Marine Composites Composite Material Concepts Marine Composites Webb Ins1tute Senior Elec1ve Spring, 2013 Composite Material Concepts Eric Greene, Naval Architect [email protected] 410.263.1348 410.703.3025 (cell) hp://ericgreeneassociates.com/webbins3tute.html Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 0 Marine Composites What Are Composite Materials? Composite Material Concepts • A composite is the combinaon of materials that results in a greatly improved structure • Resin matrices transform from liquid to solid during fabricaon to “3e” the structure together • Fiberglass, Aramid, and carbon laminates with resins are eXamples of composites, as is plywood and other “engineered” wood products • Resin matrices are either “thermosets” that cure to solids through a non- reversible chemical process called “crosslinking” or “thermoplas3cs” that can be reformed when heated Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 1 Marine Composites History of EngineereD Materials Composite Material Concepts Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 2 Marine Composites History of Marine Composites Composite Material Concepts • Modern day composite materials were launched with phenolic resins almost 100 years ago • Fiberglass boat building began just after World War II when the Navy built a class of 28-foot personnel craft • During the 1960s, fiberglass boat building proliferated and with it came the rapid increase in boat ownership • From the 1960s to the present, advances in materials and fabrication techniques used in the pleasure craft industry have helped to reduce production costs and improve product quality • In 2000 MARINE COMPOSITES is published as a free online document Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 3 Marine Composites Composites anD other Composite Material Concepts Structural Materials hLp://www-materials.eng.cam.ac.uk/mpsite/interac3ve_charts/strength-cost/NS6Chart.html Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 4 Marine Composites Composites vs. Metals Composite Material Concepts Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 5 Marine Composites Composites vs. Metals Composite Material Concepts Typical Comparison of Metal anD Composite Fague Damage Fa1gue Cycles or Time Salkind, M.J., “Fague of Composites,” Composite Materials: Tes3ng and Design, ASTM STP 497, 1972. Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 6 Marine Composites Direconal Properes of Composites Composite Material Concepts The strength of composite fibers are dramacally reduced as the angle to the applied load is increased Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 7 Marine Composites Effect of Fiber Angle Composite Material Concepts Effect on MoDulus of Fiber Angle Effect on Strength of Fiber Angle for UniDirec1onal E-glass for UniDirec1onal E-glass Holmes M Al-Khatat Q, “Structural Proper3es of GRP,” Composites July 1975 Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 8 Marine Composites Strength and Sffness Characteriscs Composite Material Concepts Specific Strength and Sffness Stress/Strain Behavior Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 9 Marine Composites Lamina-Laminate Definions Composite Material Concepts A lamina is a flat (or some3mes curved) arrangement of unidirec3onal (or woven) fibers suspended in a matriX material. A lamina is generally assumed to be orthotropic, and its thickness depends on the material from which it is made. A laminate is a stack of lamina oriented in a specific manner to achieve a desired result. The laminate’s mechanical proper3es depend on the proper3es of each lamina, as well as the order in which the lamina are stacked. Lamina Laminate Ronald D. Kriz, “Microstructure Lectures,” Virginia Polytechnic Ins3tute and State University Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 10 Marine Composites Laminate Mechanical Proper1es Composite Material Concepts Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 11 Marine Composites Material Allowables Composite Material Concepts The method for determining material allowables is to conduct a formal tes3ng program to determine the behavior of the material in its an3cipated in-service operang environment. • All material specimens for the tes3ng program should be fabricated under iden3cal condi3ons and processes as those an3cipated for the produc3on of the final structure. • The material tes3ng program is also to account for the stas3cal variability in actual composite material proper3es, both as manufactured and at the end of service life. • The test program shall be defined to develop B-Basis values, which are the values at which 90 percent of the populaon of the data is eXpected to fall, with a 95 percent confidence. Minimum requirement for the material test program (For panels to be considered from a separate batch, they must be shot separately with separately measured and miXed resin. Each panel from each batch is to be layed-up at different 3mes) Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 12 Marine Composites Resin/Fiber Interface Composite Material Concepts Fiber Resin Interac1on Surface Characteriscs Surface treatment and sizing increase the fiber’s total surface area and porosity and alter its surface energy to improve adhesion between the fiber and the resin matriX in a composite. [Grafil Inc.] Material Engineering, May, 1978 p. 29 Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 13 Marine Composites Micro-scale Fiber/Resin Interface Composite Material Concepts S.A. Hashim, J.A. Nisar, “An inves3gaon into failure and behaviour of GFRP pultrusion joints,” Internaonal Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Jan. 2013 Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 14 Marine Composites Laminate Failure Composite Material Concepts • The key criterion for composite failure is the local strain to failure: ε’ a.k.a. elongaon at break and not stress (note that ε’ for the fiber/matriX interface i.e. transverse fibers ≅ 0.25 %) • MatriX cracking: • polyester resin ε’ = 0.9-4.0 % • vinyl ester ε’ = 1.0-4.0 % • epoXy resin ε’ = 1.0-3.5 % • phenolic resin ε’ = 0.5-1.0 % • Fiber fracture: • S/R-glass ε’ = 4.6-5.2 % • E-glass ε’ = 3.37 % • Kevlar 49 ε’ = 2.5 % • HS-carbon ε’ = 1.12 % • UHM-carbon ε’ = 0.38 John Summerscales, University of Plymouth, Oct. 2006 Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 15 Marine Composites Elasc Proper1es Composite Material Concepts • Young’s moduli - uniaXial stress/uniXaial strain • Poisson’s rao - transverse strain/strain parallel to the load • Shear moduli - biaXial stress/biaXial strain • Bulk modulus - triaXial stress (pressure)/triaXial strain Subscript nomenclature transverse Y 2 through-thickness 3 Z X 1 axial, or John Summerscales, University of Plymouth, Oct. 2006 longitudinal Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 16 Marine Composites Poisson’s Ra1o Composite Material Concepts Isotropic ν = - (strain normal to the applied stress) (strain parallel to the applied stress) -1 < ν < ½ Poisson’s ra1os for GRP high values low values Orthotropic: νij UD C1 UD C1 WR A2 WR A2 MaXwell’s reciprocal theorem νij √Ei/Ej νij √Ei/E j ν12E2 = ν21E1 ν12 0.308 1.606 0.140 0.942 Lemprière constraint ν21 0.123 0.623 0.109 1.061 ν ≤ (E /E )1/2 and ν ν ν < ½ ij i j 21 23 13 ν13 0.354 1.687 0.408 1.285 ν31 0.124 0.593 0.247 0.778 ν23 0.417 1.051 0.380 1.364 ν32 0.414 0.952 0.297 0.733 John Summerscales, University of Plymouth, Oct. 2006 Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 17 Marine Composites Shear anD Bulk MoDulus Composite Material Concepts Shear MoDulus Bulk MoDulus Isotropic Orthotropic John Summerscales, University of Plymouth, Oct. 2006 Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 18 Marine Composites Isotropy Composite Material Concepts Isotropic Plate In the study of mechanical proper3es of materials, isotropic means having iden3cal values of a property in all direc3ons. An orthotropic material has two or three mutually orthogonal twofold aXes of rotaonal symmetry so that its mechanical proper3es are, in general, different along S3ffness in 1-direc3on = s3ffness in 2- each aXis. direc3on = s3ffness in any direcon Orthotropic Plate Anisotropy can be defined as a difference, when measured along different aXes, in a material's physical or mechanical proper3es. Quasi-isotropic laminates eXhibit isotropic (that is, independent of direc3on) in-plane response but are not restricted to isotropic out-of-plane (bending) response. S3ffness in 1-direc3on >> s3ffness in 2- direc3on ≠ s3ffness in other direc3ons Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 19 Marine Composites Isotropy Property Influence Composite Material Concepts Specific Strength versus Specific MoDulus Carl Zweben and Jean M. Hoffman, “Stronger and Lighter — hLp://hsc.csu.edu.au/engineering_studies/ Composites Make Their Mark,” MachineDesign.com Mar., 2008 focus/aero/2579/polymer_composites.html Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 20 Marine Composites Quasi-isotropic Laminates Composite Material Concepts hLp://www.quartus.com/resources/white-papers/composites-101/ Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 21 Marine Composites Mechanical Behavior of Composite Material Concepts Orthotropic Materials T Possible components of stress ac3ng as forces on a small differen3al element can be organized into a matriX format Ronald D. Kriz, “Microstructure Lectures,” Virginia Polytechnic Ins3tute and State University Webb Ins3tute Senior Elec3ve – Spring 2013 page 22 Marine Composites Orthotropic Elasc Properes Composite Material Concepts Young's Modulus, E, shear modulus, G, and Poisson's Rao, η, in each orthogonal plane can be used to classify the nine
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