- All.Star Game Cloudy, Slw~r. &0 Bel Bspeo' Con&elt ".... II iec:al lII ...ers ... tblllUlers&orml &aU!.! ." Aerlalll ...." ancl See 8&017 0Jl 1'.". : &0_"0". I~ -' 10"'0 City'. lIorRin. NellD.paper , FIVE CENTS Law ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1940 I'M" no,r- VOLUllE XL NUMBER 273 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * * * It * * * * * * * * * * Wat Intensifies:· Italy Casts Threats at Greece R.A.F. Raids Germany Germany Refuses Responsibility Successfully Bombs Aircraft For Safe Passage of u. S. Ship Plants, Synthetic Fuel Factory; ------. · · · · · · · · .. Nazis Declare 'Total Blockade' u. S. S. R. Refugee Vesse} Frederick March (ROSS fA) Denies Affiliation U.S. to Hold Britain Claims Downing Eleven Italian Warplanes , / From Finland With Communi is Nations at War In Attempting to Combat Bombardment / Of Libyan Coast by Royal Navy Open to Attack LOS ANGELES, Aug. 17 (AP) - Frederick March, film actor, To Assurances BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sharply denied comrpunistic affil­ LONDON, Aug. 18, (Sunday)-German warbirds, as jf . American Legion iation today before the congres­ Every Belligerent roused from their roost by British attacks on France, bom­ To Navigate Waters ional commlttee investigating un- barded southwest England early today and roared over the American activities. Promi ed Protection midlands following a mysterious all-day "holiday" Saturday. Within Blockade Zone March napped: "If John L. To American Transport The Royal Air Force, capitalizing on thi interim, visited Leech (tormer communi. t party WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 (AP) the German positions on the French coast late last night BERLIN, Aug. 17, (AP)-The member who ha been testlCying - The United States government and staged a brilliant fireworks show of their own. SPAIN German government washed its before the committee and a local announced tonight that it would Rumbling explosions reverberated acro s the channel, and hands or responsibility tonight for grand JUry) has said I am a com­ hold Germany and Europe's other watchers on England's bomb-pocked shore saw the sheet­ th afety of the U. S. ship Arneri- muni .t or have communist sym­ warring' nations to prior assur­ lightning of bomb bursts on the continent, along with the can Legion, carrying Americans panied by his wife, added, "I am ances that they would not attack flare of nazi "flaming onion" anti-aircraft projectiles and home from Petsamo, Finland. the army transport American Le­ the rapier thrusts of searchlights. It said the United States gov- pathles, he' an unmitigated liar." gion, Which I bringing nearh 900 The Germans, who had laid off Britain from dawn past American home from Petsuml) ernmenl had declined to heed a The actor, w~o was accom­ dark Saturday, sent a few planes over late last night, and German warning to keep the an American and my sympathiC'l Finland. returned to the attack on an undisclosed cale today. • A . L glo t t B I" h ar wholly Am"rl·can." . The announcement came trom mel'lcan e n ou 0 r .. s " the tate department after ' the Bombs were dropped over a wide area in the midlands, waters mined today under a new, formally proclaimed total block- German government had advised but first reports said damage ade of th sea around Britain. B·· h T the United States embassy In Ber- was comparatively slight with Conceivably, under the Germans' rltls roops lin that if the transport followed no casualties. own announced terms for the its PI'oposed route b tween the 'Hitler Has Incendiary bomb fell near blockade, the American Legion Le . T· t· British island of ROM and Cape a railway line In one midland How the war has intensified and retaliated with bombing raids sea attack on the Brill h isles might be sul>ject to a bombing at- ave len In WI'1th, It would do ,0 at Its own New Surprise' county, three high explosive bombs t k h d I risk. sPread its destruction to even against the Italian ciUcs of Milan probably would stnrt. Down in the ac . as soon a s e appeare n !.eporters at the slljte dfpart- feU on a row of houses in one greater areas of Europe is shown and Turin, more raids on impor­ Balkan area, Italy has been mak­ BritIsh waters. .. La ' Id' Emb k ment were told that every bel- Lochner Sees Heavily town and works were hit In two ing threatening gesturcs toward T~e. blockade co~munLque sa~d • t 0 lers ar l/gerent government in Europe, small villages. in this Central Press map. Ger­ tant German industries and par­ Greece and reportedly may at­ Gunned, Camouflagea speCIfIcally tb~t .. alrpiane~, will For Undi do ed Port; including Germany, had prevl- Saw Parachutes many has steadily increased her ticularly violent assaults along tempt to send troop across the at~ack e~ery sh.lp .a nd that every . ously given a mrances that pre- Coast in Preparation air raids on vital English cities In the suburb of another town the French channel coast trom country to capture Salonika, an sh Ip whIch salls In this area In Plctur Departu. re cautionary measures had bee n IJap I :.------------~ r,sldents said they saw parachutes ,nd ports while the British have Calais to Le Havre, where any Aegean port. lhe future expo s ltsel! to the . 'taken to prevent th Ir armed drifting to the around in the light danger ot destruction:" TIEtolTSlN, China, ' Au,. If! (ore fr m tt eking the Amer!. S, LOUIS :P. LOCIlNEa.. of searchlight. beams. 13e[or th' lock de w .. pro- SuriollY ' (i\P)-The 10 t 8rllt<h' c'an Legion durint her journey WITH ~ GERMAN ARMY There was no explanation wh,. cillimed, however, the government troops in north hlna clOlled what on a speci1led course tram Pet­ ON THE FRENCH COAST, Aug. the nazls sent over only 8Coutlnl had said that !IS an army ship ot Is.. poSsibly the ttnal chapter in samo to New York. Ba't tIe for SOlDaliland Won, 17 (AP)-What I saw in three planes during the daylight Satur­ a neutral, the American Legion their colorful history In this part This government notified the day. with German tr90Ps on this day after six consecutive day. of would not he mole ted by Ger- ot the world when they sailed beUigerent nalions on Aug. 9 of coastline opposite England Indi­ heavy attack which continued up many. at dawn today aboard a riv r the plan for the transport to sail cates Adol! Hitler has another to dawn Saturday. An artIcle by DNB, off~clal Ger- steamer tor Ta~~ku. There tMy from Petsamo yesterday. surprise ready. Defend'ers Encircled--} taiy But th~ Brlttsh navy and air man news agency, outlining the bosrded the Brlttsh coaster Tak- The decision to sail was made On the surface there is little force joined in counter-blows America.~. t;-egion situatio~; w~s • ang tor an undisclosed destina- upon the advice of the chief of that meets the eye to suggest the headed mdlscreet venture. ThiS tio",. naval operations and the general Imminence of an attempt to in­ against their axis enemies in both was the first exprcaslon ot press It was still dark when two offl- statf ot the United States anny. vade England. Although most Atrica and Europe. 'Britain Must fOuke, Duches8 Get Would Cancel rcaction. cer$ and 30 men of thc East Sur- people believe invasion of the Eleven Italian planes were ahot down Saturday, the admiralty Greatest Welcome I( the ship, with nearly 900 rey regllJl~t, who had made up hips Reacb ManeUlea island kingdom is Hitler's aim, and American l'elugees from Europe the British embassy guard at BERLIN, (AP Via Radio)-No German newspapers make no sec­ said, when they attempted to com­ Yield or Suffer At Bahama Islands British Debt, aboard, pursues its outlined course Pelping, and Tientsin's skeleton ies than 48 ships have arrived at ret of it, German camouflage in bat bombardment of the Libyan ~ASSAU , Bahamas, Aug. 17 - between the Brilish island of garrison marched to the British the French port of MarseILle with this coastal region 15 so clever an coast by British planes and war­ (AP)- Amid the greatest wel­ For Bases Rona and Cape Wrath- It will do bund. cargoes of grain, flour, oll and untrained observer would Imagine ships. Consequences' come ever given a governor of so at its own risk, Germany ad- Large numbers of Japanese cam­ meat, Irom north Atrica, the Ger­ nothing ot the sort was afoot. Submarine Lost the Bahama islands, the Duke of vised the United States oral1y eramen took pictures of the de­ man radio reported from Vichy But I am familiar with German The admiralty also announced Windsor pledged his efforts to~ Senator Whe('lcr Ask through the U. S. embassy here. parture. today. camouflage IT\.ethods, and what I that the submarine Orpheus was Fighting Substantially day to hj!lp the colony meet Its Thr American Legion sailed -------------------------­ saw WB:9 more than enough to con­ overdue and presumed lost, but Over, Italians Claim; war-time problems. Exchange for Leasf'. [rom Pet.sRmo Friday night. vince me that Hitler, if aDd when ga ve no deta lis. Thousands turned out in the While not specifically mention­ Del' Tag comes, wiU once again An American, pilot oUicer Wll­ Prisoners, Stores Taken tropical heat to cheer Edward and On Po es ions Herf' cd, it was believed by authori­ Willkie Challenges President surprise the world. lIam Fisk, 29, son of a New York his American-born dUchess-for ties here that the ship would go • • • banker, dIed Saturday of injuries ROME, Aug.
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