1316 N. ACACIA AVE FULLERTON, CA 92831-1202 AUGUST 5, 2012 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WHOEVER COMES TO ME WILL NEVER HUNGER, AND WHOEVER BELIEVES IN ME WILL NEVER THIRST. ~ John 6:24-35 Order of Friar Servants of Mary United States of America Province MISSION AND V ISION STATEMENTS St. Juliana Falconieri Catholic Community is a welcoming family dedicated to proclaiming the gospel, celebrating the Sacraments, educating, serving, and providing opportunity for all to enrich their faith. Our vision is “...to live as a people of God with Christ at the center of our lives through liturgy, faith formation and community.” PARISH OFFICE MASS SCHEDULE 1318 N. Acacia Ave. Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm PHONE: 714-879-1965 12:45pm Deaf Community Mass FAX: 714-526-6673 WEBSITE: http://www.stjulianacatholiccommunity.org/ Saturday: 8:00am EMAIL: 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) [email protected] Weekdays: 6:30am and 8:00am OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Thurs., 9:00am to 5:00pm Fri. 9:00am to 12:00 Noon Holy Days of Obligation: 6:30am, 8:00am and 7:00pm SCHOOL 1320 N. Acacia Ave. PHONE: 714-871-2829 T EREGRINE EVOTION S . P D FAX: 714-871-8465 First Saturday of the Month - Immediately following 8am Mass. PASTOR Rev. Frank Falco, O.S.M. RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS PAROCHIAL VICAR Saturday: 3:30pm to 4:30pm Rev. Luke Stano, O.S.M. DEACON BAPTISM ~ celebrated the 2nd Sunday at 2:30pm. Bill Schlater - (retired) Please phone the Parish Office either before or shortly after the birth PHONE: 714-992-1388 of the child to schedule a baptism. DEACON Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Catechesis. Gerhard P. Stadel PHONE: 714-870-5714 MARRIAGE DEACON Chuck Doidge Couples planning to be married should contact a Priest or a PHONE: 714-879-1965 Deacon at least six months before setting a date for the wedding.. Page Two THE PARISH AS ONE BODY “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’ Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary . Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. “ (1 Cor. 12:17-25) The Seven Essen!al Elements of Parish Life constantly interrelate, each nurturing and suppor!ng the other with the communal celebra!on of Sunday Eucharist at the center. LEADERSHIP EVANGELIZATION Pastor Rev. FranK Falco, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Catholics Come Home Shawn Graham! 714-572-8232! Parochial Vicar Rev. LuKe Stano, O.S.M. 714-879-1965 Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 Communica!ons! ! ! Deacon Bill Schlater - re!red 714-992-1388 Constant Contact! Glenn Casterline! 714-792-0972! Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 Website Jan Young 714-879-1965 Deacon ChucK Doidge 714-879-1965 [email protected] Pastoral Council Bob Die"erle! 714-525-2208 Voca!ons John McElligo" 714-871-7182 [email protected] Welcoming &! School Principal Manuel Gonzales, Jr. 714-871-2829 Belonging/Outreach Kathy Gleeson 714-680-0683 Director of Faith! Michael McHenry! 714-879-1965! Forma!on [email protected] WORD (Faith Forma!on) Adult Educa!on Michael McHenry! 714-879-1965! Facility Manager! Mark Augus!n! 714-261-5167! [email protected] [email protected] Bap!sm Judy Allen 714-773-0812 Business Manager Karen Powell 714-879-1965 Parish Secretary Susan LazuKa 714-879-1965 Children’s Liturgy Donna Reinbold 714-772-6234 Safe Environment VicKi Delaney 714-879-1965 Conrma!on/HSYM Kerry & Maura Condon! 714-680-7736 STEWARDSHIP [email protected] Advancement &! RicK Price 714-871-4514 Jr. High Youth Ministry! Sco" KambaK 714-870-5908 Stewardship Grades 7-8 Stewardship David Hoferer 714-961-2845 RCIA (Rite of Chris!an! RCIA Team 714-879-1965 Ini!a!on of Adults) LITURGY School of Religious! Michael McHenry! 714-879-1965! Parish O#ce 714-879-1965 Educa!on Grades 1-8 [email protected] Altar Servers 714-879-1965 St. Juliana School! Manuel Gonzales, Jr. Principal! 714-871-2829! School Parent Club Megan Shank 714-330-9182 Deaf Community Nancy Lopez 714-547-0824 [email protected] Environment! Catherine Haydon ! 714-879-1965! Sunday School 9 a.m. Julianna Tapia 714-345-4901 Altar Care Mariana Meurer 714-870-7524 [email protected] Eucharis!c Ministers Deacon Gerhard Stadel 714-870-5714 COMMUNITY Lector Training Vern Meurer 714-870-7524 BSA Religious Emblems Tomas Franceschi 714-287-2926 Music Director! Todd Helm! 714-528-4690! Exercise Class Bernade"e Gilwee 714-680-5439 Organist! Claudia Kellogg! 714-349-3774! Fall Fes!val John & Maureen Kohaut 714-713-5295 Spirit Group Donna Fairrington 714-998-0853 Mary’s Journey Nina Viscon! 714-572-4152 Ushers Alberta Saran 714-992-6566 Men’s Retreat Terry Reinbold 714-772-6234 Mom’s Group Debbie Cusack 714-529-5341 SERVICE NAIM Support Group Eileen Shannon! 714-871-0456! (Widows / Widowers) Mary Gin Chaille 714-526-4926 Bereavement Michele TanaKa 714-992-1630 Newman Club! Fr. MarK Aaron Riomalos 714-353-5001 Italian Catholic Fed. Dolly Church 562-694-8626 (College Students) Chaplain [email protected] Knights of Columbus Brian Burley 714-738-8036 [email protected] www.newman-csuf.com Respect Life 714-870-4214! Prayer Chain Rita Semple! 714-879-1492! 714-526-4096 Maggie Armstrong 714-871-8055 Spiritual Partners In Care Doris Chiare"a 714-526-6856 [email protected] Small Chris!an Communi!es Barbara Die"erle 714-525-2208 St. Vincent DePaul Paul Durning 714-879-8721 Y.L.I. Catholic Women Debbie Shimaoka 714-441-0446 Page Three August 5, 2012 ~ FROM THE PASTOR ~ Looking ahead, Father Richard T. Reese, O.S.F.S., of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales will be with us for the annual mission aPPeal for The GosPel readings during the month of August are the work of their community the weekend of August 18-19. There taken from St. John’s GosPel. The theme of these Gos- will be more information in a future bulletin. Pel narratives is the “Bread of Life.” The Holy Eucha- rist as real food, the benevolence of God toward those We have all read recently about the drought across the Midwest who are hungry, the dignity of Poor ones, the challenge of living the United States. From Kansas to Iowa to Missouri to Southern Illinois corPoral and sPiritual works of mercy are all subtexts to the major miles and miles of corn and soybean croPs are struggling to Produce theme of “Bread of Life.” Jesus is the “true bread come down from a harvest. In some cases over 40% of the croPs are sPoiled from heat heaven.” In the days ahead we will hear Jesus say: “I am the bread and lack of water. Here in Orange County and in Particular St. Juli- of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever be- ana Rectory garden, the harvest is Plentiful. Since the beginning of lieves in me will never thirst.” “I am the living bread that came July I have Picked, I am sure, about three small bushels of tomatoes down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the intermingled with green bell PePPers. It will be good for us to thank bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” God for our weather and his bounty. May the fields bring great com- fort and joy to all harvesters. Last Sunday both Deacon Gerhard and Deacon Chuck exPlained in very graPhic ways how the theme of “Bread of Life” imPacts our My sPecial thanks to Jon Gilwee and the Knights of Columbus for daily lives as Christians. We are called or rather mandated to be Peo- the successful blood drive along with all those who donated blood Ple who are instruments of God’s generosity in feeding, clothing, and Passed on the gift of life. sheltering, and defending the Poor. While most of us relegate our GrouP tours for Parishes in the Diocese of Orange are being offered resPonsibility to government, Private, and religious institutions to take by the new Christ Cathedral (formerly the Crystal Cathedral) on care of the needy in society, we still bear the burden of Personal in- Tuesday and Saturday mornings when booked a week in advance. I volvement while making sure those in need have some form of care. feel that it is worthwhile for us to hire one or two buses to tour the St. Juliana Parishioners have been instruments of God’s bountiful Cathedral and to hear of the Plans to convert the sPace and surround- care in so many ways. Some bring food to the food Pantry. Others ing ProPerty for Catholic worshiP and tradition. Of course our Parish give a financial gift in the monthly St. Vincent de Paul enveloPe. Still will ParticiPate in the CaPital camPaign which will be unveiled soon. others helP in the souP kitchen, donate to FIES, Pack boxes of food I need helP to organize this. I ask one of our Parish organizations to and toys at Christmas, volunteer on Thursday mornings in the St. take this on as a Project. Juliana Pantry, bring clothes to the Armory, and make sure that Remembering names can be a challenge as we age.
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