Vision Redbridge is developing a Masterplan for Hainault Forest To help us develop the masterplan, we need to gather as much information as we can on how people use the park, what they value and how it might be improved. We really value your input. Use stickers to tell us what you would like to see in Hainault Forest: • Yes. I like this • Maybe. I like aspects of this • No. I don’t like this this event HAINAULT ANCIENT FOREST Historical Timeline Historical Maps and Images Gradual and parƟ al clearing of the wooded forested landscape, for the Pre-history culƟ vaƟ on of food and farming of animals SeƩ lements and rural villas develops Roman Development of more substanƟ al rural seƩ lements focused on agricultural Anglo-Saxon producƟ on. FoundaƟ on of Barking Abbey CreaƟ on of the ‘Forest of Essex’ and likely date at which the site fell under 1130’s ‘Forest Law’ First recorded use of the name ‘Henehout’. 1221 Progressive clearance of land to the south of the site for agriculture ‘PerambulaƟ ons‘ of the Forest of Essex under Henry III and then Edward I Medieval interpretaƟ ve plan of the survey area The 1777 Chapman and Andre map gives an idea as to the later medieval and early post-medieval landscape Pennington’s map of The Kings Woods, drawn 1791 (redrawn 1849 for the Enclosure Act) 1880 1st edn. OS 25” map 1224- 1300 around the Site (the approximate extent of the Site is shown in red) The Mediaeval Landscape The Mediaeval reduces it to 60,000 acres. Formal recording of the ‘perambulaƟ on’ in 1301 AŌ er the dissoluƟ on of the monasteries, the crown assumes possession of 3,218 1539 acres of Hainault Forest formerly vested in the Abbey of Barking Under Charles I, the Mnaor of Barking was granted to Sir Thomas Fanshawe but 1628 an area of Forest (including Hainault Forest) was retaoined by the Crown. This Landscape became known as ‘King’s Wood’ The Tudor and Stuart The Tudor A ‘perambulaƟ on’ defi nes the boundary of the forest with a series of boundary 1641 stones Joseph Pennington draws up a plan of ‘the King’s Forest or the King’s Woods 1791 lying in that part of the Forest of Waltham called Hainault Forest’ Map of Hainault showing conƟ nued clearance of woodland since 1880 (2nd edn. 25” OS map, 1897) Commissioners of Woods, Forests and Land Revenue publish a report on the 1793 condiƟ on of royal forests in Essex Commissioners of Woods, Forests and Land Revenue apply to Parliament for an 1817 The Georgian Landscape The Georgian Act to deforest the whole of the King’s Woods with two thirds being alloƩ ed to the King. An Act of Parliament for the deforestaƟ on of Hainault Forest. 1851 1,917 acres allocated to the Crown in compensaƟ on. Approximately 100,000 trees removed by steam plough over a six-week period, generaƟ ng £48,000. CreaƟ on by the Crown of three farms on land cleared for agriculture – Fox 1855-57 Burrows Farm, Forest Farm and Hainault Farm Fox Burrows Farm as depicted on the 1880 1st edn. OS 25” map The 1903 Hainault (Lambourne, Fox Burrows and Grange Hill) Act Edward North Buxton campaigns to save Epping Forest 1857-1924 804 acres of former forest land purchased, on Buxton’s insƟ gaƟ on. 1902 With the support of Essex County Council, the CorporaƟ on of West Ham, the District Councils of Leyton, Wanstead and Ilford , the Great Eastern Railway Company and the London County Council The Hainault (Lambourne, Foxburrows and Grange Hill) Act grants statutory 1903 Plan of Hainault Forest, published as part of the report on the opening of the park (Anon) 1909) powers to manage the land The dedicaƟ on of Hainault Forest by the Earl Carrington at a ceremony aƩ ended 1906 by Buxton and other dignitaries at Chigwell Row ExcavaƟ on of the lake 1906 /07 Use of land at Hainault Farm as a war Ɵ me fi ghter airstrip and later as an 1915-17 / RAF fi ghter airfi eld 1939-45 Ownership passes from the London County Council to the Greater London 1963 The PlantaƟ on (March 1966) The Harveys at No. 4 Fox Burrows CoƩ ages View of Fox Burrow Farm buildings from Dog-kennel Hill, 1913 (London Metropolitan Archives) Council The site is divided between three authoriƟ es: London Borough of 1986 Redbridge, London Borough of Havering and Essex County Council Essex County Council grants a 50-year lease for its porƟ on of the forest 1988 Vision Redbridge’ Phase 1 HLF ApplicaƟ on 2016 The present LandscapeThe present Landscape and Edwardian The Victorian Hainault Ancient Forest Masterplan 2017 - 18 HLF Submission 2018 The 1906 opening ceremony (London Metropolitan Archives) 1920s photograph of the lake soon aŌ er construcƟ on, the former fi elds behind the lake are sƟ ll “Huns at Hainault” - a party of German POW hoeing at Hainault, 1917 Edward North Buxton (1840-1924) history of the park apparent, although the planƟ ng around the lake is in place HAINAULT ANCIENT FOREST Connection to Old Forest KING HENRY’S RIDE A NEW VISION FOR Connection to Old Forest, Woodland Trust, Havering HAINAULT Country Park SSI WOODLAND Improved entrances PLANTATION WOODLAND acid grassland Beacon Beacon CABIN HILL MEADOW Improved pedestrian access 1 FOREST LAKE PASTURE REYNARDS STREAM OLD PASTURE MEADOW KEY 1 Native planting Activity hub 2 Improved key entrances GLOBAL Strategic view CAFE Sculptural way finding beacon FOXBURROWSXBBURROOW above tree canopy FARMRMM Site boundary Improved visitor circulation Activating lake edge along Central Spine BeBeaconeaaconn Short circuit / activity routes DOG KENNEL HILLLL Medium circuit / activity routes Long circuit / activity routes 1 Seasonal grazing / recreate wood pasture 2 Recreate wood pasture Restore wood pasture Improve farm and Improve skills, learning, Economically resilient business model EnhancedE and restored visitor experience employability and new built round the restored 19th century nan Ɵ onally important business buildings SSSI and Ancient Forest Landscape the masterplan Farm orchard HAINAULT ANCIENT FOREST Forest landscape - evolution through time (interpretative diagram) Hainault Hainault HainaultHainault HainaultHainault ForestForest ForestForest Plain Forest Forest Plain Hainault Forest Farms Farms Hainault Forest InterpretaƟ ve diagram of the The Kings Woods, 1791 Hainault Forest, 1880 ConƟ nued clearance of woodland at Hainault Forest in 1921 Hainault Forest, present Reintroducing working horse for woodland management mediaeval forest Hainault Forest, 1897 Landscape character areas SSSI interventions Example of lake interventions Woodland glade Woodland Improved lake and extensions improvement zones riparian edge Recreate woodland pasture Wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) Native species for farm- dormice Boardwalk and viewing platforms Improved habitat for native species- Improved habitat for native species - Improved woodland & woodland badgers Barbastelle bat Extended woodland glades management Improved forest wetland & lake Refuge area for aquatic birds Aquatic birds viewing shelter key intervenƟ ons • ecology and bio-diversity HAINAULT ANCIENT FOREST Re-purposing of farm buildings Small business Tiiiiiimber! Poaching and Punishment Take an adventure into the forest. Interactive game about forest laws Climb a tree, pollard a tree. and punishments FoxFox Borrow Borrow Farm Farm BarnBarn Make a clearing. All the King’s Horses InterpretationInterpretation Space Space and and CafeCafe Ride on a rocking horse and Interpretation Plan Mini forest chase the game Interpretation Plan Play with mini forest set We’re going on a Deer Hunt! Spot deer as they appear and disappear in the Poaching and punishments Ancient Royal Forest. )WXSZIV4ERREKI4EWXYVI Poaching and punishments Fox Borrow Farm Barn Royal Forest Interpretation Space and Cafe How Pig is your forest? Can you spot them all? Grazing Pollarding Work out how many pigs your forest Oak and Hornbeam Hunting Theme Plan Living off the land can support Deer and Boar Forest Laws History and Location Crafts Victorian farm Acorn hunt What was grown a Fox Borrow Farm Find as many acorns as you can in the How does the soil affect what was grown forest clearing Using raised ‘planting beds’ children can TPERXERHLEVZIWXXLIGVSTWERH½RHSYX which crop belongings to which soil Deforestation ;SSHPERH1EREKIQIRX Characters of Hainault Historical Buildings Habitats Conservation Fox Burrow Farm movement Victorian Farming Different types of crops Species Diversity Agricultural practices Different types of soil Cartography Interpretation Space and Cafe Theme Plan Victorian farm Indoor exhibition What does a plant need to grow? Using simple shadows and Projections children can watch plants grow and be harvested. Who lives here? 8YRRIPWERH¾ETWXLEXEPPS[ Going Underground... children to explore different Visit the world below the meadows and forest. habitats Discover a cross section through the lake and the creatures that live there key intervenƟ ons • the buildings HAINAULT ANCIENT FOREST AUTOMATED TRAFFIC NEW PUBLIC REALM IN BARNS CONTROL SYSTEM COMPLEX WITH HIGH QUALITY LANDSCAPE DETAILING AND TREE PLANTING BARN RESTORED AS BARN RESTORED AS LEARNING NEW POWER SUPPLY VISITOR CENTRE SPACE AND TRAINING / CAFE / AND HIGH SPEED Enhance farm character RESTAURANT Re-focusing of the farm BROADBAND INTO SITE EXISTING CHANGING ROOMS DEMOLISHED Promote educational opportunities Promote native species SHEDS RENOVATED TO BARN RESTORED AS PROVIDE START-UP UNITS MULTI-PURPOSE EVENTS AND LEARNING SPACE NEW FULLY SUDS COMPLIANT ROADWAYS OUTDOOR CLASSROOM AND STAFF PARKING New outdoor classroom New play area NEW BIOMASS BOILER Playful and robust objects Welcoming and safe playground Farm 3D visualisations key intervenƟ ons • the farm & playground Promote wildlife habitats and green roofs HAINAULT ANCIENT FOREST Aspirations: accessibility Romford Road Entrance Improved Improved visitor Improved access entrances circulaƟ on along and through central spine routes 3D Visualisation - Ronford Road Branding & wayfinding New North Road Entrance 3D Visualisation - New North Road Gravel with low native planting 3D Visualisation - Forest Road Key intervenƟ ons • access and wayfi nding Hainault ancient forest access/activities for people with disabilities and forest events (inc.
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