MIZRACHI CONSTITUTION [Including amendments made at the Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2004.] 1. NAME: The name shall be MIZRACHI RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION. 2. OBJECTS: i. To promote the Jewish religion. ii. To work towards the enrichment of the Land of Israel, for the people of Israel, according to the torah of Israel. iii. To strengthen traditional Religious Zionist Judaism and to increase its influence both in Israel and in the diaspora as an affiliate of the World Mizrachi Organization. iv. To establish, operate, maintain and support Synagogues, Schools, Seminars, Shiurim and other undertakings in the spirit of Mizrachi ideology. v. To co-ordinate and encourage Mizrachi activities and to initiate, arrange, and participate in Jewish religious, educational and cultural activities in Hebrew, English and Yiddish for the benefit of Jews in Australia. vi. To encourage, support and guide the development of Mizrachi youth groups in particular, Bnei Akiva and their related activities. vii. To work towards the economic and spiritual up building of Israel and in the promotion of Aliyah in accordance with the “Jerusalem Program” of the 27th World Zionist Congress. viii. To operate a Jewish Day School known as Leibler Yavneh College. 3. OPERATION: All groups working for the Mizrachi shall have as their guiding principles items (i), (ii) and (iii) of the Objects as set out above. Mizrachi Constitution (as amended at AGM on 28/4/04 4. MEMBERSHIP: Jewish persons of 18 years of age and above who adhere both ideologically and in practice to the objects of the Organization as set out in this constitution shall be eligible for membership. Membership fees as determined by the committee from time to time will be due by 31 December each year or such other time as the Committee determines. 5. GOVERNMENT: i. The Organization shall be governed by the Executive and the Committee as defined in this Constitution both of which are elected at the Annual General Meeting. ii. Leibler-Yavneh College shall be administered by its Executive Officers and its School Council, both elected under the provisions of the Constitution of Leibler-Yavneh College. iii. The Synagogue shall be administered by a Synagogue Sub- Committee appointed in accordance with the Synagogue rules as determined by the Committee. iv. In addition, committees and Sub-Committees may be appointed by the Mizrachi Committee as are necessary to co-ordinate the various activities of the Organization. These appointments must be reaffirmed annually by the committee. 6. THE EXECUTIVE: The Executive shall consist of the following: i. Honorary Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting being one President, one Vice President, one Chairman, one Treasurer and one Secretary. ii. Honorary Executive Officers of Leibler-Yavneh College consisting of one Chairman, one Deputy Chairman and one Treasurer who are also elected at the Annual General Meeting of Mizrachi. iii. Other Officers and Chairmen of Committees who have been appointed to the Executive from time to time. Executive positions so created will then be open to election at subsequent Annual General Meetings. These positions may be terminated by the Committee or by a majority resolution at The Annual General Meeting. iv. The Immediate Past President of the Organization. 2 Mizrachi Constitution (as amended at AGM on 28/4/04 7. THE COMMITTEE: The Committee shall consist of the Executive Officers and twelve members of Committee who are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee may co-opt additional members from time to time. 8. MEETINGS: The Annual General Meeting shall be held around April each year. At this meeting elections shall take place for the Executive and the Committee. A report of the previous years activities, also an audited Financial Report including a Statement of Receipts & Expenditure and Balance Sheet shall be presented to members at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall meet once in every calendar month where possible and in any event not less than eight times in the year. If any member shall absent himself from three consecutive meetings without submitting an acceptable reason then his place on the committee shall be deemed vacant after sending written notification to the member concerned. The Committee may then proceed to fill the vacancy so caused. Five members shall constitute a quorum at an Executive meeting eight members at a Committee meeting and twelve members shall constitute a quorum at a General meeting. Notice convening any meeting shall be issued not less than seven days prior to the date thereof. All meetings will be under the direction of the Chairman who shall abide by generally accepted rules for procedures at meetings. 9. VOTING: All resolutions other than those in respect of elections or the alteration of this Constitution shall be passed by a simple majority vote by show of hands or by secret ballot if so demanded by two persons present and entitled to vote. The Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote but not a deliberative vote on resolutions determined by show of hands and normal voting rights otherwise. 3 Mizrachi Constitution (as amended at AGM on 28/4/04 Where there is a contest for the election of Honorary Officers the vote taken shall be by secret ballot conducted by the Chairman and scrutineers appointed by him. The Chairman may not occupy the chair during any election in which he is a candidate. 10. REQUISITION BY MEMBERS: Upon receipt of a requisition for a General Meeting signed by not less than thirty six members, the Chairman shall call such a meeting within thirty days. The requisition shall state the purpose of such meeting and when convened shall deal firstly with the subject of the stated purpose. 11. AUDIT: A duly qualified Auditor shall be appointed by the Committee within one month of the Annual general Meeting. It shall be the Executive officers responsibility to ensure that proper financial records are kept of the income and expenditure and of the assets and liabilities relating to all aspects of the Organization’s activities. The auditor shall carry out an annual audit of the financial records and shall present to the Annual General Meeting a report regarding the adequacy of the financial recording procedures in operation and the accuracy of the financial statements presented before the meeting. The financial year shall commence on the 1st of January and shall terminate on the 31st of December. 12. POWERS OF COMMITTEE: The Committee is empowered to deal with matters not provided for in this Constitution, which come within the scope of the Mizrachi’s activities. On matters of Halacha it should seek Rabbinic guidance. The Committee may fill vacancies which may occur in either the Executive or the Committee, provided that the vacancies so filled shall not exceed 25% of the total number in either case. The Committee may engage personel, incur expenses or take any other legal action required to conduct the affairs of the Organization, provided that no Honorary Officer or Committee Member derives any personal benefit from such action without the prior knowledge of the full Committee. 4 Mizrachi Constitution (as amended at AGM on 28/4/04 13. ELIGIBILITY: Only persons who by public repute are observant orthodox Jews shall be eligible to stand for election to Executive office or to the Committee. Only current financial members may accept any office or vote at meetings. 14. AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION: This Constitution may be amended, added to or reduced at an Annual General Meeting or at a special General Meeting convened for the purpose, provided that in each case notice shall have been given to the committee at least four weeks before the date of such meeting. The Committee shall in this event notify members of the proposed alterations, additions or deletions to the Constitution at least fourteen days before the General Meeting and may add its recommendations regarding the proposed amendments or other matters contained in the Constitution. This Constitution may be amended only by resolution of not less than two thirds of members present and entitled to vote at a properly convened General Meeting. The Constitution will become effective in its amended form immediately after the Annual or Special General Meeting at which it shall have been accepted by the members. 15. INDEMNITY: Any officers or employees of the Organization acting in purported exercise of their duties on behalf of Mizrachi Organization shall be indemnified by the Organization for any liability incurred by them except in the case of fraud, criminal act, gross negligence or wilful misconduct. 16. TRUSTEES: All properties, deeds, writings and securities belonging to the Organization shall be held made and taken in the name of the Trustees. The current trustee is Mizrachi Nominees Pty Ltd. 5 Mizrachi Constitution (as amended at AGM on 28/4/04 The beneficial holders of the issued capital of the Trustee company shall be exclusively members of the Executive. All property of the Organization both real and personal shall be vested in the trustee in trust for the Organization. The members may by resolution at an Annual General Meeting or at a special General Meeting convened for the purpose remove the currently acting Trustee(s) for the Organization and appoint any other persons or corporations to be Trustee in its place. A minimum of three persons or a company with no less than three directors are required to act as Trustees and such persons or directors shall be exclusively members of the Executive. The Committee may from time to time, by resolution direct the Trustee on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it sees fit to take whatever action it deems necessary to carry out the objectives of the Organization.
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