f , I On the Inside , Th.Weath.r N..,boUMl' Hurla I·Hitter ••• P098 2 Fair today, 1Dc:realDq cloucllMN to­ Sladlum Scene 01 Church MeetiD9 morrow. HlCJh taaperature y._rday, ••• P098 3 at owan 76: low. 39, HlQh today. 7s.80: low. SG­ Prep Preu Convention Beqina ~5. ... POQa 4 Eat. 1868 - AP Leased WIro. AP Wueph:>lo. UP Leased WIro - FIve Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Friday, Serrt1' 1949 - Vol 83. No. 238 ------------------~-----------~-------------------. yder Caulions Britain bkay Needed Dewey Calls Conference WASH! O'fON (AP) - British, Americ81l and 'anadiall officer yeslerday mapped Il four·point attack 00 Britain' crisis. As tile tbree.powC!" financial talks ellt('red lhei r second day. ,the nited Htate!> served nolice c u~!'t'S ma.I' hul'!' to be To End Violence At Bell ted before it can yield to 011(' or Britain's 1110 t impcll·taut GoHa Keep Those Books Straight . nyder. treasury Police Arrest I*-I'MaI"V, the chJef American ael­ JOLIET, IlL. MI - Three years ago Chris Holl did some haul­ a news conference he Reciprocal. Trade Ing for the highway department. think he could per mit State auditon found he was elven an overpayment and ordered Union Leaders to discriminate temporar- Renewal May Hit county officlalli to ge a refund. .Ialnst American goods with ThE' ('ountv ot')ple were Inclined to forget about lhe matter .nd first getting congressional ap- Republican Snags appealed to Weher ofllclaa at the Sprlncfield state eapJtal Spring­ field said, no, the amount must be refunded. For Flare- Up British have urgently ~e­ Snyder to waive article WASHINGTON (JP) - Sen. Eu­ Yesterday Holl went to the county clerk's office and made the AL13ANY. N.Y. MI - Gov. Tho­ the 1946 British loan gene Millikin (R-Colo) yesterday one-cent refund. mas E. Dewey last nllbt summon­ I~eern,ent to permit them to start insisted tne senate hoist "a red ed union officials and law en­ dllCfimlnation. lantern" for the protection 01 Am­ forcement ofCICf!n of ErIe and TIle British said It would hetp erican producers by modifying the Nlae.ra counties to Albany In an save scarce dollars because reciprocal trade agreements bill Social Meeting of World u.s. Elport·lm~rt Bank Loans effort to end the disturbances at then could bar some Amer­ Financial Leaders Majority Leader Scott Lucas (D­ the strike-bound Bell A I r c r aft an goods from their markets in Ill), however. predicted after a WORLD FINA Ii\[, LEA()ER MEET orlally at a Iunrhrcn tor earl), arrivals 10 Ihe World bank and plant. ~r of goods froll) non - dollar conference ot Democratic senalor5 rnlerna! anal Montlary lund meelinl'lI 1.0 ~ htld In , I"hlnalon next w ek. Pr . EUl'ene Black (cen· IIIUIlIr i ell. Government Dewey'. otnlle em,h lied 'he the administration would be abl<; ter) 'If thc World hank I the hoi al Iht flur Iy "clal artalr yesterday to Mauri e Pell!che, French fin· Tito $20·Million UlaW Snyder spoke out yes­ to beat the proposed changes, anre mini lcr. (left) and . ir tafford rlpJ)l!. Brltl h chanrrllor 1" the excheQurr. W AI 'HINGT N (AP) - The 1 nittU I·Halt·s yesterday medinc was called In ,.0 effort , lIrday, Uley hoped he would which has strong backing among Ie end dls'arbanees at the Nt. loan d $20·million to YUgoblavia. te able to do this without the the 43 Republican members. There apra FaIlla planl and no~ to ne­ _I,,. of 1'0lDl' to conl'ress are 53 Democratic senators. 1'h export.imp rt bank announcl'd the fin.t tlir ,t 'r <lit collate a IeUlemtnt of Ule 'rlke. !If a ro ahead - 80methlnr Under the reciprocal trade law. granted to ~brsbal THo' gov('rnm nt in' hi br k with Mos· The governor said an American ..., lear will take months of in eUed since 1934, the Presi­ Martin Denies Beginning 8-36 Attack cow ome 15 month u o. it is part nf an A ml'ri('lIn prfort to airline plane had been chartered ....deration. dent. without reference to con­ WASHINGTON l1l'i - Glenn L. trenl1th n Tito' 11IIIld ill his quarrel with, ·llliin. to calTY the union offIcials and On the positive side. Snyder gress, can negotiate mutual tariff Martin, noted BaltImore plane RimuJtan u-Iy, th bal1k'lI law ofIlcers to Albany for th con­ ~OIed the top foreign policy cuttlng agreements with olher na­ builder. yesterday flatly denied ference today. .t economic leaders of the three bourd of dir 'tor ' 1I11110UIIC d: tlons. In exchange for concessions Truman Continues that hc sug"!.'. ted. inlitiga led or Guests Escape Injury I. ",,",val of a ".350.... loan Prof. W. A. Robbie, The governor flew to Albany a!lea ~ave agreed to set up four by the other nalion, he can re­ rollaborated III Lhe now discredit­ to Jsrael lor the purchase ot Am­ late yesterday to assume rsonlll ~la l "working groups" to ex­ duce U.S. import duties on spec­ ed Iltwt'k on the airforc A-36 their discussions. These Backing Nomination When Raging Flames erican materials lor harbor works, charge ot the situation. He had Ilk articles as much as 50 per­ bomber and Its purcho from a maInly al Haila. • Researcher at SUI, been in conferenCe throughout the consider Britain's request cent below the level of Jan. 1. rival concern. I" wllllnrn &II c:onllder nll/ht with hIs penonal ltalf, 1945. t. Of Switzer for Judge He te tiLied before a navy court Destroy Resort Hotel cred its for Ecuador to finance the More freedom 8pend Mar­ MiJ11kin and many other Re­ Dies of Poliomyelitis In Nlarara Fal11l, war n to . of inquiry which is seeking to buying of U.S. materials needed in plan dollars outside the publicans contend such broad au­ WASHINGTON (JP) - Pr('s- Il'arn whether Cedric R. Wortn. KING ITY. CALIF. ItPI-Forty WUbur A. Robbie. 37, research were blued 1&1& nll'h& for the repairing earthquake damage. States. This would ailow thority can cripple American pro­ ~den1. Tr~man ~id yesterday he suspend d $10.300-a-ycnr assistant lIucsts and residents of luxurlou~ usoclate professor In the SUI de­ arrett of ",raetleally all U"w­ to buy Canadian ducers by 'Permitting a flood 01 I~ not wlthclr~wll1g th~ nomlna- to Unders cr tary of the Navy Tassajora Hot Srping5 r ort es­ 'J'he dollars set up as a credit partment of ophthalmology, died C10 leaden" Involved In vio­ bacon, cheese. eggs and cheap imports. They want con­ hon of C:al"r.oll.o. SWlt~er to be Dan A. Kimball. got any help in caped Injury yesterday in a fire 'or Yugoslavia may be drawn yesterday of poliomyelJ lis In lence that Injured at lea t 15 items with their Marshall gress to be given notice, at lca§t federal dlslnct Judge In southern preparing and circulollng "ugly that demolisned the hotcl and sev­ upon at once to the extent of S12- Bozeman. Mont. pel'HJUI In co/Ulectlon with a allocations. when he proposes a cut that might eral ca bins and turned Into a I g. million {or American materials The cancer specialist W8b strike apinn the ~I\ aircraft IO~~ . p 'd 1. 'd h I b cl< rumors" of political skullduggery stricken a week ago whlle he present, Britain must buy endanger American Interests. ' e . re~1 en 181 . e 5 R - In the B-36 program. ing (orest fire that surrounded tn and equipment to rehabilitate that corporation. foodstuf[s from American They propose doing this by hav­ I~g S~ltzer to the limit for con- Murtin contradict d Worth's rc- resort lind blackened more than country's mining industry. was enroute to Iowa CIty from The warrants tollow d several ..... lu"."" and is using its own Ing the tariU commission set "peril fll·matlOn. ccnt tcstimony bcfore the house J.OOO acr . This would boost Yugoslavia's lightning forays by motorized ."'UUI'n,, dollar supplies for the points" - tariff levels below witzel' asked Mr. Trum n 10 armed services committee that he Six hours alter they were cut output of copper. lead. zinc, mer­ groups ot strikers on work-bound purchases it has con- which the commission considers wHhdraw his name following (Martin) had asked him Lo prc- otl from communicatit.ms with the ~ury and bauxite - metala basic employes yesterday morning. The for some time ago. American business would be in the vigorous protest to the . outside world by a fire that whirl­ both to peaceUme industry and to flying squads, adopting new tac­ danger. nomination vol red by Sen. Guy pare 9 documcnt con taming all ed around their camp and de­ war production. tiC6, fanned out on all main high­ Slreamllninl' American CU8- Gillette (D.)owa). the ,r umors and fed him some of rules. The British claim these stroyed telephone and telearaph The oUler SI·mUJlon will be ways leading to the plant and Gillette has termed SWI~zer'& the"lnformation he used. lines. U.S. forest service ranaers ~,,"a\lOIlS now are 50 antiquated let up .. a credJt to be drawn Intercepted busses and automobile. · " I tf t" 1 had no part whatsoever in \; roke through to them along 3 complex they discourage Bri­ nom Ina tIpn a per~ona a ron instil'aUnr or uue tllIl' 11," he u,on aR the purehue. ot rOO4b bearing non-strikers. Mrs. Rutledge Pays Plllrrcd road and t up radIO manulact4rers (rom sending bec8\lse, he ald.
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