
Commentary From the AG Be Prepared For This Winter Winter is about to come again. Hope­ arises. Know your sheriff, mayor, police fully it will not be as severe as past win­ chief and local disaster services person­ ters, but if we prepare for the worst situ­ nel. W hen you can belong to a group like ation, we should be able to cope. Another item I believe we all need to this, the membe rs of which give up their This year when weather advisories in­ think about-In the winter, training is time, part o f their family life and areal­ dicate, key personnel will b e authorized usually restricted to the armory and 16 ways ready to answer the call of both state active duty to remain in the ar­ hours training indoors with limite d state and nation, you have to be proud. mories or authorized to take four-wheel space can be pretty dull. Now is the time There are some things wrong with the drive vehicles home in order to insure · to try out some new and innovative train­ National Guard w hich we must try to their return to the armory if needed. ing procedures to make your unit's correct, but where would the state and These actions will be authorized on an winter training productive and interest­ nation be without those 11,000 dedi­ individual basis by the AGOH-OT Sec­ ing. Use all the talent available. Dele­ cated Ohio National Guardsmen and tion in order to control state costs. gate, supervise, check and correct. Find women. Part of any good emergency plan is the the members with civilian talent availa­ Look sharp, be sharp and be proud. continuing relationship each unit main­ ble and use those NCO's and privates as Let your community know you are part tains with local authorities. If you are a instructors once i n awhile. You will of a select group-THE OHIO NA­ commander o r liai son officer, make sure probably uncover your replacement. TIONAL GUARD. You'll be surprised you are personally acquainted with the Finally o ne little fact to ponder. Almost how many people in your community people you will support in the event of 11 ,000 officers, men and women (60%) of will want to join o nce they get ac­ an emergency. It will make the job easier the Ohio National Guard, Army and Air, quainted with you and your unit. when and if the need for such liaison have no remaining military obligation. From Buekeye Guard CSM CARL ARN State Sergeant Major THE NATION'S TOP NATIONAL GUARD MAGAZINE WINNER Of FOUR NATIONAL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM INCLUDING THE It was most gratifying to see t he large 1977 NGAUS NEWSPAPER CONTEST- FIRST PLACE IN DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY'S KEITH l. number of noncommissioned officers WARE COMPETITION - FIRST PLACE IN DEPARTMENT Of DEFENSE THOMAS JEFFERSON conducting and supervising training dur­ AWARDS- AND PART Of THE 1978 WINNING SILVER ANVIL ENTRY JUDGED BEST IN THE ing annual training this year. However, PUBLIC AFFAIRS CATEGORY BY THE PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY OF AMERICA. there are still many who are content to let the other guy do it; who lack confi­ BUCKEYE GUARD MAGAZINE is an unofficial publication of the Ohio National dence; and who are not taking advan­ Guard Association and is published in coordination with the Adjutant General's tage of the opportunity to lead. Department for the State of Ohio and the Ohio National Guard's 196th Public For those of you in this category - Affairs Detachment. It is a bi-monthly offset publication with a printing run of 23,000 copies. beware- there are many young soldiers looking for the opportunity to become ONGA OFFICERS leaders. President...................................................... CPT Stephen Koper RETENTION BOARD -For those of 1st Vice-Pres................................................. LTC Robert Zimmerman you who have twenty or more years serv­ 2nd Vice-Pres... ................. ............................ l TC Philip Williams ice the twenty year retention board is Secretary.............................. ........................ COL Leslie Pl etcher Treasurer .................... .................................. MAJ john Mutchler just around the corner. Since the deter­ mining factor for retention is based on a STATE OF OHIO - AG DEPT. review of individual records, it is your Governor ..................................................... James A. Rhodes responsibility to insure your records are Adjutant General .......................................... MG james C. Clem in order. Asst. AG, Air ................................................ BG Paul E. Hoover Asst. AG, Army ............................................ .. BG james M. Abraham Public Affairs Officer .................................... .. CPT Dennis Jankowski Our Cover . .. Public Information Officer ............................ .. CPT Don Vaquera This issue's cover photo was shot by 196t h P.A. Detachment Commander ................ CPT Steven C. Stone SP5 SCOTT BRUCE, a super photog­ Editor .......................................................... SFC Bob DeVoe rapher with the O hio Army National Assistant Editor ............................................ .. SSG Nancy Clevenger Guard's 37t h Signal Co mp a n y, Staff Photographer ........................................ SP4 Rick l ewis Lakewood. Staff Illustrators ........................................... .. PVT. Kevin Mclinn The photo was taken in Ravenna dur­ PVT. julie Hughes ing a joint training exercise between M Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Department of De­ Company, 107th Armored Cavalry Reg­ fense and its agencies; the Adjutant General's Department of the State of Ohio; iment and Canada's 48th Highlander or the Ohio National Guard Association. The magazine is published under the Primary Rese rve Unit. provisions of AR 360-81. An article and additional photos on the joint exercise appear in this issue. Pg. 2 The Buckeye Guard Commentary From the Asst. AG-Army We're All Part of A Better Guard As we reach the end of 1978, I want to arship just by being a member of the years, we are now placing great em­ review briefly some of the important O hio National Guard. I want to recog­ phasis on enlisted service schools. These programs that have developed over the nize also the Ohio National Guard En­ schools are available at no cost to you past four years that affect every member listed and Office r Associations who and you are paid your regular active duty of the Ohio National Guard. made such a tremendous effort with pay. Information on these schools is a­ STATEWIDE PUBliC AFFAIRS PRO­ members of the legislature to get the bill vailable in .You r units along with proper GRAM-From a seedling, this effort passed . application forms. Take a few moments has grown into the finest public affairs OFFICER CANDIDATE PROGRAMS­ and look at what is avai lable and avail program in the entire National Guard, if There are three methods by which a yourself of the opportunity for not only not the entire defense family. The suc­ member of the Ohio National Guard can self improvement but providing yourself cess program is mostly due to those of obtain a commission. Our State OCS is with the education and training that will you in the field who have shown such an excellent way this can be done. If you make you a much better product for enthusiastic support for the concept and want to do it on a full-time basis, The both the Ohio Army National Guard and have contributed in a highly professional Active Army OCS at Fort Benning will do society. manner. With the expert guidance of our it. Finally, for those enrolled in colleges CURRENT STUDIES-For a number of State Public Affairs staff, progress has where ROTC if offered, this approach is months now, we have been conducting been tremendous; but we have just an excellent way to learn how to be a studies in order to determine the school­ scratched the surface. Our ultimaate soldier as a member of the Ohio Na­ ing and best methods to improve our goal is a highly aware public and a well­ tional Guard, get a college education, leadership training. Along with teaching informed Ohio National Guard. and qualify for a commission by taking methods, we are also looking at the RECRUITING AND RETENTION-The ROTC. Think seriously about these op­ makeup of our troop strength and what most significant accomplishment has portunities that are available to you. You is needed for good leadership. These been an apparent stabilization of our represent tomorrow's leadership and st udies are being conducted with the strength. If you like the Guard, tell your the future of the Ohio National Guard. cooperation of the Mershon Center at friends why you like it and w hy they Sure, it takes some effort, but believe Ohio State University. We are anticipat­ should consider joining. At the same me , the rewards are well worth the sac­ ing that results and conclusions will be time, and as your retention percentage rifices. It enhances your ability to con­ available in the near future so that we becomes higher, it' s an indication that tribute to the defense of your country can determine what we should do. we' re doing things better. If there are and also provides excellent training for While I mentioned a number of areas things you don't like, let us know. Such leadership in civilian life. in which we have made significant prog­ information is of great help in correcting NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER ress over the past few years, there are problems. TRAINING-Their schools have been many others too numerous to mention OHIO NATIONAL GUARD SCHOLAR­ improved tremendously in recent at this time. However, as we finalize our SHIP PROGRAM-Our most significant months. Attendance at one of these investigations and look at the res ults, it gain and incentive was the passage of academies is well worth everyone' s time. all comes down to one thing-that is a House Bill 228 providing scholarships for This too produces better non­ better Ohio National Guard contributing members of the Ohio National Guard.
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