Office of Environment & Heritage Native Vegetation Map Narrandera ADS-40 Edition 1 NSW VCA Plant Communities NSW VCA ID NSW VCA Name Total Area - Landform pattern / main soil types Characteristic species in each stratum. Note that floristics are relevant to NSW VCA 1:100,000 (8228) this map community over its entire distribution, and may not accurately reflect community make-up (ha) within this mapsheet Grassy Woodlands Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands 276 Yellow Box grassy tall woodland on alluvium or parna loams and 12 Alluvial plain, Low hills / Alluvial soil, Eucalyptus melliodora / Acacia decora - Maireana microphylla / Bothriochloa macra - clays on flats in NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion Brown clay, Brown earth, Calcareous red Austrostipa bigeniculata - Austrodanthonia setacea - Vittadinea cuneata earth Floodplain Transition Woodlands 70 White Cypress Pine woodland on sandy loams in central NSW 2,446 Peneplain, Plain / Red earth, Red-brown Callitris glaucophylla / Acacia deanei subsp. deanei - Dodonaea viscosa sens lat. - wheatbelt earth Maireana enchylaenoides - Geijera parviflora / Einadia nutans subsp. nutans - 455000 456000 457000 458000 459000 460000 461000 462000 463000 464000 465000 466000 467000 468000 469000 470000 471000 472000 473000 474000 475000 476000 477000 478000 479000 480000 481000 482000 483000 484000 485000 486000 487000 488000 489000 490000 491000 492000 493000 494000 495000 496000 497000 498000 499000 500000 Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra - Austrodanthonia eriantha - Sida corrugata # 74 Yellow Box - River Red Gum tall grassy riverine woodland of NSW 2,814 Flood plain, Meander plain / Alluvial soil, Eucalyptus melliodora - Eucalyptus camaldulensis / Acacia deanei subsp. deanei - South-western Slopes and Riverina Bioregions Black earth, Grey clay Acacia stenophylla / Monachather paradoxus - Elymus scaber var. scaber - Dichondra sp d d d a a a o o o A - Juncus filicaulis 6182000 R 6182000 R R Bald Hill State Forest r s s o 350 m Narrandera Range n n 76 Inland Grey Box tall grassy woodland on alluvial loam and clay soils 913 Alluvial plain, Flood plain / Grey clay, Red Eucalyptus microcarpa / Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata - Acacia buxifolia subsp. o # o o t t M s u p La n in the NSW South-western Slopes and Riverina Bioregions clay, Red-brown earth buxifolia / Austrodanthonia caespitosa - Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata - Chloris nde B m Walleroobie State Forest rval e Mu Cowabbie Range e Ro l rrell C ad o r 6181000 B eek R # 6181000 G o h ad truncata - Sida corrugata E 300 m T R E 80 Inland Grey Box - White Cypress Pine tall woodland on loam soil 9,672 Alluvial plain, Stagnant alluvial plain / Grey-Eucalyptus microcarpa - Callitris glaucophylla - Allocasuarina luehmannii / Maireana M d A a Savio B ur o s Road on alluvial plains of NSW South-western Slopes and Riverina brown podzolic soil, Red-brown earth microphylla - Acacia deanei subsp. deanei / Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra - M E 6180000 ales R 6180000 Ro ad R s Bioregions Austrodanthonia setacea - Calotis cuneifolia E d n a Mount Wammera l 82 Inland Grey Box - Poplar Box - White Cypress Pine tall woodland 2,173 Peneplain, Plain, Rises, Terrace (alluvial) / Eucalyptus microcarpa - Eucalyptus populnea - Callitris glaucophylla / Acacia deanei # k Be 331 m a echer O on red loams mainly of the eastern Cobar Peneplain Bioregion Red earth, Red-brown earth subsp. paucijuga - Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata - Pimelea microcephala subsp. 6179000 s Road 6179000 microcephala - Eremophila mitchellii / Monachather paradoxus - Calotis cuneifolia - Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra - Einadia nutans subsp. nutans 6178000 d 6178000 237 Riverine Inland Grey Box grassy woodland of the semi-arid (warm) 901 Flood plain / Grey clay, Grey earth Eucalyptus microcarpa - Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Acacia a o R climate zone acinacea - Maireana enchylaenoides / Paspalidium jubiflorum - Austrodanthonia h a r caespitosa - Juncus flavidus - Atriplex semibaccata a A 6177000 r 6177000 m d 386 m Square Nob a le 248 Mixed box eucalypt woodland on low sandy-loam rises on alluvial 6 Alluvial plain, Rises, Stagnant alluvial plain Eucalyptus microcarpa - Eucalyptus melliodora - Eucalyptus populnea / Senna form taxon K t # h a n plains in central western NSW / Alluvial soil, Brown earth 'zygophylla' - Myoporum montanum - Hakea tephrosperma / Austrostipa scabra subsp. R o scabra - Enteropogon acicularis - Calotis lappulacea - Maireana enchylaenoides 6176000 a 6176000 Wate d rvie w Road Dry Sclerophyll Forests d a 6175000 o 6175000 R s Mejum State Forest n Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests d o d a s a B o d o l O 110 Inland Grey Box - White Cypress Pine shrubby woodland on stony 442 Hills, Low hills / Red clay, Red earth Eucalyptus microcarpa - Callitris endlicheri / Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia - Acacia S N R a QU E R Squ AR 6174000 ar 6174000 e h n K i d n ob R t o d r o a a d footslopes in the NSW South-western Slopes and Riverina deanei subsp. deanei - Acacia paradoxa / Austrodanthonia eriantha - Cheilanthes sieberi n o D o Willia m a s R N R o ad m Bioregions g subsp. sieberi n a n a l P l o t 217 Mugga Ironbark - Inland Grey Box - Cypress Pine tall woodland on 150 Low hills, Rises / Red clay, Red podzolic Eucalyptus sideroxylon - Eucalyptus microcarpa - Callitris endlicheri / Acacia deanei e a 6173000 r 6173000 a M B d footslopes of low hills in the NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion soil subsp. deanei - Acacia hakeoides - Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata - Lissanthe a o R strigosa subsp. strigosa / Austrodanthonia setacea - Austrostipa densiflora - Stypandra s h 6172000 t 6172000 Me i glauca - Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi jum Swa m m p Road S Lism Freshwater Wetlands oyle Roa Cowabbie 6171000 d ! 6171000 Corb ie Hill Ro Inland Floodplain Swamp ad N A 182 Cumbungi rushland of shallow semi-permanent water bodies of the 11 Flood plain / Grey clay, Humic gley Typha domingensis / Senecio cunninghamii var. cunninghamii - Juncus flavidus / 6170000 P 6170000 G inland river systems Centipeda minima var. minima - Pratia concolor - Ludwigia peploides subsp. N I Y R montevidensis F 6169000 6169000 238 Permanent and semi-permanent freshwater lakes wetland of the 16 Flood plain, Meander plain, Stagnant Eleocharis sphacelata - Bolboschoenus medianus - Carex fascicularis / Lemna disperma - Cowab bie Road inland slopes and plains alluvial plain, Terrace (alluvial) / Grey clay, Azolla filiculoides - Myriophyllum crispatum - Potamogeton tricarinatus Cowabbie West ! Humic gley 6168000 6168000 d BBI E 336 Rush - Sedge - Common Reed mainly lentic channel wetland of the 14 Flood plain / Alluvial soil, Humus podzol Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Phragmites australis / Carex a A North Berembed o ! P W R owe Upper Murray and mid-Murrumbidgee River floodplains in the NSW tereticaulis - Juncus flavidus - Lachnagrostis filiformis - Eleocharis acuta lls Road O k C T r r a South-western Slopes Bioregion i g P 6167000 6167000 g y e m a r u v j w a e h l g e i Inland Floodplain Shrublands M R H o l 6166000 l 6166000 17 Lignum shrubland of the semi-arid (warm) plains 5 Flood plain / Grey clay, Grey earth Muehlenbeckia florulenta - Chenopodium nitrariaceum / Sclerolaena tricuspis / Senecio a e d MEJUM SWAMP d w a e cunninghamii var. cunninghamii - Einadia nutans subsp. nutans o N R e 6165000 v 6165000 LAKE COOLAH o Yarra C won 24 Canegrass swamp tall grassland of drainage depressions, lakes 29 Flood plain, Lacustrine plain, Playa plain / Eragrostis australasica - Muehlenbeckia florulenta - Sclerostegia tenuis / Chloris truncata - g Road and pans of the inland plains Red and brown hardpan soil Disphyma crassifolium subsp. clavellatum - Eragrostis setifolia - Marsilea drummondii Butlers Road Ashbridge 6164000 ! 6164000 Bullo ak Tank Road Forested Wetlands k Road Bulloa 6163000 6163000 d a Wa o d lsh Roa Inland Riverine Forests a d R o g Paynters R n 2 River Red Gum-sedge dominated very tall open forest in frequently 356 Covered plain, Flood plain / Black earth, Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Eleocharis acuta - Centipeda !i s d 6162000 i e 6162000 d l S r a flooded sites along major rivers and floodplains in south-western Grey clay, Grey earth cunninghamii - Ranunculus inundatus - Pseudoraphis spinescens a o s r h B R o Sh e ea C th t g ers NSW y o Roa n d E a l l M y o oor S r n land DEAD H R a s Ro O 5 River Red Gum herbaceous-grassy very tall open forest on inner 9,147 Bank (streambank), Flood-out, Levee / Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Acacia dealbata / Poa labillardierei e a g d 6161000 P 6161000 d R n o AN a a floodplains in the lower slopes subregion of the NSW South- Grey clay, Grey earth, Red-brown earth var. labillardierei - Carex tereticaulis - Lachnagrostis filiformis - Hemarthria uncinata var. R d R M d 292 m Mount Bogolong A a # o Y western Slopes & Riverina Bioregions uncinata R 6160000 s 6160000 9 River Red Gum - Wallaby grass tall woodland on the outer River 1,296 Covered plain, Flood plain / Brown clay, Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Austrodanthonia caespitosa - Juncus e d n d a A w a o d s Red Gum zone Grey clay, Grey earth flavidus - Carex inversa a o d a R h a o b R G d d k a o o r R R a s e i e d t l R g o !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( e k n g a r 6159000 r A 6159000 !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( R e r s l !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( r l C a 79 River Red Gum shrub/grass riparian tall woodland or open forest 913 Flood plain, Hills, Low hills / Alluvial soil Eucalyptus camaldulensis - Eucalyptus blakelyi / Callistemon sieberi - Acacia implexa - h R !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( a d e P t e !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( r o i B a n l a !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( o o n b a mainly in the upper slopes sub-region of the NSW South-western Acacia dealbata - Bursaria spinosa / Carex appressa - Microleana stipoides var.
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