MARY CHENEY UBRARY FETOAT, JUNE tf, 194B pakOC T o n rrE E !t Avsngs M y Nst Pi I 4 iBattfl|ggter Cuntteg fm tU i W. R BrtatM of tbs Fasttag- house Corporation, win coinsome to Sales Improve o About Town Msnchestsr Monday to spook to " '" 5 3 9 ths Monchsatsr Kiwonlt Cnih. Mis Charming llr . and Idra. Hamilton Grant of oubjsct win hsvs to do with houM At Berry Marl Iff canter stm t an learlnf to­ elsctrie wiring. His talk win bs Cky ef rmege Oimm morrow for a ten-day vacaUon at illustrated with pictuns. Ha eomoo Cape Cod. here umn Invltotlon of Everett Largent.^ Far Thi* Sea- OB fsso IS) (TWILYB PAGES) Keith. The mttendonoe prim oiU be ^ 0 VOL. LZVm NO. IM MANCHKSnR, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1946 Konegunda M. Baetla hae eold nirnished by Roy Blocomb. •on Reported^ 607 Summer bar aeven-room elngle house at M Darning straat to Robert and Irene The June meeting of tbs Board of Craten A n Offered JacquiUi. The transfer was made Trustees of the Monchsstcr Ms- Family Man W i FRESHNESS through Arthur Knolls, realtor. morisl hospital will be held at the Tsstsrday ths sales st ths Msn­ hospital next Monday sventng at chestsr Auction Market wen the Republican Campaign^ ^ . x » . CONTROL 1 Britain Sees Soviet Edward T. Lucas, Fireman, UBN. 7:30. The meeting was postponed larg est so tsr this sesaon, accord­ !>•*- Dresses T m mr son of Mr. and M rs C. Lucas of from an esilier date beesuss of ths ing to the rep<<rt of Raymond Reid lit North School street, Manches­ absence from town of Superinten­ of R M. Raid bad Sons. •r ■* • ter, Conn„ Is serving aboard the dent Slover who was on vacation. Tbs sales amounted to IS.143.4S. This is truly the sununar to dress up. rwt atetw «r rw light cruiser US8 HunUngton, A total of S07 cratas packed 34 Truly the eeasoe to be eharmliig s ^ ____ ) KOWHCRE. AB- quarts to tbs crate wen sold. The Will Have Congress’ which left tne United SUtes re­ CUrence W’. HeUlng, instructor feminine and it’s ail ao siraple to do in Attempt to Create aOliCTn.T NOWHEMB fM cently on a four-months European high for ths d ^ was S13.20, the __ _ « jm mt legHsNes m»4 fralt* of pisno, will present a group of any one of our alluring dressea ao isn tly N cruise. With the Huntington on hifl pupils in redtol at eight low was IS.30, and the average imf fiwUer tku at rUtkant. the cruise is the aircraft carrier 68.80 or just over 65 cents s qusrL ^leed. Printed sheers, chamhrays and o'clock this evening in Emanuel Todsjr*a sale w ill mark the end of TdM atniwbcrrics . U88 Kearsarge. the light cruiser LutHeran church. Aaslstlng on the opunt. WitaMT Kccacy picks thcsi U8S Fargo, the anti-aircraft program w ill be E lean or'R John- aelee for the waek aa the market Record as Keystone cruiser USS Juneau >nd several la not open on Saturday. * Siege Inside Berlin ‘i BioniiaR for OB . non, contralto. Those taking part destroyers. Oommlssldned In Feb­ m ot kuTfS ripe hiseioiM are; Joan Daniels, Doreen Davis, 0 ruary, IMd, the Huntington is no Jan Peterson, John Hammsr, Bev­ bsrrits.. sad brines them stranger to foreign duty, haring erly Klein, Ruth Broderson, Mary Dewey Plans Week«EMl froBi Uis IcM to tkc store. spent almost half the time since Ann Oosdz, Marilyn Hewitt, ;< ' \ ^Starving Helpless Qvil- her commissioning overseas. $7-98 t" $10-98 Filed Reports Show Rest at PawUnga N. Y«e Or piMO hnaa «r rthar Hm m Brenda Hills, Marilyn Ls^en, y, Ian Popnli^n* Seen Food Workers Out MiO an aaw eantag thnagli Nancy Macauley, Barbara Hllla, mommyl V % Farm Alter Malrtnf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leduc and Donald Murray, Lynne HalUn, Not Exactly Aa HhMtrato4 f , •A aaarbjr atatn ( LH Effort to Gain Po- Ma biijrrr la I family of EMmund street have re­ Beverly Hewitt, Willard Hills, . you bod Republicans in Red Qeaaup DecMtmg To­ I the traNia an turned after a vacation m nt In Roger Sims, Roger Turkington' litieal Advantage at On Strike in Rome Waltham, Mass., and Cranston, day; Selection ol Sno- ta aeleet the I and Barclay Wood. The public Is Expense of West; ragaUMta far | R 1. cordially invited to attend. cessor o f Reece aa ■Mfla Amionnee Intent to More Then 250,000 Are Deficit of $44,587 in i Israeli Given Warrens Will National Chairman Wo disdi the qnsUtj I Daniel Backer, o f 8S Vine Stay, Backing U p Eax^ CdUed from Jobs by January to June Op­ If worth it and within the street, Hartford, who Is proprie­ Reported Up in A^ FENDER AND BODY Massive Union Domin­ erations; Wtdlace Su iT‘ raoRO wo think yon arc tor of the Jones store on Oak her Stand by Clay Greenlight Go to Shows street. Is s patient In 8L Frands ated hy Communists wiUae to pay, wc boy it. WORK hospital, as the result o f an acci­ porters Also Overspend B r i M a ! Farther, If we think wc dent Wednesday, on Windsor Berlin, Jane 26.— <ff)—The PhiladolplUi; Jaot 20^ street, Hartford, when he araa Rudiiisns' land blockade of For Convoy Roms, Jana 26.—<ff)—A In New York n only adl 1 crate, or less, SoHaiciie and Flagg, Inc. Washington, June 26.—^ ^ (4 V-E o9- Oseumes I. Broura struck by an automobile. Mr. Berlin continoed today, and nationwida Communiat • di- —The Republican National tai a d i ^ ; w o d o n ot bn y 2 as« Owitse M resl Backer was not seriously Injured. el Ohio oaM tlrtt Rfig. B riti^ occuaed the Soviet rsetad food workers’ strike In order to *^ioel a qnar* Tells General Staff to CORferatate Oav. ESail Warren raoalvaa ktesm fram Ms dangbten Doro­ committee went into the par- j RepublicRn Vice Presi Hugh D. Scott, Jr., of Psoa* toF* on the deal and then ion of trying ruthles^ to beipui today. More than 250,- thy, 1 ^ aad VIrgIrta, after Ma uauUuatlsa for vtea preaMeut by the ty’s convention in the red ^or sylvsala has bcoa Osolgafitsd The Inasmuch class o f ths - ,6 te a s ta te o f o ie g e . W ith Take ^Suitable' Ac­ - an to PMtedripMa. (NBA teIrphoU). dential Nominee to hneo yon get left eror Tcgo* | Church of the Nazarens will have criR i 000 men were called from its Janumry-to-June financial as chfilrsuui of tho' Hfipehli aa outing tomorrow evening at the western powers in consul­ tion Despite Resist­ their joba by the General operations. Reports on file to­ Keep Pledge to Wife can National eonirtittso. lir t ry la that 1 h «a la the cottage o f Mr. and Mrs. David \ tation over their next step, Confedeiation of Labor, day with the clerk of the okettow of Scott, who rspro » oa . .. ar far s Chambers, Coventry lake. Mem­ the British Foreign Office ance by Egyptians .4nd Three Daughters Atlantic Italy’s maaoiva onion, still Gates Opened House of Representatives sonto a PhUaMjlhlB- coogroo’ alMMb Taa, arleal bers will meet at the diurch at oald Um SovlH campolgB. “by News Tidbits la Roa with alnS 6:30, and are asked to bring dlsh- tinder (Tommonist eooto^. showed the committee had Philadelphia, June IS —(i^ —Re­ aioiifil district, WM to ho rati* atarvteg Um halplam dvlllaa pop- Oalra, Juna 1 4 —iff)—The lacoall Mart Stefoa SEB C p«i Ronge ond Fuel es imd silver for themselves aM CaUed From (/P) Wires j taken In 6268,136 from the first of iirti fonM lIr hr tho cooualk Shop ulatkm" at Bana, maka to gate govanuaeat, gtvaa tba United Mo- Thera wara aa raodete yat of For 205,000 the year to May St. but had spent publican Vice Prestdantlal Nomi­ their guests. poUUool advaataga at tha axpowa too at R rcorgulsstioa s m H- yeneaSIL r w at ttoas graan Ufbt to push a oon- tba rtrtka’a affarttySnsae, taut 6326.713. This left a 644,867 defi­ nee Earl Warren departs tomorrow o ( tbo w oot Tha atetemant addad: moat. I f not aU oonuaarctel storas in f bitor toiay. for “Wa tetaad to otay la Barite.’* voy tbrougb XgypUan raatetaaoa; Miasluippl'a Oernmat eeorvt pa- cit. for New York and the Broadway O IL aad markrtb wars atm open. Pra- MeRanre Is lAibeled The Democratic National com­ gATURDAT SPECIAL Thte faockad up aa aartlar atete- says it baa toM Its gantrol staff ■oe force wiU be called back into ■hows he has been oromiring Mrs. aumably they wm not be affect­ mitter waa In considerably better Wanrn and the glito. i PhUfidcIphis. Juno Anortier exelmive Joyce Huh^. mant by Gaa. Xaictaa D. Clay, U. A to taka “aultabla“ aettea: *FlRfrRntly Discrim - action "if the need arises,'' says VALUES Its announoamaat woa ateda In ed natU tbalr stocks nm out shape. It received 6516,744 and The big, rud^-faced Californian —Tho oaot-wost twain of BECEESV NathPo Bosta mlUtery govacaor, that ao actloo Tba strlka was callad among Governor Wright... .Mrs. Mary ■pent 6272,183. The Democrats LT. WOOD CO. INSURE you mustn't wait abort oC war could driva tha Amat^ TM Avtv last atejit aftar g U. N. teRtory' by TrnmRn made this a prime order of buol- ThomM E. Dowoy and Soil 2 SSc rite poWera, toudied o ff «W i ■pokaMBOB aad Jaartab taodan aald wotkaiB awklng apogbatU.
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