l is t e> aougtgiw tmnavML AS AT 1ST JULY, 1945 ADDRESS Mama, D.K. "Taynuilt", Cr. Murray & Argyle Streets, Waverley, Johannesburg. Adendorff, D.B. 53, dft Villiers Street, Turffontein, Johannesburg* Adler, Nathan 220/l Lewis and Maries Bldg., 65 President Street, Johannesburg. -liken 6 Carter, Ale::. P.O. Box 2636, Johannesburg. Alexander, Mrs. Sally Tamar LodgB, Ash Street, Houghton, Johannesburg. Allen, F .B ., M.P 58, Seventh Avenue, Florida. Alloy Diecast C0.(?ty.)Ltd, Mr. G. Harwood, P.O. Box 8494, Johannesburg. Altman, H. «/o. Unit Securities and Trust C o .’of S.A. Ltd., Unit Security House, Fox Street, Johannesburg. Andergon, R.P.T. P.O. Box 3624, Johannesburg. Anderson, Col. Sir Llewellyn ‘ 16,: Victoria Avenue, Parktown, Johannesburg. Anglo Transvaal Consolidated Investment Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 7727, Johannesburg. Antbl, Lt. R.E. 20, Escombe Avenue, Parktown West, .Johannesburg. Arnola, Mrs. L. Department of Social Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. m * Arouaohn, Cpt. W. Bedford Farm, Johannesburg. Association of Chambers The Secretary, - Of Commerce of South Africa P.O. Box 694, Johannesburg. Archibald, Major A. c/o. B.J. Archibald, 1 Duncan Road, Selection Park, Springs. Auret, A.A. "• 51, Old Arcade, Market Street, Johannesburg. Austin, R.G.L. ‘ Parktown School, Johannesburg. Sabb, H.E, P.O. Box 1255, Johannasburg. Bailey, Bov. D.A. "Cyrene” , Potchefstroom. Ballenden, Graham P.O. Box 5382, Johannesburg. Ballinger, Mrs.W.G., M.P. P.O. Box 4118, Johannesburg. Bantu Sports Club P.O. Box 6975, Johannesburg. Barrish, Rr v . H.R. Mooi livier Pastorie, Potchefstroom. Barrow, Messrs. John (Fty.) Ltd. P.O. Box 3007, Johannesburg. I* Bate, C.V. Lombard Street, Potchefstroom. Be a fie, G. 104, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Bciaux Co. for Africa Ltd. The Local Secretary, P.O. Box 3844, Johannesburg. Bohrmann, Mrs. I. 55, Arthur Road, Norwood, Johannesburg. Behrmanii, Messrs. L.H. 4 A. Transvaal House, 80 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg Bci-.lamin, Mr. E.L. 38, 10th Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg. Bis ,op of Johannesburg, Ht. Rev. Bishop’ # House, Westcliff, Johannesburg. Benoni Joint Council of The Secretary, Europeans & Non-Europeans 10 Radio City, Banoni. Benoui Town Council The Town Clerk, P.O. Box 45, Benoni. Bernstein, B.L. 60, Bath Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. Bernstein, Miss R. Univorsity Welfare Centre & Clinic, Cr. Lilian & Fountain Roads, Fordsburg, Johannesburg-.' Beumor, J.M.K. 8, The Valley Road, Westcliff, Johannesburg, Biesl*auvel, Dr. S ., M.B.E. c/o. Mrs. E. Biesheuvel, Women’ s Residence, University, Milner Park, Johannesburg. BinBwangar, Mrs. D.M. 46, Wostcliffe Drive, Westeliff, Johannesburg. Birch, Kenneth •/o . 19, Doris Street, Kensington, Johannesburg. Blackwell, The Hon.Mr. Juetica Leslie" 67, Tyrwhitt Avenue, Melrose, Johannesburg. Blane c& Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 435, Johannesburg. Blaxall, Rev. A.ff. P.O., Box 42, Roodepoort. Boksburg Municipality The Town Clerk, Boksburg. Bolituo, Val Room 404, City Hall, Johannesburg. Boshoff, Dr. P.B. P.O. Box 4397, Johannesburg. Bgs*‘ 11, J . G. 147, Oxford Road, Parkwood, Johannesburg. Boucuiey, A..J. P.O. Box 792, Johannesburg. Bo^>or, I^awlor & Douglas 507, A.B.C. Chambers, Cor.Simmonds & Fox Streets, 'Johannesburg. ,i - Boyce, A.N. Boyce, A.II. Boys’ Hieh School, P.O. Box 45, Potchefgtroom Bradford, Miss E.M. Kingsmead, Melrose, Johannesburg. Bramwell, W.D. 18, Tenth Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg.. Braun, J. 444, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Brink, J.V., K.C. His Majesty’ s Buildings, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Brinkworth, Mrs. M.H. 10, Richmond Avenue, Rosemore, Johannesburg. Broster, Mias D.C. East House, Hi^ti School for Girls, Potchefstroom. Brown, Miss F. 3, Waterford Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg. Brown, G.M. P.O. Box 5710, Johannesburg. Brugnan, Miss M.E. Girls’ High School, Potchefstroom. Chapman, Bev. A.H. 7, Barkly Road, Parktown West, Johannesburg. Cowan, C.C. The Principal, Burlington Printing & Bookbinding Co.,. P.O. Box 91, Johannesburg. Campling, L.H, P.O. Box 2222, Johannesburg. Carter,‘Mr3. E. H O , Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Johannesburg. Catholic Library The Treasiirdr, Art House, 7th Floor, '67 Hartison Street, Johannesburg. Chadkalson, Dr. Jack Castle Mansions, Eloff Street, Johannesburg. Christian Literature Depot (Pty.) Ltd. P.O. Box 1089, Johannesburg. Clack, Rev. Maurice 127a, Ninth Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Chamberlain, Bov. George E. The Rectory, Heidelberg. Tvl.. Clapper, Miss D.C. 37, Glenhove Road, Melrose, Johannesburg. Clark, Dr. B.M. c/o. Medical School', Hospital Hill, Johannesburg. Clark, Rev. Father 0 .,0 .P. Catholic Presbytery, Derby Avenue, Springs. Clark, W.H. 54, Bruce Street, Waverlay, Johannesburg. Clarke, Rev. E.H. St. John’ 8 College, Houghton, Johannesburg. Clyde Trading Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 457, Johannesburg. Coan, Rev. J .B ., M.A..D.D. Wilberforce Institute, P.O. Wilberforce, Evaton.Tvl. Collins, H.L. Aegis Buildings, Cr.Loveday & Commissioner Streets, Johannesburg. Colonial Banking & Trust Co . Ltd. P .0, Box 1066, Johannesburg.( Gen. Manager) Comber, Bev. T.G. St. Mary’ fl Rectory, 55 Jules Street, Jeppe. Cooper, Mr. H.T.' 51, G’ood Hope Street, Kensington, Johannesburg. Coovadia, M.A. 31a, Market Street, Johannesburg. Cordos, Bishop John P.O. Box 3932, Johannesburg. Cornish-Bowden, A.C.M. P.O. Box 6905, Johannesburg. Cowerill ,.Rev. k'. 11, Albemarle Street, Fairview, Johannesburg, Craib, Prof. W.H. c/o. Medical School, Hospital Hill, Johannesburg. Cramer, Aubrby M. London House, Loveday Street, Johannesburg. Cranks, H. P.O. Box'5993, Johannesburg. Crawford & Watts' Shoe Ind. 51 Marlfet Street, Johannesburg. Currie, R. 112, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Cuthbert & Co. L t d ., Wm. P.O. Bpx 1177, Johannesburg. Cutten, A.J. 7, Venus Street, Melrose Estate, Johannesburg. Cutten, Theo E.G. P.O. Box 1014, Johannesburg. Dalgleish. W. & G. P.O. Box 6964, Johannesburg. Danell, M. P.O. Box 59, Roodepoort. Tvl. Darlinr, D .H .- 1 The’ Priory, Rosettenville, Johannesburg. Daig, Miss T.M. ’’Faylands", 2 Yettah Street,- Hillbrow, Johar-mesburg. ' ,*$t)aV4,d, Dr. E.'F; 3 Mount Sheridan, Delarey Street, Bellevue. Davidson, James P.O. Box 649, Johannesburg. de Coninck, Bev. A.O. 4,’ L^ander 3treet, Kensington, Johannesburg. de -Ja^r, J. 63, New Kempsey Buildings, 115 Fox Street, J ’ burg. Derby, H.E. ‘ P.O. Box 1195, Johannesburg. Deeai, A.M. P.O. Box 7564, Johannesburg. Devorall, Dr. Alan 72, Harley Chambers, Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. Dolce, Prof. C.M. University of the Witwatersrand, Milner Park. Don, Charles D. 22, Hope Road, Mountain View, Johannesburg. Drutman, Mrs. Q. 41, Guildford Court, Abel Road, Berea, Johannesburg. Dunlop, Mrs. J. 31, Shamrock Street, Florida, Tvl. Eaton, Bev. A.W; Christ Church Rectory, Park Drive, Mayfair. Ebenezer Congre "itional The General Secretary, Church Office, 10 Main Street, Church Ferreirastown, Johannesburg: Ebrahim, Jassub 35, Market Street, Johannesburg. Edelstein, Dr. J.M. ' 170, Lister Buildings, Johannesburg. Edelstein, L. P.O. Box 6864, Johannesburg. Eiselen, Dr. G.T.S. 25, Hoffman Street, Potchefstroom. Elkin, B. P.O. Box 2646, Johannesburg. Ellenberger - * | « Elio. gar, Lt.A* de V. 51, Dundalk Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg. *'ESmdf)tt. A. P.O. Box 52, Johannesburg. Eppel, Kathaa 49, Soper Road, Berea, Johannesburg. Erlaieh,. $ ,S . P.O. Box 8653, Johannesburg. Esson & Co.Ltd. R,L. P.O. Box 3664, Johannesburg, Sureka Rubber Co.(Pty.)Ltd. Tha Secretary, P.O. Box 4T5, Johannesburg, Evans, H.D, P.O. Box 1231, Johannesburg. Evans* Misp P.M, Girls' Hl,9ii School, Potchefstrooai. Eybers, Miss J. Girls' High School, Potchefstroom, Tanaj-of?,. I. 66, 10th Street. Orange Grove, Johannesburg. Fa rren, 1/r?. K.W, 112, Yeo Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg. Fa~row, E.B, P.O. Box 5948, Johannesburg. Fearnhead, Miss A. 3, Waterford Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg, Feldma$n* Mias G.R. P.O. Box 2605, Johannesburg, Feldman. I • P.O. Box 6613, Johannesburg. Foldman (Pty.) Ltd. P.O. Box 6613, Johannesburg. Feldman, H. Hy-Hape, Cr. Fourth At . & Central St. Lower Houf&tsn.. Fereusson, John. F. 51, Stoek B^shange B^dgs, Hollard St. Johannesburg. Ferrier, A. P.O. Box 5707, Johannesburg. Finn Bros. & Lawrie (Pty,) Ltd. PotaJiefstroom. Fisohbeck, A.O, . P.O. Box 3280« Johannesburg, Flsjaer & Son, L. P.O. Box 4545, Johannesburg, Fleming, Keith G. P.O. Box 666, Johannesburg, Formby, R. P.O. Box 135, Johannesburg. Forsyth, G»A. • P.O. Box 29, Johannesburg. Fax, Dr. F.W. Institute of Medical Bos^arch, P.O. Box 1038, ? ■ Johannesburg. Frank, M.S. Hew Clewer House, 31 Sintnonds Street, Johannesburg. Frankel, R.L. Tyson Roa’d, Parkview, Johannesburg. Fractal, Prof. S.H. University of the WitwaterBrand, Milne? Park. Franks, Maurice, K.C. His Majesty's Buildings, Eloff Street, Johannesburg, Franks, Miss Rope c/o. Legal Aid Bureau. New Magistrate*^ Court, Fox Street, Johannesburg. Fraser & Chalmers,(S. A,) Ltd. P.O., Box 619, Johannesburg# Freed, Dr. Louis F. 3, Barbican Buildings, President Street, Johannesburg !Preedroan, Simon P.O. Box 5282, Johannesburg. Fricka, w, P.O. Box 33, Denyer, .Johannesburg. Friedgut, A.J. 54 Pfcoenix Street, Kensington, Johannesburg, Friedman, Dr, B. 13, First Avenue, LQWtfr Hougfciton, Johannesburg. Trial, B.H. 44, Main Street, Johannesburg. tfa^ro .sky, S, 66, Pim Street, Newtown, Johannesburg. G,1uc1'r.&it, Dr. H ., M.P. 4-8 Pasteur Chambers, 191 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. Gelabeyg, H. 61, Rissik Street, Johannesburg. Goldiiaa, A* 452, Marshall Streat, Be-lgravia, Johannesburg. Oolaftmith, Lionel, B .A ..T .J .I . P.O. Box 20. Johannesburg. Gordon, E. €04, Stuttaford Chambers, Rissik Street, Johannesburg G^raon, Mrs.-M. Tyson Road, Westcliffe, Johannesburg., Gordon, Mrs. f. 5, 12th Avenue, Lower Houghton, Johannesburg. G*ugh, Miss G.W. Kingsraead, Melrose, Johannesburg. Graf t ab Rogoff P.O. Box 3935, Johannesburg. Gratus & Gratus (Pty.) .Ltd. P.O. Box 4888, Johannesburg. - . Gray, James, M.P.C. Chemical .'Laboratories, 2 Albert 8treet, Johannesburg* Gray, Prof. J .L , University of the WitwaterBrand, Milner Park, Green, Morris P.O. Box'3488, Johannesburg. Greenblatt, A. • 315, Cuthberts Buildings, Cnr.Eloff & Pritchard Streets, Johannesburg.- * Greenhorn, L t .'J .E .D .' - c/oi' Stewarts & Lloyds of S.A.
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