Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1973 The Anchor: 1970-1979 3-23-1973 The Anchor, Volume 85.20: March 23, 1973 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1973 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 85.20: March 23, 1973" (1973). The Anchor: 1973. Paper 8. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1973/8 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 85, Issue 20, March 23, 1973. Copyright © 1973 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1970-1979 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1973 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Committee on Committees suggests eliminating SCMC The Administrative Affairs called for the combination of the Board at its meeting Tuesday re- present Status Committee, the De- ceived the report of the "Commit- partmental Review Committee tee on Committes", a group and the Presidential Advisory charged by the AdAB last Committee into a four-man group. year to determine weaknesses in This body would review the the college's board and committee professional status of each faculty structure. member annually to make recom- THE COMMITTEE, chaired by mendations to the college admin- Lambert J. Ponstein, assistant pro- istration on appointments, promo- fessor of religion, proposed no tions, tenure, salary, leaves of nuuor changes in the community absence and sabbatical leaves. government's structure though the VAN WYLEN explained group suggested several commit- that the group would also be tees be abolished and/or com- responsible for selection of indi- •OPE COLLEGE bined with other committees. vidual faculty members for special Specifically, the group called recognition or assignment when for the abolishment of the present requested by faculty members or Committee on Admissions and Fi- administration. nancial Aids, the Communications - It would also act as the nomi- Media Committee, the Inter- nating committee for faculty national Education Committee membership on the standing com- and the Teacher Education Com- mittees and would advise the ad- mittee. ministration on matters of budget, IN ADDITION, the ad hoc planning, departmental review, chor group recommended that the policy formulation, and overall loLLAND, MICHIGAN AdAB review the effectiveness of development of the college. the Status Committee. This topic AS SUGGESTED BY Van was addressed by President Wylen, group members would be Gordon VanWylen in a statement selected for a three-year term of Volume 85-20 Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423 March 23, 1973 presented to the board which continued on page 6, column 1 DeYoung discusses reasons for Jackson's ouster Dean of Students Robert L)e leged ineptness. One of the stu- eral impression of campus social Young told the anchor Tuesday dents stated that DeYoung activity. that he would not deal with spe- "talked to me on numerous occa- DEYOUNG remarked, "1 wish cific details, but offered some sions and several times I went to I could give you more details but 1 broad statements about the events him with my frustrations." don't think it would be fair to surrounding Director of Student John." Jackson said last week that HE OBSERVED that Jackson Activities John Jackson's ouster. DeYoung thought he involved was "a fantastic person, and such CONTRADICTING Jackson's himself too much in the nitty a great friend to so many people, statement that one of the reasons gritty specifics, which DeYoung but his lack of organization really for his dismissal was his sponsor- thought students should handle. frustrated me." The Hopeite also ing of controversial events such as admitted that there was a life DeYoung did not deny that Bobby Rush, a couple of X-rated style conflict between them. But this was a factor. When ques- movies and the seminar on tran- he said, "I place a high value on tioned further about the details scendental meditation, DeYoung organization and John doesn't; that Jackson was involving himself said that such events had "nothing this proved very frustrating espe- in DeYoung said, "I could come at all to do with my decision- cially because I had to work so out and tell you all the things that although 1 was concerned about closely with him." 1 felt he did wrong, but it won't some of them." In last week's anchor, Jackson serve any purpose." When asked what precipitated referred to a "conflict in life his decision DeYoung stated, "I styles" between himself and De He continued, "I am willing to would be unable to answer that Young as a key factor in his take the flak at this point, because without going into specifics and dismissal. DeYoung denied these I brought this man and his family details." DeYoung repudiated allegations stating, "1 didn't think here, and took him from another Jackson's assertion that there was there was any conflict in life job. 1 feel responsible." DeYoung any communication problem. styles-it played no part in my affirmed that the role of director HE SAID, "I had no trouble decision." of student activities is very signifi- communicating with him . and cant and the position will not be Robert DeYoung discussing John Jackson's ouster during an interview DEYOUNG ALSO declared he never expressed any dissatisfac- eliminated. Tuesday. tion to me." In defining Jackson's that he never considered Jackson job, DeYoung explained, "1 saw apathetic toward his job. He said, the director of student activities' "I thought there were times and SCC approves role as creating an environment on things about it that he enjoyed." campus conducive to inter- When the anchor asked if De personal relationships. Young thought that Jackson were "Under that broad umbrella enthusiastic, he said, "I don't the job is accomplished through a know about 'enthusiastic,' but New drinking survey proposed number of vehicles such as giving he enjoyed the community, the leadership to the Student Activi- college and the students." by Bob Eckert the Kletz, but Gerrie cited Alma job to work out the details of ties Committee, providing a lead- WHEN PRESSED further De College's difficulty in obtaining a what their proposal to the Cam- ership training program, being sen- Young said that "I never had the The Student Conduct Commit- state license to implement a simi- pus Life Board would be. sitive to campus social needs, and feeling that Jackson didn't enjoy tee took another step toward a lar plan. Because of the many Just prior to the close of the of course using every available his job." Concerning the feedback decision on the Student Congress circumstances involved with this meeting the SCC decided, as pro- campus resource to sense and he received from the students he drinking proposal Wednesday by particular situation, the commit- posed at earlier meetings, to sur- study those needs." consulted, DeYoung said, "Every- approving a new survey prepared tee decided that if they did con- vey a sampling of faculty opinions WHEN ASKED whether Jack- one 1 talked to simply reinforced by Dr. David Myers, associate sider drinking in the Kletz, it as well as student views. son was accomplishing these goals, my decisions." professor of psychology. would be done in a separate re- WHEELER AND Dr. J. Cotter DeYoung said, "I didn't feel he The dean of students would ACTION ON the proposal had view. Tharin, associate professor of was." DeYoung said that he not elaborate on the input he been postponed since Feb. 14 GERRIE PROPOSED that geology, agreed it would be "good shared everything with Jackson, receive stating, "I don't feel that 1 when the SCC decided the survey combining the off-campus drink- politics" to approach the faculty both verbally and in writing. De can give you that. 1 wish I could taken by Student Congress was ing question with a query con- before a decision is made by the Young also said that he consulted say more for your sake and mine, inadequate. cerning on-campus drinking CLB. Possible faculty review of both students and faculty before but 1 just feel I shouldn't." De Myers' survey, with slight mod- would, by implication, cover both any drinking proposal was cited as he made his decision, but he Young did indicate that some ification by the SCC, asks the situations. However, two student a valid reason for knowing what declined to mention names. students who offered their opin- respondent's opinion on proposals members of the committee felt a an SCC recommendation might be The anchor was able to contact ions directly worked with Jack- for drinking at off-campus social negative on-campus response up against. two students who talked to De son. Others were not directly in- functions, on-campus social func- would not necessarily imply the Tharin remarked that should Young concerning Jackson's al- volved, but rather gave their gen- tions and in dorms. Myers' orig- same attitude toward off-campus the faculty appear to be over- inal version excluded on-campus drinking. whelmingly against drinking at activities. In accordance with Myers' Hope, there would be no point in DISCUSSION on the survey guidelines for accurate polling, it "beating a dead horse." Ron Posthuma captures centered mainly around its as ori- was agreed that one out of every The meeting adjourned follow- ginally written. Concern was twenty students would be sur- ing the committee's decision to voiced by Nancy Wheeler, assis- veyed According to Myers, such a survey the student body before tant professor of classical lan- sampling of student opinion spring vacation and the faculty as Congress Presidency guages, and Michael Gerrie, asso- would be accurate to within ten soon after break as possible.
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