Alasha Habitat Management Guide Arctic Region Volume II: Distribution, Abtrndance, and Human Use of Fish and Wildlife Produced by State of Alasha Department of Fish and @me Division of Habitat Iun@u, Alasha r986 @Tgge BYTHE AI ASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AT.ID GA}TE Contents DISTRIBUTION AT{D ABUNDAIICE OF SELECTED FISH AI{D WILDLIFE Wildlife Marine Marmals wtral e 3 Regionwide 3 -B'eTuTh-aBeaufort Sea 3 Chukchi and Bering seas 4 Bowhead wha'le 11 Regionwide 11 Pacific walrus 19 Regionwide 19 Pol ar bear 27 Regionwide 27 Northern Alaska subpopulation 31 Western Alaska subpopulation 32 Ri nged sea'l 35 Regionwide 35 wTerrestrial Mammals Regionwide 41 Caribou 49 Regionwide 49 Porcupine Herd (PH) 91 Centra'l Arctic Herd (CAH) 93 Western Arct'ic Herd (I,JAH) 95 Teshepuk Herd (TH) 97 Dal I sheep Regionwide 1O7 GMU 23 110 GMU 24 LIz GMU 25A 113 GMU 26C 114 GMU 268 115 GMU 26A 115 Moose Regionwide 119 GMU 22 L22 GMU 23 L23 GMU 26 I24 ut Contents (contjnued) Bi rds Ducks and geese 13i Regionwide 131 Arctjc slope area 136 Seward Peninsula/Kotzebue Sound 143 Fish Freshwater/Anadromous Fi sh en 153 Regionwide 153 Seward Peninsula-Norton Sound Area I57 Northwest Alaska Area 157 North Slope Brooks Range Area 159 Arctic arayl ing Regionwide 173 Seward Peninsula-Norton Sound Area 176 Northwest Alaska Area 176 North Slope Brooks Range Area 177 Broad whitefish 181 Regionwide 181 Seward Peninsula-Norton Sound Area 787 Northwest Alaska Area I87 North S'lope Brooks Range Area I87 Lake trout 193 Reg i onw'i de 193 Seward Peninsula-Norton Sound Area 195 Northwest Alaska Area 195 North Slope Brooks Range Area 196 Least ci sco 199 Regionwide 199 Sheefi sh 203 Regionwide 203 Salmon 207 Regionwide 207 Norton Sound District ?09 Port Clarence District 2I4 Kotzebue District 2I5 Northern District 2I7 Marine Fish -TIJT cod 22s Regionwide ?25 Capel in 229 Regionwide 229 Pacific herring 233 Regionwide 233 Norton Sound District 234 Port Clarence-Kotzebue District 236 iv Contents (continued) Saffron cod 239 Regionwide 239 Starry flounder 243 Regionwide 243 Shel I fi sh Tin'g crab 247 Regionwide 247 Norton Sound Section 248 St. Matthew and St. Lawrence islands sections ?49 Tanner crab 253 Regional overview 253 Distribution and abundance 253 Management history and reported use 255 HTIMAN USE OF SELECTED FISH AT.JD WILDTIFE Huntin{ Brown bear 26I Regionwide 26I GMU 22 261 GMU 23 265 GMU 26 267 Caribou 271 Central Arctic Herd 277 Western Arctic Herd 274 Porcupine Herd 282 Dal I Sheep 289 GMU 23 297 GMU 26A 294 GMU 268 297 GMU 26C 299 Moose 303 GMU 22 303 GMU 23 308 GMU 26 311 Commercial Fishing Capel in 3I7 Regi onwi de 3t7 Pacific herring 319 Reg i onwi de 319 Norton Sound District 320 Kotzebue and Port Clarence di stricts 326 V Contents (continued) Salmon 329 Norton Sound District 332 Kotzebue District 350 Port Clarence District 356 King crab 363 Management history 363 Norton Sound Section 368 St. Matthew and St. Lawrence islands sections 37I Tanner crab Regional overview 253 Sportfishing Management history 377 Alaska statewide sport fish harvest program 378 Regional harvest summary 380 Harvest survey areas 381 Seward Peninsula-Norton Sound Area 381 Northwest Alaska Area 384 North Slope Brooks Range Area 385 Subsistence and Other Local tlse of Resources Subreqi onal Narrat'i ves @ton sound 415 Kotzebue Sound 47I North Slope 535 Appendices A. Directory of Revjewers and Contributors 591 B. Abbreviations 593 C. t^li'ldlife Management Goals and Obiectives 595 D. Sea Ice 60i Volume I contains narratives on the life histories and habitat requirements of selected species of fish and wildlife. vi Maps Wildlife Distribution and Abundance Marine Manmal s --ffiFEEffihale1. General pattern of seasonal movements of the western arctic population of bowhead whales 14 Polar bear 1. Average seasonal range of polar bears 28 ffiTerrestrial Mammal s 1. Game management units in the Arctic Region 42 Cari bou 1. Approximate ranges of arctic caribou herds 50 2. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, L972 52 3. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, 1973 53 4. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, L974 54 5. Ca'lving grounds of the Porcupine Herd' 1975 55 6. Calvjng grounds of the Porcupine Herd 1976 56 7. Calvjng grounds of the Porcupine Herd,' 1977 57 8. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd' 1978 58 9. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, 1979 59 10. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd' 1980 60 11. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, 1981 61 12. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, L982 62 13. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, 1983 63 14. Calving grounds of the Porcupine Herd, 1984 64 15. Primary winter range of the Porcupine Herd south of the Brooks Range in Alaska 65 16. Princ'ipa1 Canadian wintering areas for the Porcupine Caribou Herd ( 1972-1980) 66 17. Ca'lving areas of the Western Arctic Herd, L975 73 18. Calving areas of the Western Arctic Herd, 1976 74 19. Calving areas of the Western Arctic Herd, 1977 75 20. Calvjng areas of the Western Arctic Herd, June, 1978 76 2I. Distribution of calving of the Western Arctic Herd, t979 77 2?. Distribution of calving of the Western Arctic Herd, 1980 78 23. Distributjon of calving of the Western Arctic Herd, 1981 79 24. Spring migration routes from the primary wintering areas in Canada for the PorcuPine Herd 84 25. Spring migration route.for Porcupine caribou wintering south of the Brooks Range 85 Da'll sheep 1. GMUs in the Arctic Region 108 2. GMU 23 sheep aerial survey areas 111 Moose 1. GMUs in the Arctic Region I20 VII Maps (contjnued) Birds and geese 1. Tne USfWS Alaska waterfowl breeding population survey strata -Ducks 132 Fish Distribution and Abundance Freshwater/Anadromous Fi sh en 1. Arctic Region sport fish survey areas 154 Arctic gray'ling 1. Arctic Region sport fish survey areas I74 Broad whitefish l. Arctic, Western, and Interior regions sport fjsh survey areas L82 Lake trout 1. Arctic Region sport fish survey areas I94 Marine Fish crab --Tlifr6F 1. Tanner crab fishing subdistricts and sections of the Bering Sea District in Statistical Area J 254 Huntin€ Brown bear 1. Game management units in the Arctic Region 262 Cari bou 1. Game management un'its in the Arctic Region 272 Dal I sheep 1. Game management units in the Arctic Region 290 Moose 1. Game management units in the Arctic Region 304 Commercial Fishing Herri ng 1: Herring commercial fishing subdistricts of the Norton Sound District 321 Sa I mon 1. Corrnercial salmon fisheries management areas and districts of the Arctic Region 330 2. Connnercjal salmon fishing districts and subdistricts of the Norton Sound-Port Clarence Management Area 333 3. Conrnercial salmon fishing subdistricts of the Kotzebue District 351 flttt l4aps (cont j nued ) 4. Statistical areas of commercial salmon fishing, Subdistrict 1 of the Kotzebue District 352 King crab - 1. King crab fishing districts and sections of Statistical Area Q 364 Tanner crab 1. Tanner crab fishing subd'istricts and sections of the Bering Sea District in Statistical Area J 254 Spordishing 1. Arctic Region sport fish survey areas 379 Subsistence and Other local Use of Resources Subreg i ons ----BeFitg Strai t/Norton Sound i. The Arctjc Region and its three subregions 416 2. The Bering Strait/Norton Sound subregion and the corffnunities discussed in this narrative 417 Kotzebue Sound 1. The Arctic Region and its three subregions 472 2. Locations of northwest Alaskan Eskimo societies 473 3. Location of Eskimo societies in the Kotzebue Sound subregion ca. 1816-1842 482 North 51 ope 1. The Arctic Region and its three subregions 537 2. The ftlorth S'lope subregi on and the cormunities discussed in thi s narrat'ive 538 3. North SloPe eskjmo societY territories, cd. 1840 540 4. Subsistence use areas for North S'lope communi ti es 583 Figures Subsistence and Other Local tlse of Resources +Subreqi ons Bering Strait/Norton Sound 1. Contemporary annual round of harvest activitjes by Shishmaref residents 442 2. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by Nome residents 444a 3. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by Diomede residents 448 4. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by Gambell residents 449 5. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by King Isl anders 450 6. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by Savoonga resi dents 451 7. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by l.'|a'les residents 452 8. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by Shaktoolik residents 457 9. Contemporary annual round of harvest activitjes by Unalakleet residents 458 10. Contemporary annual round of harvest activities by Stebbins residents 459 Kotzebue Sound 1. Annual round of harvest activities by Ambler residents, 1985 477 2. Annual round of harvest activ'ities by Kiana residents, 1985 477 3. Annual round of harvest activities by Kivalina residents, 1985 478 4. Annual round of harvest activities by Kobuk res'idents, 1985 478 5. Annual round of harvest act'ivities by Noatak residents' 1985 479 6. Annual round of harvest activjties by Noorvik residents, 1985 480 7. Annual round of harvest activities by Shungnak resjdents, 1985 480 North 51 ope 1. Annual round of harvest activities by Point Hope residents, ca.1980's 561 2. Annual round of harvest activities by Point Lay residents' ca. 1980's 562 3. Annual round of harvest activities by l'lainwright residents 564 4. Annua1 round of harvest activites by Barrow residents 566 Figures (conti nued) 5. Annual round of harvest activities by Atqasuk residents 567 6.
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