News of the libraries - Harvard Library Bulletin, Volume XIII.3 The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Cottrell, G. W. Jr. 1959. News of the libraries - Harvard Library Bulletin, Volume XIII.3. Harvard Library Bulletin XIII (3), Autumn 1959: 478-482. Citable link https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37363796 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA News of the Libraries LIBRARY COi\1.r\llTT.EE H. Schaffner, J)nvid P~ \Vhcatl11ndt H~1rold T~ Y\lhitei Lucien \\ 1ulsin. HE Library Co1nmittee of the T Fncu ky of Ar ts :3.nd Sci~nc e~ i PERSONNET,, . as a ppo in ted by the Prcsid en t for one year f rorn 1 Ju!y 1959, consisrn BcENT appojnnncnts jn the Uni- of the follo,ving: Paul I-I. Buck (Li- R:ycrsfry JJibrary Y oted by the hrary) t Chairmnn~Dough!.~ \V~ Bryant Pres idcn t and FeU o,vs of Har- (Library), Bernard Iludians.ky (Engi- vard Colic geJ ,vith the consent of the neering), Frnnk i\-'J..Cross, Jr (I-Ie- Iloard of O vcrscc tsi a re -as f ollo,-~.1s; b re ,;.v),IJI er b crt D iccktna n n (R oin an cc Sarah F. Adari1s, Assistant in the Languages)" 1\lerle Fainsod (Govern- Harvurd University Archives ment}, AJcxandcr Gcrschcnkron ([co- l\1ar)orjc J.Bcnzingcri Reference Li- non1 i cs), I-Ienry C. I-I-a tfic ld ( G cnu .inic brarian in the Library uf the Languriges) i Philip J~!\1c::Niff (Lilira- Schools of i\1cdjcine and Public ry) Recd C~ Rollins (Bota.ny), John I-Icalth i\1."\Vard (1\1usic), Bartlett J. ,1/hiting Barb :=tr~ L+ Ile rrn a fl i Catal ogu er in (Eng]ish)i Cedric H~ \Vhitman (Clas- th~ 1-Iarvard College Libiary sics), Robert L. "\Volff (I-Iisto1J), Ed- Cat her i ne JJ, Bi oder up, A ssisto n t Li- ,d n E. Wi 11ia n1s acts as Secretary to b r:1ri an for Reader Service in the the Cointnittec. Library of the Schoois of h·1edi~ {Jne and PnbEc Health Charles E. Brinkler, Assistant in the \'JSlTI NG COJ\1l'dl1TEE Lnmont Librar)Tr of the I-I"::lrvard HE Con1n-,ittee to yj~it the Uni- College Library T venity Lil lra ry, a pp oin red by Robert "'''. Flint., Cat:i 1og u er in the . the Board of Overseers for one H rvard Col 1ege J..,ibra ry yc-ar fro1n 1 July 1959i h as follo\vs~ Eleanor l\l. Garvey, Assistant to the Arthnr A. Houghton, Jr. Chairn1an, Curator of Printing and Graphic Carleton A.· Richn1ond, \ 7ice Chair- Arts in the H'1r\rard College Li~ nu1n. F. Gregg Ben1is) \ViUian1 A. i\'l. brary Durden, \V:.1rd l\it Canaday, Imrie de Ruth A. I-Iepbu rn i Ca tal ogu er in the ,, cgh, Fraochi W. Hatch, 1-Iarris:onD. Hi r,1 nrd La ,v Library Horblit~ ParknH1nD. Hcnvct Donald F. Iva i1ostecky 1 Chief Cataloguer in I-Iyde, Bayard L. Kilgour 1 Jr~ Roy E. the Library of the Sthools of I_.~rs:cn~ Stanley ~fa rcus, Gilbert I-I. i\-ledic:ineand P11blicI-J enhh i\ 1 on tagu e, Arthur W. Page, JIo ies Pc n- Il oris I. Nico faev sky, Sp cc ialist j n n Jse i Dexter Perkins, ('.,ar] I-,J. Piorz- Russian History in the Harvard hein1er, Jri Curt H. Reisinger, Joseph Colicge Library and Research As- 478 Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XIII, Number 3 (Autumn 1959) News of the Libraries· 479 • soc1ate in the Russian Rcscnrch EXHIBITIONS Center Lelia A. Sapienzat Chief Cataloguer JUL)r 1958-JUNE 1959 in the H ar\Tard Lu \V Library HE foUo\ving list records a sc- Joseph de Somogyi, Rcseu n;h Assjs t T lectjon of exhibitions held in ant in the Center for !\1iddle East- various J,Jarvard libraries durinu 0 ern Studies and Specialist in Ilonk the year I July 1958 to 30 June 1959: Sc 1ectio n 1n the Harvard ColJ cge Lihr:iry ,V!UENER L1DRARY R.u th S. Stern f el d, C-atal ogu er in the Harvard Co Hege Library Alain Halls A Uen Il r ,, ea n er t Specialist for Doc- City i\1a ps and \Tie,vs of the Sixtccnt 1l, u n1en tary Reproduction in the Seven tc en ti lj and Eighteenth Cen- Harvard College Library rur ies Ur~u1a L. \.Valz, Reference Librar- Thcodo re R.. oosevc lti T "\\re nty·-sh: th ian in the Libr.'.lryof the Schools President of the United States: Ccn- of i\tlcdicine and Pub1ic 1-Icr..lth ten n ial Exhibit to Corn n1ctn orate the Arthur B. ,, 7iUi:nns, Cataloguer ju Date of his Birt ht 2 7 October [ 8 5 8 the Har \7ard College I ..i bra r y C hdstin es Ilooks David C. lVeber, l\.ilc1nber of the Ilooks and h1aps of Alaska Fuculty of Arts and Sciences Oregon. a Cct1tcnnial Observance of Akiko 17 =3.,n aga w·a, Qi ta 1ogucr in the Its Statehood I-Iarvard Co11egeJ..ribrary I·Ia,vaii La bib Zu,-viyya-\' am~k, J\-iiddleEast- Publication~ of the T,vcnty-fif th Re- ern Specialist jn the Harvard Col- union Class lege Library and Associ atc in the Center for l\1iddle E-ustern Studies Harry E/kl11sJfTidener M e1no rial Ro 0111s The title of J:n11cs C. 11amaskos has l1ecn c.:hanged from Cata1ogucr in the Gutenberg BjbI e ( th rou ghou t) 1-Iarvard Co]lege l..ibrary to that of Samu el Johnson's Dictionary; Wil1 ian1 Ad1ninistrativc Assishlnt for Cnmlogu- Illakej K~te Grccn:.nvay; An1eric.an ing in the I-IanTard Co1lcg-cLibrary, and EngU.s h Li tera rurc 1~heodore N. Tread\vell retired as Shakespeare Foljos; Orjginal Dnnviog~: Assistant I ..ibradan in the IrJarvard La\l~ Cruikshank, Smith, Ro,vlandson; J_,ihra ry 3 1 Au gust 1 9 59. R esigna tion s Harry Elkjns \:\'idcner! Lt,trers ha ,re b ec n as f oHo,vs; FJo ra K. R izle! Th c Gruikshanks (Po Htical Cad ca- i\1iddlc Eastern Spccialjst in the I-Iar- tu rcs) 1.TardCo]!ege Library, effecti,rc 30 June Shakespeare Folios; Audubon Birds; l959; Jcrornc T. Lcv~•js~Assi~tant in the Christm ~s Books and Cards Lamont Library of the I-Jarvard Col- Bindings; Cen ten arie., lege Lihrary., effective l Augu~t 1959; Sha k espca re F o 1io s; }:a r ly Prj n ccd and Robin F. B1as-cr,Adn1inistrative Boo ks; Cos tu 111cs Assistant for Catalogning in the I-far- English and American Literature; Col- vard Co 11egc Library, effccti \+e Io Oc- ored Plates of North American \Vild t ob er 1959r Flo\, 0 crs Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XIII, Number 3 (Autumn 1959) Harvard Library B111let2'n Sha kespe ri re Folios: Caxto h; Costu1ncs; Graphic Arts Roo111 Audubon Ilirds (plntes) Chjncsc Scrolls Persian J\1inia tu res I-I OlJGH l'ON L 1BlUii.R Y LAi\1 OJ'r,.TTL lERAR Y Exhibition Roont Alain Corridors The Grand Tour: An Exhibition of Harvard-Radcliffe United Nations Eighteenth-century \ 7i e,,? _ Coun cj 1 ( th ro ughou t) Italian Books and i\.1anuscnpts Exlub- Recent Hurvard Authors (throughout) i ted in the hon or of the J\·1arches a I-Ia rvard Ycarb o ok Competition Orjgo H nrvard D ra n1a tic Cl uh The Paris of Henry of Navarre: Books I·Iarvard Crhuson Photographs and lvl-anus c rip ts 11Iustra ti ve of the ,~ 7inthrop I·Iouse Dra.1natjc Society Book of That Title Published by Harvard Y earb u uk Con1petition the I-Iarvard U ni\·ersity Press Isak Dincscn Exhibit~ In Honor of Her l\1 a ps of Siberia and Russi a: \ 7isit to the University Books Purchased ,v.ith the Fund Estab- Undergraduate i\1anagers Council lished by Henry Sakonstal1 H o,vc, Eliot Hou~e Drama Group Cfo~Sof I 869 Fogg Art A1useu111Bcrma~ Exhibit An Exhibition Iionorlng the Centen- . Adarns House Drama Socrety· nial of On the Origin of Species I-1arva rd Op era Guild vVil1i:11n i\·i akcpcac c Thackcra y B ascd Harvard Gi Iber t and Sullivan Pin yers upon th~ Collection F onn ed and Pre- Aubrey Beardsley E~hibit by Fogg Art s en red by Her be rt T-r~Carle bac h, '09 ~1useu,n International Student Alliance I( eatsRoonz i\-1cdicine and Art: Prints 8od Pictures Loaned by Fogg Art !-t1uscu1n l{eats and the Theater In Co1nnie1norarion of the Centenary Poetry Roont of the Death of Leigh Hunt { I 784- r 850) !\1a nuscript \\' or ksheets, Prin red Books~ Bio graphical Sketche~, and Photo- graphs of~ Gro1t11dFloor H11Il W. S. A1envin The Original 1\1anuscript and Fjrst Conrad Aiken Printings of A'llzerica, on the 1 5or h Richard Eberhan Anni·versary of the Ilirth of Snrnnel Stg n ley K unitz F ra.ncis Sn1it h Phi1ipBootl1 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Rob- Kath~rine Hoskins Ri Chard ,vilbu r ert Burns, i 5 January 17 59 A Selection f ron, Ha rv·ard 's Boo ks of ,~, j Uiam A 1fred Hours Jon Silkin EarJy Books on Astronomy- to Signal- ize the InstaU-ation of the Pope Or- BAKER LIDRARY rery Art in Science Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University.
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