mmm m OLIVE TIIVIES. vox. II OLIVE HILL, CAKTEU COl ENTUKY, .IA\. -M': |<xi(: NO. 3 Ial assembly. ' \iiri« Cno3i a IfeRVESSELSIfiKS I K°»tudkysta..Ncw.i.eq! SCALE COMMITTEE Nc-W|K)rt‘., KV.. .Lir ^CVyoree Law Con- Ha aTid.L»ii:x<' Kn,..> i, i-'acii-'is .in itiw, report as recovering. puhlic echnols. Tiri'H .St viTai Bboi.«! at ; Three cheers for the good old BULLET FROM A FL08ERT. a aiipiioBPd lmrs;:ir :i A Terrific Exiilosion on Board A Report Made to the Convention Park avenue. Tli.; n, in'was bpani ’long may she go >lnK’ lo lArce-tbi' i'm' • and till, yomiu o ’er the land of the free, and the 13i-Hziiian Turm Ship Aqnid*. i rriid In ot the United Aline Work- ' na ‘.e and .women raised ; Jtirtow and fired J home of the brave. eianail ’ortJncai-eiiagHa. i ----- three shots at bin.. ers of America. ^Uor of each-body « ; OoTlogioa. Ky.. J«a. 22.—Sealed up- GRAY*EYES iBVorce law con- ' OB a obalr la the equalid Uttle aback Rbo.scveit's Guide. ml annauiu-lnt: Newport, K}'._.iaii a D. t&mil, uf ir. .laiHCB THE BROKEN IDOL CHEW HURLED IN ill OIBEDTIONS ' POfiiiephi i‘M-i huni.Ts III AH ADVANCE 0F I2 1-2 PER CEHT|S i- rtairstare?. Rt- ----------------- Mays, oae of the most unique obarae- . • fei tiapp Gora Virginia Brook was a good girl HjmiUee. Sena- gtiJiles .who aer-nitipanied President : n-‘< »rule, and as pretty as she liad any t r*:/»littloa to The NumberKllle.l Waa 2!2 and ?n*e buTwl^hS^Lfwer^ Enn of Mine tla^la niid the Difl\vcn- i " RoA.s<.-\eI| on ils la-M hiiniiiig trip luto '‘rad to be. But she was of a rpmantlo of 'lUii.0 o» Hoard Uuly «a i ihe back of hia head aw) pMaed pay ihe^ luyh Ti.hln the Ual Between Pir.k end Uadiiue ealafy -t 'li'^inmltlon. Therefore It was a great, Hero .Saved. - ; ibrougb tbe brain, had caueed Ua T.:»;el»ed had he [illy that, l>elDg In the book depariraent llv..-d - ' of il.lh city. __________ ; death. The rtfle, which beloaced to a Hiuiur of 7 I'eiita m. Lies of the Bio^ with her dear niamnra. -Me Cusssd the Squire, hoarder. ■ found beneath the a«ed her eye ahiW^d have lighted upon s llt- Lcyinglon. Ky.. .Iim. 2:’..—.kdiQ mm- Amonqthe Dead Are Three Rear Ad- man ’e,bed. but ao far tbe police have lle .vcIturSrbounil .volume entitled, abawice jc Jloodny .fined 220 and costs Report Endereee thr Resolotlo-> Adopt ­ Klajiics of i’muioii. ” Sbetpicked It up, mirala Two Commander'm One been unable lo eecure any timce of the »i homo. I ur onr.<iT.i; Mag- ed By the Sh.imokin Convention the house. ^'>'>5'^ Rp' looked at the froiitiapleee. read a vorse . Capuln, Two German Phoio- • murderer. Coroner Tarvln held an In- Houke Hlk to tiv » f,v rate. ,1. T. l an.ier, who bit.I gone and Support of Intemadlonal or two. and Bald. "I will take tills." BMphera. One Reporter, ' »»<> the police to arroat > the home of Milk- Organization Be Given. of »6n« f carrying, con- : '' "What for?" said her dear mamma, cttaled I I Jan 4.__ News «>“raor ac uie maye anacx ana tao -------- ■ ihe.liru '•'r ____________ don't know." said the girl —which Rio Janeiro, Brar.il. J thing .1 the day. Rep- mued By a'Bowling Bill. niitie uBinic, has hwn r«celv<sl tiere^at while « owner of the rifle., Alwaya eocentrio tndlanapollB. Ind.. Jan. 22.—The rm- rdselitrt Jfl>-«rHns«im wiiiih nr Bln In' peculiar, he bad but few friondA oral scale committee cif'lhu United Ixmkporl, N- Y.. Aaji. 2;;.—In a bowl- Sjiele hud bought it hecauBe she was •nelrNi the BraKiilan turret warship * “<1 0"e of the frleml who hllne Worker* of America made Hs pss.ipnallty Of inj; lounKu.ient In Kendall. Harry •o'-aily lute (ted in the portrait of the Aquidabca y«sBuuk. with many Of US him, was the lata Gov. report to the onvepihm. The .......... .. I5.»'lin, 2d. !>l!fvil Olio Ho. Iiii as ihe oithor will formed the frontlBplece. gave Hi »-erof gfuiit- yrmoKiT bryuhi-^. wiling tin- pins, bent / of SW men. Witltjut warning, n Goebel, 'whom he bad knowa manda made « folUnvs: '•d on horsebaek, a alngu- lug patj jH! placed a thusc Umiekc-d ilown j larly haiirtsomv type—tall, clean-altay- ibin evut.«ion whioh fro*" Childhood, and whom he bad oft- That Dletricta 13, H. 21. 24 ami 25 rcstrlctldBS Toi'UT. A lail bowliMi by the ! cu. mnsculur. with maKnIfleent eyej. tore lit) to oiccea hours, telling be admitted to the joint conforenco. vote beltfgl tarSIlng ilowu the smooth «'-U.'oriseqiiontly. when Dura Virginia the crew Into ^ he had also the admission of. all oiitlyinc dia- Later he loaned many'ot tricts whose operators mil ?io. a. 4 ilVides that cofinty crrilic npeorl, struck him full - Brook cauiV to read lh«iHo poems she JiidRes lerribir mongled and*^thoM' ambitious young man. irartlripate. ________ :____ f. 1 found ihat they were yyry good and iiiaBjwram weTe thrown imo the wa°«' Wendehip cemented then last- A general advance of 12'/, McCall'a Carriages Sold. j .As a matter of fact, the veraM werb I hod no chance (o escape death. Oov. Ooe- over the prMPnt wale. New York.. Jan. 2;!.—AM the city : mine busts nbiiiit of ih<! usual -badness, as most ! of tbe explosion. Is iineenain <’ferrlayo-< und ’hocjie» of john A. Mc-i pick and machine mlolng asCil, p2t;u.-d, C5 vfispsmre. Theywere full of passion, at.this time.!biit It 1b evident that fire Hall, foniier pr«Went i.f the New ^ KILLED BY A C. en centa A uniform omi: 'foniiruhai of the eat-on-the-tllos order. in some way came In contact with one York Idle Lisurfiiiee <>i.. have Ixienl scale. That all yardagf ind dead . I'lileuiatc.d lo strain t,he upper register of the magadnes of tbe ship. Bidd III niiciion by ir W.osi Thirtecntlr MS D..t« wMta w.ikin, AM.,. b,' [K>r com, ! uf the thermometer, and they >wuuld "••The cruiser Barnlso has, arrived 81 reel fli ni. The sal© was condiictorl | Buburhan Railway Track. j That no lK»y under 11 V of ago |.^veral Bui lurned With with ar* «i Bccrciy. The l.•nUl. have l.t<>n quite iiniHilied to Mlsa Brook *• from Pott Jncaroiutgua with .those shall be employed In or iirtHiiul the 1 f. ^7,000. ; nviied |2.5m). ; if MIbb llnmh had realized what they injured by the explosion on tbe lAqiild- IfOais' aban. The AqiiMalian blew bp at itorllle. Ky.. Jan. 22.—While T. mines. TTiat our cmfract become cf- ' meant. Hut -alie did not. which was _. Klliifingman. a harness manufacturer, feettve April 1. Hoc. and expire April • fjiJ,,. I cmiil f<T her; -and women «d<jire most 10:45 o'clock Sunday nighl. Nearly all the ofHeers were killed or Injured.»?'at '6bapel and Main streets, was ^alt- 1, 1907. El^ht Ii-ui .-b shall oon«ilitii.' I ui,', f'rrotJl'raiid -LKAmNGII.VM. I ;iiai whif-h'thry do not coropIcWly un- from his son. q^>rgo a day's work. Tlmt when ih<- n-eii }[.,r.jwarv diuTianil. which was good for ibc'au- The dtad number 196 and the injured' ^ KHtgm ” i to the time he would go Into the mines in the morBiiig tliov ; j, ihor. \ !>3's*buiid- “ I'leasLinl ihouffht reafch this city, a telegram was reoelv- shall be entlilcd to two hours',p:iy : There was a little preface which Dora I.iater advices show that the number ‘cii; (joad :tliat comes to jxxiple while' the killed WHS 212 and thai !% of those e^l .that the son bad been killed in whether or not the mine wmrks the -j,, i... jcix*; J e\iinilnf.-rt with greatest care. Belleville. 111., while walking aonc a full two hours, bm after the firot two 5 butidliig-..«ninv is siftinK its ci'jstali2:ui !."'--:cd a fiiirk past.and otherthen merest-ti aboard were saved. The bodies wlU .subktrhan railroad track. Kllngman hours, the men shallbe paid for eviTV > A fiiK things, niid it gar ihc aiiihnr's be Imnight to R‘o Janelm and glvet Sprlngflel lr"v ’h“ »nily to hour thereaftertficr by iRAhour, for each lows $1.50'). tinvati. nitdiPSB. This was a house with I funeral. There la genera xwlllon. bti li.ouu; B, R the fields, and that is tile SpririLN i •aci lunar thiTiof. If • Ilradfe.-d. .1 .lahanw name which I am quite uni- » *i2.5tm-. insur- Yos sprii'jf come.-‘. and as wtv closeii. , ^ found that the place bad for a W'wAH*'' reipilar Touilne ■Me 111 spi'll, ^ll^ that matters lean, ak been given to abother-man. He wa^^tirk 10! henirnlshoii the inside ' '-'I'll If I ruuM spell it .Vuu would he Tht following membent of the com loss IIIUHKI. iS mliiee which left the arsenal on boarii en roiila home when be met hie deazy labor after a |s>rrion of ihe first br.ildmgs lO.ikld e »4,nfu, Thif can almost hear the buddlnj/ flo- eiuvi unable to pronounce it. Tbe hours, the operators may furnish lUh- louse wa-n sitnated In Croydon, which the Aqiiidabau. accompanying the Sentenced For Life, origin of -the J Enon-n.
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