AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Peter Charles Rothlisberg for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Name) (Degree) in ZOOLOGY presented on March 12, 1975 (Major Department) (Date) Title: LARVAL ECOLOGY OF PANDALUS JORDANI RATHBUN Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy Charles B. Miller In this study the distribution and abundance of larval Pandalus jordani have been characterized for the Oregon area for the first time by an intensive plankton survey. Seasonal wind regimes and surface currents were shown to affect larval distribution. Upon hatching in March, larvae were concentrated nearshore by the onshore component of the currents generated by the predominant southwest winds that occurred from February through April. As the wind shifted to the northwest in late April, larvae were moved offshore. Differences in the distribution of P. ordani larvae between 1971 and 1972 corresponded with the strength, duration and direction of the predominating wind. Growth rates of larval shrimp were observed to be slower in 1971 than in 1972. This corresponded with the generally lower tem- peratures in the early larval season of 1971. Larval survival, as estimated in the plankton survey, was lower in 1971 than in 1972. Stratified plankton tows and the use of an epibenthic sampler demonstrated that P. 'ordani larvae occupied the entire water column. There was an age gradient with depth, with older larvae found deeper. Vertical migratory habits were demonstrated in the last larval and first juvenile instars. Late larvae were not recruited to the bottom until after the molt to the first juvenile instar. Response surface techniques were used to determine the com­ bined effects of temperature and salinity on survival of larval P. jordani reared in the laboratory. In early larvae, the optimal temperature range was 9 to 11°C. This was observed over the entire range of salinities (26-34/00)tested. In older larvae the temperature optimum increased to 11-121 C, and low salinities (#426%00 ) reduced survival. Increased temperatures had a direct effect on larval growth rate. Molting frequency was increased and intermolt period shortened at higher temperatures. An inverse relationship between temperature and maximum larval size was not observed. Larvae reared at 8, 11 and 14 °C all attained similar sizes which were larger than those reared at 5 and 17°C. Larval growth increments were measured in laboratory reared and field sampled larvae. There was no apparent relationship between temperature or stage of development and the growth increment in laboratory reared animals. Growth increment measured in field larvae decreased with increasing stage of develop­ ment. Extrapolations from commercial shrimp landing data were used to assess long term trends in larval survival from 1960-1973 in order to compare these levels with the levels of larval survival observed in this study. By this method larval survival in 1971, estimated from the plankton survey, appeared to be below average, while in 1972 larval survival was slightly above average. Regression analysis indicated that the variation in hydrographic conditions in June, July and August, explained a significant amount of the year-to-year varia­ tion in larval survival based on estimates from commercial landings (1960-1973). This analysis, and knowledge gained in the laboratory rearing experiments, indicates that the colder temperatures or other conditions that accompany strong upwelling enhance larval survival, while the elevated temperatures that characterize weak up­ welling have an adverse effect on larval survival. Larval Ecology of Panda lus "ordani Rathbun by Peter Charles Rothlisberg A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed March 1975 Commencement June 1975 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Assistant Professor of Oceanography in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Chairman of, De rtment of Zoology Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented March 12, 1975 Typed by. Mary Jo Stratton for Peter Charles Rothlisberg TO BEANO ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgments are a difficult task, after so many people helped, in so many ways, over such a long period of time. Dr. Jefferson J. Gonor made it possible for me to come to Oregon State University and provided a great deal of advice, criticism and stimula­ tion through the research project. Drs. Gonor and Ivan Pratt made possible Sea Grant support on the Oregon State University Early Life History Project. To my thesis committee: Drs. Charles B. Miller, William G. Pearcy, Robert E. Olson, Christopher J. Bayne and Charles E. Warren, I owe a great deal of thanks. Charlie, especially, gave much of his time, energy and thought to this thesis, from the early cruises, through the data analysis and final manuscript. My relation­ ship with all of these gentlemen has been rewarding in many ways, especially the friendships that have been established. A large number of people were coaxed or commandeered into helping with the two years of sampling at sea. Greg Lough, Bill Peterson, Lyn Brixius and Mark Halsey along with the crew of the R Cayuse made the intensive sampling effort bearable and often enjoyable. Jack Robinson (Fish Commission of Oregon) taught me a lot about the biology of Pandalus ordani and unselfishly provided unpublished data. Mike Hosie (FCO) conceived the drift bottle study and organized students at Newport High School into filling thousands of bottles. Dr. Norbert A. Hartmann (Oregon Wildlife Commission) and Carole Avery were extremely helpful with the response surface analysis. Eugene M. Burreson and Clayton Creech helped me communicate with OS-3 on numerous occasions. Viki, Nicholas and Nathan lived with me through every aspect of this thesis. I will never be able to repay them for all the hours I spent "at the harbor, " but I hope they share in the sense of accomplish­ ment. Lastly, and most importantly, I wish to thank Agnes D. Rothlisberg, who instilled in me the value of an education. Her memory and values stimulated me when all else failed. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3 Field Sampling 3 Laboratory Experiments 14 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 18 Field Sampling 18 General Distribution and Abundance--1971 18 Stage Specific Larval Distribution- -1971 20 General Distribution and Abundance--1972 22 Stage Specific Larval Distribution- -1972 24 Seasonal Wind and Current Regimes- ­ 1971 and 1972 24 Surface Current Regime- -1972- -Drift Bottle Analysis 28 Distribution and Abundance along the Coast -GRIDS 33 Stage Specific Coastal Distribution and Abundance 35 Field Estimates of Larval Growth Rates- -1971 and 1972 40 Vertical Distribution of Larvae- ­ Day /Night Differences 46 Laboratory Experiments 51 The Combined Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Survival of Laboratory Reared Larvae 51 Laboratory Growth Rates 60 Effect of Temperature on Larval Size 68 Larval Growth Increment--Laboratory and Field Estimates 73 Larval Survival 81 Estimates of Larval Survival from Field Sampling--1971 and 1972 81 Estimates of Larval Survival from CoMmercial Landings 88 Factors Affecting Larval Survival 93 Page BIBLIOGRAPHY 101 APPENDIX 109 LIST OF TABLES Table page I Location and depth of sampling stations on the Newport hydro-line. II Location and depth of sampling stations on the seven Grid transects. 7 III Date, number and station of drift bottle release on 1972 cruises. IV Factorial design: temperature, salinity, and the order and extent to which the design was filled. V Upwelling indices by year and quarter for 1971 and 1972 along with the anomalies from a 25 year average. 28 VI Distribution and abundance of Pandalus jordani larvae in late March and late April. 36 VII Sampling depth interval, percent of time within interval and number of larvae and ju7niles caught within the depth interval for the quasi-stratified sampling on Cruise C7205D. 47 VIII Significance of linear effects of temperature and salinity, quadratic effects of temperature and salinity and the interaction of temperature and salinity in explaining the variability of larval survival at Stage II, VI, X and XI. 53 IX Analyses of variance table, with mean square values at larval stages II, VI, X andXVI. 58 Regression equations for the effect of temperature on the median time to complete a larval stage at four experimental temperatures and a general equation for the effect of tempera­ ture and stage on the median time to complete a larval stage. 63 Table Page XI Median time to complete a larval stage and the intermolt period for the stage, for each experimental temperature. 65 XII Summary of regression equations for total length and carapace length with zoeal stage for the five experimental temperatures. 72 XIII Regression equations for carapace length/ larval stage relationship from 1971 and 1972 field samples. 7.5 XIV Growth increment at five experimental temperatures. 76 XV Summary of period between cruises, estimated temperature for the period, intermolt period at the temperature and the ratio between inter- cruise period and intermolt period. 85 XV I Estimates of larval survival from fishery data supplied by Jack Robinson, Fish Commission of Oregon, and from field estimates of larval abundance. 90 XVII Summary of regression coefficients, R, and R2 values from the regression analysis of monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly upwelling indices and estimated larval survival for the 14-year period, 1960-1973. 94 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table Page Summary of Pandalus 'orb dani larval charac­ ters; telson spination; rostral spination and pleopod length, used for larval staging. 114 II Summary of the published larval descriptions for the family Pandalidae. 115 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Newport hydro-line with the 12 stations used routinely for the Early Life History sampling. 4 2 Grid transects and stations used on cruises C7203G and C7204G. 6 3 Date and extent of 34 Early Life History cruises, from January, 1971 - August, 1972. 8 4 Large and small bongo nets, time-depth recorder and multiplane kite-otter depressor.
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