T C U DAILY SKIFF DAILYSKIFF.COM ∙ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009 ∙ VOL. 107 ISSUE 32 SPORTS NEWS How will students on campus Find out why Frog Follies, be able to watch the TCU a university skit competi- game on Versus, which is not tion, will return after a carried on DirectTV? three-year absence. Friday Friday SCHOOL OF MUSIC ATHLETICS BIG MAN ON CAMPUS Professor loved her students, teaching The effects of College GameDay coverage are By Emily Siegel already being felt around Staff Reporter the university. Students remember Karen Adri- Sports, page 6 an as someone who would always make them believe in themselves even HARDCOVER FICTION when they were on BEST SELLERS the verge of calling it 1 The Lost Symbol quits. by Dan Brown Adrian, a flute in- structor at the School 2 A Touch of Dead of Music, died of can- by Charlaine Harris cer Saturday at the Adrian 3 The Help age of 65. by Kathryn Stockett Adrian taught flute at the univer- 4 The Professional sity, where she regularly performed by Robert B. Parker recitals. Colleagues remember Adri- 5 The Last Song an’s spirit and love for music and her by Nicholas Sparks students. 6 Evidence “Adrian was a wonderful musi- by Jonathan Kellerman cian, great friend, and highly valued colleague,” Richard Gipson, the di- 7 Half Broke Horses rector and professor of the univer- by Jeannette Walls TRAVIS L. BROWN / Sports Editor Former Rice athletics director Chris Del Conte was named TCU’s newest athletics director in a press conference in the Dutch Meyer sity’s School of Music, wrote in an 8 An Echo in the Bone Athletic Complex on Wednesday. e-mail. by Diana Gabaldon After coming to the university in 9 Rough Country 1984, Adrian taught applied flute by John Sandford to students until she became ill this 10 Her Fearful Symmetry fall, Gipson wrote. by Audrey Niffenegger New AD: ‘I wanted this job’ “She was a vivacious and engag- ing person ... absolutely committed — The New York Times By Josh Davis sition with the National Football NUMBERS to her students,” he wrote. Staff Reporter League’s Carolina Panthers. Helen Blackburn, a flute instruc- Del Conte said he has not tor, said she knew Adrian as a very When Chancellor Victor Bos- signed the formal contract yet, giving and supportive professor. chini began the search for a new but that it will be a five-year 3 Number of years as “When (students) needed her ... athletics director, a top concern agreement, with an additional athletics director at Rice when they had given up hope, she was continuing to raise funds two-year option for the univer- University was the one that kept them going,” for renovations on Amon Carter sity. He was previously the athlet- Blackburn said. Stadium. New athletics director ics director at Rice University in Allie Hibert, a junior music edu- Chris Del Conte has a novel ap- Houston, a position he had held proach. since 2006. 350 Number of athletes Del “Ask,” Del Conte said in his After introducing his family SEE ADRIAN · PAGE 2 Conte was responsible for introductory press conference to open his address to the media, at Rice University Wednesday. “No one has ever Del Conte gave his farewell to his gotten married without asking. former employer. SCHOOL OF ART We have to make sure we go out “To the people at Rice, I thank 16 and ask for the order. The facili- them for the opportunity; it was a Number of years working ties we have here are second to great three-and-a-half years, and with collegiate athletics none, we have a stadium that I’m going to miss them dearly,” Professor in needs to be built, but first and Del Conte said. “But that gave me foremost, you need to get out in an opportunity to be (at TCU) ... Del Conte said the time frame front of the people and ask for the Where we’re going here is really from his contract signing with a coma at order. Some of them may tell you great.” the university to being intro- yes, some may tell you no, but He was selected from a group duced was only about a week. you can not be afraid to ask. And of 63 candidates who were seri- Boschini revealed what set Del Arlington I can assure you that is a skill set ously considered, then eight fi- Conte apart in an interview fol- I’m not worried about.” nalists, Boschini said. All eight lowing the press conference. Del Conte was hired Wednes- finalists were current NCAA ath- “It seemed like any goal he hospital A columnist fires back over day as the new athletics director letics directors. Only one other ever set for himself he met, and Fair Trade. after a six-week search to replace candidate was flown in to inter- any goal that was set for him by By Katie Love Staff Reporter Opinion, page 3 Danny Morrison, who resigned view for the position, but Bos- in early September to take a po- chini would not reveal the name. SEE DEL CONTE · PAGE 2 Don Punchatz, an adjunct graph- PECULIAR FACT ic design professor and nationally LONDON – A Briton who renowned illustrator, remains in a coma at the Medical Center of Ar- cost the insurance industry ATHLETICS some 1.6 million pounds lington after suffering cardiac arrest by staging almost 100 car during fall break. crashes as part of a scam No official Facebook policy for athletes Punchatz fell while getting out of to win fraudulent payouts, bed at his home Oct. 11, said Lewis was jailed for 4-1/2 years By Sara Humphrey havior, Cohen said. to be careful of what is put on the Glaser, associate professor of graph- on Wednesday. Staff Reporter Texas Tech University’s foot- Internet. ic design. Punchatz experienced car- ball coach, Mike Leach, recently “I have a Facebook, but I make diac arrest, but it is unclear whether —Reuters Despite recent controversies banned his players from using it so that the wall posting isn’t on his heart stopped before or after the about U.S. colleges and their ath- there so no one can write on my fall, Glaser said. letic teams’ social networking sna- wall,” Dalton said. “All you can see “Punchatz is the kind of guy who TODAY’S WEATHER “There are people fus, the university does not have a is my default picture.” would give you the shirt off his policy about student athletes hav- out there that are Dalton said the coaches advise back,” Glaser said, adding that Pun- ing social networking pages, a uni- specifically looking for that they take pictures off social chatz is a humble man. “On the oth- versity official said. us to get in trouble. networking sites. er hand, he has a national reputation Mark Cohen, director of ath- Senior defensive end Jerry as an illustrator and is kind of de- letic media relations, said he and It is kind of smart Hughes said he also uses caution scribed as having a rock star quality.” 64 46 other athletic officials remind stu- for us to not have when using social networking Punchatz is well known for de- HIGH LOW dent athletes to use good judgment anything bad on there sites. signing the “Doom” video game on their Twitter or Facebook ac- “I don’t want to be in a place or package art and logo as well as art- Slight chance of T-storms counts. to keep us eligible.” have something in the background work for Time Magazine, News- Tomorrow: Sunny “Obviously there has been a lot Lauren Otto that’s going to make me look bad,” week, Esquire and other publica- 70 / 48 of attention recently about some senior volleyball outside hitter Hughes said. tions. Saturday: Sunny inappropriate posts, whether it’s However, the football team has Students in Punchatz’s illustra- 75 / 56 by athletes at other schools or by not run into any problems with so- tion class were surprised when their professional athletes,” Cohen said. Twitter after one of his linebackers cial networking sites, Hughes said. professor did not come to class two “We advise them (to) just have posted a comment about Leach’s Lauren Otto, a senior volleyball weeks ago, said Joseph Hoff, a ju- good judgment.” tardiness, according to ESPN. outside hitter, said she thinks it is nior graphic design major. Hoff Please remember to Coaches in each sport have the Junior quarterback Andy Dalton in athletes’ best interest for coaches said Punchatz’s patience and con- recycle this authority to decide how to handle said that it has not been a serious newspaper. athletes’ online social network be- issue, but the coaches tell players SEE FACEBOOK · PAGE 2 SEE PUNCHATZ · PAGE 2 PAGE 2 · THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009 DAILYSKIFF.COM NEWS basketball and volleyball, and according to the Indiana Supreme Court has not DEL CONTE the creation of the Youngkin ADRIAN University Jacobs School FACEBOOK been clear at all about this, continued from page 1 Center for Student Athlete Ex- continued from page 1 of Music Web site. continued from page 1 and appeals courts are di- the administration, he always cellence. cation major, took private Adrian also received the to monitor what they post vided about whether pub- met that,” Boschini said. The Youngkin Center’s pri- flute lessons from Adrian American Airlines Distin- on their social networking lic school students partici- Del Conte went to Rice mary feature is an academic during her freshman year.
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