BANKBEGISTER VOLUME LXIi; N9. 47 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940. Primary Contest Players To Give Opening Of Proclamation Rumson Seniors Norwood Tire Go. Sodality To Hold Appeal Made 1 At Little Silver Rice's "Black Sheep Reeds Jewelry ' By virtue of the power vested In me as Mayor, I do hereby pro- On Annual Trip Opens Branch Local interest in the Little Sliver Crowning Service Revocation Of claim the week commencing primary, will be centered among- the Tuesd^y^May 21 Store Tomorrow May; 20, 1940, as "Clean-Up To Washington In Empire Garage Democrats for the office of county Week" In the Borough of Rum-: commltteeman. Aspiring for the Sunday Night RumsonJicense ion.' '•' " , ' ': ' •'•' ; berth, are Thomas Renehan, George ^ Mwy Thqmat It Albert Rediker in All citizens are requested to Left Yesterday for .Irving Peskoe and W. Ryser and Benjamin A. Shoe- Monsignor McCloskey co-operate to the end that all maker. State Commiuion to '' Directing Monmouth Charge of New Shop rubbish,' trash .and refuse mat- Nation's Capital, Henry Friedlander On the Republican ticket without and Rev. John O'Connoi ter may be disposed of. Review Harry Barium ,8 PUypn Production primary | opposition are Fred L. at 6 Broad Street The Street Department and Return Tomorrow 1 Manage New Store Ayers for assessor, Clark P. Kemg to Be the Speakers Case" at Newark June 7, | Department of Sanitation haye for collector, and, William H. Car- arranged to cover the Borough hart, Sr., and Kenneth L. Walker Th» Monmouth Players, und«r the Reed's Credit Jewelers will open The senior, class of Ruraaon high The Norwood Tlra company, hav- The reception of the 19 candidates Jireotlbn of Mary Thomas, will pre- with, trucks and wllt'dlspose of for councllmen. Only one Democrat The appeal or Harry Barium of'J tomorrow at 8 Broad street; with Al- all rubbish, trash 'and refuse school left yesterday morning for ing served the Monmouth county who will Join the Children of Mary so- 1 sent "Black Sheep," by Elmer Rico bert Rediker, in' charge. Mr. Redi- their annual three-day trip to Wash- automotive trade successfully since filed for municipal office, and he la dality of St. James church, when the Rumson, whose distribution liquor ; a* the|r final, production for this sea- matter placed at the curb de- liarry J. Sullivan, who is a candi- license was revoked permanently by ker has been,a resident of New Jer- sired to be. taken away. ington, D. C, where they will spend 1912. opened their third branch store organization holds Its annual crown- son at the Deal'Conservatoire, Deal, sey for many years, He has been In their time touring the places of In- yesterday afternoon In the" former date for the councllmanlc nomina- Ing ceremonies of the Blessed Virgin the governing body of that place , The play •will open Tuesday night, With your aid and assistance, tion. Thursday night after he had been „ the Jewelry business 17 years and Is we can make our municipality a terest In the nation's capital, Miss Empire garage on East Front street. Mary Sunday night at St. James' May 31, and continue* until the' fol- an expert on diamonds. ' . Madeline Bogart and Frank Weln- The new atore, commercially known Fred L. Ayers and Miss Annie church, will be in charge of Monalg- found jrullty of violating the itat* • lowing Saturday, May 28. healthier and. more beautiful Laurie are candidates for the Re- liquor law, will be heard Friday' place to live in. Clean .your helmer, advisers of the class, are'the as. "Empire Auto Supplies, Inc."; nor John B. McCloskey. Rev. John "Black Sheep" was a -successful chaperons. The itinerary for the trip acts as a wholesale and retail auto- publican county committee. Mrs. O'Connor of West End will deliver morning,' June T. at 10 o'clock, be- Broadway production eight' yean property up now. We will call fore the State Department of Alco- and take away the refuse. Let is as follows: ' motive supply house. Helen Wlchmann filed for commlt- the sermon. Miss Anna Hoffman will ago, Mr. Bice flr«t rose to prom-. Norwood, operating its main office teewomen on the Democratic ticket. be crowner. holic Beverage Control at Newark. Inence In 1629 with his play ''Street everyone do' his or her part. WEDNESDAY, MAY IS Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., couniel for Dated May 9, 1040. 7:15—Departure from B«d Bank imll- at Long Branch, has subsidiaries at Candidates who will join the sodal- " Scene," which 'Nfas later produced as ity are Misses Frances Odenbach, Mr. Barkan, served notice on Albert FRANCIS J. NARY, road station, both Perth Amboyind Asbury Park, a movie. HIB other successful plays 8:27—Tr»ln haves Jereejr City for Bal- The business was first known as Marlon Drake, Ruth Henderson, include "Counselor At Law," which Attest: Acting Mayor. timore. Francis Kodama before I 1J!;O6—Arrive at Baltimore. Motor coach "Norwood "sTlro Repair Company" Gladys Ash, Elizabeth VanBrunt, stared Paul Muni on Broadway and Albert A. Kern council that an appeal had Borough Clerk. to Annapolis ' and dress parade at tho and was located on Norwood avenue, Josephine Sesta, Eleanore Connor, "We Ttie People." Currently Mr. U. 8. Naval academy. Long Branch. After three years To Play At Concert Harriet Dwyer, Rose Marie Picone, been filed. Pending the outcome of Rloe's'latest play, "Two-on an Is- 5:80 P. M.—Arrive at Hotel Ebbltt, the appeal there has been a stay Washington. they moved to Broadway, where Patricia B.ooney_, Patricia. Kellenyi, land," u playing In New York. He 8 F. M.—Laavo for Lincoln Memorial. larger quarters were available., The Gladys Smith, Margaret Cross, Mary of the actual revocation of the li- has also written a novel, "Imperial cense and Mr. Barkan will be able THUItSBAY, MAY 16 Perth Amboy store was opened in Pianist to Be Guest Meade, Marlon Lyons, Maureen City." . ' '. ' • Special Program 8:39 A. M.—Leave for Federal Bureau 1925, and In 1933 another was opened Grant, Mary Rose Norman, Dorojhy to operate under the distribution li- Of special Interest to the member! ' Investigation, Smithsonian Institute, at Asbury Park, Artut May 22 Larltin, Ann Sole, Mary Abbatemarco, cense,- which permits the sale of Sonate and House of Representatives. liquor and beer in sealed containers of the Monmouth Flayers and those The main office prides Itself oh Its Madeline Abbatemarco, Helen Kelley, who have witnessed their'plays is Tomorrow On 1 P. M.—Leavo for Supremo Court, tour Francis Kodama of Shrewsbury, for consumption off the premises. of Washington, National Zoological park, 32,000 items which are kept in stock LoUtee Talerlto, Ann Kaney, Patricia the faot that Betty Field, who played concert pianist, will be guest artist Ruddy, Dorothy Maclntyre, Sophie The charge against Mr. Barkan historical Georgetown, Fort Mycr and U. and are efficiently handled by 32 em- was that he sold drinks on the In the players recent promotion, Borden Carillon S. Army, reservation. Arlington National ployees. at the concert to be given by the Ash, Elizabeth-Goldsberry and Mary '"What a Life," Is a leading member cemetery. Memorial amplthcatcr, Tomb of Spring Lake Sinfonletta Wednesday Heckt premises. Mr. Barkan pleaded not Unknown Soldier, Alexandria and Mount The Red Bank branch handles a guilty before the council Thursday ' of .the oast of "Two on an Wand." Vernon. complete line of automobile acces- night, May 22, at 8:30 o'clock at the Other members of the crowning ' Members'' of the cast for "Black Six Rumson Estates 8 V. M.—Library of Congress. Spring Lake Community house. The party beside Miss Hoffman are Jackie night. Witnesses' for the state were sories and equipment and also In- two investigators, Paul Wagl and Bheop," Include Richard T. Clark of 'FRIDAY, MAY 17 cludes an ' expert machine repair Sinfonletta will be conducted by Beu- Ryan and Walter Bauer, leading Qlenmary Park, Mlddletpwn town- to Be Visited on mont Gloss. pages; Mlsa Evelyn Maloney, sodality Philip Finzel. Mr. Wagi testified he 8:30 A. M.—Leavo for Bureau of Print- shop under the.supervision of Roy purchased three drinks of whiskey ship, who i>lays the part of Thomp- ing and Engraving, Washington Monu- Stout, well known local mechanic. president, banner bearer; Donald Mc- son "Buddy" Porter. Others are Syl- Garden Day ment, Pan-American building and White Klblen, crown bearer; James Ander- and a bottle of beer February 10 House. The Empire garage has been Im- from Louis Barkan, brother of Har- via Michelsohn, playing the part of 12:15—Leave Washington. proved with extensive alterations son, Richard Finnegan and Joseph Hoffman, train bearers; John Coug- ry Barkan. Undor cross-examination, Mary, Thompson Porter, Lee Jack- Mrs. Horton B. Garrison, president 6:41 P. M.—Arrive at Red Bank. and remodeling. Five tons of steel lln, William Thorpe, William Feeney, by Mr. Carton, the investigator laid son as Dorothy Woods:'Hortense of the Women's auxiliaries from the shelving has been Ingtalle4_to_house 1 ALBERT RBDIKER. ' Students of the senior class arfi Louis Doric, George Vacarelll and he had been in the store several BespstelnVas Elizabeth! Maximilian Monmouth county district of Episco- the merchandise. The actual garage Knltel tfx AHr.d Porter; Bernard Catherine Moynahan, Jane Roy, Bruce Anderson, guards of honor; times before but had purchased only' palian diocese, Is general chairman has been done away with and in its 1 Mr. Redlker*s decision to open-a Mary Lazzaro, Kathleen Scott, John Ruddy and Bobby Sagurton, groceries then. Wright as Henry Porter; Elaine of the garden tours to bo conducted stead Is seen an up-to-date repair store In Red Bank followed a trip Elaine Janaen, Dolores Moraller, trumpeters; Loretta Bergen, Judi The investigator was asked by th»'.
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