Musical Influence Network Analysis and Rank of Sample-Based Music Nicholas J. Bryan and Ge Wang Stanford University | CCRMA ISMIR 2011 Introduction • Influence Network Analysis and Rank • Understand how songs, artist, and genres interact within the musical practice of sample-based music • Sampled-Based Music • A musical work that borrows material from another source, whether it be direct manipulation of a recorded sound or less direct transcribed material as decided from a user community “Amen Break” “Theme From Lilies of the Field (Amen)” by Jester Hairston A “We’re a Winner” “Theme From Lilies of the Field (Amen)” by The Impressions by The Impressions B1 B2 C “Amen, Brother” by The Winstons “Amen Break” “Theme From Lilies of the Field (Amen)” by Jester Hairston A “We’re a Winner” “Theme From Lilies of the Field (Amen)” by The Impressions by The Impressions B1 B2 C “Amen, Brother” by The Winstons . F D “Straight Outta Compton” by NWA “Rustic Raver” E by Squarepusher “The Perfect Drug” by Nine Inch Nails “Amen Break” “Theme From Lilies of the Field (Amen)” by Jester Hairston A “We’re a Winner” “Theme From Lilies of the Field (Amen)” by The Impressions by The Impressions B1 B2 Gospel C “Amen, Brother” by The Winstons Soul / Funk / Disco Electronic / Dance Rock / Pop . F Hip-Hop / R&B D “Straight Outta Compton” by NWA “Rustic Raver” E by Squarepusher “The Perfect Drug” by Nine Inch Nails Today • Unique Dataset • User community generated sample-based music data • Initial analysis and trends • Network Analysis • Degree centrality & distribution • Song-, Artist-, and Genre-level influence networks popular music (e.g. Rolling Stone Magazine). We present work towards this goal by studying influence found within 1 popular musicsample-based (e.g. Rolling music. Stone Magazine).Directed influence We present graphs are con- popular musicstructed (e.g. Rolling using a Stone dataset Magazine). from WhoSampled.com We present [8], a music popular music (e.g.popular Rolling music Stone (e.g. Magazine). 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