HE DAILY SKIFF Volume 73, Number 19 Texas Christian University . , . Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Friday, October 4, 1974 'Let me off at earth, please Travelers from some un- astronauts. When' shown in named, far-off planet may have juxtaposition with recent photos landed thousands of years ago on of American spacemen, the a primitive, but inhabited earth, ancient artifacts showed a said archaeologist and author remarkable' similarity. Erich von Daniken Wednesday Von Daniken said he was night. amazed that such intellectually Speaking to an overflow crowd handicapped and primitive in the Student Center Ballroom, people could sculpt, draw and he presented his theory with a build with so much dexterity, narrated slide show that most in finesse and geometric accuracy. attendance found highly im- In addition to physical pressive. evidence, von Daniken presented Von Daniken said he believes, literary support for his theory by and has evidence to support his qupting from several "holy belief, that these "ancient books." astronauts," as he calls them in The ancient Sumarian epic of his book, not only came to earth "Gilgamesh" gives an account of many centuries ago but were a king who was taken to great revered by the humans they heights above the earth by some contacted and were regarded as mysterious people. The king gods. describes the tremendous force exerted on his body as he is lifted His books, "Chariots of the from the ground.and gives an Gods" and "In Search of Ancient accurate description of the Astronauts" contain textual earth's appearance from such a information, photographs and vantage. drawings from all over the world Von Daniken also used which he considers sufficient to passages from Ezekiel in the Old at leas! strongly consider his Testament to support Ms claim. theory, something many ar- At one point in his book, the chaologists refuse to do, he said. Hebrew prophet describes the The slides he showed Wed- appearance of what von Daniken nesday included prehistoric cave called an ancient spacecraft and drawings and rock carvings he even showed an engineer's which appeared to be primitive conception of what they believe TRUTH OR FICTION? representations of modern day Ezekiel actually saw. Subcommittee formed to discuss funding issue SPC examines editors' money cuts By LISA DEELEY SMITH The policy statement of the Wiebenga and Buttry are on the advice concerning ads. the University Bank ad sexist. Assistant News Editor SPC states Ms. Downing and subcommittee to^ study the issue. campus thinks are sexist. He Kays called the bank am Editors' compensation cuts, Buttry were to receive such Gregg Kays, business manager mentioned the letters to the them of the pi obtain. They are sexist advertising and censorship compensation. "There's a whole of the Daily Skiff, asked SPC for editor which labeled the lea page4 were the main topics at the first nest of issues here," said Dr. »¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥«¥¥¥«¥¥¥¥¥¥»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Student Publications Committee William Wiebenga, dean of (SPC) meeting Wednesday. AddRan College of Arts and A subcommittee of SPC was Sciences. Parent's Weekend is here formed to discuss compensation The money is to go for tuition, for editors of the Daily Skiff and yet it is a student employment Parents' Weekend activities begin Friday, speak on "Smart Golf" he "Image," after two editors were salary, not a scholarship. The Oct. 4 with Parent's attending classes all day. Study Lounge. From 2-5 pjs a bus tear cut off from promised funds. SPC is telling the Journalism Visiting parents may register anytime from 2*4) the Fort Worth area. Margaret Downing and Steve Department how to hire its p.m. in the Student Center. A buffet dinner ie scheduled in the Buttry were to receive 12 hours of students, Dr. Wiebenga said. "I A pep rally is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in Daniel- from 5-6:30 p.m. Tickets for tuition as associate editors of know of no such contractual Meyer Coliseum in preparation for the TCU- cost $2.75, must be purchased by noon Saturday. "Image" and the Daily Skiff statement in any other depart- Arkansas football game the following evening. At 7:30 p.m. is the highlight of the weekend as respectively. The money was ment," he said. Rounding out the first day's activities will be the the Horned Frogs tangle with the Rasorbacks X promised to the two students last If the compensation were comedy team of Durane and Ellis at 8p.m. in Ed from Arkansas on the gridiron in their annual spring. However, Lewis C. Fay, converted into a scholarship, a Landreth Auditorium. tilt. chairman of the Journalism student could not compete for Saturday's events begin at t a.m. with Following the game, at 10 p.m., will be aa open Department, became aware of any other scholarship, Fay said. registration for parents. A reception will be held house, with residence halls open to all parents. production cost increases over Dr. Wiebenga told Ms. in the courtyard of the Sid Richardson Building The final day's activities will get underway at the summer. Downing that in the future the from 10-11:30 a.m. A luncheon is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Sunday with a coffee and doughnut "According to my calculations, department chairman would noon in the Student Center Ballroom and will breakfast in the Ballroom. Parent's Weekend we would have been out of inform each editor of his position feature a variety of guests and speakers. festivities will then be brought to a dose at 11 business by March 1," Fay said and any compensation in writing. At 2 p.m. Dr. Charles F. Kemp, professor of am. with a celebration service by Minister to the pastoral care and pastoral psychology, will University Roy Martin. l at the meeting. He then cut Ms. Fay said he felt this wotdd be "a i Downing's and Buttry's pay. monkey on my back." Dr. !»»»»»«¥ ¥¥¥¥¥»»¥¥¥)¥¥¥¥¥»¥*¥»¥¥¥¥»¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥' THE DAILY SKIFF Friday, October 4,1974 Reader feedback- reader feedback Editor: council last week there was no Tuesday's Skiff. The writer were handed out were small sophomoric column that at- I wish to take issue with your way our rooms could be painted. seemed to imply very clearly pieces of paper with a pin in them tacked me, among others. statement of your Oct. 1 issue Vulgarisms are not used in By Mr. Neeb's statement that that the new place system was and were designed to be worn. It that Bob Neeb has made it sometimes seems there is some TCU publications for two "All dormitory rooms that unfair and that the newly elected "through September without naivete about political reasons: (1) the sensitive needed painting have been town students were not saying anything good enough reader—there must be a few- painted" he has made several representative of their con- organizing at TCU. that he could later claim that he But the fact is people do not get deserves protection against things perfectly clear. Firstly, stituencies. was misquoted." gross offense; (2) the he must not consider Pete Wright One of the ideas behind having elected without work and campaigning. The town students professional standards we in the In your Sept. 5 issue, Mr. Neeb to be a dormitory. (Someone students file for specific places who voted these representatives Journalism Department knock stated "All dormitory rooms that should tell him that it is located was to avoid the overlong ballot needed painting have been which instructed voters to vote in were convinced of their merits ourselves out to pass on to you about 60 yards southwest of prohibit their use. painted." I am one of. the lucky Sadler.) for 24 names. This "melting pot" through their campaigning. And few who are living in Pete Wright process seems to me to be more campaigning takes organization It's saddening to me that, with dormitory this year and let me Secondly, he was either unfair, especially to the students and I can find nothing tainted gut-issues screaming from every assure you that my room needs misquoted or will later claim to listed near the bottom. about that process. quarter of the compass, senior painting. have been and lastly he should Filing for a specific place Chuck Blaisdell Journalism majors waste their have at least received runner-up avoids this problem to a degree. Town Student Representative adrenalin in a ranting and sen- The color of the walls in my in your Dubious Achievement Voters are more likely to know Place 4 seless diatribe; in a blunt and room very closely resembles the Award competition. people running in each place and filthy usage that passed from color of the floor in the snack bar. David Bennett therefore can make a more in- Editor: polite society before Gulliver To top that there is graffiti on the Sophomore telligent choice amongst a If you have had done for a day embarked on his travels. There closet door which states "VOTE Editor's note—The quote was, smaller set of candidates. or two with abusing me, the Dean must be a higher level of FOR IKE AND DICK IN '56." "Rooms . in every dorm were It also might be pointed out of Students, the Chancellor, and discourse. I have informed Mr. Neeb painted if they were in bad that about twice as many town everybody else in sight, permit As to censorship: If The Daily many of the rooms in our dorm shape." students voted this year than last me a few words of my own. Skiff suffered any kind of even badly need painting and he year, and that is a definite im- You seem to suffer some kind internal censorship at all, do you assured me something would be Editor: provement.
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