Diplomatic corps and other Representations in Austria – BMEIA, Außenministerium Osterreich Directory of the Diplomatic Corps and other representations in Austria As of September 22, 2021 Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of Afghanistan) EMBASSY OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN , Tel: (+43 / 1) 402 10 06 Fax: (+43 / 1) 402 10 06 19 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.afghanistan-vienna.org Notruf konsularische Angelegenheiten: Tel. (+43/(0)1)) 524 78 06-16, (+43) (0)676 326 84 38; Office hours: Konsulat und Visaabteilung (+43/ (1)) 524 78 06 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich, Bosnien und Herzegowina Ms. Manizha BAKHTARI, m Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary , (07.01.2021) Mr. Fazull Mahmood RAHEMEE PAJWAK, m Counselor , (04.05.2020) Mr. Mahboobullah AFKHAMI, m First Secretary , (18.02.2020) Mrs. Masiha AKRAMI First Secretary , (18.03.2021) Mr. Ahmad Munir FARUHEE Second Secretary , (05.08.2019) Mr. Farhad GHIASSI, m Second Secretary , (13.12.2019) Mr. M. Qaseem MUHTAT, m Second Secretary , (16.11.2020) Ms. Fadia MARDAN KAMAL, m Third Secretary , (23.12.2019) CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN Kärntner Ring 17/12-15 1010 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 402 10 06 Fax: (+43 / 1) 402 10 06 19 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Mo - Do 09:00 - 14:00 Amtsbereich: Österreich Albania (Republic of Albania) EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA Prinz-Eugen-Straße 18/1/5, 1040 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 328 86 56 Fax: (+43 / 1) 328 86 58 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.kryeministria.al Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich Mr. Roland BIMO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary , (14.03.2014) Mr. Tonin BECI, m Minister , (07.08.2019) Mr. Idlir KABA Second Secretary , (18.04.2017) Mrs. Artjola GANELLARI Second Secretary , (09.09.2020) Mr. Leonard COKU Defence Attaché , (29.05.2017) CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Prinz-Eugen-Straße 18/1/5 1040 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 328 86 56 Fax: (+43 / 1) 328 86 58 E-mail: [email protected] COMMERCIAL SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Prinz-Eugen-Straße 18/1/5 1040 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 328 86 56 Fax: (+43 / 1) 328 86 58 E-mail: [email protected] Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of Algeria) EMBASSY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA Rudolfinergasse 18, 1190 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 369 88 53 - 55 Fax: (+43 / 1) 369 88 56 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.algerische-botschaft.at Emergency call: (+43 / 1) 369 88 53 - 41 Office hours: Mo - Fr 09:00 - 16:00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich, Slowakische Republik Ms. Faouzia MEBARKI, m Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary , (24.05.2016) Mr. Abdelmalek TIGHARGHAR, m Counselor , (15.08.2019) Mr. Samir GRAICHE, m First Secretary , (15.10.2020) Mr. Karim AICHE, m First Secretary , (01.08.2019) Mr. Khaled BOUDHANE, m First Secretary , (14.08.2019) Mr. Mohammed MOUSSAOUI, m First Secretary , (15.08.2019) Mr. Afif NEMIR, m First Secretary , (26.11.2020) Mr. Mokhtar NAOUN, m Attaché , (19.08.2017) Ms. Myriam NAOUN, m Attaché , (19.08.2017) Ms. Ghenima AIT BACHIR, m Attaché , (01.08.2019) Mr. Ahcen SAHTOUT, m Attaché , (29.10.2020) CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Rudolfinergasse 18 1190 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 369 88 53 - 55 Fax: (+43 / 1) 369 88 56 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Mo - Do: 09:00 - 15:00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich, Slowakische Republik Andorra (Principality of Andorra) EMBASSY OF ANDORRA Kärntner Ring 2A/13, 1010 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 961 090 920 Fax: (+43 / 1) 961 090 950 E-mail: [email protected] Emergency call: +43 / (0) 699 105 64 933 Office hours: Mo - Fr 09:00 - 13:00 und 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich; Ungarn; Slowakei; Tschechische Republik Mr. Jaume SERRA SERRA, m Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to United Nations (Vienna), to CTBTO , (13.01.2020) Mrs. MMag. Marta SALVAT BATISTA Attaché (Special Envoy on Policy and Security issues) , (11.01.2008) Angola (Republic of Angola) EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA Leonard-Bernstein-Straße 10 (Saturn Tower), 1220 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 718 74 88 Fax: (+43 / 1) 718 74 86 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.embangola.at Emergency call: (+43 / (0) 664) 941 20 19 Mo - Do 09:00 - 13:00 und 14:00-16:00 Office hours: Fr 10:00-12:30 und 14:00-15:00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich, Republik Kroatien, Republik Slowenien, Slowakische Republik. Mrs. Teodolinda Rosa Rodrigues COELHO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to United Nations (Vienna) and CTBTO , (24.05.2018) Ms. Teresa Manuel Bento da SILVA, m First Secretary , (09.04.2015) Mr. Fernando Pedro MARQUES First Secretary , (18.03.2019) Mr. Carlos Ornelas Fonseca Da SILVA, m First Secretary , (14.11.2019) Ms. Joana Patricia Antonio Da Costa FRANCISCO, m Second Secretary , (05.12.2019) Ms. Feliciana Das Dores Manuel Raimundo KISSINZA, m Second Secretary , (23.12.2020) Mrs. Irene Da Conceicao Domingos Da S MANSO Second Secretary , (28.04.2021) Mrs. Maria Da Conceicao Francisco LOPES Financial Attaché , (15.08.2019) CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Leonard-Bernstein-Straße 10 (Saturn Tower) 1220 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 718 74 88 Fax: (+43 / 1) 718 74 86 E-mail: [email protected] Mo - Do: 10.00 - 12.30 und 14.00 - 16.00 Office hours: Fr: 10.00 - 12.30 und 14.00 - 15.00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich Antigua and Barbuda (Antigua and Barbuda) Argentina (Argentine Republic) EMBASSY OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Wattmangasse 28, 1130 Wien Tel: 0153351718463 Fax: (+43 / 1) 533 87 97, 533 56 51 E-mail: [email protected] Emergency call: (+43 / (0) 676 707 33 36 Office hours: Mo - Fr 09:00 - 17:00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich, Republik Slowenien und Slowakische Republik Mr. Gustavo Eduardo AINCHIL, m Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary , (23.12.2020) Ms. Maria Fabiana LOGUZZO, m Minister and Deputy Permanent Representative , (23.12.2020) Mr. Martin VIA, m Counselor , (18.05.2021) Mr. Patricio Gonzalo URUENA PALACIO Third Secretary , (24.08.2020) Mr. Esteban DEL SAR, m Third Secretary , (04.09.2019) ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Lugeck 1-2; 7. Etage 1010 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 533 84 63, 533 85 77 DW 29 Fax: (+43 / 1) 533 87 97, 533 56 51 E-mail: [email protected] Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich POLITICAL SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Lugeck 1-2; 7. Etage 1010 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 533 84 63, 533 85 77 DW 15 Fax: (+43 / 1) 533 87 97, 533 56 51 E-mail: [email protected] CULTURAL AND PRESS SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Lugeck 1-2/7/44A 1010 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 533 84 63, 533 85 77 DW 15 Fax: (+43 / 1) 533 87 97, 533 56 51 E-mail: [email protected] CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Lugeck 2/7 1010 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 533 84 63, 533 85 77 DW 33 Fax: (+43 / 1) 533 87 97, 533 56 51 E-mail: [email protected] Emergency call: (+43 / (0) 676) 707 33 36 Office hours: Mo - Fr 09:30 - 13:30 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich Mr. Lucas Martin MOBRICI, m Second Secretary , (06.06.2019) Armenia (Republic of Armenia) EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA Hadikgasse 28, 1140 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 522 74 79 Ext. 100 Fax: (+43 / 1) 522 74 81 E-mail: offi[email protected] Mo - Fr 09:00 - 18:00 Office hours: Konsularische Angelegenheiten Mo, Mi und Fr 10:00 - 13:00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich, Slowakischen Republik Mr. Armen PAPIKYAN, m Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary , (19.03.2019) Ms. Lusine DAVTYAN, m First Secretary , (19.12.2018) Mrs. Lusine HAKOBYAN Counselor and Consul , (21.06.2020) Mr. Stepan BAGHDASARYAN, m Counselor , (07.03.2019) Mr. Karapet GEVORGYAN, m Counselor , (02.06.2014) CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Hadikgasse 28 1140 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 522 74 79 Ext. 205 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Mo, Di, Mi und Fr 10:00 - 13:00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich Australia (Australia) EMBASSY OF AUSTRALIA Mattiellistraße 2-4, 1040 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 506 74 - 0 Fax: (+43 / 1) 506 74 185 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.austria.embassy.gov.au Office hours: Mo - Fr 09.00 - 16.00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich Mr. Richard Travers SADLEIR, m Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary , (28.10.2019) Mr. Emil STOJANOVSKI Counselor , deputy Head of Mission , (14.01.2020) Mr. Jarrod Ian POWELL, m Counselor , (03.09.2018) Ms. Zoe Louise CAMPBELL, m First Secretary , (22.07.2019) Mr. Michael Charles BYERS, m First Secretary , (08.07.2020) Ms. Kellie Lee KOTTWITZ, m First Secretary and Consul , (11.01.2021) Mrs. Ruth Myrine CONSTANTINE Second Secretary , (08.03.2021) Mr. Vathsala RAMASUNDARA, m Second Secretary , (04.07.2019) Ms. Anne Veronica CRAIG, m First Secretary , (28.07.2021) CONSULAR SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Mattiellistraße 2 1040 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 506 74 - 0 Fax: (+43 / 1) 506 74 185 Office hours: Mo - Fr 09:00 - 12:30 und 14:00 - 16:00 COMMERCIAL SECTION OF THE EMBASSY Neue Mainzerstrasse 52-58 60311 Frankfurt/Main Tel: (+49 / 69) 90558 - 200 Fax: (+49 / 69) 90558 - 209 E-mail: [email protected] Austria (Republic of Austria) Azerbaijan (Republic of Azerbaijan) EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN Hügelgasse 2, 1130 Wien Tel: (+43 / 1) 403 13 22 Fax: (+43 / 1) 403 13 23 E-mail: [email protected] Emergency call: (+43 / 1) 403 13 22 Office hours: Mo - Fr 09.00 - 18.00 Amtsbereich: Republik Österreich, Slowakischen Republik, Republik Slowenien Mr. Rovshan SADIGBAYLI, m Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary , (23.07.2021) Mr.
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