............................................. 2 I Usage and Examples 3 2 Loading the Package 4 2.1 Options That Affect Package Behavior ................................... 5 The tikzDefaultEngine Option ....................................... 5 The tikzLatex, tikzXelatex and tikzLualatex Options ........................... 5 The tikzMetricsDictionary Option ..................................... 5 The tikzDocumentDeclaration Option ................................... 6 The tikzLatexPackages, tikzXelatexPackages and tikzLualatexPackages Options ........... 6 The tikzMetricPackages and tikzUnicodeMetricPackages Options ..................... 7 The tikzFooter Option ............................................. 7 The tikzSanitizeCharacters and tikzReplacementCharacters Options ................... 7 The tikzLwdUnit Option ............................................ 7 The deprecated tikzRasterResolution Option ............................... 8 The tikzPdftexWarnUTF Option ...................................... 8 3 The tikz Function 8 3.1 Description .................................................. 8 3.2 Usage ................................................... 8 3.3 Font Size Calculations ............................................ 9 UTF-8 Output ................................................ 10 3.4 Examples ................................................... 10 Default Mode ................................................. 10 bareBones Mode ............................................... 12 standAlone Mode ............................................... 14 console output Mode ............................................. 15 A Using X LE TEX ................................................ 15 Annotating Graphics with TikZ Commands ................................. 17 tikz vs. pdf for plotmath symbols and Unicode characters ........................ 20 4 The getLatexCharMetrics and getLatexStrWidth Functions 21 4.1 Description ................................................... 21 4.2 Usage ................................................... 21 4.3 Examples ................................................... 21 II Installation Guide 24 A 5 Obtaining a LTEX Distribution 25 5.1 Windows ................................................... 25 5.2 UNIX/Linux ................................................. 25 5.3 Mac OS X ................................................... 25 5.4 Installing TikZ and Other Packages .................................... 25 A Using a LTEX Package Manager ...................................... 26 Manual Installation .............................................. 26 A TikZDevice LTEX Graphics for R Contents ii IIIPackage Internals 28 6 Introduction and Background 29 7 Anatomy of an R Graphics Device 29 7.1 Drawing Routines .............................................. 29 7.2 Font Metric Routines ............................................. 30 7.3 Utility Routines ................................................ 30 8 Calculating Font Metrics 30 Character Metrics ............................................... 31 Calling R Functions from C Functions .................................... 31 A Implementing a System Call to LTEX ................................... 33 9 On the Importance of Font and Style Consistency in Reports 37 9.1 The pgfSweave Package and Automatic Report Generation ........................ 37 Bibliography 38 A TikZDevice LTEX Graphics for R Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Introduction A The tikzDevice package provides a graphics output device for R that records plots in a LTEX-friendly format. The A device transforms plotting commands issued by R functions into LTEX code blocks. When included in a paper typeset A by LTEX, these blocks are interpreted with the help of TikZ—a graphics package for TEX and friends written by Till A Tantau. By allowing LTEX to handle typesetting of text in R plots along with the rest of the text in the paper the full power of TEX is available to the R user. There are also no discontinuities in font selection and typesetting as demonstrated by a comparison between Figure 1 and Figure 2. pdf('pdf-example.pdf', tikz('tikz-example.tex', width = 3.25, height = 3.25) width = 3.25, height = 3.25) plot(1, 1, main = 'Hello!') plot(1, 1, main = 'Hello \\TeX !') dev.off() dev.off() Hello! Hello TEX! 1 1 0.6 1.0 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1 1 Figure 1: Output from pdf() Figure 2: Output from tikz() This document is divided into three parts. Part I describes the package functionality and provides example usage. A Besides the R environment, use of the TikZ device requires the user to have a working LTEX compiler along with an installed version of the TikZ package—version 2.00 or greater. Part II of this documentation offers suggestions on how to get these dependencies installed and working properly. Part III is intended for those who are curious as to the details of how this package is implemented. This part attempts to explain how the tikzDevice package does the things that it does and why it chooses to do them that way. The authors have attempted to write this part of the documentation in a way that is accessible to users as well as developers. This information is provided in the hope that the tikzDevice may serve as a case study for creating new R graphics devices. This part of the documentation may also help those considering undertaking the transition from casual package-building to full-on hacking of the R internals. A TikZDevice LTEX Graphics for R Introduction 2 1.1 Acknowledgements This package would not have been possible without the hard work and ingenuity of many individuals. This package straddles the divide between two great open source communities—the R programming language and the TEX typesetting system. It is our hope that this work will make it easier for users to leverage the strengths of both systems. First off, we would like to thank the R Core Team for creating such a wonderful, open and flexible programming environment. Compared to other languages we have used, creating packages and extensions for R has always been a liberating experience. This package started as a fork of the PicTEX device created by Valerio Aimale which is part of the R core graphics system. Without access to this simple, compact example of implementing a graphics device we likely would have abandoned the project in its infancy. We would also like to thank Paul Murrell for all of his work on the R graphics system and especially for his research and documentation concerning the differences between the font systems used by TEX and R. This package also owes its existence to Friedrich Leisch’s work on the Sweave system and Roger D. Peng’s cacheSweave extension. These two tools got us interested in the concept of Literate Programming and development of this package was driven by our desire to achieve a more seamless union between our reports and our code. The performance of this package is also enhanced by the database capabilities provided by Roger D. Peng’s filehash package. Without this package, the approach to calculating font metrics taken by the tikzDevice would be infeasible. Last, but certainly not least, we would like to thank Till Tantau, Mark Wibrow and the rest of the PGF/TikZ A team for creating the LTEX graphics package that makes the output of this device meaningful. We would also like to express deep appreciation for the beautiful documentation that has been created for the TikZ system. As always, there are many more who have contributed in ways too numerous to list. Thank you! —The tikzDevice Team A TikZDevice LTEX Graphics for R Usage and Examples Part I A Hello LTEX! Linear model: R2 = 0.9927 y y = 1.093x + 0.194 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 0.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 x Loading the Package 4 Chapter 2 Loading the Package The functions in the tikzDevice package are made accessible in the R environment by using library(): library(tikzDevice) A Upon loading, the package will search for the following LTEX compilers: A • pdfLTEX A • X LE TEX A • LuaLTEX A Access to LTEX is essential for the device to produce output as the compiler is queried for font metrics when A constructing plots that contain text. For more information on why communication between the device and LTEX is A A necessary, see Part III. The package will fail to load if pdfLTEX cannot be located. The presence of the X LE TEX and A LuaLTEX compilers is optional. When the package loads successfully, a startup message will be printed that looks similar to the following: Loading required package: filehash filehash: Simple key-value database (2.2 2011-07-21) tikzDevice: R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format (v0.7) LaTeX found in the PATH using the command: pdflatex XeLaTeX found in the PATH using the command: xelatex LuaLaTeX found in the PATH using the command: lualatex A If a working pdfLTEX compiler cannot be found, the tikzDevice package will fail to load and a warning message will be displayed: Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tikzDevice', details: call: fun(libname, pkgname) error: An appropriate LaTeX compiler could not be found. Access to LaTeX is required in order for the TikZ device to produce output. The following places were tested for a valid LaTeX compiler: the global option: tikzLatex the environment
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