12 VOL.. XXI ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1913 v$ Card of Thanks Presbyterians to Refuse Payment I take this opportunity on behalf of Wilson Delivered Representawn in ' Inductiop iBFvice myself and family to thank my friends and relatives, who so willingly render- Mail Contract ed their assistance and sympathy dur- House of CÉmons Raise $1,200,0110 for Rotten Eggs Dral Message ^4 . - ' ing thè illness and death of my belov- “Resolved, that it is the oonseofos SEALED TENDERS addressed to Washington, April 8.—For the first It is not improbable .lithat the whole On Friday afternoon, .A-pril 4th,Pres- The budget of the Presbyterian ed bud>and, Laughlin Campbell. As- Church of Canada for the year 1913 of opinion of those assembled at tbSi •the Postmaster General» will be receiv- suring them of my gratitude, I time within the life of any person question of Parliament • representation bytery of - Glengarry mot in St. Col- •ed at Ottawa until noon, on Friday» is $1,200,000. meeting that which * thé, Caaadia»- Yours truly, now alive, unless it lie true that there may be under consideration by an ih- umba C’huych> Kirk Hill, to induct the 16th May» 1913^ for the convey- terprovincial conference' .during .the Rev. J. R. Douglas, M..\., late ofl-ake e^ trade needs most at tlM prooewt Mrs. Laughlin Campbell, are people living who are more than The increase over last year of time is the passage of an egg marbi .anoe ot His Majesty’s Hails on a pro- 112 years old, a Pi-esident of the coming summer, owing tjo,'the docreaée ' Megantic,, Quo., into that pastoral Laggan, Ont. $200,000 reveals in a striking way the act along similar lines to the fruit poeed contract for four years» six United States to-day appeared before of membership in the C*Anadian House charge. The weather and roads were advancement made by the Church. times mr week» over rural mail route of Commons which* iA-'S^n^ily. af^t • not very favorable, but yet a large marks act: this act to deal with the. the two Houses of Congress assembl- Some pessimism is said to prevail as forbidding of the buying, sriling ov Ko. 2 from Hartintown» Ontario, from ed in joint session, and in person gav^ ing Ontario and the iJitaritime Frbv- number of the members and adherents to the outcome of the amount asked the Postmaster General’s Pleasure. Card of Thanks. them ‘^information of the state of the inces in every rad^tribution. , This of the congregation were present. The for, but a strong note is struck by trading in rotten eggs, and any otiMB legislation and penaltieB thou^t ad- Printed notices containing further In- Union,” and recommended to their procedure w-as infevmatly intimated-' members of Presbytery were met at others, who regard the progress of To the Editor of The News. by Premier Borden in the House re- Dalkeith station and driven to Kirk the Church as a warrant for asking visable ,to promote the best intereata formation as to conditions of propos- consideration “such measuree os he of all oonoerned.” ed contract may be seen and blank Dear Sir,—Kindly allow me through aihall j'udge necessary and expedient,” cently in response to the' case present- Hill, where dinner was served in the this sum. terms of tender may be obtainéd at your valuable paper, on behalf of my- as required by the Federal constitu- ed by Mr. E. M. Macdonald of Pictou. 'old Manse, belonging to the West “Resolved, that those dealers self and family , to sincerely thank all ^ Church. The General Assembly has amal- sembl^ here unanimously approve ot •the Post Office of Martintown and St, The Nova Scotian sought from the- gamated the amounts allocated to Andrews, and at the office of the Post our friends and neighbors, who show- In other words. President Wilson Premier some information as to any- - At 1.30 p.m.. Presbytery convened changing the present systein of buying ed us so much kindness and sympathy the House Mission Fund, the Aug- eggs to one of buying strictly on qual- Office Inspector at Ottawa. delivered, as an oral address, the mes- thing the Government might propose' with Rev. A. Morrison as moderator ; mentation Fund. French EvangclDa during the long illness and death of sage he had prepared for the guid- to do with ^ riew of fixing a ’mai- and Messrs Matheson, Johnstone, Mor- ity basis after J*une I, 19Î3, and G. C. ANDERSON. my loving son, Angus P. Obleman, and tion and the Jewish work, and the further approve of not paying for aay Superintendent. ance of Congress in the extra session mum representation for the four rison, Stewart, ministers; and «1. R. different amounts belonging to those also to thank the Rev. A. Morrison for which convened yesterday, thus reviv- Provinces which originally formed the McLeod, elder, in attendance. After rotten e^ in omr reoelpta after that Post Office Department» his many acts of kindness shown us. I branches of the Church will in future date, as it is unwalful.” ing the prac*tic0 born of the British Confederation of the Dominion. He the routine business was finished. Rev. be classified under the heading of Mail Service Branch, also wish to thank the Loyal Orange “address from the Throne,” eetablish- quoted from former declarations of T. Johnstone preached a very appro- Ottawa, 3rd April, 1913. Young Britons for their loyalty to Home Mission. The allocation of the the immediate end in view of Sol ed in this cçuniry ^ the first Presi- Mr. Borden as to his views upon the j;priate sermon, emphasizing the need of different amounts is as follows : ïwovîng the system of marketing eggs, 12-3 their departed brother and for their dent, continued by the second and matter. “The Government has an- j^inoividuals ami churches moving for- beautiful service at the grave. steps are be ng taken to form the“Cana abandoned by the third. nounced,” said Mr. Macdonald, “that • ward in Christian life and service.Rev. Home mission, including the fore- (Ban Produce Association," which wfll Again assuring them all of our BIG CROWD IN THE CAPITOL. there will be no rciUstribution bill D. Stewart, interim-moderator of St. going mentioned divisions, $.593,000 ; warmest appreciation, I am, be composed of wholesale produce deal- The announcement that the Presi- this session. Under the circumstances C’oUimba, narrated the steps which had foreign mission, $325,000; social ser- ers in Canada. Yours truly, is it not contemplated to hold ^ con- , been taken to fill the vacancy. The vice, $80,000; Assembly fund, $30,000 ; The Glengarry and Stormont John Obleman, dent of the United States would ap- ference of Provincial Premiers wi^Ji moderator then engaged in prayer and aged minister’s fund, $2.5,000; widows The above resolutions were passed a$ Kirk Hill, Ont. pear in the hall of the House of Re- a view of obtaining results prior to inducted Mr. Douglas to the pastoral and orphans, $25,(WO ; Pointe aux a meeting of upwards of twenty pco- Railway Company. presentatives for the purpose of com- the time when it may be proposed' to oversight of the church. The newly Trembles School, $24,000 ; Knox Col- chice dealers from Toronto and otiicr municating with Congress in spoken take up reoistribution, in order thaV inducted pastor was suitably addressed lege, $23,000 ; ‘Westminster Hall, $18,- towns and cities in Ontario. The mee|- words instead of in writing, as has an address to the Imperial Parlia- by Rev. W. A. Morrison of liunvegan. 000 ; Manitoba College, $12,500 ; ing was («lied by Psofeesor W. B, NOTICE. Wanted been customary rinoe the time of ment may be forwarded asking for- He-urged hhn to magnify his office in Montreal College, 812,000 ; Robertson Graham of the (Ontario Agricultural John Adams, the second President, the necessary legislation ?” its fourfold character of prophet, College, $10,000 ; (^een’s College, $8,- (Collage. Mr. J. H. Hare of the live NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Wanted a general servant, must be application will be made to theParlia* drew a big crowd to the Capitol build- priest, apostle and pastor. The ad- 000 : Deaconess Training .Home, $5,- stock branch of the Federal Depart- able to do plain cooking, and speak ] ing. The galleries for spectators PREMIER BORDEN’S VIEW. ' dress to the people was given by Mr. 000; unaalocated, $9,500. ment of Agriculture was also in aiieft* -Imetit of Canada» during the present English. No children. Good wage». -aession thereof, for an Act to incorpor j were jammed, and the corridors out- Premier Borden admitteid that the Stewart of Alexandria. The total of $593,000i under the dance. The question of adopting a Apply to Mrs. D. Seward, box 137, Î side of them were filled with people system of buying eggs whereby (fit- ate a railway company under the Hawkesbury. 12-2 uiatter was a very important one, al .\fter the induction service, a recep- head of Home Mission, is divided as name of *‘The Glengarry and Stor- ! who vainly sought to obtain admis- though it was not likely that the ob- tion was held in the church, when Mr. follows : crimination would be made ocoordiag mont Railway Company,” with power sion. The floor of the House wa« jects in view would be attained with- and Mrs. Douglas were introduced to to the quality of the produei wot to lay out, construct and operate a • crowded also, for the entire mem- out the solution of a great many diffi- the people by Mr.
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