Congressional Record—House H10083

Congressional Record—House H10083

December 11, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H10083 Whereas, in 2011, President George H.W. TON) that the House suspend the rules Newhouse Royce (CA) Thompson (CA) Bush received the Medal of Freedom, the Na- and pass the bill. Nolan Ruiz Thompson (MS) tion’s highest civilian award, for his life of Norcross Ruppersberger Thompson (PA) The vote was taken by electronic de- Norman Rush Thornberry public service and commitment to liberty; Nunes Russell Whereas President George H.W. Bush was a vice, and there were—yeas 400, nays 11, Tipton O’Halleran Rutherford Titus tireless advocate for volunteerism and com- not voting 21, as follows: O’Rourke Ryan (OH) Tonko ´ munity service, speaking in his inaugural ad- Olson Sanchez Torres [Roll No. 428] Palazzo Sanford dress of ‘‘a Thousand Points of Light, of all Trott Pallone Sarbanes the community organizations that are YEAS—400 Tsongas spread like stars throughout the Nation, Palmer Scalise Abraham Davis, Rodney Johnson, Sam Panetta Scanlon Turner doing good’’; Adams DeGette Jones (MI) Pascrell Schakowsky Upton Whereas President George H.W. Bush and Aderholt Delaney Jordan Paulsen Schiff Valadao Barbara Bush were strong supporters of the Aguilar DeLauro Joyce (OH) Payne Schneider Vargas Bush School of Government and Public Serv- Allen DelBene Kaptur Pearce Schrader Veasey ice at Texas A&M University, established in Amodei Demings Katko Pelosi Schweikert Vela Arrington Denham Kelly (IL) Perlmutter Scott (VA) Vela´ zquez 1997 as a component of the George H.W. Bush Babin DeSaulnier Kelly (MS) Presidential Library, to encourage future Perry Scott, Austin Visclosky Bacon DesJarlais Kelly (PA) Peterson Scott, David Wagner generations to live a life of service to others; Balderson Deutch Kennedy Pingree Sensenbrenner Walberg Whereas President George H.W. Bush, with Banks (IN) Diaz-Balart Khanna Pocan Serrano Walden Barbara Bush, had 6 children, 17 grand- Barletta Dingell Kihuen Poe (TX) Sessions Walker children, and 8 great-grandchildren, and con- Barr Donovan Kildee Poliquin Sewell (AL) Walorski Barraga´ n Doyle, Michael Kilmer sidered Houston, Texas, his home and Walk- Posey Shea-Porter Wasserman Barton F. Kind Price (NC) Sherman Schultz er’s Point in Kennebunkport, Maine, as his Bass Duffy King (IA) Quigley Shimkus Waters, Maxine ‘‘anchor to windward’’; and Beatty Duncan (SC) King (NY) Raskin Shuster Watson Coleman Whereas President George H.W. Bush’s life Bera Duncan (TN) Kinzinger Ratcliffe Simpson Weber (TX) will be remembered for civility, public serv- Bergman Dunn Krishnamoorthi Reed Sinema Webster (FL) ice, humility, and servant leadership: Now, Bilirakis Emmer Kuster (NH) Reichert Sires Bishop (GA) Engel Kustoff (TN) Welch therefore, be it Renacci Smith (MO) Wenstrup Bishop (UT) Eshoo LaHood Rice (NY) Smith (NE) Resolved, That the House of Representa- Westerman Black Espaillat LaMalfa Rice (SC) Smith (NJ) tives— Wild Blackburn Estes (KS) Lamb Richmond Smith (TX) (1) expresses its appreciation for the pro- Williams Blum Esty (CT) Lamborn Roby Smith (WA) found public service of President George Blumenauer Evans Lance Roe (TN) Smucker Wilson (FL) H.W. Bush; Blunt Rochester Faso Langevin Rogers (AL) Soto Wilson (SC) (2) expresses its deep sympathy to the chil- Bonamici Ferguson Larsen (WA) Rogers (KY) Speier Wittman dren of President George H.W. Bush and Bost Fitzpatrick Larson (CT) Rohrabacher Stefanik Womack First Lady Barbara Bush: President George Boyle, Brendan Fleischmann Latta Rokita Stewart Woodall F. Flores Lawrence W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Marvin Bush, Ros-Lehtinen Stivers Yarmuth Brady (PA) Fortenberry Lawson (FL) Yoder and Dorothy Bush Koch, and to the entire Rosen Suozzi Brady (TX) Foster Lee Roskam Swalwell (CA) Yoho family of the former President; and Brat Foxx Lesko Rothfus Takano Young (AK) (3) directs the Clerk of the House to trans- Brooks (IN) Frankel (FL) Levin Rouzer Taylor Young (IA) mit a copy of this resolution to the family of Brown (MD) Frelinghuysen Lewis (GA) Roybal-Allard Tenney Zeldin President George H.W. Bush. Brownley (CA) Fudge Lewis (MN) Buck Gabbard Lieu, Ted NAYS—11 The resolution was agreed to. Bucshon Gallagher Lipinski Amash Garrett Labrador Budd Gallego LoBiondo A motion to reconsider was laid on Biggs Gosar Massie Burgess Garamendi Loebsack the table. Brooks (AL) Harris Rooney, Francis Bustos Gianforte Lofgren Gaetz Hice, Jody B. f Butterfield Gibbs Long Byrne Gohmert Loudermilk NOT VOTING—21 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Calvert Gomez Love Beyer Hartzler Polis Capuano Gonzalez (TX) Lowenthal PRO TEMPORE Bishop (MI) Jenkins (KS) Rooney, Thomas Carbajal Goodlatte Lowey Buchanan Jones (NC) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ca´ rdenas Gottheimer Lucas J. Costa Keating Carson (IN) Gowdy Luetkemeyer Ross ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings Curbelo (FL) Knight Carter (GA) Granger Lujan Grisham, Walters, Mimi will resume on motions to suspend the DeFazio Noem Carter (TX) Graves (GA) M. Walz Doggett Peters rules previously postponed. Cartwright Graves (LA) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Ellison Pittenger Votes will be taken in the following Castor (FL) Graves (MO) Lynch order: Castro (TX) Green, Al MacArthur b 1646 Chabot Green, Gene Maloney, H.R. 7217, by the yeas and nays; Cheney Griffith Carolyn B. Messrs. JODY B. HICE of Georgia and S. 3029, by the yeas and nays; and Chu, Judy Grijalva Maloney, Sean GOSAR changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ S. 825, by the yeas and nays. Cicilline Grothman Marchant to ‘‘nay.’’ The first electronic vote will be con- Clark (MA) Guthrie Marino Clarke (NY) Gutie´rrez Marshall Mr. SANFORD changed his vote from ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining Clay Hanabusa Mast ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ electronic votes will be conducted as 5- Cleaver Handel Matsui So (two-thirds being in the affirma- minute votes. Cloud Harper McCarthy Clyburn Hastings McCaul tive) the rules were suspended and the f Coffman Heck McClintock bill was passed. Cohen Hensarling McCollum IMPROVING MEDICAID PROGRAMS The result of the vote was announced Cole Hern McEachin as above recorded. AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ELIGI- Collins (GA) Herrera Beutler McGovern A motion to reconsider was laid on BLE BENEFICIARIES ACT Collins (NY) Higgins (LA) McHenry Comer Higgins (NY) McKinley the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Comstock Hill McMorris Stated for: finished business is the vote on the mo- Conaway Himes Rodgers Connolly Holding McNerney Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, had I been tion to suspend the rules and pass the Cook Hollingsworth McSally present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall bill (H.R. 7217) to amend title XIX of Cooper Hoyer Meadows No. 428. Correa Hudson Meeks the Social Security Act to provide f States with the option of providing co- Costello (PA) Huffman Meng Courtney Huizenga Messer PREMATURITY RESEARCH EXPAN- ordinated care for children with com- Cramer Hultgren Mitchell plex medical conditions through a Crawford Hunter Moolenaar SION AND EDUCATION FOR health home, and for other purposes, Crist Hurd Mooney (WV) MOTHERS WHO DELIVER IN- on which the yeas and nays were or- Crowley Issa Moore FANTS EARLY REAUTHORIZA- Cuellar Jackson Lee Morelle TION ACT OF 2018 dered. Culberson Jayapal Moulton The Clerk read the title of the bill. Cummings Jeffries Mullin The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Curtis Johnson (GA) Murphy (FL) finished business is the vote on the mo- Davidson Johnson (LA) Nadler question is on the motion offered by Davis (CA) Johnson (OH) Napolitano tion to suspend the rules and pass the the gentleman from Texas (Mr. BAR- Davis, Danny Johnson, E. B. Neal bill (S. 3029) to revise and extend the VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:27 Dec 12, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11DE7.040 H11DEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE.

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