
ver the years commercial malpractice insurers have come and gone from the Alabama marketplace . End the worry about prior acts coverage. Insure with AIM. We're here when you need us: Continuously! AIM: For the Difference (We'r e here to stay!) "A Mutual Insurance Company Organized by and for Alabama Attorneys" Attorneys Insur ance Mutual of Alabama , Inc. • 22 Inverness Center Parkway Telephone (205) 980-0009 Sulle 340 Toll Free (800) 526 - 1246 Birmingham , A labama 35242-4820 FAX(205)980 -9009 • CHARTER M EMBER : NATIONA L ASSOCIATION OF BAR - RELATED INSURANCE COMPANIES NOTICEOF ELECTION Notice is given herewith pursuant to the AlabamaState Bar Rules GoverningElection of Presi­ dent-elect and Commissioner. PRESIDENT-ELECT The AlabamaState Bar will elect a president­ March 1, 1993. Any candidate for this office elect in 1993 to assume the presidencyof the also must submit with the nominating peti­ bar in July 1994. Any candidate must be a tion a black and white photograph and bio­ member in good standing on March 1, 1993. graphical data lo be published in the May Pelilions nominating a candidate must bear AlabamaLawyer. the signature of 25 members in good standing Ballots will be mailed between May 15 and of the Alabama State Bar and be received by June l and must be receivedat state bar head­ the secretary of the state bar on or before quarters by 5 p.m. on July 14, 1993. COMMISSIONERS Bar commissionerswill be elected by those Allsubsequent terms will be for three years. lawyerswith their principal officesin the fol­ Nominationsmay be made by petition bear­ lowingcircuits: 8th; 10th. places no. 4, 7 and ing the signatures of five members in good Bessemer Cut-off; 11th; 13th, place no. l; standing with principal offices in the circuit ]7th; 18th; 19th; 21st; 22nd; 23rd, place no. l; in which the election will be held or by the 30th; 31st; 33rd; 34th; 35th; 36th; and 40th. candidate's written declaration of candidacy. Additional commissioners will be elected in Either must be received by the secretary no these circuits for each 300 members of the later than 5 p.m. on the last Friday in April state bar with principal offices therein. The (April30, 1993). new commissioner positions will be deter­ Ballotswill be prepared and mailed to mem­ mined by a census on March 1, 1993 and bers betweenMay 15 and June 1, 1993. Ballots vacanciescertified by the secretary on March must be voted and returned by 5 p.m. on the 15, 1993. second Tuesdayin June (June 8, 1993) to state The terms of any incumbent commissioners bar headquarters. are retained. THEALABAMA LAWYER January 1993 / l The Alaban1a IN BRIEF a"\Vyer January 1993 Volume 54, Number l Publlshodsev on timesa yea, (the sevortlh,ssue i s a ON THE COVER: ba, directory edltfon) by 1ho Alabamo Slate Bat, P.O. Box 4 156, Montgome ry. Alabama36t0 1. Ice storms in Alabama paint a picturesque landsc.ipe. Photo by JomesG uier PhOno (205) 2fl9-15 t5. INSIDE ISSUE: Robert A. Huffaker - ········ ..······-···-· ..................E ditor rms Susa n ShirOdt OePaola ·- ················.Associa1e Editor Lawyers & Doctors Joi n Fon;es Agaim t Drug Abuse M11rgare1M urphy......... , ...... ...............M anagtng Editor By EdwardM . George ............................................................................................. ..................... 16 eo.nto f Edito,. W\111111'1'1J. UndOrwoocl , TutlQUmbl,a• Joftrey L. t.1,nher. Moalle • Report$ from IOLTA Grant Recipients Alex L Holl.S1otd,Jr ._M onlQ00\(11')'• Nan T. RC,001'$, Bitmino­ ll•m • J,E. s.i.....,.,, JI , Enterprise • Leah 0. Ta'ft)t, Bimllr,o­ By Timothy A. le wis .....................................................................................................................22 ham • Deborah Alley Smi1h, 8lr ml11g ham • 0111• Olan Oirmingtl;ain, Joh n w Katgrove, Blrrn~l\am • Rayo. Noo;n, Opening of Court Ceremony .............................................................................................24 Jt., e.tmlngl'lllffl• Dobott1hJ . I.Of'O.e1mv,gti.am • s-,y COf. kltn ·Buller. Mont.gotnety• lalX.l Pedl, BiMWIQIIAm• 5$1:i A ABA's Legal Techno logy Resouru Cent er MeGlv411en, 8irmit1gham • Hon. Joseph A. Colqulu, T U5CIIOOSI • Susatl E. RuS$. Monl gQrn41f)' • John M.,f'k H.n. By M. IYQyne Wheeler ...................................................................................................................36 Birmingham • ~aymoncl L JoMsori. Jt.. BlrmlngtlLWn• PNl!f, A. Lllrd, Jaw,er • C9c;ilM . T.p<on, Jt,. Opelika , FO!tfil Lana. Enforcing Arbitratio n Agreemen ts In Alabama: Mo* • Mon. Hugh M.16dox, MonlgOlflllrY • J W. Goodic)o, J1 , Mob.I• • Ma1k 0, Hess, MOt1.1gome1y• S teve P B<unson, A Double Standard Dilemma o.ci:l(lon • S.f'fllml n a.Sps;llngi, llt, 8irmfngtlam Board of Commlsslon~ By Stanley D. Bynum and J. DavidPugh ..... ............................................................... ...............38 U.i.on ---- ·- ·- ··-·· 5alnull!I A, R)Jmo,e .k , Bl1mingtw11n Oftl"rs Beware of Tax Liens and the IRS RJght of Redemption After Foreclosu re Clattnce M Sl'lld, Jr .• em,!ngh~ .......... - Pr~ B.v Gilbert F. Dukes,l// .................................................................................................................46 James A. Sealt . Monlgom&l'y.. -----· PrOStdoat>Olocl John EarloQI.Ison. 8.,y Mllen&... -·-·-·-·-·- Ylce?esitle!1 Report of the Task Force on Specializatio n Aegflald T H.amN!t,Monl c,ontery,--·--·-·- ..... , .,Sec,Nry BolNf of Convni.t1on~ By /(eilh B. Norman. ............- .......................................................................................................55 1st Circuh, E6Nard P Turner, Jr,. Cha1orn • 2nd Clrcud, JOllft A. Niehobi. Lt1vern~ • 3rd e«euit , l,.ynn Robo rl$0n Ja(i.'1(1on. Comparative Fault: A Primer - What Happen s When Clily,on· 41h Clrcult. Jo1Y1V I Kely, Ill, SeitM • Slh Circuii. John Parcy Clivtlr, 11, 0 114QYlla • Gzh Clrc;uil.Pl ~ No. ,. w• the Lid Flies Off Pandora's Box Ill' P, CioWl"IOYel'.Tuscalclosa • 6" C1tcu1t,~e Ho. 2, Jolw, A. Owons.TuKlaloosa • 1lh Orc:uh, MhUI F f'U . UI, Arl"510n B.vDe borah Alley Smith and flhonda K. Pills ............................................................................56 • Bffl Clte:ud:,A. J. Co!orn;in, Ooca~r • ~ CWWLWIPlarn 0 , Scruggs. JI ., H)l'1 Payne • '°"'Cteu!L Plate NO, 1, S.llmutl H. FrfriStl, Birmingham• 10lh Cirwt. P1ac»N o. 2.Jilltl'leSW . Gewln. Birmingham • 101h Clrw il. Plact No. 3, Jam9' S President's Page ............................................4 CLEO pportunities ......................................34 Uo)'(li, 8i""1in9ham • IOlh Clceui, ioe No 4, Samuel A l'acts/Fax Poll ................................................5 Young Lawyers' Section ..............................3 5 Rllm0t0. ~.. 9ilminghll,rn • 10!1'1Oratll. Place No. 5, l\'nolhy L Oilat d, 8i1mlngtr.atn • 10tl) c1,~ . Pia« No. G, Mac 8 , Executive Director's Report ..........................8 Disciplinary Report..... ................................44 Grea....._81 rmlnrgham • 1Olh Ckcuie,Place Net 7, J. M1t1on Bar Briefs .....................................................10 Legislative Wras>-Up.......... ..........................45 O.vi,, Birmlngh• m • 10111Circuit , Place No. I. Otay1on H James. Blrtnmgll4tn • 10,n Circufl, Plac. No. 9. C.otlly S Ridingthe Circuils ......................................10 About Members, Among Firms ...................50 Wl'igtlt GitnWIQham• IOlh CK'Ult, BessemerCU I-Of!, Goorge Building Alabama's Courthouses.. ............. .12 Volunteer L.1Wyers Program .......................5 2 tigg! nbo:~ . 81m41nictr • 111hC ircud, Rooen M Hill. Jr ., Flof'enee • 1211'!C ir<:tat w. l<4iOlW 31kll"I$,Tr or • 13111Cl~li&, Opinions or the General Counsel.. ..............20 Recenl Decisions .........................................63 Plaot No. I, VlelorH , Lott, Jt ~ Mobile • l31h Citeuh, PIAlc• No Building Fund Honor Roll ..........................2 3 Memorials.......... ..........................................6 9 2. Eln:lollG . Holmes. MoOII • 13111CfrQ.111 , ~ No. 3, Celne o·Aeat.m, Mobile • 13111C.ari1, Pl.ace No. jj , 8onlamtnT Rowe,, Mot:1119• 14 ChCircull , A. Jetl Ootlalcf.,son, Jaspet • l511'1 Circuit, PIIIICONo . 1, RlcN14 H Gil Monllgoln8fY• 15CilCir · ALABAMASTATE BA R HEADQUARTERSSTAFF QJII..Ptaoe No. 2. Wanda o . Oeve1ea1n, Mol'IIOOffl*IY• 150! 415 Dexter Menu•. Montgomt ,y, Al.36104 (20SJ2 69-1515 • FAX! 2051261·6310 Circul1.PIO~ Ho. 3. ~ mn e. W11iNm5,.Moorigome,y • 15th Ci,QJIL Place No. 4, Rleha\'d B. Gllrr.U. MordQOl'Tlqty • 16cll Eat<ullvt Oirtctor - ·- -- ·····-- - Regi~ ld T. Hnntnf:r, CAP. Cr.aphicArts Supe.rvlsor...... ...- ..., ._ ...........M~e StuU tt Ciro.Ill. Gtor911P Fores.Gil<J&Clen • 1 ?lh C«o.111.fbctlalU $_ Oi,'e<torof Program,. ...- .., -...., --···-- ..K t ilh 13. Norm.\n At.,bama.Law f'ou ndillion. Inc. Diredor .•.- ..Trney D~nitl Manley, Demopolis • 18U1Ci rcuit., Conrod M Fowler. Jr,. Elt«uli\'CA1Slst:.nt ....................................M .ai:gartt134>ont Volunletr l..'1,,..,·trs Columbiana · 19th Circuit.J , Roben Faulk. Pr11.t1v& • 20th Publications Director ......, -.....................M ,r~rt'l Murphy Ptogritm Olr«:tor ..............................M cllnd. M. \lh1tt.n CttclMI, Wadt N S.xlioy. Dolhan • 21&1 Circuit. Edwat d f Stcrtta,y _,__ _ ,.,.. .............. J, l--11nes. Btew!OI\• 22nd CltCUII,Abft« R P(Jwclll, rn, AfldiltuN Admi.uiol\S Notm~ Roiibins Admissiqns AS,$,1stlU\t......... ............ ,-,,, ....t>orothy J ohnson • 2:trd QrO,Jh. Place No. I. Geo,oe \V, floyer. JI., Hunu vlllt!• Mcmb(rship Ser.-icu ···- ·-·········-·····--
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