CZECH POLAR REPORTS 2 (2): 103-108, 2012 Ecophysiological characteristics of the coastal plants in the conditions of the tidal zone on the coasts of Svalbard Evgenia Markovskaya1, Nataliya Schmakova2, Liudmila Sergienko1* 1Petrozavodsk State University, Ecological-Biological Faculty, Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Lenina, 33, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russia. 2Polar–Alpine Botanical Garden Institute, Kola Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kirovsk, Murmansk region, 184250, Russia. Abstract Content of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and flavonoids were determined in leaves of 26 plant species growing in the tidal zone of the Grønfjord coast at the Western Spitsbergen. Species of Ranunculaceae, Polygonaceae, Boraginaceae, Juncaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Saxifragaceae, Poaceae families were included in the study. The analyses showed that chlorophyll (Chl) content (chlorophyll a+b) of the investigated species varied from 0.16 to 2.4 mg g-1 of fresh mass, carotenoids varied from 0.1 to 0.7 mg g-1 of fresh mass, and flavonoides ranged from 0.8 to 9.7%. This comparative study aimed to the evaluation of differences in functional activity of photosynthetic apparatus of the dominant species under natural conditions of their habitats on the coastal zone of high tidal seas of the Arctic. Most of the dominant species of the tidal zone had higher values of Chl content and flavanoides. The study showed that plants grown along a transect from the water line through a tidal zone exhibited different ways of adaptation. The differences were found in the contents of photosynthetic pigments, and flavonoids. Besides that, some plants formed special morphological structures of leaves (grey dead vegetative organs and cuticular vax) and growth forms. Key words: vascular plants, plastid pigments, chlorophyll, flavonoids, West Spitsbergen. Abbreviations: Car - carotenoid, Chl - chlorophyll, FM - fresh mass, LHC - light- harvesting complex, MLWNT - mean low water neap tide, PAR - photosynthetically active radiation, UV - ultraviolet active radiation ——— Received November 19, 2012, accepted December 19, 2012. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Acknowledgements: The work was executed with the financial supports of grant No. 5.5829.2011 AVCP, grant from the RFBR No. 12-04-01008-a, grant by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation (project No. 42_08/09). The authors thank Dr. V. Kostina (PABSI KRC RAS) for the determinations of plants species. 103 E. MARKOVSKAYA et al. Introduction The Spitsbergen archipelago (between tional characteristics and activity of their 76° 26' and 80° 50' N and 10° and 32° E), photosynthetic apparatus. Quantification except for the the Nordaustlandet Island, it of photosynthetic pigments in plants is located in the subzone of arctic tundra adapted to extreme climate can be (its northern band). At this latitude, the considered a component of ecological and polar day lasts from April 19th to August physiological characteristics permitting 24th; a steady transition to above-zero tem- them successful living in such extreme peratures occurs on June 5th and to below- environment like tidal zone. Salt marshes zero temperatures on September 18th. The and coastal beaches with the lowest warmest month is July (average temper- abundance of species within habitats are ature of 8°С). The average annual pre- the azonal communities at the Western cipitation is 563 mm with most of them Spitsbergen. The lowest -diversity (sensu during the winter. Relative air humidity is Whittaker) was recorded for halophytic high over the year, the average multiyear communities and mineral fens. Only value is 78% (Koroleva et al. 2008). Such several species, with the Arctic circum- climatic characteristics determine a short polar areas are typical for these habitats growth period (40-70 days). Its duration is (Koroleva et al. 2008). Therefore, investi- determined by the time of snow thawing gation of morphological and eco-physio- and the length of snow-free period in local logical plasticity of coastal species along habitats. The natural flora of Spitsbergen the gradient of environmental factors has a archipelago comprises 164 species of vas- specific importance in the estimation of cular plants (more than 75% of them form the plants responses to extreme environ- the populations around internal fjord (Røn- mental conditions. The aim of our study ning 1996). In the high Arctic, the flora of was to estimate contents and the ratio of vascular plants is characterized by a plastid pigments for several salt marsh clearly expressed dependence on the ex- species growing on the east coast of treme climatic factors. Plant adaptations to Grønfjord at the Western Spitsbergen. the climatic factors are reflected in func- Material and Methods The study was performed in several formed within tundra vegetation of the regions with costal vegetation of the internal fjord of West Spitsbergen, which internal fjord of West Spitsbergen in 2009- is characterized by unbroken plant cover 2010. The study sites were located close to and a great diversity of vascular plant the settlements of (1) Barentsburg (78° 04' species. The pigments content was studied N, 14° 12' E), eastern shore of the in plants growing along the transects from Grønfjord, and (2) Pyramiden (78° 39' N, the line of mean low water at neap tide 16° 16' E). Halophytic meadows on the (MLWNT) towards the shore. Samples of seashore marshes belong to ass. Puc- vascular plant leaves, mainly at the cinellietum phryganoides Hadač 1946, ass. flowering stage (when the plants did not Caricetum ursinae Hadač 1946, type bloom, the assimilating organs were been community Mertensia maritima on the collected) were collected from 5–10 pebble beach on Grøn River (Koroleva et representative plants (or their groups). al. 2008). This investigation was per- Chlorophylls (Chl a and b) and caro- 104 PIGMENTS IN ARCTIC PLANTS tenoids (Car) contents were estimated in assuming that the whole amount of Chl b ethanol extracts spectrophotometrically is present in the LHC, where the Chl a/b with a SF-26 spectrophotometer (LOMO, ratio is 1.2 (Sapozhnikov et al. 1978, Russia) and a PD-303S spectrophotometer Lichtenthaler 1987). The total of flavo- (Appel, Japan) at corresponding absorp- noids content was determined using a SF- tion maxima. Chl contents in the light 26 spectrophotometer at 410 nm (Zaichi- harvesting complex (LHC) was calculated, kova et al. 1983). Results For pooled data from all plants (26 etative organs, which protected the green species), total Chl content (chlorophyll leaves from an excess sunlight. The a+b) showed the values ranging from 0.16 content of Chl in grey vegetative organs to 2.4 mg g-1 of fresh mass (FM). The were 0.16 mg g-1 FM, while it reached 0.7 values of yellow pigments (carotenoids) mg g-1 FM in the underlying green leaves varied from 0.1 to 0.7 mg g-1 FM, that had a low content of flavonoids (3%). flavonoides ranged from 0.8 to 9.7% Thus, Stellaria humifusa is naturally (Table 1). The species from families adapted to the quantity of sun light at high Caryophyllaceae, Ranunculaceae, Polygo- latitudes. Carex ursina appeared at a naceae, Boraginaceae and Saxifragaceae distance about 100 m from the water edge, had low Chl content (below 1 mg g-1 FM) then Carex subspathacea emerged at and were classified in the first group. The longer distance from the edge. The content plants from families Juncaceae, Cypera- of pigments in both species increased with ceae and Poaceae had higher Chl content the distance from the shoreline (up to 120 (about and above 1 mg g-1 FM) and were m for Carex ursina and up to 150 m for put in another group. Carex subspathacea). For Carex ursina, In the further text, we report the the content of Chl increased from 1.16 to ecophysiological characteristics of some 1.72 mg g-1 FM. For Carex subspathacea, dominant species of tidal zone in detail. it increased from 1.0 to 2.1 mg g-1 FM. Puccinellia phryganodes was the first These species from family Cyperaceae species appearing on the mud coast at the had higher content of pigments than the distance of 40 m from MLWNT in the other dominant species of tidal zone. The form of single plants of dirty-brown color Mertensia maritima is a seashore perennial (costal zone about settlement Barents- plant with blue-grey color leaves. In the burg). At the distance of 90 m from high Arctic, the plants of M. maritima MLWNT, the P. phryganodes had a have a prostrate leaf form, the sprouts are projective cover up to 70% and looked like spreading along the ground. In our study, an orange-colored belt. These changes in M. maritima had average (c.f. the overall color were related to the changes in range of pooled plant species) content of content of the pigments: reduction of Chl Chl (0.98 mg g-1 FM), the higher means of (decrease from 0.96 to 0.57 mg g-1 FM). LHC (more than 70%) and very high The orange-colored plants, their leaves, content of flavonoids (9.7%). The blue- respectively, had a high content of flavo- grey color of leaves covered with a cuticle noids (7.3%), which could be related to and having high content of flavonoids rep- their photoprotective role. At the distance resent an effective protection mechanisms of 50 - 70 m from the water edge, the that help the plants to avoid negative ef- Stellaria humifusa appeared. It had bright fects of high light doses of PAR and UV to green sprouts covered by grey dead veg- leaf photosynthetic apparatus. 105 E. MARKOVSKAYA et al. Species Chl (a+b) a/b LHC Car Flavonoids [mg g-1(F.M.)] % [mg g-1(F.M.)] % Polygonaceae Koenigia islandica L. 0.83±0.04 2.2 69 0.29±0.04 6.9 Caryophyllaceae Honckenya peploides (L.) 0.53±0.04 3.4 50 0.15±0.02 7.8 Ehrh.
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