Vol. 20, No.09 Ka Wai Ola o OHA – The Living Water of OHA Kepakemapa (September) 2003 Forum airs recognition views Recognition bill update aving passed with amendments out of the HU.S. Senate’s Indian Affairs Committee on June 27, the Native Hawaiian Recognition Act of 2003—also known as S.344, or the “Akaka- Stevens Bill” — is now eligible for consideration by the full Senate. However, since an anonymous hold was placed on the measure by an unnamed Republican senator, the bill did not move forward prior to the August congressional recess. Hawai‘i’s congressional dele- gation has promised to push for passage of the bill when the Senate resumes work this month, but with federal budget delibera- tions and other top priorities increasingly filling up the legislative calendar, scheduling the measure for a full debate may become more difficult. Photos: Sterling Kini Wong To help with the effort, OHA’s trustees have planned a trip to Washington this month to once again lobby for the recognition Act. Observers agree that the support of the Bush administra- tion—which has yet to weigh in OHA Trustee Boyd Mossman listens to with a clear position on recogni- “Far from assisting UH Associate Professor Jon Osorio speak tion — is key to bill’s chances of during the televised forum. passage. Speaking in Honolulu our lähui, our nation, recently, Rep. Ed Case said that in securing a legiti- “if the president supports federal “In the next two to recognition or is neutral to mate government, the four years, we will see federal recognition, (passage of the bill) will occur, and it will Akaka bill ... does either the birth of a occur probably this year.” not address the most On July 23, Sen. Daniel Akaka, nation or the burial of a along with fellow Hawai‘i con- meaningful foundations people. This really is the gressional delegates, met with of the sovereignty Justice Department officials Hawaiians’ last stand.” to clarify any concerns the movement.” department may have with — Boyd Mossman the recognition legislation. — Jon Osorio Supporters of the measure have recently expressed concern at signs that Justice might possibly By Derek Ferrar serious discussion on different sides of The 90-minute forum, which was oppose the bill as a form the issue. filmed in front of an audience of about of unconstitutional racial lthough opposing viewpoints “The most positive thing about this 200 at the East-West Center’s Jefferson preference. were aired at the recent OHA- discussion was that it shows that OHA Hall on Aug. 7, was broadcast live on “The meeting was useful and Asponsored television discus- is willing to put both sides on a public both KFVE television and KINE radio effective,” Akaka said. “We sion forum on the pros and cons of fed- forum and get thoughtful comments and then rebroadcast on KFVE several helped the department to eral recognition legislation for Native based on historical commitment to this days later. Both stations generously better understand the history Hawaiians, forum participants were whole issue,” said forum participant donated the air time for the program. of Hawai‘i and the importance generally in agreement that the event Pökä Laenui, an attorney and longtime of this legislation to all people I provided an important opportunity for advocate of Hawaiian independence. See FORUM on page 5 of Hawai‘i.” IN THIS ISSUE Ka Wai Ola o OHA Army’s out-of-control Mäkua fire Office of Hawaiian Affairs PRESORTED 711 Kapi‘olani Blvd., Ste. 500 STANDARD sparks angry community reaction. U.S. POSTAGE Honolulu, HI 96813-5249 PAID PAGE See story on page 7. Honolulu, Hawaii Permit No. 298 7 Scholar and independence advocate Keanu Sai questions Congress’ authority to recognize Hawaiians. PAGE See forum on page 12. 12 www.OHA.org L K K A EO AIÄULU KA LEO KAIÄULU LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Conklin wrong Resents ‘exclusion’ that of the less than half-blood Board of Trustees Hawaiians. In other words, he is How can anyone but Hawaiians My Portuguese ancestors were promoting discrimination and sides understand the pain and the rage of citizens of the old Hawaiian sover- with the haole congressmen who Haunani Apoliona learning how, through deception eignty. OHA and the activists want created the Hawaiian Homes Act. Chairperson, Trustee, At-large and collusion, their sovereign a new Hawaiian sovereignty with no That law was put in place to dis- nation was overthrown by the pure Portuguese. How come? criminate using blood quantum as Tel: 808.594.1886 Fax: 808.594.1875 United States — and, adding insult Portuguese citizens of the an issue for one reason only, and Email: [email protected] to injury, read an article written by Kingdom didn’t cause the revolu- that was to further split the Ken Conklin, a right wing malihini tion, bring the disease or suppress Hawaiian nation, pitting one seg- Donald B. Cataluna (Advertiser, Aug. 10)? Native Hawaiians. Rather, they ment of the Hawaiian community Vice Chair, Trustee, Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau Frightened that the native people merely came to Hawai‘i at the invi- against the other. of the world are now exposing tation of Hawaiian ali‘i, and were Delegate to the U.S. Congress Tel: 808.594.1881 the egregious injustices perpetrated asked to blend in, work hard and Prince Kühiö opposed this decision, Fax: 808.594.0211 Email: [email protected] against them under the facade of help Hawai‘i grow. We kept our but to no avail. A few years earlier, “liberty and justice for all,” Conklin end of the bargain. these were some of the same con- Rowena Akana brazenly suggests we should now What about you, OHA? Help gressmen who voted for annexation Trustee, At-large live with “Aloha for ALL.” everyone in Hawai‘i who needs in complicity with the stealing of In fact, “Aloha for ALL” was the it... all of the Chinese, English, the Hawaiian nation and 1.8 million Tel: 808.594.1860 result of a Hawaiian attitude of Germans, Japanese, Norwegians, acres of crown lands. Fax: 808.594.0209 Email: [email protected] openness and cordiality toward oth- Samoans, Scotch, Spanish and This act has done more harm than ers and a sense of who we are that other descendants whom Hawaiians good, and only causes more dissen- Dante Keala Carpenter gave birth to the phenomenon that invited, and all of the persons who sion within the ranks of Hawaiians Trustee, O‘ahu radiated throughout the world and would now be citizens by birth had — and I do mean all Hawaiians. To drew millions to these shores. there been no revolution. discriminate within is shameful! Tel: 808.594.1854 Fax: 808.594.0210 So now comes Conklin spewing We could care less about what Email: [email protected] his Rodney King rhetoric and ask- blood flows through our veins, but Paul D. Lemke ing, now that we have stolen every- it seems to matter too much to you. Kapa‘a Linda K. Dela Cruz thing, can’t we all just get along? Please stop using public funds to Trustee, Hawai‘i Conklin needs to understand that seek our exclusion. Greed doesn’t there will never be a rebirth of justify discrimination! Tel: 808.594.1855 OHA reserves the right to edit all Fax: 808.594.1883 “Aloha for ALL” in these islands Email: [email protected] until the illegal overthrow of the Paul de Silva letters for length, defamatory and Hawaiian nation is mediated and the Hilo libelous material, and other objec- Colette Y. P. Machado differences between Hawaians and tionable content, and reserves the Trustee, Moloka‘i and La¯na‘i the U.S. are reconciled. We all grew right to print. All letters must be Blood quantum typed, signed and not exceed 200 up proudly reciting the pledge Tel: 808.594.1837 words. Letters cannot be published of allegiance which ended with In response to a letter written Fax: 808.594.0212 unless they are signed and include Email: [email protected] “liberty and justice for all.” From by Emmett Lee Loy (“Blood a telephone contact for verifica- a Hawaiian perspective, it is a Quantum,” April KWO), Lee Loy is tion. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o Boyd P. Mossman hollow pledge! right that “Hawaiians were left land OHA, 711 Kapi‘olani Blvd., Ste. Trustee, Maui Rod Ferreira destitute,” but he goes on to make a 500, Honolulu, HI 96813, or email [email protected]. I Tel: 808.594.1858 Waimea distinction between half-bloods to Fax: 808.594.1864 Email: [email protected] Oz Stender Trustee, At-large Tel: 808.594.1877 Fax: 808.594.1853 Email: [email protected] John D. Waihe‘e IV Share Trustee, At-large your point of view Tel: 808.594.1838 Fax: 808.594.0208 Email: [email protected] with 58,000 readers Ka Wai Ola o OHA “The Living Water of OHA” Published monthly by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi‘olani Boulevard, 5th floor, Honolulu, Hawai‘i Write a letter to the editor 96813. Telephone: 594-1980 or 1-800-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 594-1865. Email: [email protected]. World Wide Web location: http://www.oha.org. Circulation: Your letters on Hawaiian issues will be read 70,000 copies, 60,000 of which are distributed by mail, 7,000 through island offices, state by thousands in Hawai‘i and on the continent. and county offices, private and community agencies and target groups and individuals. Ka Wai Ola o OHA is printed by RFD Publications, Inc. Hawaiian fonts are Your mana‘o counts.
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