.•man ~£Ti:> il: 7 '•*k ':;f^ k ,0t< r.iilfi-* ; / • •;•• ? ,..tHiHn. M-m fi :.' s sr NOR WALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESD A.Y, MAY 30, 1882? VOL. LXV.-MMBER 22 WHOLE NUMBER 1795. rr VVISI i.'M- Example. begin to rest on the mere-passive basis of • A Gallant Seaman. Marketing. NORWALK GAZETTE, Woman's Trinmph. The Unwelcome Guest. in tlie amusement; for the astonishing Jack J. G. GREGORY & CO. personal politeness toward himself. In other of resource in himself possessed by the So much has been said and written of late We scatter seeds with careless hand, VEGETABLES AND OBOOBBIES—HOW TO BUY PVILISHEB EVERY TUESDAY MOMIM. DRUGGISTS, A Severe Surgical Operation. It la En- And dream we ne'er shall see them more: HENRIETTA. E. ELIOT. words, ;he stands in constant; peril of be­ average man Is revealed by his inability even years by doleful Jeremiahs of our merchant * ' ' ? f- • m . i i dared Without takingEitbo. Sub- 'R. ' AND T78K THEM. *'• Ject, OTra. Edward jnyera of Ron- But /or a thousand years coming a bore. But no such calamity can to comprehend the notion of another man's marine that an impression, has gone abroad ; • • -f Successors to EDWARD P."WEED, When Grief Bhall come to thee, dout, N. I, Their fruit appears, ' possibly overhaiig the man who discourses sticking to solitude as a matter of preference that the race of American seaman was fast [From Oar Continent.] Tlie Second Oldest Paper in the State* Think not to flee, (From the Correspondent of the Kingston,N.T,. concerning his hobby to a self-summoned when on pleasure^bent. The loneliness of dwindling away, and would soon be as ex­ Vegetables are each year becoming a more No. ^8 Wall Street, Norwalk, Ct., In weeds that mar the land For Grief, with steady pace; Freeman.) Or healthful store. audicnce of strangers, nor, as they are not the alleged sport is the laSt Straw which fixes tinct as the ichthyosaurus or the dodo. and more important part of the bill of fare, invite the attention of the pnblic to their complete The case of Mrs. ward Myers of Kondont Will win the race; . and even at remote distances from great OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. stock of Nor crowd, her forth with Mirth der the slightest conventional obligation his belief that something elso besides Sport Every now and their some bold mariner, as New York, furnishes an apt illustration of The deeds we do, the words we say, listen to him or to encourage him in talk­ must be "behind" bicycling. "Admitting markets canning has made it possible for woman's power of endnrance. This lady had For at thylhearth, « if to disprove this prevalent idea avails him­ Into still air they seem to fleet; every housekeeper to supply her table with Puffe Medicines and Drugs, ing, such partiality as thej^may Exhibit in everything you claim about the ease and self of one of those Occasions of which the A. H. BYINGTON & COi been treated forjnonths in the ujual way for We count them ever past; When Mirth is tired and gone, * a variety. Where vegetables must be bought, those directions must kbe in the highest de­ exhilaration of the pastime, what conceiva­ ocean is fruitful, to perform some notable and a foil line of * Erysipelas of the hand, without benefit. Not But they shall last- Will Grief sit on; whether in large towns or cities, the winter A. H. BXINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N.'ELLS But make of her thy friend, ;;T " gree genuine. Thus thei£ is firmly establish­ ble pleasure can be found in taking long exploit worthy of the brightest.days and mos until her hand had become a mass of putrifled In th% dread judgment they ed at the outset one of the surest safeguards supply should, if possible, be laid in early in TOILET & FANCY ARTICLE. flesh did she turn to Dr. Kennedy, proprietor Arid in the end tours through the country all alonef" Such famous names recorded in the annals of • And we shall meet. for free conversation that shall be mutually the season. Unless, however, the cellar is of the "Favorite Remedy" for help. Her counsels will grow sweet; f r is the "clincher" into which his scepticism American seamanship. The latest feat of Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. Also dealers In entertaining to those who participate. cool and dry there will be no-saving in this, . ^ ; , , Single Copies o Cents. ! ; He at once informed her that it was impos­ I charge thee by the years gone by, And, with swift feet, is ultimately condensed. My customary this character must .be set down to credit It must by no means be inferred, however reply to it is in this oracular form: "The as in a damp or warm one all will either Pure yrineis& Liquors for sible to save the hand—it must be amputated. For the love of brethren dear, Three lovelier than she of Captain Albert C. Burrows, commander thot the tourist who prizes his wheel as a pleasure of 'riding alone'depends very much sprout or quickly bestin to decay, and thus She received this terrible intelligence quietly, Keep, then, the one true way Will come to thee— ' ^ of the Mailory line steamship Rio Grande, Medicinal Purposes. convenient devioe for demonstrating that the render it better economy to buy in Bmall Entered at the Post Office at Norwalk, Conn., declined to take ether, stipulating merely to In work and play, Calm Patience, Courage strong, on whether or not a man takes good com­ which reached her birth, pier 20, East river, as Second-Class Matter. noblest study of mankind is man confines pany with him.'l It is often funny to watch last Friday afternoon, after a series of ad­ quantities as needed. Carrots, turnips, pars­ Careful attention paid to the dispensing of phy. held her husband's hand during the operation Lest in the world their cr^ And Hope—erelong. sicians' prescriptions. 2 the examination of his fellow-mortals to the facial expression ef the people to whom ventures without counterpart in history. nips, beets and cabbages keep better if cov­ g and nnderwent tlie painful process without Of woo thoa hear. ered with sand. Potatoes should be in as moving a muscle or uttering a groan. Dr. From. Lippincott's Magaaine. conversations of this single cast wherein he this explanation is offered. Some smile Briefly, told, this is the story: The Rio Advertising Rates : ENTISTRY.—Dr.C.H. Kendall can and himself is always sure of speaking as an ex­ dubiously, some are perplexed, some think Grande was on her way from Galveston to dark a place as possible, as light makes them will Extract Teeth bettor and Make Teeth Kennedy then gave Favorite Remedy freely What Time is It ? ON THE WHEEL. ; Four lines or less, 1 time 50c., 3 times $100 cheaperD than any Dentist in Norwalk. lyl •" y v>: pert to an interested interlocutor. The talk the speaker Is "a little off;" even the bar­ New York with a cargo of cotton in her not onlj^liable to sprout unseasonably, but to cleanse the blood and prevent the return of One Bquare, one insertion....' . 100 , What time is it? * * * Undemonstrative as that citizen about bicycling is often a mere introduction keeper has been observed to relai his heavy hold and ninety-seven passengers in her also gives a bitter taste. 'Onions and squashes the disease, and Mrs. - Myers now livos and Per week for continuance 50 FRANK T. HYATT, Time to do well, is apt to be toward the ordinary stranger, an exchange *of credentials, a bridge across brows,as if trying to grapple with a thought. cabins. The voyage bad beep si pleasant should be kept in a very dry room. One Square, .three months , 400 rejoices in her great deliverance. Time to live better, " the spectacle presented by a smoothly-glid­ the chasm which separates men of different one, and last Tuesday tbe passengers were Very early vegetables from the South are " " gix months . 700 "Favdtito Remedy" is fast becoming a regarded as great luxuries, arid the price cer­ " . •' one year, with paper..... 15 00 trusted household friend in all cases of female Give up that grudge, ing wheel-man somehow warms the fcockles pursuits, a pleasant prelude productive of The Peruvian Safe in Port. hopefully expecting to reach New York the Two " " " " .... tainly places them under that head. But 25 00 LL branches of Dentistry performed at rea­ weakness and disease of the blood. One dol­ - Answer that letter. of his heart, and likewise loosens his tongue. confidence wherefrom follows more exten­ QUBBEC, May 23.—The steamer Peruvian, next day, when suddenly it was discovered Three " " •• " .... 30 00 sonable prices, and the best of materials lar a bottle. Your druggists has it. 4tl9. while Bermud^otatoes are good, our own A Speak that kind ^yord to. sweeten a sorrow, He usually manifests his good will by sive talks on a great variety of topics. It is which has'.been twenty-six days out, arrived that the steamer was on fire, the ship being Quarter of a column, one time 500 used. All work warranted, old ones are more mealy, and with care last " " one year , 50 00 Office and Besidence, West Avenue, adjoining Do that kind Seed you would leave till to- "passing the time o' day/' in one form or hard to imagine a man so ignorant or inex­ at this1 port at 5 p. m. to-day in tow of the then ninety miles north of the Delaware Methodist Parsonage, Koriralk.
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