gtotmtji JUfalh. VOLUME 43 . EAST -JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1939. NUMBER 8 East Jordan's Coasting-Hours and f Charlevoix Has "Jordan Inn" Seven Sales Tax Place Are Des- \ Branch Offices Independent Second Annual ignated and Supervised $25,000 Fire Opens March 1st Are Discontinued Basketball Winter Carnival George Walton, newly appointed MEYER'S GARAGE BUILDING MR.'AND'MRSTLOUTS R. BATHKE "Receipt of salertaxes at seven of League Organized local recreational leader is supervis- DESTROYED BY BLAZE GETTING PLACE IN ORDER nine district offices have been- dig^" EXCELLENT PROGRAM BEING jllg_±lu>_J!oagting—hill—on —Oarfteld_| ; -LAST THURSDAY - -- continued—by Oryille - E. Atwoodr "Itf-EXST-JORDAN, MONDAY. FijVE Managing Director of the State Board ARRANGED FOR SATURDAY, Street, which Jips_been set aside by TOP O' MICHIGAN TEAMS the local council for coasting pur­ The inn, corner Main and Williams of Tax Administration. -" FEB'Y 18 A ¢26,000 fire destroyed the Mey­ poses. streets, will again be opened as a ho­ Taxpayers who have been making COMPETING. er's Service Garage building at Char­ tel about the first of llarch. their sales tax returns to district of­ All youngsters wishing to slidtf are levoix last- Thursday afternoon, -d*»- "Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Bathke of fices at TRAVERSE CITY, Grand East Jordan's Second Annual Win­ to do so at the designated hours, of troying two automobiles, the stock of At a meeting held in East Jordan Petoskey recently leased this pro­ Rapids, Saginaw, Flint, Benton Har­ ter Carnival will be held at -the State 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. and are to use the Foster Beverage Co. and the Ol­ on Monday, January 30th, several of perty, and, assisted by workmen, are bor, and Jackson are requested to Streei Municipal Rink the afternoon only this protected location, instead son Mattress Co. and all furnishings the strongest Northern Michigan In­ Jbusy these days giving the place -a mail the tax directly to ' the main and evening of Saturday, Feb. 18th. of coasting on any hill in town. This arid equipment of the three firms.' _ dependent Basketball Teams organ­ Plans aFP rapidly progressing for­ is being done for the protection of thorough renovating. It has been office at-Lansing, Atwood said? (Upper Beer bottles exploding—from—the Peninsula taxpayers should" continue" ized. as.The Top O' Michigan-Basket­ ward toward this highlight attraction the children and they are asked to e1os"e"cT"for" a "number' of years." Mr. ball League, elected Edwin K. Ruel­ he'at of the blaze made the scene of and Mjs. Bathke were East Jordan to make their returns as usual to the of our wintcrspor.s season. abide by the coasting rules and hours. ing of East Jordan as manager of the tho "blaze" sound like a battlefield with resraents some fifteen years ago, go­ district office at Marquette. Taxpay­ The committee of Abe Cohn, Mer- Remember use ONLY the Garfield league, adopted rules and arranged a Hill and that only from 4 to 6 and 7 machine-guns in full operation. ing from here to Petoskey where they ers in the Pontiac district should for­ --ton Roberts, Pcrey Penfold, Hector schedule for the balance of the sea­ to 9 p. m. The fire broke .out "about 1° :30 p. entered the grocery business and op­ ward the tax to Detroit district of­ McKinnon,' Gayle Saxton, Thomas m. and is said to have been caused fice, 200 Transportation Building. son. The five teams organizing the - Parents are once again urged to ened a rather large set of apartments Breakey and ex-officeo members, by an overheated stove in the Foster league are, The-Gaylord I.O.O.F. In­ see-to it that their children observe on the second floor of the block oc­ -The change will- simplify account­ Howard Porter, William Sloaii, Edwin Company's quarters. It quickly dependents; The Harbor Springs these rules. Only last Sunday a near- cupied. They are both familiar with ing procedure by elimination of dup­ Rueling, and Dr. Beuker met Monday spread, filling the building with Merchants; The Cheboygan Mer­ serious accident occurred at the in­ catering to the public's demand for a lication and will shorten the. time afternoon at the high school setting smoke and making it difficult for fire­ chants; The Boyne City Mayors; tersection of Main and Mary Sts. A first-class hotel service. elapsing between payment of the tax up the organizations and arrange­ men to locate the actuaT blaze. and the East Jordan Canners. A com­ young girl on a sled shot out onto the and the depositing of it to the credit ments for the occasion. Coach Cohn The "Inn" is being remodeled plete schedule of league games for intersection passing underneath a Forming a human chain, men car­ of the state's general fund. of the high school faculty was elected throughout with all new furnishings the balance of the season is as fol­ slow-moving auto. The driver did not ried ropes into the garage and towed o --^- chairman and Gayle Saxton . its sec- including inner spring mattresses. lows:— ..- re, ary. see. the children playing. about a dozeh cars into the'street. A new demonstrator and another car Hot and cold water will be available Feb. 1 — Boyne City vs *Gaylord. The following committees were ap- were not found by the men and were in each room. Home cooked meals_at Sentenced For *eb. • 8^ gheboygan vs./ «Gaylord. popular prices will be one of the fea­ pointed To build up and supervise the' destroyed^ Feb. 13 — Gaylord vs. "East Jordan. special attraction: Working For Com* - The Olson Company was located on tures. Auto Thefts Feb. 14 - H. SjDrings'.vs. *Boyne City.: Publicity — Gayle Saxton, George the second floor along with an apart­ Feb.-16 — Cheboygan vs/ *H.tSprigs, ; Secord, and Paul Lisk. munity Betterment ment. -New mattresses and materials - EAST JORDAN YOUNG MAN GETS Feb. 16 — East Jordan vs. *B. City. , Clerk of races and in charge of en­ in the co;upany's~quarters were lost Seed Dealers Warned 2H TO 5 YEARS IN PRISON Feb. 22 — H, Springs vs: *Gaylord. trants — Abe Cohn and the local rec­ and the furnishings of the apart­ Against Selling Feb. 24 — Boyne*City vs. *H. Spr'gs. reational staff. E. J, ROTARY CLUB TO HAVE ment were destroyed, ^, Feb. 28 — Gaylord vs, *H. Springs. Contest rules drafting — Edwin CHARGE OF ANNUAL F. & S. - Only the walls of the concrete Poor Quality Seed Ralph Richards, before a special Feb^28\-~r Cheboygan vs. «E. Jordan, -Jtueling. —-^-BANQUET n—7 block building remained standing. It session of Circuit' Court at Charle­ Mar. 7.— H. Springs vs. *E Jordan. Music —John Ter Wee.. was reported-that only $2,000 insur- Vegetable seed dealers of Michi- voix, Friday, was sentenced to two Mar. 8 — East Jordan vs. *Gaylord.- Queen Coronation Bi^Beuke-iv- aT-fr^Be^l-4g^ve-yeaTg4tt-Seut_ier^ J -At-its^week4y—meeting ^Tuojoday- ams_rw^ga^ed-OTi^h^-hlm-V-^-|-ean woro bojng^aailed war-nings^this. -%ueenThVitatK>»s -toward i nE MsrrlO —^E. Jordan vs "CfieBd'ygah. noon, the newly organized Rotary Petoskey News. week by the Department of Agricul­ Michigan prison on a farceny charge. ter. Club orthis-^ity, made , further ad­ The block destroyed was located ture that repeated sale of poor qual­ Richards was charged with taking Mar. 14 — E. J. vs. *H. Springs. ^Fancyand Figure Skating — Mer- vances toward community betterment between the Court House and the ity vegetable- seed will result in pros­ an auto off East Jordan's Main-st' one Mar. 22, 23 and 24 — League tourn­ ton Roberts.- with some of the business brought Postofflce. .-.<-.'' ecution in 1939. The^vegetsble seed night i4nd driving it to within three ament-at Cheboygan. Purchasing and. awarding of prizes -b-efflra. its members. y" -~. r- " ~°. o—— — law became effective in' .1938 and miles' of deritral take where' "he Note: Asterisk (*) indicates "where -^•—(ihrough fund set up..by tm*Tlo- a Dr. G. W. Bechtold was in charge dealers found violating the.law' last wrecked it. He then broke into an un­ game is to be played. cal Chamber of Commerce). Percy occupied cottage,-but' evidently took of a very: interesting meeting,, in Gets Ctee To Burglary- year wete dismissed with Warnings, While it is_rather late-in the sea­ Penfold and Edwin R'ueling. nothing.. Going" on into Central Lake 1 which Ralph Price of Ironton gave a Leo LaLonde, hands The Herald a according-to the department.. son, to! organize^a league -the teams Possibility-of business-places clos- he • attempted to steal another auto very appropriate speech, regarding picture and article in a recent issue represented at the meeting_were-of ingj3aturday. evening. Hector McKin- Tabulations showing the number of but was driven away* by owner who child delinquency. ' ' • the unanimous -opinion that such a "non. of a . Detroit .daily a'b.out Danv.La- samples of., various companies- tested gatis good look' at Richards with a A peti'.ion of some 25 boys of this league has tremendous possibilities Possibility of train excursions to Londe — a brother of Leo and other and the percentage of samples up to flash-light...Richards then stole an community, regarding a possibility 11 and would-not only improve Indepen­ Pine kidge and irom "BellaTr'e— Wil­ Lafcende^'boxs -in East Jordan. The standard have been mailed to dealers, auto, at Central Lake and drove back of a recreation hall was brought up dent Basketball in Northern Michigan liam Sloan.. with caution that to repeat sales of to East Jordan, parking it on the item is as follows :— but would provide more interesting .
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