\I\ I VJ i l MARCH 1988 VoLUME 4, NuMBER 5 l • CoNTENTS • NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS I News AND ANNOUNCEMENTS I ~ l Apple's New LaserWriter lis .................... .45 • APPLE'S NEW LASER WRITER lis Mac PC Drive and tt File Exchange ........ 52 In late January, Apple introduced a new line of LaserWriter printers. ! IBM Users' Group Meeting ....................... 53 There are three printers in the line: the LaserWriter IISC, the Laser­ Student Temporary Services .................... 53 Writer liNT, and the LaserWriter IINTIC. All three printers are based 1 Micro-Mainframe Corrections ................... 54 on the same mechanical print engine (Canon LBP-SX), so all three l Apple Mac SE Fan ................................... 54 printers have the same (300 dots-per-inch) resolution. Since the t New in Helpline: IBM PS/2 Model SO, printers are all based on the same print engine, you may wonder why H-P DeskJet, and Epson L0-850 ....... 54 there are three models. Each LaserWriter II has a different printer 1 REVIEWS AND SERVICES controller card. The printer controller card is basically a special­ ~ Kinetics FastPath/AppleTalk lntemet ...... .46 purpose computer that tells the print engine what image to print. So, if you buy one of the more expensive LaserWriter lis, you are buying f File Server Security Issues ...................... 47 Printing Department Typesetting .............. 47 a printer that has more intelligence. The extra intelligence translates Software Training Resources ................... 48 into faster printing and the capability of printing more complicated images. CoLUMNs l Site License Forum .................................. 51 Because all three printers are based on the same print engine, you can Instructional Software Forums .................. 51 upgrade LaserWriter lis by replacing the printer controller card. In l Ask Ma Micro addition to providing you with an upgrade path between the Laser­ Usable Space on Mac Hard Disks ..... 55 Writer lis, the new print engine produces darker blacks and has a 1 Adding Memory to PC ........................ 55 paper cassette twice the size (200 sheets) of the old LaserWriter and 1 IBM's MS Word and Mice ................... 55 LaserWriter Plus printers. The LaserWriter II toner cartridges also Engineering Services Notes ..................... 56 last25 percent longer than the toner cartridges for the old Laser­ Book Center Notes ................................... 56 Writer. An important feature of the LaserWriter II print engine is that Spring 1988 Short Courses ...................... 57 the paper path is nearly straight through the printer; this means you The Miaocomputer Newsletter is published monthly by can use fairly heavy paper in the new LaserWriter lis (up to 36 pound lhe Mia'ocompuler and Workstation Syslems Group, a paper via manual feed). part of the UniversHy of Minnesota's Academic Com­ puting Services and Syslems department (ACSS), with University departments and full-time faculty and staff are eligible to funds provided by the Minnesola Book Center. The buy any of the LaserWriter II printers. However, under the tenns of Universfty of Minnesota is com milled lo the policy lhal the University's agreement with Apple, students are only eligible to all persons should have equal access to Hs programs, purchase the LaserWriter IISC. Students are not eligible to purchase faciiHies, and employmenl wlhout regard to race, the LaserWriter liNT, IINTX, or the upgrades. re&gion, color, sex, national origin, handicap, age, veteran status, or sexual orienlation. This newsletter As you read the product descriptions below, keep in mind that the was produced on an Apple Macinlosh II running print engine on which all the LaserWriter II printers are based has a f PageMaker; camera-ready copy was prinled on an Apple LaserWr•er liNT. Direcl comments and sub­ top speed of eight pages per minute. This means that although one scriplion cancellalions, changes, and addftions to the printer may be four times faster than another for printing complicated I edftors atlhe address on lhe closing page. Subscrip­ images, the fastest that any of these printers can print is eight pages lions are free. Permission to copy for noncommercial per minute. With these preliminaries out of the way, we can look at purposes is granled, provided proper acknowledgment the differences between the three LaserWriter II printers. is given; the edftors requesl a copy of the documenl or I record in which our material appears. NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTINUED ON •••••••••• pAGE 51 <0 1988 University of Minnesota .. Il 1 Il ' KINETics FAsTPATHI New PROMs for the FastPath APPLETALK INTERNET A hardware upgrade for the Kinetics FastPath (the PROM 3.0 upgrade) is now available. The new PROMs provide somewhat In past issues of our newsletter we have described the Apple­ better performance for the FastPath, and also make it easier to Talk Internet and discussed how to connect departmental configure the FastPath. We have some extra PROMs and can AppleTalk networks to the campus Ethernet using the Kinetics help you upgrade your FastPath if you do not yet have the FastPath. If you own or are considering purchasing a Kinetics version 3.0 PROMs. Those of you who ordered your FastPath FastPath AppleTalk/Ethernet gateway, you should know about after November, 1987 already have the new PROMs. some new developments. Improved FastPath Reliability Connecting a FastPath to the Campus Ethernet Some of you are using the FastPath in noisy environments. If you have a Kinetics FastPath AppleTalk/Ethernet gateway 'Noisy environment' means that there is occasional noise on that you are going to connect to the campus Ethernet (or the Ethernet segment to which you are connected. Some LAN mark), you must configure your Kinetics FastPath Kinetics FastPaths are susceptible to problems when they properly before you connect it to Ethernet Specifically, you encounter noise on Ethernet The symptoms are: need to choose AppleTalk network numbers that do not conflict with the network numbers that are already in use by other * an otherwise normally operating FastPath suddenly stops departments with Kinetics FastPaths. Choosing an AppleTalk network number that is the same as someone else's network * you are unable to fmd the FastPath with the FastPath number will produce strange results. manager program To avoid Apple Talk network number conflicts, the Microcom­ * if you turn the FastPath off and then on again, the FastPath puter and Workstation Systems Group is coordinating assign­ begins working ment of AppleTalk network numbers and zone names. Before This problem is caused by noise on Ethernet being coupled into you connect to the rest of the campus, contact Dave Burris or the serial interface adapter on the FastPath where the main Mark McCahill. The easiest way to contact them is to send system clock is generated. The extra noise on the clock causes them e-mail. Their e-mail addresses are: the processor to stop. Turning the FastPath off and on again [email protected] resets the processor. Then everything is fine until there is [email protected] another burst of noise on Ethernet. mpm@ACSSVX Kinetics has come up with a hardware modification to the Alternatively, you can call the Micro HelpLine. As well as FastPath that makes it much less susceptible to Ethernet noise­ giving you unique Apple Talk net numbers, we can make sure induced problems. (The FastPaths that are being delivered now that you are using the correct version of the Kinetics FastPath have been modified to correct the noise problem.) We have gateway code ....Which leads us to our second topic. tested the hardware modification and suspect that some of you will want to upgrade your FastPaths, since this will improve the New Kinetics Gateway Code and Ethernet reliability of the FastPath. The hardware modification involves Kinetics recently released a new version of their gateway code relocating a capacitor from the printed circuit board onto two of which supports Macintosh lis and SEs with Ethernet cards. the pins of the serial interface adapter. This involves some That is, this version of the gateway code allows a Mac II with close-tolerance soldering, so it is probably something you will an EtherTalk card to access all the resources on an Apple Talk not want to do yourselves. Instead, you can either have network. This code would enable you to print to a LaserWriter Kinetics perform the hardware modification or we can modify on AppleTalk via the Kinetics FastPath. The new version of your FastPath. the gateway code supersedes the 'combgw. s rec' code that a few of you are using. More important, the new gateway code If you want Kinetics to perform the modification, you should ('etalkgw. srec') does not coexist with old versions of the call Kinetics Tech Support at (415) 947-0998 and get a return gateway code; so everybody who is using the combgw. srec authorization so you can send your FastPath to Kinetics. version needs to upgrade. Kinetics says that the turnaround time for the hardware modification is about two weeks. If you want to have your Note to cu"ent users of the Mac Information Server: those of FastPath modified by technicians at the University, the turn­ you who can currently access the Mac Information Server via around time is usually about three days. Again, Dave Burris or the Apple Talk internet are using a completely different version Mark McCahill are the people to contact if you have questions; of the gateway code. If you are using this version (known as see their e-mail addresses above. KIP or '0987gw. srec'), you do not need to upgrade your gateway code. FILE SERVER SECURITY ISSUES Sensitive Information If your infonnation is extremely sensitive, a file server is defi­ Three years ago the microcomputers on campus nitely not the best location for it Remember, someone (the network administrator on AppleShare or the owner of the com­ were stand-alo~e devices, but mi~~omputer usage puter whose disk you are sharing under TOPS) has overall has been changmg.
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