I Environmental Protection Agency An Gbmorphoiieocht un, Choonihrrii Cmhioacrf Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate Mr. Ger Finn County Wexford, Ireland County Manager Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheaiii Cavan County Council Contae Loch Garrnan, Eire Courthouse T t353 53 916 0600 F t353 53 916 0699 Cavan E- infoQepa.ie W- wwwepa ie LoCall 1890 33 55 99 15 December, 20 10 WO077 - 04 Re: Notification in accordance with Section 42/2) of the Waste Management Acts, 1996 to 2010, of a proposed decision on an application for a review of a waste licence, in respect of a facility at Lismagratty & Corranure Townlends. Cootehill Road, Cavan, County Cavan Dear Mr. Finn, Accompanyiiig is a copy of thc L4gency's notification of its proposed decision on the application for a i-u\.iew of' ;I waste licence 11-oni C'a\.an ('ountj. Council in t-espect of a facility at Con-anu re I. a 11d fi 1 1. I .isn ia gra t t y & C omnu re Town 1an cl s , Coot ehi 11 Ro a cl. C' a \;a 11 COI int y Cava ti. The notification and the accompanying copy of the proposed decision, set out the dctails of the proposed revised licence, in accordaiice witli Scction 42 of the Waste Management Acts. 1996 to 20 10 and the rele\xnt Waste Managcmcnt (Licensing) Iiegulations. It is inipoi-tant to note that any o17jcctioii to a pi-oposecl decisiodrequest for an orn1 hearing must be received By the Agency before the expiration of the appropriate period as specified in the accompanying notification. A4iiob.jectioiv'request for an oial hearing must be made on-line 011 the Agency's website at 1mw.eixi.ieor by sending the objection 01- request by pi-epaid post to the Agency, or by leaving the objection or request with an employee of the Agency at the Headquarters of the Agency in Wexford during office hours. i.e. 9 a.m. to 5 p.in. Monday to Friday. In accordance with Section 32(A) of the Waste h'lanagernent Acts 1996 to 20 10, the latest date for receipt of an objection 1s 5 00 pin on 20"' January 2011. Please note that there is no requivemerzt.for you to acknowledge receipt qfthis letter. Yours sincerely,- Dorota Ricliar ds Office of Climate, Licensing & Resource LJx I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghnramhairromt fun Chi;", .+nu CONihoo,' MI-Eoin Doyle Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate Director of Sen ices (En\~ronment) County Wexford,ireland C'aban County Council Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Shedin COurthouse Contae Loch Garrnan, he Cavan T t353 53 916 0600 F +353 53 916 0699 E infoQepa le W. www.epa le LoCall- 1890 33 55 99 Rc: Notification in accordance with Section 42(_2_)0fAieWaste I\/Iana~;(ementActs, liN(a 2010, .gfa pi-oposed decision on an ajipl!cation lor a revieis. of a waste licence, in respect of a facilitv at 1,ismagratty Sr Corrariure To\vnlands, Cootelill1 Road, Cavan. County Ca\w! Ilcar MI-.Doyle, It is in~poi-t~rntto note that ally otijcction to ;I pi.oposcd tlecisionireclucst lor aii oral hearing must be recei\.etl by the Agency before tlic espiratiori of the appropriate period as specified in the accompanying notification. ob.jcctioii!recluest for an oral heai-ing must be made oil-line 011 the :lgeiicy's website at va~~v-~lx~.ic or hy sending tlie objection or request 12). prepaid post to thc Agency. 01-by Ica\,ing the o1)jcction 01- 1-quest n'ith an eiiiployce of thc Agcnc~.at ~IICHeadquai-ters of the .4geiicy iii \Vex ford dtirin~office hours, i.e. 9 a.in. to S p.m. Monday to Friday. In accoi-d;t~~ct'with Section 42(.4) of thc Waste hlnnagc~iientActs 1996 to 2010, tlie latest date foi- r-eccipt of an objection is 5.00 pi oii 20"' .Janoar\. 201 1. Please riote that there is no re~uir.r~nit~rit,foryoiito ackriowlcdge receipt qfthis letter. Secreta1 y An Taisce - The National Trust for eland Headquarters, PO Box 3000 11 iohnstown Castle Estate The Tailor's Hall County Wexford, Ireland Back Lanc Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile,Sheain Dublin 8 Contae Loch Garman, Eire T t353 53 916 0600 F +353 53 916 0699 E infoaepa ie W wwwepa le LoCall. 1890 33 55 99 15 December. 20 10 Re: Notificatioii 111 accordance \?it11 Section 42(2) of tlie Waste Miiiiageil~eiitActs, I996 to 2010, ofa proposed dgmisl_on on an application for a re\.ie\v of a waste licence, in irespect__clt:i! facility at Lismagratty 62 Coii--aniireTownlands. Cootehill Road, Cayan, County C:avaii Dear Secretary, Accoinpariying IS a copy of the Agency's notification of its pi-ojx~sed decision on the application for 21 I-evieiv of a waste licence from Cai.an County Council 111 i-espect of a facility at C'i~i-~-anureLandfill, 1.ismagratty 62 Col-ranure 'I o\+,iilands. C.ootcliil1 Road C:I\.;III~Ccitirlt>, (:a\Yl 11. 7 iie notification ancl the accoiiipaiiying copy of' the prolxwxl ilccision. set out the details oi the proposed re\.isecl licence, in accordance with Sectio~42 of tlie Wastc Manageinent Acts, 1096 to 2010 ancl thc ircle\mt M;aste Management (Licensins) I<cgulatioiis. It is iiiipr>t-t;int to iiote that any ol3jectioii to ;I pi-oposcd dccisioii i-eciuest fot- ;in oral hearing must be recei\.etl bj, the :igenc>. before the expiration of the appropriate period as specified in the ;iccompaiij~iiignotification. ,411c)l?j~ctioti,'icclticst for ;in 01-a1 heal-iiig must bc made on-line oil tlic Agen s website at wm~:L\i.epa.ic01- by se~~liiigtlic oljection 01- requcst by pi-cpaid post to tlic Agency, or by leaving tlie ction 01- request wit11 iiii eniplc~yecof tlie Agency at the Headquarters of. the Agency in MI 1-11during office limit-s, i.e. 9 ii.ii1. IO5 p.m. Monday to FI-i clay. Yours sincerely, - . 11o ro t a K ic hard s Office of' Climate. 1.icerising CY; liesource Use Encl Pat Chllienne~. MI-. UT @PaillEnvironmental Gh~io?ihaiiear,it ProtectionChaomhiw frmnhitiooi.Agency The Manager Headquarters, PO Box Devel opin en t ppl i cations 11 i t 3000 A IJ Johnstown Castle Estate D epartin en t o 1' En vi 1-0 iiiii ent , I -I el-it age R: Lo ca 1 Govern m cii t County Wexford, Ireland Newt o w ri Road Ceanntheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chatslean Bhaile Sheain LV ex fo rd Contae Loch Garrnan, Eire T +353 53 916 0600 F, +353 53 916 0699 E info8epa ie W w epa le Locall. 1890 33 55 99 15 December, 20 10 Ff'0077 - 04 Dear Mr. Gilheaney. The IiotiilcaLion ancl the ;iccoiiipaii>.iiiz copy 01' llic pi-011c~seddecision, set out llic clctails of the proposed re\,ised licence, iii accordaiicc Lvitli Section 42 01' the Waste hlniiageiiient Acth. 1990 10 20 10 and the i-ule\.arit Waste hlanagciiient (Licensing) Regulations. Ilr P J Claffq maEnvironmental Protection Agency P1-0 gr mmi c' Mil1-1 agei An i;hniomhoireorht urn ihornhnii Comhihoaii Health & Safe11 Autiioiity Metlopolitan Buildiiig Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate James Joyce Sti-ect County Wexford, Ireland Dublin Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 1 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman, Eire T t353 53 916 0600 F +353 53 916 0699 E infoQepa le W wwwepa ie 15 December. 20 10 \!'0077 - 04 LoCall 1890 33 55 99 Dear Dr Claffey. Accoiiipan~~ng15 a cop). of the Ageticy's notificatioii of its pi~opxddecision 011 the application for a review of a waste licence from Ca\.an County Council in respect of a Facility at Col-i-mu re I ,a ncl fi 1I, I, i snia gra t t 1 R Col-I-a11ur-e 'I'u\\,ii I ;I iid s, Coot eh11 Road, ( 'n\m,County ca\,an. E' ours s1 IIC er el y , Do rot a K i c ha I-tls Office of Cliiiiatc, Licensing & Kcso~irceIJse I Environmental Protection Agency Ai' Ghororn'mieorht tin? Chonmhnu Ccinbibm.! Mr. Martin Devine Headquarters, PO Box 3000 t at Johnsiawn Castle Estate A ss i st an N 1on a1 D i rector. Pop u 1at 1o ni' Envi 1-0iiin en t a1 H e a 1th County Wexford, Ireland Health Service (Dublin North East) Ceanncheathru, Bosta Poist 3000 2nd Floor, Oak House Eastdt Chaisiedn Bhaite Shedin Contae Loth Garrnan, Eire Lime Tree Avenue, Milleiiniuiii Park T +353 53 916 0600 Naas, County Kildare F t353 53 916 0699 E info@epa le W wwwepa ie LoCali- 1890 33 55 99 15 December, 20 10 WO077 - 04 Re: Notification 111 accordance with Section 42(2) ofthe Waste ManaLrement Acts, 1996 to 2010, of a proposed decision on an application for a review ofa waste licence, in respect of a facility at Lisma.gratty & Corranure 7 ownlands, Cootehill Road, Cavan, County Cavan Dear Mr. Devine, Accoiiipanyjng is a copy of the Agency's notification of its proposed decision on the application for a review of a ivaste licence fi-0111 Cavan County Council in respect of a facility at Corranure Landfill. Idismagratty & Corranure Tondands. Cootehill Road, Ca\ran. County c a1.a11. The notification and the acconipanying copy of the proposed tlccision, set out the details of the proposed revised licence. in accorciance with Section 42 of the Wastc hlanagement Acts.
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