4 J, 3* ) ! Rochester, J|." V. CQURIER-JOURNAI, MlpAY* ^UGpST 22,1952 — <>* tybk&Mfii^ From UN QfUcialMm^ Schools Group 4 Expand Spai Baclfs Attack Drferffa SimMiteifi Innoeenttf ^ ^^ashlngton, bfas-— WQ — «3eaita iSj starvation. K we Wtft "The 'experts','' Dr. de 0&£trd ETty REV. CfCTHB^^WSKMAN; OJM. '^ ipesMnsnired campaigns to interested In healthy and well- said, "have argued tbat.wert spread birth control among Or- fed populations, it seems to met there fewer people in titis wnrJ6at On Dr.Conant . - , (Copc0^iiaeg,»'^i[»Cl»\V»iC!.„Ne!wa. Service) • • _ ' |»P peopples are likely to ere- the way-Jte to'imlifrve produce -^country there would be »o to3iin< Maafla--(Noi<—- Mae children spared from a vertible "slaughter of the fmoemsw* «M b.at« rather than goodwill tidn and- not dlmlinish if, which ger, for there would he eHoispi «Jh|o»»o-(RNS)---.A,' resohftiesji ordered by communist Hsalc coEnmandeiu Ipve keen baptised here at the Bed Cross.bar*ffe&ij : facilities toymixQTmndi&m;g»S'fjieiidshi p between East and is precisely what happens svhea food to go aroendM$Pi»'4SSy, eerafnroeiiding - the Rev* Etfwarjl racks, at -Camp Miu-j>h\ 1 ? r %e*:$ver. toffier throngs. #t;-$wWest ? . _, the proportion of younr peo- claim, is Nature ! wfee> vvay oi ffi&xmst of Stand Rapids, tylcfo, bacjTht e whestorn y thbegae entirn soraae Phlllp-aplne inbgotlies SAVEI> FROM WIK' SIAUCHTER •'•^tMzsvas the warning sounded pies Is reduced." attempting to balance food sup­ fear an address r"~ — nation -was shocked anad liorj^fleft hejee by a world famous au- ply and demand by cutting poapu* b* wliiefi he cSe- **• on Itarnlng that Huk jwinirMguul. grotto havet^rAfteally «Bprov|d. Dr. de Castro said that Catho­ Bishopiir*e^&#s.o^itrdes thorny on population and nutri­ lic authorities had shown great lations which grow out of lianad." feaaded, jprjyat^ era had given orders too consider tion Mfho has aroused worldwide anbd' psaiocmaF all.Huk babies as "exfpeitdnbsles" annotmced 'aphat a choicfe -pag interest in his book, and mean­ "HOWEVER," the author wesnt been made from 8a»on« %& var­ interest by challenging theories while reviews appearing in the scfcools against in order to facilitate retreat Into that "overpopulation" causes on, "the startling fact ia tlaat a x-ecenf -charge mountain lairs. Disclosure of the ious plan* - a«bmi«ecl '.Jg?,. Mm- United States and Great Britain, this 'overpopulation' theory, Jg, ;tectt..a«a.0r^.«er«.0j!te;«f:m»e. hunger and by Insisting Instead as well as in other countries, exactly the opposite of the tru*h, thasftJ the^,are orders came with the seizure of : that it is hunger which causes "divisive force** -would" ha.ve iiivolyed '^0^$,:m, had been 99 per cent favorable. On the contrary, it is hunger Huk propaganda leaflets, wfeiich tod rnuch population. He said he Was convinced that which produces too much popu­ was Adopted by read: >eourse "6i:tJBkxmi ]tte($,:W thej animal con­ Gave de Fw* wtfae obstajfe t? HE IS BBAZnjAN-born, 44- his theories would hold up and lation. Starvation actually atltrku- vention ,'of the "THE ATTITUDE off tlio csapl, ^erdargemnjfpjans,. ••,. •• ,,,> ..- • stated that experiments «con­ lates sexual activity, resulting in year-qld Dr. Josue de Castro, NaetfolS" Vrim tallsta toward trve extesrmliiaJLion ; chairman of the executive com­ ducted in Holland and elsewhere more mouths to feed in tlje of expendables who may lilrasder • AfK3^^T,a*<aejt»0nl?Wat mittee of the United Nations' have already served to substanti­ world's hungriest areas. Wo ha?ve: of Christian Dr.Conant the military operatlorxs of the tended % large crowds, It in im­ Food and Agricultural Organiza­ ate them, evidence which indicates thsat (Psrotestasnt) Schools herev: HMB (Hukbong Mapagsaalay*- Ng possible io?:mw thart a small tion, and author of the recently hunger actually breeds taoo-e 2MB. BBEBBBBIA, whC is the " - part of the pllsrlms to vfe#]prO' "WITHIN TWO years," Dr. babies, that the underaourlsteed Bayan—"The Llberatlora Arms? of published book, "The Geography de Castro added, "we expect tb> National Union's publiu refetlona the.Nation") reveals th» soltratess ceedings adequately, A aroall of Hunger." The book insists reproduce faster than the we31 secretary,, made the address at number of the clergy stand in­ have everything clarified beyond fed." and falnt-heartedness ad the arid .that birth control, but making any doubt or question-" _ the earlier convention session. * ing class In our countiry. side the grotto,. A fe«r gllgrlrns available to backward areas the ffe- deiHumcgd a statement; pyT>rv jaiLJtandJit-itiUSxtra^^ equipment to in- The SCTerrtisrauthor salcT nTs" **. de Castro explained thai •at shows that, unlike us, tlfctcy and book had stressed that only in­ this does not mean that well-fed Jaasies Bryant Conant, pjeslde&t T^ofOurLady'«.s^We(«rec:«edcreased food pStion, L the people are less fertile or that of Harvard University, that the II do" not haveThe wlTauid de*ei Oh the spot whew she ajSpeare^ • - y uon' H me creased food production, wider mination to face tho resalltles of key to the problem of overpop­ their reproductive powers, terad growth of private ;schoois was/ li to St, Bernadette* - •. ulation. distribution and more varied and developbas a djual system of "eatr**" a revolution. Such lacte fll .zseal adequate diets would halt over­ to wane. He said that such cation harmful to deniooracy, and conviction will erventuaally A few thowand cHheri .car* Dr. de Castro was interviewed people have what might' Be by the N.C.W.C. News Service population. Meanwhile, he stated, IThe Protestant educator de­ apell the doom of the b*ourgee*ise crowd into a small mead"ow,Whieh he had taken issue" with, en­ called normal fertility, while tlxe k 5 of the Philippines. stretehe* the short dlstarjce from on his arrival in Washington lated thsxs> parochial Schools are after a two and a half months' trenched theories that it is "over­ chronically hungry have whstt no€ a divisive forcer in a/demo- "Great; sacrifices nau.it fee the grotto t& .the river. Most pert- tour of Europe to explain the population" which caused might be called abnormal fear- cractlo socJdty.' He said ifest in a, made in order to wfcn greaat JBev. Antonio Vent,, Philippine Army sons in .the huge throngs attend purposes and plans of the FAO. hunger. tlMy.. free society-.parents have fe right victories, The Infirm, tSio ages*!, "Huklings" at » Red Cross barracks at Cmrap ing major ceremonies must stand "When . we seek to promote to educate their chfldreh in keep­ and'the children —all aro ess- The chlldrea were abandoned by (heir parents, In the. Esplanade, hundreds of birth control in such countries ings with their religious «anrnit> FIRST NORBERTINE NUNS mejrrts, pendable because they can be to avoid » ruthless order issued by communist Hv yards away and ottt of fight of as^ India and Japan," Dr. de the\grotto. • , —. Castro said, "we have the idea T3IE ZMLEGATES Voted to replaced. With our system «of erpendablea to ala.ugaite" in order Mare tInfirmo facilitat, thee ageretread antd inttheo childrenthe mountains, as , that we are helping the Eastern NOW TWO bridges are to be BHM3 Dr. €onantva copy of tha- free love, lost Uvea cart ahvaars peoples. The truth is, however, v built across the river about 200 rescalullon- In other actions, the be recovered," that the leaders of these peoples 'NataonaL Union advocated tfte^: Filipino parents, Hukas or rtot, Paper Manufacturer Wills yards-aparVa little above and a are more inclined to look upon cstatibllshiiaten!; of a national #,<rV little below the .grotto. These will us as enemies and to hate us A, organization to stwengthen it* have an all-consuming lovo Cor more and more for what they their children. Pew couald brfsng Fortune To Church Units permit pilgrims fa use the interpret as a disguised means school systems and decided to themselves to murder tEaelr otwn meadow directly across the river Its Christian school pro­ ** Milwaukee — (NC) — Catholic institutions will receive to reduce the potentialities of gram. - offspring. As a result, m»any Kaik from ther grotto. It w^be graded the Asiatics and to eliminate babies—soon to become tenown as bequests which may total more than $700,000, under the will them as possible rivals of the ' rbe national Union represents Huklings ^- were wrapped in of Frank J. Sensenbrenner, paper manufacturer who died to form a\amphitlieat>r. Thus 15S private schools controuM by blankets antTleft In the- path of July 22. even the largest crowds Will be West' psreajta o£ the C^lvioistlc'' iaitfe\ the oncoming PfUplno army, In amount is not to exceed $150,000. afforded a gcraiNdew of the var­ "SPREADING BIBTH control moesxly mtepbers of the Christian the hope that other 311lplr*oj Tho will, filed lor probate, pro- THDE GREEN BAY Diocese will ious ceremonies. \- Jn the East Is not a^poliey cal­ Rcformia Chureh. would shelter and care for thersi., vldes for fixed cash cnarltable be- receive three per cent, not to ex culated' to foster peace, but is in­ AHONG THE Huklings rc8cu«dq««st» of $11.7,500 to Catholic ceed $50,000. stead a highly dangerous ex­ were the nine who, heaJtijy aaid unltt, and lor i>ereentages of the Church Advances periment," the FAO chairman lively, received the Sacraemont of estate to go to oher Catholic or- Fixed cash bequests to WJscon added. Banfism here garrijations. Peirccntage bequests sin Catholic institutions include Br-, de Castro, who is profes- $35,000 to Mount Mary College In Japanese Areas Baptism nere. L^ ."as high as $600,000 In Isojr of economic geography In cash .
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