44_292907-bindex.qxp 6/9/08 2:27 PM Page 411 Index AC (Armor Class) • A • alternatives to, 79 damage reduction, 216 aberrant, defined, 397 defined, 398 abilities overview, 120 of clerics, 140 powers against, 81 defined, 397 superior, 248–249 of fighters, 131 target numbers, setting, 73 of rogues, 135 accuracy, 122, 192 of wizards, 137 acid arrow, 175 ability adjustments Acrobatics, 201, 203–207 of dwarves, 146 action-denial powers, 232–233 of elves, 147 action points, 86–87, 121, 397 of halflings, 148 Action Surge, 189, 195 of humans, 144 actions ability checks, 19, 72–73, 397 defined, 397 ability modifier, 397 minor, 77–78, 94, 397 ability scores move, 77–78, 94, 397 adjustments, 227–228 standard, 77–78, 81, 94, 397 armor choices, 216–217 actors, 345–347 by class, 127, 157–158 ad (astral diamond), 210, 398 customization, 156 AD&D (Advanced DUNGEONS & generating, 155–157 DRAGONS), 10 how they work, 151–155 adjudicating results, 307–308 increasing, 226 adjustments for race, 23 min-maxing, 294 adult red dragon (level 15 solo soldier), 387 modifiers, 153 Advanced DUNGEONS & DRAGONS of monsters, 320 (AD&D), 10 overview, 24–25, 117 adventure skill base, 123 character roles in, 29, 280–281 training compared to, 201 characteristics of, 346–347 ability scores of characters choices, 308–309 Beryn, 54 components, 13–17 Calia, 38 creating, 323–328 Chenna, 66 COPYRIGHTEDdefined, MATERIAL 13, 14 Dreggu, 56 encounter types, 71–72 Eberk, 68 enjoyment of, 351–354 Jax, 44 game rules, 17–19 Lidda, 48 joining in, 19–20 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 narration, 348–351 Shadow, 46 objectives, 12 Telsa, 58 overview, 9–11 Thomm, 64 preparing, 304 Tordek, 36 sample scenario, 330–342 44_292907-bindex.qxp 6/9/08 2:27 PM Page 412 412 Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition For Dummies adventurer’s kit, 219 Arneson, Dave (game developer), 10 Adventurer’s Vault, 292 artillery, 239, 240 aid another, 245, 249, 282, 397 assets of D&D, 11 Alertness, 197 assumptions, reassessing, 241 alignment of characters astral diamond (ad), 210, 398 chaotic evil alignment, 116, 276–277, 399 Astral Fire, 194, 196, 197 choices of, 116 at-will powers, 27, 81, 124, 162, 398 defined, 398 Atari game publication, 18 evil character alignment, 116, 276–277, 402 Athletics, 204, 205, 207 good character alignment, 115, 276, 403 attack rolls, 19, 72–73, 81, 119, 194, 398 lawful good character alignment, attacks 115, 276, 404 bonus, 121–122 ally movement options, 86 close, 83–84, 163, 170, 176–177, 181, 399 ancient blue dragon (level 28 solo covering, 167 artillery), 391 daily, 296 anvil of doom, 167, 357–358 damage, 25, 80, 87–88 Arcana (training), 206, 207 direct, 252 arcane, 398 melee, 133, 163 arcane characters, 27 of monsters, 319–320 arcane gate, 177, 233 opportunity attacks, 85, 133, 134, arcane implement, 137, 218, 273 243–246, 406 Arcane Reach, 194, 195 passing, 165 arcane spells, 83 powers, 27, 160, 186, 235, 255 area attack, 84, 398 ranged, 163 arm slot items, 259 as standard action, 94 armor. See also magic types of, 83–84 Beryn, 55 with weapons, 79 Calia, 39 attacks, basic Chenna, 67 Beryn, 54 choices, 217 Calia, 38 Dreggu, 57 Chenna, 66 Eberk, 69 defined, 398 fighter, 266 Dreggu, 56 Jax, 45 Eberk, 68 Lidda, 49 Jax, 44 magic, 259 Lidda, 48 overview, 215–217 magic missile, 138–139 Regdar, 35, 105, 109 options, 121–122 Shadow, 47 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 Telsa, 59 Shadow, 46 Thomm, 65 Telsa, 58 Tordek, 37 Thomm, 64 armor check penalty, 123, 201, 204 Tordek, 36 Armor Class (AC) using, 122 alternatives to, 79 avenging flame, 179 damage reduction, 216 awe strike, 374 defined, 398 overview, 120 powers against, 81 • B • superior, 248–249 backdrop for D&D, 9 target numbers, setting, 73 Backstabber, 192 Armor Proficiency, 191, 194, 196, 197 44_292907-bindex.qxp 6/9/08 2:27 PM Page 413 Index 413 bag of holding, 219 bless, 249 bait and switch, 172, 366 blinded characters, 89 Baker, Richard (author) blinding barrage, 365–366 Swordmage, 395 bloodied characters/creatures, 87, 318, 398 base damage, 122 bloodied number, 118 basic attacks. See also attacks bloodied value, 26 Beryn, 54 bloodthread armor, 273 Calia, 38 bloody path, 172 Chenna, 66 bluff defined, 398 checks, 118–119, 172, 233 Dreggu, 56 of rogues, 171, 203, 205 Eberk, 68 blur, 175 Jax, 44 bonus Lidda, 48 for ability scores, 153 magic missile, 138–139 armor, 221 options, 121–122 attack, 120–121, 249 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 charging, 242 Shadow, 46 defenses, 81 Telsa, 58 enhancement, 264, 269, 273 Thomm, 64 feats, 123, 138, 141, 187 Tordek, 36 flanking, 241 using, 122 by race, 156 bastard sword, 196, 213, 215 skill, 201 bastion of health, 181 weapons/weapon proficiency, 212, 221 Battle Cleric bookstores, 20 ability scores, 158 Booster Packs, 18 as caster/noncaster, 253 boundless endurance, 166 as character choice, 139–140 bow, 214 feats of, 195, 196 boxing, 247 overview, 62 Brawny Rogue powers, 177–179 ability scores, 158 skill package, 207 build, 168 battle grid, 91–94, 329 as character choice, 134 battle order, 78 feats of, 191 battle strategy, 237–241 powers, 169–170 Battle Wizard, 158 Shadow as, 43 battleaxe, 213 skills for, 205 battlefield control, 248 Broot (bugbear), 332, 333 beacon of hope, 181 Brutal Scoundrel, 169 beast, 398 brute strike, 165 beginning players, 3 brutes, 239 beholder eye of flame (level 13 elite buffing powers, 282–283, 398 artillery), 384 bugbears, 332, 333 believability, 307 builds benign transposition, 182 character, 131 Beryn (wizard), 43, 54–55 cleric, 62, 139–140 Bigby’s grasping hands, 177 fighter, 32, 131, 163–164 Bigby’s icy grasp, 253 number of, 159 Blackiron armor, 266 rogue, 42, 134, 168 Blade Opportunist, 190, 246 wizard, 52–53, 137 blazing skeleton (level 5 artillery), 380 bull rush, 398 44_292907-bindex.qxp 6/9/08 2:27 PM Page 414 414 Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition For Dummies Burning Blizzard, 194, 195 multiclassing, 297–300 burning hands, 174 overview, 3–4 buying magic items, 261–262 paragon path choices, 294–296 character defenses Beryn, 54 • C • Calia, 38 Chenna, 66 Calia (fighter), 33, 38–39 Dreggu, 56 campaign settings, 10, 305 Eberk, 68 cantrips (wizards), 138 Jax, 44 carpet of flying, 262 Lidda, 48 cartoons, 10 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 cast a spell, 398 Shadow, 46 casters, 251, 253, 399 Telsa, 58 chainmail, 221 Thomm, 64 Chainmail miniatures rules, 10 Tordek, 36 challenge encounters, 72, 325 character equipment change history (1970s), 10 armor, 215–217 Channel Divinity, 140, 141, 196, 197 gear, 218–219 chaotic evil alignment, 116, 276–277, 399 overview, 209 character, PCs (player characters) shopping, 210–211 balancing class choices, 128 upgrading, 220–221 defining, 21–27 weapons, 212–215 monsters compared to, 95–97 character feats playing, 27–29 Beryn, 54 role of, 13, 14, 29, 99 Calia, 38 selecting, 30 Chenna, 67 character ability scores Dreggu, 56 Beryn, 54 Eberk, 69 Calia, 38 Jax, 44 Chenna, 66 Lidda, 48 Dreggu, 56 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 Eberk, 68 Shadow, 46 Jax, 44 Telsa, 58 Lidda, 48 Thomm, 64 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 Tordek, 36 Shadow, 46 wizards, 193 Telsa, 58 character powers Thomm, 64 Beryn, 54–55 Tordek, 36 Calia, 39 character alignment Chenna, 67 chaotic evil alignment, 116, 276–277, 399 clerics, 141, 177–182, 373–376 choices of, 116 Dreggu, 56–57 defined, 398 Eberk, 69 evil character alignment, 116, 276–277, 402 fighters, 133–134, 163–168, 357–362 good character alignment, 115, 276, 403 Jax, 45 lawful good character alignment, 115, 276, Lidda, 49 404 monsters, 319–320 character building Regdar, 35, 105, 107–108 creature reference source, 15 rogues, 136, 168–172, 363–367 epic destiny, 296–297 Shadow, 47 min-maxing, 291–294 44_292907-bindex.qxp 6/9/08 2:27 PM Page 415 Index 415 Telsa, 59 description, 117, 399 Thomm, 65 DM tasks, 308 Tordek, 37 downed, 284–285 wizards, 138–139, 172–177, 369–372 effects on, 77, 88 character sheets episodic, 11, 12 key statistics on, 25 equipment levels, 221 overview, 22–27, 111–112 experience points, 223–225 sample, 112 feats of, 186, 187, 188 sections of, 112–125 level of, 103–108, 225–228, 263 sources of, 16–17 markers, 329 supplies of, 15 maximizing, 249 character skills min-maxing, 294 Beryn, 54 players compared with, 28 Calia, 39 roles of, 128–142, 299 Chenna, 67 victories, 12 Dreggu, 56 charging, 242–243 Eberk, 69 Charisma (Cha) Jax, 44 ability scores, 152, 155 Lidda, 48–49 of clerics, 196, 197 Regdar, 34–35, 104–105, 107 of rogues, 192 Shadow, 46 of wizards, 194 Telsa, 58 cheating, 353 Thomm, 65 checklist, adventure-building, 327 Tordek, 36–37 Chenna (cleric), 63, 66–67 character types, race of City of Brass, 262 clerics, 140 class dwarves, 145–146 ability scores by, 157–158 elves, 147–148 armor choices, 217 fighters, 131 buffing powers, 283 halflings, 148–150 of characters, 113, 123, 128–130, 160, 399 humans, 143–145 cleric, 140–141 other types, 150 description, 130–142 rogues, 134–135 dwarf, 146 wizards, 137 elf, 148 character weapons feats, 187 Beryn, 55 fighter, 133 Calia, 39 halfling, 150 Chenna, 67 hit point determination, 117–118 Dreggu, 57 human, 145 Eberk, 69 overview, 23–24, 127–128 Jax, 45 powers, 161 Lidda, 49 weapons, 213 Regdar, 35, 105, 109 wizard, 137–138 Shadow, 47 class features Telsa, 59 Beryn, 54 Thomm, 65 Calia, 38 Tordek, 37 Chenna, 66 character(s). See also fighter Dreggu, 56 actions of, 19, 74–75, 77–78 Eberk, 68 battle grid placement, 93–94 Jax, 44 class of, 113, 123, 128–130, 160, 399 Lidda, 48 44_292907-bindex.qxp 6/9/08 2:27 PM Page 416 416 Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition For Dummies class features (continued) powers/resources, 81–84, 235–237 Regdar, 34, 104, 106 practice, 93–97 Shadow, 46 strategy, 237–241 Telsa, 58 tactics, 241–246,
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