.V / ■4 ' i- , r ■'/. ■ • \ FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1962 4— 4. f ACS SrXTBEN I V Avorage Dafly NSt Pren Ron idlanrilfsstrr lEvraing For the Week BadeS The Weather Foreeeet et B. 8. Weatlhr I C’ Jaae 8*. 1M8 I state maintenance on July 9. 81 north a quarter o f a mile to the line. Bishop Rd. and the remainder Ht-i'v- ■ .. Area Roads Go of Boston Hill Rd. In Coventry, Bread and. Milk St. end of state maintenance. 13,601 'Partly chMidy, little ohaage la About/Tow n from Rt. .44A to the Tolland town The state will maintain New London Rd. tn Hebron from RL temperature toalght aad Soaday. T o State Control llnb becomes part of Rt. 81; and Boston Rd. in Andover from the 85 to the Andover. town line will MMaber e< the AaOt toalght 66 to 85. High Simday -f..- Stonehouse and Bagleville Rds. Hebroh town line to Wales Rd., and pass to qtate maintenance. Hebron BiiTedia ef Oinalatloa aear M . Members oftheKiwanis Club of will assume maintenance, of Gilead Manchester will be g;uesta of the from Rt. 81 to the Mansfield town Boston Hill Rd. from Biahop to He­ MoMhe»ter—~A City o f Village Chahn The State Highway Department line are designated as State Route bron Rds., designating them as Rd., Martin Rd.. Gilead St. .East Balvattop^Army for luncheon Tues­ St., and Hartford Rd. from the day nobn at C^mp Nathan Hale, has announced assignment of route 575. State Route 603'. In exchange An­ numbers to roads in Coventry, An­ In exchange, Coventry to<dt over dover will maintain Long Hill Rd. Marlborough town linethe Col­ V0L.LXXXLN0.241 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1962 (Claadifled AdvertWag oa Pago 16) Coverttry. The Rev. Fred Edgar from Rt. 6 to the OoVoitry town chester town line. PRICE nVE CENTS of milaa, Tex., former pastor of dover and HebroR* transferr^ to maintenance of School St. from Rt, gduth Methodist Caiurch, Manches­ ter, will be gue.st speaker. There will be no meeting next week at / Manchester Country CTub. State News M AIN STREET FREE PARKING Macmillan Fires Six Pvt. Leon P. Wallace. U.S. Ma­ MANCHESTER IN THE REAR rine Corps, son of Mrs. John E. : HOUSE • R ou n d u p Wallace, 18 Emerson St., recently completed a week of testing and In Cabinet; Labor screening at the Naval Air Techni­ cal Training Center, Memphis, Tenn., in preparation for duties Woman KiU^, with the aviation branch of the RDAY SPECIALS Calls for Elections Marine Corps. Husband Hurt Orange Lodges' of Manchester LONDON (AP) — PximetBuuer,; 60, who was officially de­ In Car Crash will hold an annual picnic at Lake signated’ deputy prime minister. for KoWalski Compounce tomorrow. B\ises will Minister Macmillan’s whole­ 'The moire hel^tened speculation SATURDAY ONLY! SALE! sale shakeup of his Cabinet WELLINGTON (AP) — • leave Orange Hall at 9:30 a.m^ that Macmillan, 67, would step OUR ENTIRE STOCK ^brought new pressure from aside for the former home 'secre­ Mrs. Waleska B. Evans, 63, of The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor opposition leaders today for tary in the next. election. 739 Whitney Ave,, New Ha­ of Concordia Lutheran Church, will 500 B O N U S Friday the ISth was a day of an immediate national elec­ tense drama at Admiralty House, ven, was killed on the Wilbur be in charge of radio broadcasts, MEN'S SUMMERWEICm tion. Cross Highway near here yes­ sponsored by the Manchester Min­ Macmillan’s temporary offices, as Pinkertons, Police Labor Party leader Hugh Galta- he tired eome of his closest as­ terday. V isterial Association, over station kell called Macmlllan'e firing of WINF Sunday at 7:38 p.m. and sociates in the biggest wave of Her husband, Pr. Theodore 8. ■even of thq 21 ConservaUve mlnl- political executions in Britain Evans, 66. who was driving, was daily next week. m . GREEN STAMPS SPORT COATS aters Friday night “ A political since World War n . in critical condition today in Hart­ Shove Backers Out massacre which can only be in­ ford Hospital. Robert T. Kusmik. son of Mr. The top casualties were Chan­ with th« purchase of any terpreted as a gigantic admission cellor of the Ebcchequer Selwyn Evana is a clinical professor of and Mrs. William Kusmik, 15 Mt. ' of failure.” medicine at Tale University and Nebo PI., has enlisted in the U.S. Lloyd, replaced by (tolonial Office By RON AUTRY "Instead of getting rid of his Oiief Reginald Maudling, and De­ chief of medicine at St. Raphael’s Coast Guard for four years. Kus­ colleagues, the prime minister Hospital. HARTFX5RD (AP)—Congressman-at-Large Frank mik, a graduate o f' Manchester fense Secretary Harold Watkin- should resign and let the people son, succeeded by Aviation Mini­ Police said the Evans car was walski led a band of his supjKirters to the doors of the Bush- High School, has reported to the SWIMSUIT elect a new government," Oaits- IK m ster Peter Thomeycroft. demolished when it left the high­ nell. auditorium today but the noisy, chanting (irowd was Coast Guard Receiving Center at keU added. way and hit a truck parked on the Cape May, N.J,, for 13 weeks’ re­ Liberal Party leader Jo Gri- Also fired were Viscount Kil- shoulder. repulsed by Hartford Police and Pinkerton men.' cruit training. mond also called for a general mulr, 62, lord chancellor; Lord Led by g band and chanting “We Want Frank”'the Kowal­ Mills, .72, minister without port­ The truck driver was not hurt. m election and declared: "After 12 One, Two, Three, Four, Who Are We For from folio; Sir David Eccles, 58. edu­ ski supporters got into the lobby of the convention hail be­ Color guards of Anderson-Shea yean In office, it is too late for fore it was turned back. Post and Auxiliary. VFW. will the Tories to try and put a- new cation minister; Dr. Charles Hill, . Leapt to Death march in the 250th anniversary pa­ Flaunting the Ribicoff colors are (left) Miss Margaret Boland. ‘63 Vernon St., and Miss Keanor 58, housing ' minister and John NEW LONDON (A P )—A young mm Kowalski, who seeks the party’s U.S. Senate nomination, face on their administration.” rade at Coventry tomorrow at 10 Benevento. 79 Homestead St. And lest anyone not Jknow who Stamford’s Mayor J. Walter Kenne- Macmillan’s Conservatives have Maclay, 66, secretary of state for mental patient leaped to her death left the group there and went to his convention hall head­ dv is for the g^rls pin ft cftmpai^ button on him. Kennedy is chairman of the committee to a.m. St. Patrick’s Pipe Band of a mwidate to serve tmtil tjie faU Scotland.. from the (Sold Star Memorial quarters. Manchester will lead the units in push Abraham A. Ribicoff, U. S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, for the Democratic a 100% combed of 1964. Hie prime minister can Lord Home remains as foreign Bridge yesterday after darting out senatorial nomination at the convention in Hartford that opens this afternoon. (Saxe photo). of a car driven by her mother. The police ordered the band out of the building and then the line of march. 8.95 cottons call a general election any time secretary, and no changes in before then, but he is not expected Britain’s foreign policy and its Patricia Ajin Lee, 27, died in the pushed the others out. to do so before the fall of 1963. close association >rith the United emergency room of Lawrence and The police said no demonstrators for any candidate would grand chaplain of Masons in and up • dacron and Memorial Hospital. She feU about cottons Conservative candidates have States were expected. be allowed in the hall. Friends to Greet Texas for 1962. tAken a thrashing from'opposition Macmillan's concern with the 80 feet, landing on Crystal Ave., Dr. and Mrs. Edgar ^ visit­ near the New London end of the They were enforcing a no-ticket, no-admission edict of the a dacron polyester Laboiites and resurgent Liberals economic situation was em SPECIALS ing New York Chty Where Dr. phasized by his shift of Treasury bridge, which spans the .Thames convention itself. Edgars on Sunday and worsted in 12 recent special elections. By for L A D IE S Edgar will preach the Wash­ the infusion of new blood into' the <3hlef Secretary Henry Brooke in River between New London and The Kowalski people, bearing signs and banners, then stood ington Square, Methodist Church • HUNDREDS Cabinet, Macmillan hopes to re­ to the home secretary's post and Groton. on the sidewalk keeping up their chant. Dr. add Mrs. Fred R. Edgar of July 15 and 22, study at Co­ a some wash and State Police said Miss Lee had SAT. O N L Y store the battered image of his Treasury Financial Secretary Sir The crowd also shouted "Down with Abe!”—referring to Dallas, Tex., will be feted at an lumbia University. wear government before it goes to the Edward Boyle to the Education for several weeks been a patient at open house Sunday from 4 to 6 The Edgar^^xpect to remain in TO the Norwich Hospital, a state men­ former Governor and Cabinet Secretary Abraham Ribicoff, a bold and polls. Ministry. N Y L O N U FT S p.m. at the home. Of Mr. and Mrs. Manchester - for several days as Much of this image apparently tal institution. Her mother came who has the party leadership’s support for the nomination.
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