DISTRICT ONE 136 S. Bronough Street 800 N. Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1100 1580 Waldo Palmer Lane, Suite 1 A message from Governor Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Orlando, Florida 32803 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Scott on the future of (407) 956-5600 (850) 921-1119 Florida’s Freight and Trade FREIGHT & LOGISTICS OVERVIEW FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FDOT CONTACTS Ananth Prasad, P.E. Richard Biter Secretary of Transportation Assistant Secretary for Intermodal Phone (850) 414-5205 Systems Development [email protected].fl .us Phone (850) 414-5235 [email protected].fl .us Juan Flores Billy Hattaway, P.E. Administrator, Freight Logistics & District 1, Secretary Passenger Operations Phone (863) 519-2201 Phone (850) 414-5245 [email protected].fl .us [email protected].fl .us Federal Legislative Contacts US House of Representatives Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Congressional District 20, District 30, Lizbeth Benacquisto District 73, Greg Steube United States Senate Alcee Hastings Bill Nelson Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives District 39, Dwight Bullard District 74, Doug Holder US House of Representatives United States Senate Congressional District 25, Marco Rubio Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart District 39, Neil Combee District 75, Kenneth Roberson US House of Representatives Congressional District 9, State Legislative Contacts Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives Alan Grayson District 40, Seth McKeel District 76, Ray Wesley Rodrigues Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives US House of Representatives District 14, Darren Soto District 41, John Wood District 77, Dane Eagle Congressional District 10, Daniel Webster Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives District 15, Kelli Stargel District 42, Mike La Rosa District 78, Heather Dawes Fitzenhagen US House of Representatives Congressional District 15, Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives Dennis Ross District 19, Arthenia Joyner District 55, Cary Pigman District 79, Matt Caldwell US House of Representatives Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives Congressional District 16, District 21, Denise Grimsley District 56, Ben Albritton District 80, Matt Hudson Vern Buchanan Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives District 23, Garrett Richter District 70, Darryl Rouson District 105, Carlos Trujillo US House of Representatives Congressional District 17, Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives FDOT MISSION: Thomas Rooney District 26, Bill Galvano District 71, Jim Boyd District 106, Kathleen Passidomo THE DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE A SAFE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM THAT ENSURES US House of Representatives Florida Senate Florida House of Representatives THE MOBILITY OF PEOPLE AND GOODS, ENHANCES ECONOMIC PROSPERITY AND Congressional District 19, District 28, Nancy Detert District 72, Ray Pilon Curtis Clawson PRESERVES THE QUALITY OF OUR ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITIES. In recognition of the signifi cant role that freight HB599 requires FDOT to lead the development of mobility plays as an economic driver for the state, a plan to “enhance the integration and connectivity an Offi ce of Freight, Logistics and Passenger of the transportation system across and between Operations has been created at FDOT. This offi ce transportation modes throughout the state.” For this has been tasked with meeting the requirements reason, Florida is already on schedule to meet MAP- of legislation in Florida House Bill 599, as well as 21 guidelines and has become a leader in freight Freight Mobility meeting national freight guidance offered in H.R. issues through its ongoing work in developing a and Trade Plan 4348, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Freight Mobility and Trade Plan. For more information, Century Act (MAP-21). please see www.freightmovesfl orida.com. August 2014 FloridaFloridi a ininfrastructurefrasa trucu tuure TheThhe state highwayhighhway TruckTruck trtravelavel aaccountedccouo nted FloridaFlF oridi a hashas overover 22,700,700 District One movesmom ves 767622 mimmillionllion systemsysteem seessees 19195,75555,755 forfor apapproximatelypprp oximi ately 1111%% of milesmiles of rrailail lines,lines, whichwhich tonstons ofof frffreighteie ght trtrafaffi c millionmim lll ioon annualana nual vehiclevehe icle vehiclevehih cle mimmilesleles trttraveledavele ed oonn movemove oovervev r 98 mmillionilliono FREIGHT & LOGISTICS OVERVIEW annually.annnuallyy. milesmim llees off ttravel.raaveel.l thethe SISSISS in 2010.2010. tonsttonss ofof freightfreight anannually.nuuallyy. LARGEST CITY DISTRICT AREA DISTRICT POPULATION Ft. Myers 11,715 Square Miles 2,692,097 FloridaFlororida hashah s 784784 aviationaviationn • The fi rst offi cial rodeo in Florida is said to have been held in Arcadia, November 1929, sponsored by the local American facilities,facicilil tiese , 1121299 publicpublic Legion Post. Arcadia’s rodeo has grown in size, comparable to any in the country. The Arcadia All-Florida Championship Florida’s Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) use,use,e andandd 1919 havehave Rodeo is twice a year and the annual Bull-A-Rama Extravaganza draws more than 10,000 spectators. • Strategic – Consists of statewide and regionally signifi cant facilities and services commercialcommmeercic ala service.serviicee. • Sarasota County is credited with a number of honors, ranking 11th in Forbes Magazine as one of the “Best Cities for • Intermodal – Contains all forms of transportation for moving both people and goods, Jobs” and 7th in Money Magazines rankings of “Top Places to Retire Young”. including linkages for smooth and effi cient transfers between modes and major facilities • System – Integrates individual facilities, services, forms of transportation (modes) and linkages into a single, integrated transportation network County Trade Statistics: Top Import & Export Commodities TheThe ststateate boboastsasts 2 The SIS was established to: spaceportsspacepporo tss aandndd 5 aactivective COUNTY NAME POPULATION TOP IMPORT COMMODITY TONNAGE TOP EXPORT COMMODITY TONNAGE • Effi ciently serve the mobility needs of Florida’s citizens, launchlaunch facilities.facili ities. Charlotte 160,511 Nonmetallic Minerals 383,641 Nonmetallic Minerals 1,381,687 businesses and visitors Collier 328,134 Bulk Movement in Boxcars 1,168,622 Bulk Movement in Boxcars 658,875 • Help Florida become a worldwide economic leader, enhance economic prosperity and competitiveness, enrich quality of life DeSoto 34,894 Nonmetallic Minerals 96,227 Farm Products 816,216 and refl ect responsible environmental stewardship Glades 12,635 Nonmetallic Minerals 108,008 Farm Products 1,056,399 Florida’sFlorida’s 1155 ddeepwatereeepwwater Hardee 27,887 Food or Kindred Products 72,468 Farm Products 588,145 seaportsseaporrts mmovedovede 1106.4006.4. Hendry 39,089 Farm Products 1,275,438 Farm Products 2,896,314 millionmiilllioi n tonstonss ofof cargocargo anaandd Highlands 98,630 Bulk Movement in Boxcars 213,226 Farm Products 918,542 handledhaandlel d 2.82.2 8 millionmim llllion TEU’sTEEUU’s (20(220 footfoott eequivalentquivvalene t Lee 631,330 Bulk Movement in Boxcars 1,690,889 Nonmetallic Minerals 1,405,686 containercontn aiinener unuunit)it) ini 22010.010.0 Manatee 327,142 Petroleum or Coal Products 6,250,397 Farm Products 804,386 Okeechobee 40,140 Nonmetallic Minerals 174,531 Farm Products 263,453 Polk 609,492 Bulk Movement in Boxcars 1,819,610 Nonmetallic Minerals 3,468,868 Seven off tthehe 1155 seseaportsapa orrtst inn FFloridaloriidaa ccarriedara rir edd 112.72.7 Sarasota 382,213 Bulk Movement in Boxcars 1,234,581 Bulk Movement in Boxcars 857,789 millionmilll ion passengers,passssenngeg rss, 1212.1.1. millionmim lllioon of whichwhih ch sailedsaileed on Featured District Projects multi-daymumulti-i daay crcruisesuiiseses inn 22010.010100. DESIGNATED SIS FACILITIES 4063134: I-75 From North of SR 951 to 4206521: Southwest Florida North of Golden Gate Parkway International Airport – Parallel Runway 6R/24L Phase I 100%100%% ooff SISSISS wawaterborneatet rbr orne freightfreiight inn FFloridalorir da iiss on a This project consists of the widening The project consists of runway coastalccoaastal oror internationalinternan tit onaal and reconstruction of I-75 from north improvements at the Southwest shippingshs ippip ngng route.rouute. of SR 951 to north of Golden Gate Florida international Airport in Lee from a four-lane roadway to six-lane County. The improvements are roadway. The length of the project anticipated to ensure that the airport is approximately 3.35 miles. The is able to meet its development goals, 166 FortuneForo tunne 550000 project is currently in the Preliminary maximize capacity, and maintain the Engineering (PE) phase, with desired level of operation. companiescomppanies havehaave theirtheir Construction funded. headquartersheh adquq arters in FlFlorida.orida. Florida Key Transportation and Freight Facilities FREIGHT & LOGISTICS OVERVIEW STRATEGIC INTERMODAL I- 75, I-275, US 17, US 27, US 441, POPULATION U.S. POPULATION RANK AREA U.S. AREA RANK POPULATION GROWTH RATE SYSTEM (SIS) HIGHWAYS SR 60, SR 570, SR 70, SR 64, SR 18.8 million 4th 53,625 sq. mi. 22nd 17.6% (2000-2010) 80, SR 29, SR 82 Chamber of Commerce website: http://www.fl chamber.org Fact: SIS highways provide access to the ports, airports, and military
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