Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 11-5-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 05, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1984 Volume 70, Issue 56 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 05, 1984." (Nov 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GOP hopes to pick up at least 30 House seats WASHINGTON lAP) House Republican Leader All 435 seats in the House are recapture the 26 seats they lost the reason is that the underlying Republicans, eager to carry out Robert H. Michel of Illinois. contested every two years, and in 1982 - though not necessarily messare of the Democratic tax President Reagan's program "Getting 30 is not unrealislic." Democrats are entering this the same ones - and return to increase has just faUen like a for a second term, are hoping A pickup of 20 seats, Michel election with 266 seats while the numerical position they held thud on the Amc;ican people." Tuesday's election can produce said, and "we're back being Republicans hold 167. There are in 1981 , after Reagan won his Coelho. however, interviewed enough gains i" the House of competitive again." two vacancies. first term. on the same program, said, "We Representatives to give them Rep. Tony Coelho of Neither Republicans nor Rep. Newt Gingrich of are going [0 look good on philosophical control of the California, chairman of the Democrats predict the GOP will Georgia, a leader of GOP Tuesday niJ;hI." chamber, Democratic Congressional gain the 51 seats necessary to conservatives in the House, said Confident of Reagan's re­ "Our goal was to gel, at a Campaign Committee, said, control the House outright, Lut on the CBS television program election, Republicans have been minimum, the seats we )~l in "We're still saying that we don't Republicans increasingly bave "Face the Nation" Sunday, " I incr~singly concentrating on '82 and I think that is very much anticipate more than seven focused on the upcoming think we are goi ng to gain well electLOg GOP congressional in the realm of possibility," said pickUps or seven lost." election as an 01' ""'Ortunity to over 20 seats in the House, and candidates. 'Daily 'Egyptian Monday. NovemberS, 1984. Vol. 70, No 56 Property tax exelllption plan is confusing By BobTita Staff Wriler to operate slot machines- and other gambling games, the A referendum Tuesday money available to operate the dealing wib property tax posts has deC! eased, and they exemptions bas drawn I>oth are no longer able to donate support and opposition as well large amounts of money. as a good deal of confusion. Opponents of the ameiidinent, Illinois voters will be asked to however, believe that the tax exemption wou!d ~use fewer ~:'n~:~~~tagf:sth~ P~TI:o~ people to pay more property Coastitution that would aUow taxes. the statl' legislature to make Douglas Whitley, president of property used by veterans' the Taxpayers Federation of groups or for patriotic PlIl'JlO'ies minois, said bomeowners exempt from property taxes. already pay about 50 percent of Veterans orgaruzations bave property taxes in Illinois. He said that the tax exemption is 'said the percentage would in­ necessary to keep the the groups crease to make up the lost from dissolving because Jf lack revenue. He said government services From left, Barbara Brewer, Angie Middleton belongings back into Brewer's home after the of money. and Billy Baggett worked Saturday to move nood Friday in Makanda. lllinois law grants a tax free such as police and fire status to iand used by schools, protection to veterans' property state and local governments as would not decrease even though well as religious and charitable the groups were not paying for organizations. Cemeteries and the services. land used by horticultural and Whitley said the proviSion in Solar project offer not bail-out agricultural socicties are also the amendment granting tax tax free. exemptions to land used for By Lisa Eisenhauer action organization, because it Forest St., which has been Supporiers of the amendment patriotic purposes is vague and StaffWriler will r'egardless of whether it bas remodeled into a showcase of claim veterans' groups should confusing. any assets. The C{fer was made, energy-saving techniques. The be given the same exemption The reasons behu 11 the Richey explainea, because the building that houses the because the groups support Sbawnee Solar Project's ofler to lxlard did not want to see the demonstration center is leased community services such as donate its assets to Car­ library, tools and otber from the University. summer camps, scholarships Gus bondale's energy division have materials dealing with energy Richey said that if the and hospitals been misconstrued, according conservation " just put in boxes" resources located in the Bill CardweU, manager of CJ30de to the director of the Solar now that the Solar Project's demonstration center are Vetemns of Foreign War Post sources of funding have aU but combine.: with the knowledge of 7190 LO Murpbysboro, said his :;',:j~:~:';~ ~~ereas;to ~! dried up. Robert Pauls, director of the post donated $25,000 to help offer ha ve been lost in concern Tbe board offered the city's energy division, and the build SI. Joseph Hospital in over the cost of maintaining the project's assets to the city on resources the division itself bas Murphysboro in the early 19705. project's facility. Sept. 10. Since then, officials Carbondale would have a He said the American Legion He said the Solar Project's from the city bave been "substantial basis for a com­ post in Murphysboro donated board of directors was not checking into the feasibility of prehensive energy program to $50,000 to the hospital. looking for a way to bail the laking over the assets, including benefit the students and the Cardwell said since the state Gus says he atways thought it project out of debt, wbich it is the Solar Project's ofCice and no longer aUows veterans' POSts was patriotic to pay taxes. not in, or for a way to remain a demonstration center lit 808 S. See PROJECT, Page 6 This Council to conduct housing code hearing GMorning By BobTita Advisory Commission and Monty suggested in a \YJIen the idea was presented memorandum to the council MosUy sunny; Staff Wriler members of the city staff issued to the council, Mayor Helen highs in 605 a report recommmending that if a mandatory smoke Westberg said that aUowing The Carbondale City Council cbanges in the h,,';';ing code. detector ordinance is Il8SSed. occupancy in basements might will conduct a public hearinl! The recommendation calling for enforcement of the ordinance Dogs finish Monday night dealing wiw mandatory smoke detectors bas could be incorporated into lead to overcrowding. However, proposed changes in the Car­ drawn the the support of Fire systematic housing inspectIons. Monty said basement dwellings would be required to meet code inMVC bondale Housing Code which Chief Cbarles McCaughan. Another recommendation include mandatory smoke "Smoke detectors are the best would involve aUowing people to standards for beating, ven­ basement detectors in aU dwellings, and and earliest (warning) systems live in basements. The CAC tilation, ligbting and h~igbt. He allowing occupancy in we know of," he said in a letter report said this would aUow for said most of the ex.isting -Sport520 basem.ents, to Donald Monty, community the possibility of undergrow.,i basements would not meet the Last month the Citizens development director, bousmg. standards. fNewswrap RETAIN #116 nation(world Soviets want Mondale win hut predict Reagan re-election . MOSCOW ( AP) - Soviet newspapers Sunday loresaw re-election lor President Reagan and said the influence 01 big co~rations makes Americans vote in HeleclioDS without choice.' Several Soviet citizens interviewed at random Sunday on the streets 01 Do... F. Ra.... al. Moscow reflected the Communist Party line. They said Reagan will probably be re-elected but they would preler the Democratic nominee, lormer Vice President Walter Mondale, because they see Republican Candidate .Reagan's loreign policy as a threat to peace. For Jack~on Co. Coroner Tax collections show finn drop in .12 years Experienced-l0lh Vrs. Coroner I WASHINGTON (AP) - Government tax collections, dampened Educated-B.S. Degree SIU by the recession and the impact 01 federal tax cuts, declined sligbtly between 1982 and 1983 lor the lirst drop in 12 years, the Census Bureau reported Sunday. The bureau said the tax take 01 all Vote Nov. 6for#116 levels 01 government totaled $665.8 billion in the 1983 fiscal year, a 0.8 percent dip lrom the $671.4 billion collected in 1982. The decline Do... F. ~a ••"al. came at the lederallevel, wbere total taxes were Guwn 5.9 percent, Jack.o.. Co. Coroner led by a steep 25 percent drop in corporate income taxes. U.S. joins airlift to Ethiopian 'famine victims ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia ( AP) - A chartered American tran· sport plane flew into Addis Ababa from the United States on Sun· day, the fITSt U.S. aircralt to join the airlift 01 lood and supplies to 6 million Ethiopian lamine victims. The plane was one 01 two Her­ cules 1.r382 transports. chartered by the U.S. government to par­ Ten Cures ticipate for at. least two months in the SO-plane airlift. It brought in extra crew members and spare parts to keep it flying during the airlift that was organized to move donations lrom around the world (For Uncommon.Colds) to remote, drought-stricken areas.
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