Provided for non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction or distribution or commercial use This article was originally published in the Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Second Edition, published by Elsevier, and the attached copy is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the benefit of the author's institution, for non- commercial research and educational use including without limitation use in instruction at your institution, sending it to specific colleagues who you know, and providing a copy to your institution’s administrator. All other uses, reproduction and distribution, including without limitation commercial reprints, selling or licensing copies or access, or posting on open internet sites, your personal or institution’s website or repository, are prohibited. For exceptions, permission may be sought for such use through Elsevier's permissions site at: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/permissionusematerial Meyer J and Gautheron B (2006), Whistled Speech and Whistled Languages. In: Keith Brown, (Editor-in-Chief) Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Second Edition, volume 13, pp. 573-576. Oxford: Elsevier. Whistled Speech and Whistled Languages 573 with a full academic status’’ (Louw, 1991: 19). In his Westphal E O J (1956). ‘The non-Bantu languages of South- retirement years Westphal left linguistics to join his ern Africa.’ In Tucker A N & Bryan M A (eds.) Supple- second wife in her efforts to save penguins that had ment to handbook of African languages. London and been victimized by oil spills. New York: Oxford University Press for IAI. 158–173. Westphal E O J (1962a). ‘A re-classification of Southern African non-Bantu languages.’ Journal of African See also: Bantu Languages; Doke, Clement Martyn (1893– 1980); Guthrie, Malcolm (1903–1872); Tucker, Archibald Languages 1, 1–8. Norman (1904–1980). Westphal E O J (1962b). ‘Venda: Tonal structure and intonation (Part 1).’ African Studies 21(2), 50–69. Westphal E O J (1962c). ‘Venda: Tonal structure and Bibliography intonation (Part 2).’ African Studies 21(3–4), 123–173. Westphal E O J (1963). ‘The linguistic prehistory of south- Gowlett D F (ed.) (1992). African linguistic contributions ern Africa: Bush, Hottentot, Kwadi, and Bantu linguistic (presented in honour of Ernst Westphal). Pretoria: Via relationship.’ Africa 33(3), 237–265. Afrika. Westphal E O J (1971). ‘The click languages of southern Westphal E O J (1946). A scientific analysis of the phonet- and eastern Africa.’ In Greenberg J H & Berry J (eds.) ics, morphology and syntax of the Venda language. M.A: Linguistics in sub-Saharan Africa (Current Trends in University of the Witwatersrand. Linguistics, 7). The Hague: Mouton. 367–420. Westphal E O J (1955). The sentence in Venda. Ph.D. diss., University of London. Whistled Speech and Whistled Languages J Meyer, Institut des Sciences de l’Homme, international network of scientific researchers and Lyon, France local traditional authorities has been developed in a B Gautheron, University of Paris III, Paris, France collaborative way (Meyer, 2004). This approach has ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. emerged both from (a) the wish of some minority populations to revive, document, and transmit their threatened oral traditions and (b) the scientific as- Introduction sessment that these forms of communication provide Several populations all over the world have naturally significant information thanks to an alternative point developed a whistled form of their local language in of view of the phenomenon of language. response to isolated conditions in their everyday life. Whistled speech is a system of communication Diversity of Linguistic Production based on whistles modulated according to features in common with the spoken equivalent. Therefore, it Whistled forms of languages have been found in is a vehicle for articulated language in the true sense most of the main linguistic families. They rely mainly of the word. on a whistling technique and on a strategy of encod- The fact that the information is quite unintelligi- ing, so every oral language may be whistled. Even ble to untrained speakers long made whistled lan- some languages imported by waves of domination guages objects of mystery, even if their existence was have been spontaneously adapted into a whistled reported since the treaty of the Tao in Asia (6th equivalent, like Spanish Silbo of La Gomera, which century B.C.) and sinceAuthor's the 14th century in the islandPersonalevolved from a whistled formCopy of a now extinct Berber of La Gomera (Canary Islands). It is also the reason language called Guanche. why so few researchers became interested in this al- ternative way of transmitting messages in a linguistic Phonology and Phonetics attitude. The first scientific studies concerned mainly an- Linguists and acousticians noticed that two main ways thropological aspects (Quedenfeldt, 1887; Lajard, of whistling a language have been developed. For tonal 1891; Labouret, 1923), and it is only in the last languages like Highland Mazateco, the pitch level of the part of the 20th century that serious attempts of main band of frequencies of the whistles characterizes describing their phonetics and acoustics have been the composition of the phonemes: in this case, whistles made (Cowan, 1948; Classe, 1956; Busnel et al., are focused on suprasegmental features and re- 1962; Busnel and Classe, 1976). More recently an produce mainly the fundamental frequency of spoken Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (2006), vol. 13, pp. 573–576 574 Whistled Speech and Whistled Languages languages. For nontonal languages like Spanish or in conditions of relative isolation (distance, night, Turkish, the pure frequency of whistles reproduces noise) and specific activities (social information, mainly segmental features of the language: the vowels shepherding, hunting or fishing, courtship, sha- are emitted at different pitch levels (the whistled series manism). Therefore, they are mostly related to places [i e a o u] results in descending pitches whereas modula- with mountains or dense forests. Southern China, tions of these pitches convey the consonantal informa- Papua New Guinea, the Amazon forest, subsaharan tion.Theseconsonantalmodulations,whenrepresented Africa, Mexico, and Europe encompass most of these on sonograms, have a strong resemblance to the second locations. formant of the spoken equivalent (Brusis, 1972; Busnel Native whistlers who have grown up in places and Classe, 1976). This has been explained in terms of where a whistled language was used daily do not articulation. The transitions of the consonants are influ- remember when they began to control this aspect of enced by the pitch of the neighboring vowels, their the language. The learning process is the result of a whistled loci being reported to another set of frequen- phase when the person is immersed in a linguistic cies (Leroy, 1970). This similarity, which has been par- environment mixing whistled and spoken speech. tially studied in Spanish Silbo and in Turkish, is not Therefore, the whistled speech is locally simply seen systematic, is obvious in occlusive transitions, and as one of the multiple means of expressing the local tends to disappear in rapid whistles. language, like whispering, shouting, or singing. The constraints imposed by whistling techniques when articulated affect the phonetics and phonology. Whistling Techniques The whistled forms of languages have therefore been identified as abridgments of speech that encode essen- Many techniques have been described among the tial parts of human languages. For example, in non- populations who whistle their language. The choice tonal languages, there is a reduction of the number of of a specific technique is first of all dependent on prac- vowels (to three or four main bands of frequencies tical concerns. Bilabial and labiodental techniques are representing the vowels) and consonants. In most common for short and medium distance discussions tonal languages, the whistles reproduce tones and (in a market, in the noise of a room, or for hunting); glides but not vowel qualities. whereas the tongue retroflexed, one or two fingers introduced in the mouth, a blow concentrated at the Lexicon junction between two fingers or the lower lip pulled while breathing in air are techniques used to reach The vocabulary of whistled forms of languages high levels of power for long distance speaking. Each reflects the basic knowledge of the vocal spoken lan- place has its favorite trend that depends on the most guage and has potentially the same richness. Whis- common use of the village and on the personal tlers culturally use a preferential set of words that preferences of each whistler. Whistling with a leaf or correspond to their everyday activities. As a result, a flute is often related to courtship or poetic the dictionaries of common whistled words that have expression (reported in the Kickapoo language in been gathered by researchers (Moles, 1970; Busnel Mexico [Ritzenhaler and Peterson, 1954] and in the and Classe, 1976) appear to be more restricted than Hmong [Busnel et al., 1989] and Akha [Meyer and the spoken dictionaries (there are approximately Dentel, 2003] cultures in Asia). We may notice that 2000 common words in La Gomera). the finger and the leaf can be seen as the first steps toward the use of an instrument (like jewharps, flutes, Whistles as a Tool for Linguists and drums to produce instrumentally played speech Many linguists use whistles in their fieldwork as a tool (Stern, 1957; Meyer, 2004). to help them to sharpenAuthor's the tonal description ofPersonal their Whistling techniques Copy do not require the vibration phonological modeling (even if the language has no of the vocal cords: they produce a shock effect of the naturally developed whistled system). The whistles compressed air stream inside the cavity of the mouth might be used to focus on tonal rules (Cowan, 1948; and/or of the hands. When the jaws are fixed by a Rialland, 1980) but also to look for any tonal aspect finger, the size of the hole is stable.
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