~I,(\~-"~-., •• ,-~.,,. "r.-'_"~"" ' '''''''-''''''''''''''''''_~~''~''''''''''''·~''''~~'~''"''''' ·-''4,,,· .. , THE NR Volume 9, Number 5 January 1991 Working ·on the Plantation by Anthony Woodlief tally severed from notions of individ­ tected groups "uncomfortable." outright dismissal. Television critic With Diversity Day fresh in our ual freedom. The University of Connecticut, for Dorothy Rabinowitz reports that memories, we should take a moment One of the most disturbing aspects example, bans "inappropriately di­ when Duke political science professor to give our knees a rest from fre.nzied about this trend is its prevalence in the rected laughter," and "conspicuous James Barber tried to start a chapter of jerking and reflect upon some disturb­ nat.ion's colleges and universities, exclusion of students from conversa­ the National Association of Scholars ing trends among American liberals. which have traditionally been havens tions." Students at the U-M were for­ (NAS) last year, fellow professor The words '1iberal" and "progres­ of free intellectual discourse. A num­ bidden to hang Confederate flags on Stanley Fish, chairman of the English sive," aside from conjuring images of berofschools, the University of Michi­ their dorm room doors until their department, circulated a letter to keep Michael Dukakis, carry a deeper con­ gan included, have enacted speech speech code was struck down last year Barber and any other NAS members notation of open-minded thought and codes over the past five years which, by US. District Court Judge Avern from being on faculty committees speech. Indeed, though modem while ostensibly intended to combat Cohn on First Amendment grounds. concerned with curriculum or tenure American liberals have rejected virtu­ racism and sexism by prohibiting Perhaps more alarming are the ef- decisions. The NAS, a group of educa­ ally every original tenet of liberalism tors opposed to the politicization of - free trade, low taxation, and the rule In many ways the emerging liberalism education resulting from the abandon­ of law, for example-they have gener­ ment of classic Western texts in the ally remained united in their support is itself characterized by paternalistic name of multiculturaJism, is anathema for freedom of speech, press, associa­ to those who seem to view education tion and 'ideas. racism. What threatens to emerge is a as a secondary goal to indoctrination. Over the past few years, however, liberal ideology totally severed from no­ a large portion of the liberall/establish­ Politically Corred ment/' including university profes­ tions of individual freedom. This curtailment of free speech sors, politicians, journalists, and activ­ and association is just one aspect of a ists, has abandoned this last trace of speech intended to cause harm, have forts of professors and administrators larger movement derided by many as liberalism in favor of thought control grown to include speech perceived to to stifle the speech of their colleagues "political correctness." More sympa­ and paternalistic racism. What threat­ have suchan intent-in other words, through implicit and direct threats of thetically viewed by some liberals as a ens to emerge is a liberal ideology to- anything that makes members of pro- slowed advancement, demotion, or response to racism, sexism and cul­ tural imperialism perpetuated by Western thought and political/eco­ nomic institutions, the trend involves attacking these institutions while Race-8ase'd Aid Threatened restricting the language and actions of by Jeff Muir bowl games, had difficulty attracting exclusive scholarships." Please See Page 7 The future of ra~clusive schol­ interested tearns after Arizona voters Following the ruling, the Bush arships was brought into question last rejected a proposal to insti tu te a state­ administration, fearful of charges of month when Michael Williams, Assis­ wide paid holiday in the memory of racism, ordered Williams to issue a tant Secretary of Education for Civil the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. statement declaring the ED would en­ Inside Rights, announced that it was uncon­ Williams reviewed the legality of force Title VI "in such a way as to pennit stitutional for schools receiving De­ federally funded schools offering schools receiving federal funds to Gerrymandering partment of Education (ED) funding to race-exdusive scholarships. Accord­ administer scholarships established in Ann Arbor 6 offer financial aid eannarked for spe­ ing to Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights and funded entirely by pri vale persons cific racial groups. Act, Williams ruled, recipients of ED or entities where the donor restricts eli­ The controversy arose after Fiesta funds are not allowed to deny, re­ gibility to minority students." The state­ Interview with Bowl promoters promised to donate strict, or provide segregated financial ment also announced that "the Admini­ Professor Tonsor 8 $100,000 for the establishment of a aid or other program benefits on the stration will not pursue a broad compli­ minority~nly scholarship fund at basis of race, color, or national origin. ance review with respect to minority each of the two schools willing to have In a letter to the Fiesta Bowl promot­ scholarships." Thompson's new their football teams participate in the ers, Williams stated that the ED Office Many observers feel this contro- game. The Fiesta Bowl, held in Arizona of Civil Rights "interprets these pro­ Gonzo Book 10 and one of the nation's premier college visions as generally prohibiting race- PlellSe See Page 13 ..... ~ '" " , , ,; .. " " " ~ ..... ,.;. Jl ,-, " !!o ~,,;,. ~ ,~ ",,- ,;' " ,~ , !lIo lr ,of ,1\' • ....\~ { 4'L.. ~ #. ,. ff ~. II lJI "W'i)!:,.... ..J,r'>,""";lII:iit'i"', _ IV -Ii ., .J' ~ A ,. If( ;'\", -J _ .. 'l' .... ,. fI !t "'" y :t' ) ... ;C'. ';t. r ",,_' 'k, ~, ..... It, 1> ':t IJt ''- ... '6 '/(I 1:1 ~" '" _II> Ii ~ l: 0:: The Michigan Review, January 1991, p. 2 THE Serpent's Tooth MICHIGAN How invigorating it was to see mem­ over its original speech policy, which books: ''Daddy's Roommate Didn't REVIEW bers of the Revolutionary Workers was ruled unconstitutional. Of course, Die of Homophobia" and, in our League shouted down when they tried this most fitting topic will not be ad­ Dykes and Tykes series, "Heather's to interrupt an anti-war speaker on dressed. In any case, feel free to attend, Summer in Gomorrah." the evening of the teach-in. With their but leave your Confederate flags and The Campus Mfairs ridiculous "Defend Iraq" posters, "offensive" ideas at home. Journal of the these patriotic young Americans We are all saddened by the recent fir­ University of Michigan somehow managed to isolate them­ ing of long-time Detroit Tigers radio selves from even the "anti-every­ The LSA faculty recently approved a broadcaster Ernie Harwell. Dominos Editor-in-Chief... ............ John J. Miller thing-the-USA-does" crowd, and the revision in the foreign language re­ Pizza franchise owners went so far as Executive Editor .............Adam DeVore rudeness of their tactics deserved the quirement. Students will now have to to pull advertising from Tiger games to Executive Editor ............ BrianJendryka treatment it received. Especially rude, demonstrate fourth-term proficiency protest the dismissal. This obviously Executive Editor ................ Mark Tulkki however, was the teach-in organizers' in a "language other than English," as leaves only one alternative for the Contributing Editor ........ Clifton Gault neglecting to invite Prof. Ray Tanter, opposed to a "foreign" language. This politically correct Tiger fan: a reverse Contributing Editor ................ Jeff Muir (arguably the U-M's leading expert on change, however, will not go far boycott. Not only should Dominos Publisher ............. Carey Brian Meadors the Middle East), to their shindig. enough to dispel the xenophobic at­ become the pizza of choice for anyone Perhaps his credentials as a former mosphere pervading the campus. We with even an inkling of a social con­ member of President Reagan's Na­ feel the word ''language'' itself should science (libertarians included), it Business Manager .......... Mark O. Stem Business Manager ......... Stacey Walker tional Security Council made his in­ never be used, and that "correctspeak" should be ordered even when you are Production Mgr .......... Ruth Annstrong clusion unlikely. enter the official U-M vocabulary. not hungry. Assistant Editor ................. Rahul Banta The Latin American Solidarity Only the Daily can twist the resultsbf a Congratulations to the 1991 Gator Assistant Editor ................. Joseph Klein Committee seems to have taken its campus cop poll where 48 percent of Bowl victors! Although Bo has seem­ Assistant Editor ........... DavidJ. Powell greatest leap yet into the abyss of radi­ the respondents did not oppose the ingly floundered through yet another Music Editor...................... Chris Peters cal silliness. Agenda reports that some administration's recent security move bowl season thanks to the Ernie LASe members "argued that it would to say "almost two out of three are op­ Harwell controversy, Gary Moeller led be wrong to picket elected officials posed to depulization." his team to a 35-3 trouncing of Ole Miss, Francophile ............... Karen Brinkman who have supported foreign interven­ a school apparently named after its tions, because that· would foster the inability to complete passes. staff " , ~ '. illusion that elections mean anything." We also got a good chuckle when the Daily's associate
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