m in it -e d forMJ " ' 5 do” ,,' , ■»»* - «c h sympathy thTdrnTT- tj" 'r0,,* « ,'»l Protection. 1. f . rt, Lnd kuSHT^ "■™*d **“ ' *** * " run.l.t deer killing them in alarm ing numbers. The hea.y c™ «^ «o««h to permit dogs to n » on op of the snow while the hea.ier deer bre.k through. Commercial TEeatun* 1 1 - 2 " 1 "*» ** k*«Pta« “P "ith supply and de- mand and is one more proof that nature works con­ tinually in smgi, minded fury in one direction-sur- and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW 'o l . 56. No. 23 Thursdav, Jan u ary 20, 1977 ►«w « •• js i ■ Uf, U Sceond C io tt oo«>o9a po d a< I v t M w d N J Sxbrf.fl*. 14 SO 'J b ln tw d « M I , Cars Collide, r » - a » ^ Sisters Injured * YOS A nd COFiS Two Lyndhurst sisters were injured last Tuesday when the car one of them was driving, was in collision on Route 3 near Main Avenue, Clifton. Police identified the injured State Sets Hearing as Rita Wormke. 25. and Rosemary Wormke, 19, both o f 781 C h ase A v e ., Lyndhurst. Officers said Rosemary Wormke was the operator of one car and the others were On Baler Operation driven by Judy E. Boettger of While the. Hackensack also in the North Arlington 100-acre dump. How high Jersey'* communities to dump Mount Kemble Lake, Mor­ Meadowlands Development limits. they will go has not been an­ in the borough. Commission plans to adver­ ristown; Helen Kaplan of 58 What the EPA will try lo nounced. How they will be Mayor Ernest Cerone said tise for bids on the baler com­ Howe Ave., Passaic, and determine what impact there kept from contaminating the thal Borough Attorney Lucil­ plex it hopes to build in the Frank Brandler of 2 Fountain will be on the meadowlands area is anoihe unanswered le Russello is examining every, North Arlington St., Llitton. environment. The noise of the question. aspect. One interesting pint is Police said the mishap oc­ meadowlands, the State operation plus the problem of determining ownership of the curred at 7 p.m. in the east- Department of Environmen­ The developers of ihe plan, rodents, will be'studied. land on which the baling bound lane. One car crashed tal Protection will hold a The operation itself will be the engineering firm of Burns & Roe. said that there will be facility and the dump are into the rear of another, caus­ hearing on the project. conducted inside a concrete planned. • The hearing is scheduled deterioration of the garbage ing a chain collision. block building 45 feet high. It The baler itself will be for 2 p.m. Tuesday at although not at the same rate will compress garbage into located on borough land 1,500 Lyndhurst Town Hall. found in looser type dumps. Ziti Dinner For bales and then eject the bales feet north of Belleville turn­ The LPA will probably However, methane gas will be upon flatbed trucks. The pike. A dozen auto wrecker have the details of the baler manufactured by the gar­ Youth Center llatbeds will then be hauled by companies occupy the site at program outlined from tractor to a dump site bage This, the engineers said, The Lyndhurst Elks Club is present. Most of them will be members of the HMD<^. alongside Schuyler Avenue. should be carried off with sponsoring a Ziti dinner Tor pipes. It was recommended eliminated. The borough After lhat the public will get a There has been no local ex­ that dirt fill be placed over received $17,000 yearly rental the benefit of the Lyndhurst chance to make itself head on perience with baling dumping. each layer of bales. from the wreckers. Youth Center at the Elks the baler. In the present meadow Lodge on Feb. 10th, between Cerone said North North Arlington has the dumps, garbago-is placed raw. The environmental hearing the hours of 5-8 p.m. Tickets Arlington probably will ask biggest slake since the baler It is steam-rolled and covered is just one aspect of the con­ are $3.00 for adults and VI.75 for a definite percentage on would be built upon acreage with a dirt surface. troversy swirled over the for students. They arc each load conveyed into, the in the borough. In the new siylc dump, the dump project. North borough. Seom have sug­ available at the Parks Dept., At the same time a baler garbage first will be compres­ Arlington wants to know or Youth Center. For more gested lhat North Arlington dump would be established on sed under heavy pressure The what compensation it will get should demand al least SI per information call 935-9730. 100 acres of meadowland. bales will then be set on the for allowing most of North load. h*« mhmittedIII the ftrf - Towns To mNm rapfrt d * varkM» dMaiom in hi> Public A f - Mra o tp ^ m n aa the work done during the past year. F R O M : George F. Woertz, Lyndhurtt Health Code, Or­ Collecting By HM DC S r ., Building/Plumbing dinance '358. were received Inspector; and investigated. Thirty-five Asserting that a newly SUBJECT: Activities of made at the meeting that was suggested the towns (35) legal notices were sent to promulgated state rule was Building Department, Year owners/agents of properties, held in Carlstadt Borough put aside a contingent fund one more step in removing Ended Dec. 31, 1976. buildings, and vacant lots to Hall, Lyndhurst stands to lose for legal fees if it becomes local control from the Estimated Cost • Year comply with the local health about $35,000 a year in fees. necessary to go to court for Ended Dec. 31, 1976 - code. meadowlands. the mayors’ Building fees for the settlement of some of the $2,292,982 V. VETERINARY committee representing the 14 buildings being erected in the questions. Most of the mayors Doing a little trick on the k* are Lyndhurst girls Marianne Horvath, Kathy McCurnin meadowlands communities Lyndhurst meadowlands by and Linda Despototich. [ Photo by Hicks New Buildings - 13, PUBLIC HEALTH: Sixty- reported they already have Conversions - 3, Alterations seven (67) dog bite complaints agreed to make a vigorous Bellemead Corp. now go into such a fund. protest to the State & Additions • 66, Repairs • were reported by the local the Lyndhurst treasurey to Present with Woertz was Legislature. 279, Garages - 12, Inspections police department and in­ pay for expenses of the Lyndhurst Mayor Anthony - 616, Variances - 23, Sub- vestigated by the health Mayor Dominick Presto of building department and Scardino who is also a state Should Fines Be Raised Divisions - 6; Site Plan Ap­ department. Carlstadt. chairman of the other services. These would senator and in addition is provals • 10, Curbs • 12, VI. POTABLE WATER mayor’s committee, was go into the treasury of the chairman of the Study Com­ Swimming pools - 14, Cinder S U P P L Y : Samples of the authorized to draw up a HM DC, according to the new mission to see to the orderly Block Licenses - 2, Signs - 22, Township's well water supply resolution which would in­ rule. development of the For Street Violations? Fences - 44, Fees - and the Township's drinking form the Legislature of their George Woertz, Sr., meadowlands under the feelings. $11,274.50, Demolitions - 16, water, supplied by Jersey Lyndhurst's Construction Of­ HM DC. He said he agrees A l issue is the decision of By Any Diriie Mayor Anthony Scardino Jr., township. Public hearing on Permits Issued - 521, Cer­ City, are taken on a regular . ficial and also a represen­ with Woertz that the towns framers of the State asked Township Attorney this will be held January 25. tificate of Occupancy - 44 basis and still found lo be tative, reported HMDC should collect construction niform Construction Code The suggestion that fines be Gabriel Ambrosio to review • Under the Uniform Bus. Temp., 5 Bus. Final, 6 satisfactory; this is a continu- Director William McDowell fees but added "I don’t think that the Hackensack increased by the township the list of penalties ovef which Construction Code, the title Dwlg Temp., I Dwlg Final, I ing program. intimated tht the Commission HM DC will be generous.” Meadowlands Development railed some controversy at the local court has jurisdiction of “ Building Inspector*’ is Temp. Store and 14 units. VII HEALTH DEPART- would collect construction . McDowell has promised to last Tuesday night's meeting. and to sec if a reasonable rise changed to “ Construction Of­ Other - 2 Patios, I MENT SPECIAL Commission collect revenues fees and then ask locai plumb­ meet with the 14 mayors from building permits. Public Safety Commissioner in fines is necessary. Penalties ficial." Under the code the Greenhouse. I Steel Shed, I PROGRAMS THIS YEAR ing and electrical inspectors before definite action is taken Although it appeared that William Smith recommended arc set by local ordinance for local officials have until July I Conversion Garage to Shop. INCLUDED THE FOL­ to act. and the HM DC would to change the present system the communities would still that violations of the sweeper violations on township streets. to decide on whether to hire In addition the Building LO W IN G : pay them. Woertz also sug­ whereby local towns collect have to make inspections and and parking ordinances be To the question of a outside or local plumbing and Department handled a total of A. Community-wide Blood gested that a compromise the fees. He said if the Com­ raised. He suggested the citizen.
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