July 9, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1341 merit, from John Jay College of Criminal Jus- Mr. Speaker, I join with the Elderly Housing Another fellow board member, Willie tice. Even as an undergraduate, she partici- Development & Operations Corporation and McKnight, called Thurston ‘‘a great educa- pated in community programs that helped oth- the seniors of North Park Village in honoring tor’’ and noted that they were fraternity brothers, having joined Alpha Phi Alpha in ers. These experiences helped her develop Jerry Prete. Today, numerous Chicagoans 1979. her interest and skills in community relations. have reaped the benefits of one man’s heroic McKnight said Thurston loved music, al- Prior to joining the Community Relations Bu- dream. May God bless the Prete family and though he didn’t play any instrument and, reau, she worked as a senior paralegal in var- the memory of a man who was truly loved by he often spoke at his church. ‘‘He always was ious bureaus in the District Attorney’s office. his friends, his community and his family. willing to speak and was always trying to She worked as a legal secretary in the East- uplift our black boys and girls.’’ f Pelton Stewart, executive director of the ern District office of the United States Attorney Continentals of Omega Boys and Girls Club, General. A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF MR. BILL THURSTON OF VALLEJO, said when he first came to Vallejo Thurston Sharon’s biggest love is working with our took him under his wing and ‘‘told me some community’s young people as she is always CALIFORNIA pitfalls to avoid politically in our little willing to volunteer her knowledge and experi- city.’’ ence to help others. Remarkably, she plans to HON. GEORGE MILLER ‘‘He was a real long time dedicated sup- serve as an example to our students by con- OF CALIFORNIA porter of the Boys and Girls Club. He and his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wife were always at our banquets, always tinuing her education in law school. supporting. He was just a great man,’’ Stew- Mr. Speaker, Sharon Devonish-Leid has Friday, July 9, 2004 art said. been a shining star in the community by bring- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. ‘‘He gave a lot back to the Vallejo commu- ing residents and law enforcement together. nity. He was very proud of his African ances- Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity try and helped with the African American li- As such, she is more than worthy of receiving to call to my colleagues’ attention the recent our recognition today, and I urge my col- brary in Oakland and very proud of the edu- passing of a good friend, an outstanding edu- cation system here in Solano County.’’ leagues to join me in honoring this, truly re- cator and public servant, and a wonderful hus- Thurston was born Jan. 15, 1930 in markable person. band, Bill Thurston of Vallejo, California in my Logtown, Mississippi. As a young child, he f congressional district. once recalled watching police wake a sleep- ing African-American man at a train station. HONORING JERRY PRETE I urge my colleagues to read the article that follows below about Mr. Thurston’s life, his They kicked him, then shot him in cold blood, Thurston told an interviewer. passion, and his significant contributions to the Thurston’s family moved to California in HON. RAHM EMANUEL city of Vallejo and the greater Solano County 1944, and at age 17, he joined the military. He OF ILLINOIS community. Bill was a longtime history and po- served in Korea, Germany, the Philippines IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES litical science instructor at Solano Community and Okinawa before leaving the service in Friday, July 9, 2004 College and a member of its board of trustees. 1964. He served on the county and state Democratic Thurston earned an AA degree at Solano Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Community College and a BA at California join with the Elderly Housing Development & Central Committees for 22 years, and served State University at Hayward. In 1972, he Operations Corporation and the people of Chi- eight years on the Democratic National Com- began teaching at Solano Community Col- cago in honoring the late Jerry Prete with the mittee. lege. He was a friend and supporter to my father ‘‘I never taught a class without dealing dedication of the ‘‘Appreciation Garden’’ at for his work in the state legislature and he was with reality,’’ he once told a reporter. North Park Village in Illinois. A man who com- a mentor to me about the education of chil- ‘‘In all the U.S. history classes I taught, I mitted himself to helping his fellow citizens, always included segments on the failures of dren and the needs of our community. Jerry Prete lived life to its fullest. His family, Reconstruction after the Civil War and on To Bill’s wife of over 25 years, Rosemary friends and the seniors of the Chicago area the struggles of women. I taught the bad Thurston, and to all of Bill’s family I offer my are testament to the quality of his character, things and the good.’’ sincere condolences at this time. For the In January 1985, Thurston was elected vice- honor and integrity. many of us who were lucky enough to know chairman of the California Democratic Jerry Prete achieved his success through Bill and to call him our friend, our lives are Party. hard work and determination. He dedicated his He served on the county and state Demo- richer for it and we will always carry a place life to public service and the people of Chi- cratic Central committees for 22 years, retir- for him in our hearts. May he rest in peace. cago. An active member of the Christian Fam- ing in 1994. He also served eight years on the [From the Vallejo Times Herald, July 7, 2004] ily Movement since 1950, he assisted in de- Democratic National Committee. In May 1988, Thurston was a delegate for veloping leadership training and motivation for LONGTIME VALLEJO EDUCATOR AND ACTIVIST DIES AT 74 presidential nominee Michael Dukakis. them until the 1970s. In the 1960s, the Chi- (By Robert McCockran) But Thurston was not so partisan that he cago Senior Senate was formed and ex- ignored weaknesses of his fellow Democrats. Bill Thurston, a longtime history teacher, panded into 400 chapters with Jerry’s leader- He once referred to Oakland Mayor and state Democratic Committee leader and So- former California governor Jerry Brown as a ship. lano Community College trustee died Tues- In this quest, Jerry united with the National ‘‘flake’’ and said he was not overly impressed day. He was 74. with former President Bill Clinton. Council of Senior Citizens to submit a pro- A family member said Thurston, 74, was Frank Jackson, former president of the posal to the Department of Housing and having shortness of breath (about, 10:25 a.m.) Vallejo Chapter NAACP, said of Thurston: Urban Development for the funding of sub- and had to be rushed to (Kaiser Permanente ‘‘We go way back. Bill and I were real close sidized living at North Park Village. Today, the Medical Center) and collapsed in the hos- friends.’’ pital.’’ Jackson said he served with Thurston on Prete, Senate, and North Park Village Apart- Another family member said Thurston’s ments are considered some of the finest sen- an affirmative action committee at Solano wife, Rosemary, was distraught and unable Community College. ior citizen apartment buildings in the Nation. to talk about her husband’s death. ‘‘The thing I liked about Bill, he was fair Jerry made a lifelong commitment towards ‘‘We can say that he’s gone and we can say and equitable. When something wasn’t right, helping seniors gain access to affordable that he didn’t suffer,’’ the family friend said, he’d say ‘this isn’t right’ or ‘this is the thing housing—eventually assisting the implementa- adding that a memorial service will be ar- that we’re doing,’’’ Jackson said of his fellow tion of about 30 multiple dwelling units around ranged. NAACP member. For 20 years, Thurston taught political ‘‘Any time I would call on him and ask him the United States. He was a champion of science and history at Solano Community many causes for seniors including the expan- to do anything he was always willing to help College. out. And, anytime anybody called me about sion of Social Security and Medicare benefits, ‘‘I feel very sad, very sad,’’ said Pam Keith, anything political, I would tell them to call lowering the cost of prescription drugs, low- a fellow trustee. ‘‘He was just a very special Bill Thurston,’’ Jackson said. ering taxes, and working toward the creation person to me and I’m going to miss him very, Mel Jordan, an architect for the Vallejo of the Circuit Breaker program. very much.’’ City Unified School District who designed Aside from working to help seniors, Jerry ‘‘There will be a lot of people turn out for Jesse Bethel High School, said he was very this guy, whatever the situation is. He’s got was a passionate advocate for the religious close to Thurston. 500 children, grandchildren, great-grand- ‘‘Basically, Bill Thurston is almost like a community. From the mid-1950s until 1995, children, (and) great-great-great-grand- second father to me. In other words, a men- Jerry and his wife Anne operated the Alverno children, And he’s touched so many lives tor. He really assisted me in a lot of deci- Bookstore, which they established to meet the over the years, one way or another.
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