us ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY OffICE OF PEsnCIDES PROGRAMS REGISTRAnON DMSION (15·767, WASHINGTON. DC 20460 NAME Of PES"ICIDE PRODUCT tlOTICE OF PESTICIDE: ~ HG'ST •• Y'OH o .-E"I£GIST"ATION Ultra Clorox Bleach Formula G (Under 'he Feder.l/nsecticide. Fun"dde, .nd Rodenric;#:le Act, I$. _"1ended) NAME AND ADDRESS OF REGISTAAHT (Includ. ZIP cod_) lThe Clorox Company c/oPS&RC P. O. Box 493 Pleasanton, Ca 94566-0803 L -1 NOTE: Chances in labelinc formula difrerine; in substance from thlt .ec:ept~d in connection. with this reCislt.lioft must be submitted to .nd accepted by the Recdlt.tion Division prior to use of the labe,! in commerce. In any correspondence on this product alwl,.. refer to tbe .bove U.S. EPA recistraUon number. OIl tbe basis of itdormation. fumisbed by the reeisUlnt, the above named pesticide is hereby Recistered/Rerecistered UDder 1.( tbe Federal Insecticide, Funcicide. and Rodenticide Act. A copy of tbe I.helin, accepted in, connection with this ReCistration.!Rerecistration is returned herewith. RecilttatioD. is in DO way to be construed as an indorsement or apJr0val d this product by this AleDC,.. In. order to proteet health aDd. the environment, the Administrator, OD his motion, may at any time suspend (II' cancel the recistraUoa or a pest .. Ie ide in accordance with the Act. The accepteoee of any name in connection with-the r~&istntioa or. product under this: Act is not tQ...be. constrped a,s livin,. tile reJ.istran~ a ri&ht ,to eselos ive use C!r the na me or to ,its use if it has been covered b7 others. 1 hIS prOGUct IS conGltIonaHy regIstered m accordance WIth FIFRA sectIon 3(c)(7)(A) provided that you: I. Submit/cite all data required for registration/reregistration of your product under FIFRA section 3(c)(5) or 4(a) when the Agency requires all registrants of similiar products to submit such data. 2. Make the. labeling changes listed below before you release the product for shipment: ~. Add the phrase "EPA Registration No. 5813-72" to your label before you release the product for shipment. b. On page 2, delete the phrase "The product is unbeatable." Revise "Kills Germs" to read "Kills many germs" and "Kills Bacteria" to read "Kills many bacteria." c .. Delete the claim, "Hand Sanitizing". This claim is regulated by FDA d. On page II, at the bottom of the page, delete the word "powerful". On page 15, at the top of the panel, delete the phrase "the spread of infectious disease" and revise to read "results in the hazards of contaminated surfaces." 3. Submit CIle copy of your fina1 printed labeling before you release the product for shipment. Refer to the A-79 enclosure for a further description of final printed labeling. ( ( 1 ?- J'~tJ) IOATE '" A E v IOUS E 01 TI o~ ....... " eEL'!; £: ~ U N ~ I!.. S'):> C '_ ~ • ~ ~ y _ ••• ~ __ _ 2 If these conditions are not complied with, the registration will be subject to cancellation in accordance with FIFRA section 6(e). Your release for shipment of the product constitutes acceptance of these conditions. A stamped copy of the label is enclosed for your records. Robert S. Brennis Product Manager (32) Regulatory Management Branch II Antimicrobial Division (75 JOC) ( ( \ R0474010 F' ",?ster 5/19/00 1: 06 PM Page 1 EPA ~81J· Ultra Clorox Bleach formuli G 1 0114 Active Ingredient: Sodium Hypochlorite .........6.0% Inert Ingredients ............94.0% [Total ....................100.0%1 BLEACH Forl'T1lula G ') KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN "CORROSIVE DANGER "HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED FIRST AID: IF IN EYES: rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Get prompt medical anention. IF IN CONTACT WITH SKIN: wash skin thorough~ with water. NET CONTENTS __ -& See back panel for additional precautionary statements. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS: Hazards to humans and domestic animals. i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DANGER: CORROSIVE May cause severe irritation or damage to eyes and skin. Harmful ,1 swallowed. Protect eyes when + Satisfaction Guaranteed! At Clorox, we have prided handling. for prolonged use, wear gloves. Wash after contact with product Avoid brtr.hing vapors ourselves in making consistent quality bleach for over 75 and use only in a well ventilated area. years, and we are dedicated to ensuring your total satisfaction with our product. It you _are not completely FIRST AlD·or- STATEMENT OF PRAcnCAl TREATMENT: IF IN ms: rinse with plenty of water for satisfied, please call the number below. -. 15 minutes. Get prompt medical attention. IF SWALLOWED: drink large amounts ol'Rt!r. DO NOT induce vomiting. tan a physician or poison control center immediately. IF IN CONTACT WlTH SKIN: wash skin thoroughly with water. CLOROX CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE "",SICAl OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS: Product contains a strong oxidizer. Always nush drains before (BOO) 292-2200 ) and aner use. DD!tot un or mix with oHler household cbtmlcals, such as toilet tI<JM deaners. rust AIry Questions? The experts at Clorox are standing by to removers, acids or products containing ammonia. To do so will release hazardous irT'btIng oases. answer any of your laundry or household cleaning questions. Prolonged contact wtlh metal may cause pitting or discoloration. For institutional USf only. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT ENVIRONMENTAl HAZARDS: Do not discharge effluent containing ttlis product into tabs, streams. ...'" ponds, estuaries. oceans or other waters unless in accordance with the requirements of a National .,.,.... - Pollutant [Nsdwge Elimination System (NPOES) pennit and the permitting authority has been • This product rapidly breaks down almost entirely c.w notified In writing prior to discbarge. to satl water. ) ,) ~ • Safe for septic and waste water tn.alme,lt ;t,.4 STORAGE AJlD DISPOSAL: Store this product upright in a cool, dry area. awwj from direct sunight systems. " h.·1 lAd heat to avo6d deteriol1tiOn. In case of spill, flood areas with large quantities 01 water. Sma! • Not harmful to septic systems. Glr-I quantities of spilled or unusable product should be diluted with water before dispoSal in a sanitary • This bottle is coded lor recyclers. Check to see 11 11..1 sewet Do not reuse empty container, but rinse and place in trash or recycie whefI tacilities accept recyding facilities accept colored HOPE in yo',r MO-2 colored HOPE bottles. 00 not contaminate water, food, or feed by stor3Qa, dispOSal or use of this area. , , product. Storl away 'rom children. Reclost cap Ugbtty afttr PCb USI. • Contains no phosphorus. ' .. , ' , PR·I "" ,) Patent Des. 264,308 (for 48, 96 and 180 ounce ~., bottles only) •• j) Bottle shape is a registered trademarll. & idtnIiIin •• j , or the Clorox Company MId. for 10 2000 The Clorox Company IIlI~G " "-- Questions or COmments? EPA Reo. No. 5813- Te Oakland, CA ~tt~?F" ....... Call T~I Free (888) 797-7925 -or· (800) 227-1880 EPA Est No. 5813· Made in U.S"~./'_~ ~"l::::,._,", ,... " , i i R0474·1 in 22A Letter D~ted;. 5EP I 4 '}[ff) ,T th.co !:,cdzn:.l l;secu.cide, .. ' _~._" ..2'_::: ~?...i:d'~:':' _~ _: ~ t.:."t·iiB ~J;..J._ l~.l' \h~ i..:~;;ticde "cree L,~cr EPA Re!l- ~o58'/.Jf7~ i ?_0';740:;")"? master 5/19/00 1;06 PM Page) I EPA 5813- Ultrl Ctorol Bluch Formula G lot 14 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: .3. Add delergenl wilh Ihe wash waler belore laundry is pul in. [WHERE TO USE: -OR- WHERE DO I USE THIS PRODUCT?} • Use bleath dispenser If available 1/i It is a violation of Federal law 10 use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. ~ To handwash, disinfect or pretreat stains and clean heavy soils, rinse to remove LAUNDRY USE: I" • klose soil and fully soak each garment for 5 miRutes in a solution of 1/4 cup of STANDARD WASHER-'/' CUP "i:'F 1'/. this producllo 1 galion 01 cool waler. EXTRA LARGE WASHER-l '/. CUPS" \JJ!f' CUPS To disinfecl or sanilize laundry. add 1 cup of Ihis producllo a standard size Sort laundry by color. If uncertain washer following the laundry use directions. about dye colorfastness, test fabric by applying 1 drop of a solution made of 2 teaspoons of this product plus '/4 cup water to hidden part of seam. Be sure to To diSinfect and deodorize diapers in pails, soak in 1/4 cup of this product to 1 check all colors. After 1 minute, blot dry. No color change means the article gallon of water for 5 minutes. can be safely bleached. Avoid bleaching wool, silk, mohair, leather, spandex and tJ~ non-fasl colors. ~ ....... Add this product to dispenser, it available. If not, add this product and detergent ULTU. wlth the wash water before the laundry is put in. Or for best results, dilute this product with a quart of water and add to wash 5 minutes after the wash cycle has begun. For heavily soiled loads add slightly more -or- 1 1/~ cup of this 24 oz -or •. 71 L [(4 uses)] 32 OZ 00(1(- 1 qual1 -or. 1/4 gallon -0"- 0.95 L [(4 uses)] prOdUCI.~ _ ~ 48 oz -or- 1.42 L [(8 uses)] 64 OZ"¢t- 2 quarls -or. 1/2 gallon -or. 1.89L [(8 uses)] 96 OZ -or- 2.84 L [(16 uses)] 1280z -or. 1 gallon -or. 3.79 L [(16 USes)) 174 oz -or. 5.15 L ({29 uses)} 192 oz -()(. 1.5 gallon 00(1(_ 5.68 L [(24 uses)] "A ~ 1. Sort laundry by color. ~ 348 oz -or-10.3 L [(56 uses)) 384 oz -or. 3 gallOflS .-or· 11.4 L [(4/1 UWS)) 360 oz -or. 10.7 L [(60 uses)] ~\ 2.
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