5312 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 11, 2000 IME payments are extra payments made to In April 1775, the first Minute Men con- the U.S.S. George Washington (SSBN–598). teaching hospitals for the fact that they are fronted the British regulars to begin the Amer- Improving on that accomplishment it designed training the next generation of doctors, and ican Revolution. One hundred and 25 years and developed the mammoth 560-foot Ohio- that the cost of training a young doctor—like later, the early patriots—Washington, Adams, class ballistic-missile submarine capable of any apprenticeship or new person on the Hancock, Revere, and Hale—were joined by carrying a total of 24 Trident missiles. The job—is more expensive than just dealing with the likes of Nimitz, O’Kane, Dealey, Cromwell, company constructed the U.S.S. Seawolf experienced, older workers. The young person Fluckey, and Gilmore. While Nathan Hale’s (SSN–21) and the U.S.S. Connecticut (SSN– requires mentoring, orders more tests, and defiant proclamation ‘‘I only regret that I have 22)—the two fastest, quietest, most heavily makes mistakes unless closely supervised. It but one life to lose for my country!’’ was im- armed submarines in the world. Today, Elec- is natural that a group of young residents in a mortalized as unselfish patriotism, so was that tric Boat is designing and building the first of hospital will reduce a hospital’s efficiency and of Commander Howard Gilmore, who com- the New Attack Submarines, now known as increase its costs. Medicare should help pay manded, ‘‘Take her down!’’ Helping to turn the the Virginia-class after the first ship in the line. for these extra ‘‘indirect’’ costs, if we want—as tide in the Pacific, United States submarines It will team with Newport News Shipbuilding to we surely do—future generations of com- sank 51⁄2 million tons of Japanese naval and produce the remainder. petent, highly skilled doctors. merchant shipping—55 percent of Japanese On behalf of the citizens of the Second The Balanced Budget Act took the position shipping destroyed—at a loss of 52 sub- Congressional District, our State of Con- that the extra adjustment we pay a hospital marines and more than 3,500 valiant men. necticut and the Nation, I congratulate the ex- per resident should be reduced from 7.7% in Adm. Chester A. Nimitz, commander of the ceptional performance of the Submarine Force FY 1997 to 5.5% in FY 2001. This provision United States Navy in the Pacific during the and extend our deepest appreciation to our was estimated to save about $6 billion over 5 Second World War, said: ‘‘It is to the ever- submariners and their families for a century of years and $16 billion over ten—in addition to lasting honor and glory of our submarine per- service to America. about another $50 billion in hospital cuts in sonnel that they never failed us in our days of f other portions of the BBA. In the Balanced great peril.’’ THE FEDERAL WORKFORCE Budget Refinement Act which was enacted During the cold war, the ‘‘Forty-One for DIGITAL ACCESS ACT last November, we recognized that these cuts Freedom’’ Polaris/Poseidon and succeeding were too much, and froze the fiscal year 2000 Trident submarines ensured that our nation rate at 6.5%, reduced it to 6.25% in 2001 and would never be the target of nuclear aggres- HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS then dropped it to 5.5% thereafter. sion. Daring intelligence missions provided a OF MARYLAND Mr. Speaker, last fall’s delay and spread out clear picture of the capabilities and the goals IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the cuts is helpful—but these cuts are still of the Soviets and other nations which threat- Tuesday, April 11, 2000 too much. The nation’s teaching hospitals, ened our national interests. As Secretary of Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, today I have which do so much to serve the uninsured and Defense William S. Cohen said, ‘‘the peaceful introduced the Federal Workforce Digital Ac- poor, and which are the cradle of new clinical end to 45 years of confrontation is the modern cess Act. A section-by-section analysis fol- research and technical innovation, are hem- legacy of the Submarine Force.’’ Following in lows: orrhaging red ink. the footsteps of the Minute Men, our modern Section 1 provides that the title of this leg- Our bill stops further scheduled cuts in the day submariners are ready at a moment’s call islation is the ‘‘Federal Workforce Digital IME, freezing the adjustment factor at 6.5% and spend every moment in constant vigi- Access Act.’’ rather than letting it fall to 5.5%, and saving lance. Section 2 amends title 5, United States teaching hospitals about billions of dollars that But even in peace time, our submariners Code, to include digital access, for the pur- would otherwise be taken from them. were not free from the dangers of the sea. pose of residential use, a computer and Inter- net service as a benefit option for employees I hope this legislation will receive consider- Along with the many sacrifices during wartime, in the executive, legislative, and judicial ation this year, before the cuts resume, and there were other tragic losses, such as the S– branches of Government. these premier medical institutions are faced 4, the Thresher and Scorpion. Provides that a permanent employee who with cuts, layoffs, and reduced service that will The insignia of the Submarine Force is a completes a probationary period, or who has literally cost us lives in the years to come. submarine flanked by two dolphins. Dolphins been employed not less than 1 year, will be eligible to receive a computer and Internet f or porpoises are the traditional attendants to Poseidon, Greek God of the Sea and patron service at home at no charge. The employee HONORING THE CENTENNIAL OF deity of sailors. They are symbolic of a calm has the option of declining the digital access THE U.S. SUBMARINE FORCE package or choosing Internet service only. sea and are called the ‘‘sailor’s friend.’’ Every In order to promote greater technological individual who sports this insignia may truly be proficiency within the Government’s work- HON. SAM GEJDENSON recognized for their significant contributions to force, the General Services Administration OF CONNECTICUT a tranquil sea of peace in which they valiantly (GSA) and the Office of Personnel Manage- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fought and sacrificed so much. ment (OPM) shall, in addition to duties and Supporting the greatness of their achieve- responsibilities assigned to each of them by Tuesday, April 11, 2000 ments are the ships in which they sail. John the President, establish and operate the dig- Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, it is with ital access benefit program. Holland, a schoolteacher born in Ireland, de- The digital access benefit must allow the tremendous pride that I rise today to congratu- signed the Navy’s first submarine. Isaac Rice employee to perform office automation and late the U.S. Navy Submarine Force on the merged the Electro-Dynamic Company with e-learning functions. Internet-based and on- occasion of its 100th anniversary of service to the Holland Torpedo Boat Company in 1899, site training in the use of the computers and America. to form the Electric Boat Company of Groton, software applications, shall be included in We have a rich maritime heritage in south- CT, Electric Boat has continued to be in the the package. Upgrades to the digital access eastern Connecticut and a long legacy of out- forefront of design and construction over the benefit will be made at the employee’s re- standing craftsmen as well as patriots. When past century. quest and expense. Section 2 also provides that residential the Navy purchased the Holland from a rel- During World War I and the years imme- Internet service must link the employee to atively unknown shipyard on April 11, 1900, it diately following, Electric Boat built 85 sub- Government sites and resources, and support set in motion a legacy unequaled in our na- marines for the U.S. Navy. It produced an- communication between Government agen- tion’s history. Commanded by Lt. Harry H. other 74 submarines during World War II. cies and the employee. Caldwell, the Holland traveled through yet un- Working under the watchful eye of Adm. GSA may contract with any qualified per- charted depths, setting the standard for all Hyman G. Rickover, who provided the major son to carry out this section. The contracts who followed. For shipbuilders and sailors, impetus behind the development of nuclear- shall include: the time and manner in which ownership of the digital access package shall having set the technological clock in motion, powered submarines and surface ships, EB be transferred to the employee; options for the Submarine Force has never looked back. built the world’s first nuclear-powered sub- the technological refreshment of the benefit The Submarine Force has met challenge after marine—the U.S.S. Nautilus (SSN–571). EB package; restrictions on commercial adver- challenge head on—first identifying them, then followed less than a decade later with the tising to subsidize benefits; measures to pre- dissecting them, and finally overcoming them. Navy’s first fleet ballistic-missile submarine— vent unauthorized tracking of computer use VerDate jul 14 2003 15:12 Aug 17, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\E11AP0.000 E11AP0.
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