Annual Property Returns of Non Gazetted Employees of Revenue

Annual Property Returns of Non Gazetted Employees of Revenue

• <*1*4 'll>l SI AT EMeNT SHf -WING THe DETA|. S OP PROPEBTY BOTH IMMOVABLE AND MOVABLE^W US^^BY A PUBLIC SERVANT Of< ANY MEMBER OF HIS/HER FAMILY OB THE PROPERTY IN w hich HE SHQ OP ANV MEMBER OF MIS HER FAMILY HAS INTFREST (AS IT STOOD O ^ N J ^ j^ T OAY OF THE YEAR ___________ WZ. 3t' DECEMBER, _______) - *r .»«u h I*'*' v*f> » r|.^ » iMirm'. ... ___________________ — f . • M • |>HM. f, vi* M . Nj*il .iild^es^, i: < u>'HvfNKin#*firh \o h - <:i>ori / o ,r f $c. pdf cut . '. 't j 'r *»;•>* bC Qw^lcdi . L f f M J • . .•.!•: .'uiii (!•* Um :a:l Oh . ii r*' fy»'*»0*oy 5 ^ * v _ j ^ _ ^ ‘V ' ^ o o ____ 4 •> f rn’ M tr .iv ^ jb k s !*• *4!»ii^fh*»?nr¥»lS on c* in« penurt UrCl?f'LV 1^,. ’jcT'ip.Micn ol the c"fcc» Ja<hc* And f n case a*'^ c^Of^jrry ^ O »h 'Jo • UiS^n fCC*’^«>^rt ’JOiU Md»CT>' 01 N. M’l iUhr* p»‘ rt* vt *.|:«tofTienf Of | shIj** i1 0* < '*• D"''* I D jk t Mcdr^S by Mode ni Hrnj»srtio^ PHcf<?nce fc •f'o ^ Valuo of Annual U'C^^k if In vnose ridme Rem aili* wr'pllw'' l>y f»H«rhaS^ lofi rumbe* arrt :!• !•* d rti«« ac£u«0iq '«<VM fiie pvopeity sianc» m ofiq^qe OfdC» ur^J^r <^ich Property p^opefty dependam or any ortc^itancc gi«t o» s<J’»C(iOr) waft obtdjn xj ' l/' oi^wr persori H o e tfhc^w'^r. wfl>’ iafe o* t^o ^Cqu»HJtUri r^t 1^ H givA nnme nnd icqnvi»or ,io<j naine property if roqu'cd • dt< relauorts^ep «*fh *he Mih trails of oefsons GovO^Mmofil SO’c^nrj Govorrsincnl I »f<vn GooduCt P-Je^* k-------- _____ b _________________9^ *0 f lirmovjNv Properly V a ' * ^ * I ’ 'Ultf g M<l* '* ir ( n of j i ,J * - v t v'*.hi^ ' i^'d D^nfncl < ( S u j ^ r * ^ ^ U'uiH J N*i* rj 'lof-^'fpl^cwi of 4 lonC 'imO 8i**H * HrMO Of 5 c \ 4f^d I Vn,ig»- f t *t;«,i| If 0 Ui^ffld V 44,r»>tmn \f| - V '*T II,A5 O** l*Trf», W *' (ttr^cirptn r ;i;« m 1 and 2 Property olh^ Immovably 9ii^«ed(r>g Rft. 20.000 ('rnji^* each one of r^e lutlgwifiQ Head) ’V I'-s * iitt% ^ired n*oh>‘jS net>en1 r«4s ArrtJ biJitfHYs ?. Jwmflw / .4* I. noysp ^o^d <cms lEiedK A«fl , ^ t)er^><*riir floms) t. V«hi* f«m ± i i J *1 ' ' 'ii> fj#*' IrV • '*• i* t t f ^ Ma(9Ti« t T-,;.i fi t*.* I .j^ '"ly Koriwinoyt’ II • : \ * /»•?•»» tMiiam mat I » , -f»y ofW*« *n<*irH»uf »f, S»r . in >1 tn« J^K l'iii>l<. 9^U*t ,i» * f>4ifc« SHfVcinifc . «^io oih'• !*• . .»“•••. fi • ' ‘ H j •*i?'-c* ’N*^’ o*x tiavc •*'» *' ttaf» meriiK)‘'CJ i*> .*• N^i* Tr* V«.*iWCt ^.-TKi.'lleC * rn J l I g arry re*«'C*<' j. v oi «iny of ^ ii**'^ j S rjjO** i* rCC *•''y> nny oubbCservwi’ > v a S r^ l** ^ •t «>\ni»l-'Ml\( I FORM A ■ fl«i SR O 'VS oi >9' June I‘J9K. STATEMENT SHC)WING THE OETAkS OF PROPERTY,BOTH IMMOVABLE ANO MOVABLE OVt/NED BY A PUHLIC SERVANT OF- ANY MEMBER O f HIS HER FAMILY OR THE PROPERTY >N VtfHICH HE SHE OR ANY MEMBER OF HIS'HER FAMILY HAS INTFREST (AS IT STOOD ON THE LAST PAY OF THE YEAR VIZ. 31^^ DECEMBER. r>« Uil u^me sumar^t tr, iJ4m> iH llm si ?. Dtfci^oaiio* M{h \,M u^foal it r:jr»HH|N)Ode^c«* lo bf* r.nn(9.;^»*fi (Stating 311 I $o. parcni cet)d'tfnci»: ihook) be qu^ed i 0^€5T<> 3. Sc«kl9 0^ pay ^nC ^A iy on Iha tasi d«l* <>t n«« mu\m» (fi ’h«* pr»*:p<Jir>g yn;if 4. Oflte 0^ Appcwitf' Public 1^1-11- ) . N f : 5. Bvoia%|<j »>t tMp w n d y mA'T)i>efs on during) \r>Q penoQ o^t.ui iop« C"C 6 . Th^ Na*^c A<jrtfrsf Oo:iipalion ot Iho c't*ccf $ And (alhcf M a * («n case ai ^ p'op^^rty $ s>>ow^ in the state nen* as having been received '«Ofr> the parent parennn-iaw NMfTio Ilf lhf» v^motrnfTi ^tatofv^onl & iwnjw’ ^f siil>^ino<l \^s\ CdlOQO^i^i 0^01 Oc’^'.^pUor’ Oafc •stiiU Moims by which Mode oJ •irqji5i1inr Pf'trfrf^CC *hr io*^'*»t, VjIgC Ol Ar*<r' U *' *'•* *1 iV'f In A unc )jinc 4C0 bv .irt^ nu^ihci ir(* 1 ?•* ]| rlio Acc»u«ruj *'{*•• Mi<^ ♦fose fnc Iqaqv !ifdc* u^d?f ». prOp«fty P'OfHrOy dcpcn04*‘’ «i»'V 1 ohotilancc 01 >jnc(iO'> gbld^n 0 Olhc^ 1 H.jfC ifhnrw\(‘ datrj <'* IfiO U<.QUiSlMj* r>t !* (T QlVC r»,*iflH' , tCQti>$l«OM iin c nam e P»OpCMy if 'COu’V'J > Jcr he* I •v»iii doiails of &ei$o*<< G ovo^nitictii S»?** M*is GovCm ii'C*k ^v*^».<»•! t - 1. '^ iL ^ ncqin>to _ Conducl n il<»s !• p L ImmovjiUt ^operty SW<^v\ u-luA3t/r ircW L(a(^<^ r ■I’ -—I\ * - S I H wf}t M fiHfTie of ■ V lt;i^ Tc«vr> T «li^i| d'^d Ot9lHd ^le'cttn tilu^toU r y. c^O - ‘r ' : ^ ^ N ot 0^ iloiir»iplion of t lane and witt) ai*?A *>omo of r v d L V H a g o ?n<vTi l -ii^ arui l^ntnct 0 3 > ic . 3 Morfqngns o^* propoHy full dtfsotprii o a& tn f and 2 U Ptopeny other it^an Immovable 9 ic ^ d tn g 2X 000 under each one of ’N ' 4 rhc foifgwing Heads t balarii e nj iiar^ D'liwanc, ^r«iroi. Cnh I PIrod n«posiia Hebenr res and SecuHiy Ixjunda. J«wsllefy/Omyti«Ms i. House hold iterns lEleonc and tkfdronK: Ttemsi I V^hK-Jffs ■7 lo i/d^iM. utSifCJLu^ I ih» • *h.|t thn 0aftfTi«' 1 u f my «*'< I I * . *« *' *•’ *ni*«n(MK n* * i , f.^ r .......... ?neJAK»*.ul. Vi»*. .r • aAo o'Mr« fvo«^spon» Ac' m*Hj ownnof have d' y pfOc***(v than iha( men(K>’ «J .ire vr No* Triv 'Him ih«:old o< compli^tein ;JI 'ctpects ' ’ maWii g any > «>cv* :rv ot o' •*. iler** o* *f‘ cxr iM r 'ifaiOTtV'l'. •*.< •* * m \\ iH ib lic .’■•■• * i** • f n\m»>A'Tl\l ' FORM A' •Hel SflO-ii'9ui 19' Ji-ne. i9y«. STATEMENT SHOWING THE OETAItS OF PROPERTY BOTH IMMOVABLE AND MOVABLE OWNED BY A PUBLIC SERVAMl 0F< ANY MEMBER OF HJS HER FAMILY OR THE PROPER! Y tN i WHICH HE SHE OR ANY MEMBER OF HIS/HER FAMILY HAS INTEREST <AS IT STOOD ON THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR _______________________ VIZ. DECEMBER. ) I r>t«dHMfiiJi> ti:j<i#« hv *1110 iidme with surnjm** ?. D«f;r^ndi'o* «vilh (ufi o(f<Cial add^€AS w tu i/i rAtttd (stdhog c* y- jreputauon. tf so. parofit cepj'truen? ihoolO be Qut^ied • 3. Scal9 0 ^ pay in c rjW *jl :»aUfV on lha iasl 0 ^« of Om nrntjHr of eypomi^og yftur M o o 4 f)Af9 fits^ AppuiMr Public 5. The JNir;(|Ti 111 the >vnfl^ fn«moets on ontcef durmq iho penod u^'Coi rop« <1 b. The Na'T'c A<j(jfC5n Occupufion ot the c‘ficcf’5 lathc* And (aihcr n-law i n cAve y ptop-.rty & showr in (h^ slo'e^neiT! as having been rective<3 uotn the parent ct oareoM'^^lovi^ Nftmn erf th«T •4ttr^ ytflrnfmm sttfo fnon i nf iHOffoTv MitKrrVTarl Iasi ynst C^toyoir^ 0' Of 'p c'ly Oc$cripUon Oj(g un whicti Means by which r^ode o* «c<7.MVilior' flclOrencc *h^ 1 *'0< {y Value ol A'^r'iijl IrcuJV: il in A i<4ino rtcin.iiV> «rcV/ffrHl S¥^elh<»r t>v rir*cf>flSO find niinbci and t. •.> ol the »CC* tflic) lr,y|i t!i4^ p»oj>»Hr^ ^,mn^ is*^^ l^ase »>irvigaQO Ofdcr vh«ch prOpeMy P'Olie'W dCDCrvjiin- 0* .v.y •ihcrHancc QiM 0» sanction w j^ vbldir^ d lor oihe' p*.*»voi» H.^te Mihofw:;^ wit» rtate ot iho a c q u v tij I |i^e giVrt iCOutS'lior' DO<S name piOperty if '0<ton>’j 1 dOr let^hon!i^l■f w \h I wiiit details o' oefsoM$ GovernrMCDt . inls G ov^jr h C*i. H»CrvaH| I yqmjji^crn ncquJi^c ConduO ft ;f?t 4- ___X _ ‘ 0 7 ■/ ' “ 1 1 4mmovabl9 Property I ' \t r>4H4 naiTie of ViMngo. Toatvi t H.iii and Disind l \.. i ^ i . wliortftn ?. Kharsa Not o» o'^ot dfiscrfpiion of J tanc and <>eme of V‘Hag4t Totfvri ' ?hwl and Distrtcl ( T ^ o wherein J. Mnrtgng^s <k f'* »»mw ible property vvtih fitO dfr>cr)piif * A& m 1 and 2 d6uvt« Properly ofhe« It 4n Immovable <9«ceedlr>g R*. 30.000 ui^et «ach one of r^e folfowlng Haad» r«ath baUfH t* s ^ \ *tj la rm UopoiitK. l^harnB *^tf rtred Depoftilt r>cbent.

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