GGURDER^OURMAL Friday, July 7,1967 ~ U.S. Papal 9%Meu'b. .. Delegate Jv- ••-?•• -•-• • *<- f . :— — —0- --- Named Washington - <NC)—JPope Paul VI has named Archbishop Luigi Raimondi to be A.postolic Delegate to the United. States of America. , Archbishop Raimondi, who r has been Apostolic Delegate in Mexico since 1956, served as secretary and then as auditor in the Apostolic Delegation in Washington from 1942 to 194L9, He succeeds Egidio Cardinal Vagnozzi, who was named Apos tolic Delegate in. the U.S. in December 1958 and served here until his elevation, to the sacred college of cardinals in the con­ sistory just held at the "Vatican. Archbishop R a i m o rr d i was born at AcquiLixssito in Italy New American Cardinals with Pope Paul VI on Oct. 25, 1912. He attended the Seminary of A.cqui, and was Vatican City — (RNS) — The four new American ence. From left are: John Cardinal Krol of Phila­ ordained to the priesthood on June 6, 1936. He received a cardinals and Pope Paul VI are shown as they were delphia; Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle of Washington, doctorate in Canon Law at the about to bless some 1,000 pilgrims from the U.S. D.C.; Pope Paul; John Cardinal Cody of Chicago; Appolinaris Seminary in Rome *- visiting Rome for ceremonies elevating the prelates and Francis Cardinal Brennan from Shenandoah, and made studies at the Pern- to the Sacred College of Cardinals. The pilgrims re­ Ta., who has-been serving as dean of the Sacred ticila Ecclesiastical Academy. He was appointeel secretary to ceived a warm welcome from the Pope at an audi- Rota. the Apostolic Nunciature in Guatemala in 1938, and was named a Papal Chamberlain Pope Reaffirms Value with the title of very reverend1 monsignor in 1939. He was named secretary to the Apos­ Peotesfs Termed tolic Delegation here in June, Of College of Cardinals 1942, and arrived here in Sep­ Vatican City— (RNS)—' Pope The Pope made itvriear'that tember of that year. h Paul VI presented red birettasj e- disagreed with "certain per uaie In 1949, thetKeh TTsgr. TCaT- to 24 of the 27 new cardinals I sons" who are in faVor of down- mondi assumed the past of au­ grading the office of cardinal St. Louis — (RNS) — Too hibit your intelligence and re- at a ceremony in the Sistine ,ax r ditor of the Apostolic Inter- as being "superfluous" or of many students are trying to ex- y°u efforts as you enter nunciature in New Delhi, India. Chapel, and in a brief address little importance. this presDress "aa profounDrofound concern tofor!r | ^ ..competj e society," he reaffirmed the important role am asklng only that> M He was named Titular Arch­ of the Sacred College of Cardi­ In some church quarters there the rights and welfare of other; jts emerging leaders, you recog- jhave been speculations that the bishop of Tarsus and Papal nals in the- administration of people" .through protests and nke -a -responsibility, not only •Nuncio to Haiti on Dec, "24, the Church. new Synod of Bisfiops, whose demonstrations, Father Paul C. • for Its economic and teCnnoIo- first meeting is scheduled for 1953. In Haiti, A.rchbishop Rai­ Reinert, S.J., president of St.' gical progress, but also for Its mondi succeeded Archbishop. Regarding the office of car­ September, would ultimately di­ Louis University said this week, moral strength." minish the function of the Sa­ Francesco Lardone, who was| dinal, the Pope said he has named Papal Nuncio to Peru found "no reasons that induce cred College of Cardinals. Pope Speaking to the annual Hon­ Referring again to protests us to change the discipline sent Paul's talk was seen discourag­ oronsn Convocatioox rr . Jn a. t which ._som • e and demonstrations, Father On Dec. 15,1956, Archbishop down to us by our venerated ing such reports. 290 SLU students were being Reiner!" said they are "a reflec- -„«™»„™Raimondi. wa...s. name«««d, Apostolic —predecessors^"— "~ '• honored-for academic a*&iey^|.^ir-Ttf^^ injleacko, a, post- ho The three cardinals who did f^fru-i T J- ?u"eu ,i goals through more democratic has held until trie present time. At the same time, however, not receive their birettas from While I admire their humanis- intelligent means. They are he urged a "revitalization" of the Pope are Apostolic Nuncios anl d tic goals. , I have grave misgiv-fefed bbvy momobb nsvphpsychologoloBvy whichwhich; the office and a modernization and, following the custom, were ings about some of the means appropriate to fascism of its external forms which are to receive their hats from the of achieving, them." ithas morn ae democracy." "heirs of the customs of other chiefs of states in nations where NY Group Raps times." | they are now serving. He said he was disturbed by what he called "the inadequacy Father Reinert said that such of protest." protests are "necessarily short­ lived," and in many cases "the Court Decision "Protests such as those at! disruption far outweighs the Says Realization of God Berkeley-hav»_l»^l^..,U-»..e„ yet..,»* t1oA prove>thei..—.*..— IUA1_'r ' goorrf\f\Ad therViatyr mamoiyr achiexe.^nKtAiTfl'" On Magazines effectiveness as a method He-also- called- them- "self-de worthy c New York - (RNS) - The he said. feating, in that they may give A Major Aim of Faith Year the impression- that the noise [United States Supreme Court has been accused of "usjjrj>in,E| F*th«r=fteinert=held-that=stu- ; Washington = (NC) — Chris­ fart of faith Jfirojugh. a, reflec dents with a"high degree of in-jthey. attract have solved 'the the function of fceglslitive bodies"ln its recent decision on tians were urged to "give wit­ tion on the ecumenical council telllgence and ability have a problems . They -may also which has given a new testimo­ alienate many people who could 10 girlie magazines and two ness to the importance of a correspondingly greater social nial and a new splendor to responsibility. be of help in reaching solu- paperbacks. rea;llSsatlftVbl God and His lov- faith." . tions." The court's action jwascrjtkl ing-^ternal-design for the sal­ The prelate quoted Pope Paul thaHt ethe -toly dwer 4h&e enterinlienor—studentsg a high-" He said that too many of the cised by Operation Yorbsvllle. an [ vation of all mankind" at a Mass interreligious organsza.ti on| in the National Shrine of the extensively on the internal ly competitive society and cau-' protests are aimed at destroy- dangers to the faith, and com­ tioned them against using their ing the foundations of some- which campaigns against distri­ Immaculate Conception here bution of obscene material to <June 29) marking the fourth mented that "One can under­ talents to "crush" the less skill-] thing without any thought of stand the great anxiety of Pope ed or those less able to compete., what is to be put in Its place. youths and children. anniversary of the coronation of Paul over the developments and Pope Paul VI. mentalities that could threaten "I am not asking you to In- The Mass coincided with the the fruit and the promise of opening of the Year of Faith Vatiean II." rcnxmwic a., MC..H.T.C. CACTUS una mB»T.Mni»,itifc twnormwnx proclaimed by Pope Paul in -He singled out—the—Popp s| Catholic Press • "February, and also wiin tne pleas, ta Scripture scholars "to ISW centenary-of the- martyr­ cooperate with the hierarchical dom of Sts. Peter and Paul. teaching authority of the Veteran Cifed \ Qfastt d\& Bishop Paul F. Tanner, gen­ Church in defending the true Yonkcrs — The Rev. Albert eral secretary of the National faith." J. Nevins, M.M., the editor of i Conference of Catholic Bishops, Maryknoll, a former president' preached the sermon. The Mass The bishop commented: "Will 1 not a respectful and sincere re­ of the Catholic Press Associa- was offered by Bishop William tion and long-time member of bubbles fori J. McDonald, rector of the Cath­ sponse be in itself a construc­ its board of directors, was sa­ olic University of America. tive and effective observance of luted here recently for his work' this Year of Faith . ?" with the Catholic press. Bishop Tanner noted that the Carstairs Year of Faith was assigned Bishop Tanner also called on Speaking at a Mass marking three goals by Pope Paul: "The Catholics engaged in ecumenical the 25th anniversary of Father restoration of a realization of dialogue to remain true to Cath­ Nevins' ordination, the Rt Rev. I whawea God for the modern worWr tire olic teaching. "In standing fast, flfsgr. John S. Randall, manag-i protection of the Church from therefore, by the teaching of ing editor of the Rochester baU together. internal dangers to the faith, the Charch and searching to (N.Y.) Courier - Journal, said and Christian unity." gether with our separated breth­ "he is the Catholic press." __l (AhighbalL) ren into the divine' mysteries, "It is for this reason," said we can be certain that the Monsignor Randall told the| Bishop Tanner, "that His Holi­ cause of Christian unity will be more than 300 people who at­ ness has exhorted Christians to served in a constructive and tended the Mass and reception seek, find and enjoy the com meaningful manner." later at Sacred Heart Church that Father Nevins' "dedication and unselfishness are unmatch-i edTTIis office has always been I No Ecumenical Paper open for advice and help." Rochester brides-to-be, over the years, have made a trip to Sibley's for In Wilmington Diocese the selection of their fine china and crystal an important part of their wedding plans.
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