ADDRESS: 10 Pascal Street, London, Lambeth, SW8 4SH Application Number: 20/02331/FUL Case Officer: Magda Kotyza Ward: Oval Date Received: 13/07/2020 Proposal: Full 'slot-in' planning application for phased residential led mixed-use development above and surrounding Nine Elms Station, comprising three new residential buildings of 21 storeys, 16 storeys and 17 storeys providing a total of 479 homes (Use Class C3), plus small scale commercial floorspace of 108m2 (Expanded Use Classes A1-A4 and D1), works within the Nine Elms Station 'boxes', a new public square, and associated works. Applicant: Connected Living London (Nine Agent: Avison Young Elms) Limited RECOMMENDATION 1. Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning obligations listed in this report and any direction as may be received following further referral to the Mayor of London. 2. Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to: a. Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes; and b. Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). 3. In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability, having regard to the heads of terms set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in order to meet the requirement of the Planning Inspector. 4. In the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within 6 months of committee, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to refuse planning permission for failure to enter into a section 106 agreement for the mitigating contributions identified in this report, addendums and/or the PAC minutes. SITE DESIGNATIONS Relevant site designations: Opportunity Area Vauxhall Opportunity Area Central Activities Zone Central Activities Zone Flood Risk Zone 3 CAA Helipad Safeguarding Zone CAA Helipad Safeguarding Zone Neighbourhood Planning Area Kennington Oval and Vauxhall Protected Vistas Brixton Panoramic Local View Brixton Historic Towers Local View London Distributor Roads Wandsworth Road LAND USE DETAILS Site area (ha): 0.65 hectares NON-RESIDENTIAL DETAILS Use Class Use Description Floorspace (m2) (Gross Internal Area) Existing* 0 Extant Consent* C3 Residential 35,782sqm (15/06216/FUL) Class B1a Office 4,811 Class D2** Gym 272 Class A1/A3/A4 Retail 580 Proposed* C3 Residential 39,695 A1/A2/A3/A4/D1 Flexible (Retail and 108 Community) * Does not include Nine Elms Station as this falls outside of the scope of this application. ** Gym for use by residents only RESIDENTIAL DETAILS Residential No. of bedrooms per unit Total Type Habitable Rooms Studio 1 2 3 4 Total Existing Affordable n/a Private/Market n/a Total n/a Extant Affordable 0 11 57 14 2 84 Consent (Intermediate Rent) Private/Market 0 150 98 0 0 248 Total 0 161 155 14 2 332 Proposed Intermediate 21 55 43 36 0 155 404 On-site Discount (32.4% (34.4% of Market Rent of all all hr) (DMR) units) (London Living Rent) Intermediate 0 0 16 5* 0 21 68 DMR (4.4% (5.8% of (Lambeth of all all hr) Tenancy units) Strategy (2020) Equivalents ) Private/Market 32 146 121 4 303 703 (Build to Rent) (63.2 (59.8%) %) Total 53 201 180 45 0 479 1175 (100%) (100%) Proposed Affordable n/a Off-Site Rented Social Rented n/a Intermediate n/a Private/Market n/a Total n/a * The rents for 3-bedroom units set out in the Lambeth Tenancy Strategy (2020) are at target rent levels Amount (£) Payment in Lieu of n/a Affordable Housing Details/Trigger Review Mechanism 1. Pre implementation: if not implemented within 24 months from vacant possession 2. Late Stage Review: triggered at 18 months from first of occupation of market units or 100% occupation of market units (whichever is the earliest) ACCESSIBILITY Number of C3 Units M4(2) Units 418 M4(3) Units 61 PARKING DETAILS Car Parking Spaces Car Parking Spaces % of Bike Motor- (General) (Disabled) EVCP Spaces cycle Spaces Resi Commercial Visitor Resi Commercial Visitor Existing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed 0 0 0 14 0 0 100 851 0 LEGAL SERVICES CLEARANCE AUDIT TRAIL Consultation Name/Position Lambeth department Date Sent Date Report Comments Received Cleared in para: Susan Boucher Legal Services 29/03/21 30/03/21 31/03/21 Throughout Senior Lawyer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This application is for a residential-led development by Connected Living London (Nine Elms) Ltd (a joint venture partnership between TfL and Grainger Plc) of a site above the Nine Elms Underground Station which is currently under construction. The application site is located on the northern side of Pascal Street and corner of Wandsworth Road, approximately 800m to the southwest of Vauxhall Station. The site sits within the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Opportunity Area (VNEB OA) and forms the southern boundary of the Central Activities Zone (CAZ), as identified by the London Plan (2020). This application relates to the development above and surrounding the Nine Elms Station, but does not include the station itself or the external appearance of the station buildings. The site benefits from an extant planning permission (ref: 15/06216/FUL) for a residential led development including three residential towers above the station podium, providing 332 residential units and a new public square between the residential towers with a retail unit fronting it. The extant consent also includes a commercia/office building (Block D) to the north-west of the current application site. The proposal seeks to ‘slot -in’ into the extant scheme (ref: 15/06216/FUL) and includes a residential led mixed-use development comprising three new residential buildings of 21 storeys (Block A), 16 storeys (Block B) and 17 storeys (Block C) providing a total of 479 homes including 40 per cent affordable housing which would replace the previously approved (ref: 15/06216/FUL) residential towers. This represents an overall increase of 147 residential units (44 per cent) when compared with the extant permission while the number of affordable units would increase by 92 (109 per cent). The proposed residential units are Built to Rent (BtR), which is purpose built housing that is typically 100 per cent rented out and managed by a single professional provider. The proposal also includes a public square (Pascal Square) with a small flexible commercial unit (Use Class A1-A4 and D1) facing the new Pascal Square and associated works. It is proposed to deliver the scheme in phases which would provide for the potential delivery of Block D under the extant consent together with the delivery of Blocks A, B and C as proposed in the current scheme. The development would maximise housing delivery and provide much needed, good quality housing, including a high level of affordable housing, at a density that makes optimum use of the application site. The level of affordable housing at 40 per cent meets the policy requirement for a scheme on public sector land where a portfolio agreement with the Mayor of London is in place. However, the proposals were viability tested due to their reliance on grant funding and the non-policy compliant tenure split of the residential units. An independent review confirmed that the affordable housing offer is the maximum viable. During the application process extensive discussions with the GLA took place and the applicant secured an in principle additional, bespoke grant offer which enabled the scheme to reduce the originally offered rent levels. An early and a late stage review are recommended to ensure that the affordability of rents is further maximised should the viability improve. The acceptability of provision of tall buildings has been established through the extant permission, and the proposed towers at 21, 16 and 17 storeys sit within the policy requirements and design aspirations of the London Plan, the Lambeth Local Plan and the emerging draft Lambeth Local Plan. Despite the constraints of the site laid down by the station building, the triangular building form and position of each block, the use of high quality materials, the junction between the station and the development above, and the creation of a significant area of new public realm provides a suitable and positive edge and gateway between the Vauxhall tall building cluster and the lower scale of development to the south. The proposed scheme would not result in harm to any heritage assets or their settings or affect local views from Brockwell Park. In addition, the development has been designed in conjunction with advice offered by the Metropolitan Police’s Design Officer seeking to minimise the opportunity for crime/terrorism. The development would provide a high quality residential environment for all future occupiers and would contribute significantly to meeting Lambeth’s and London’s housing targets. All of the new dwellings have been designed to meet relevant standards in terms of size, layout, aspect and adaptability. The proposed units will achieve reasonable levels of outlook, daylight and sunlight. In addition, the development is inclusive of generous on-site amenity (both private and communal), play space provision and the delivery of a significant new area of public realm. The proposals would ensure that levels of privacy and outlook of adjoining residential uses is maintained and in some areas enhanced when compared with the existing situation.
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