■ ‘ ' ■j i I f'v-? V f !» i' J P ! J mm?- -I . I •p? V T' J * vV7 P .h hp 1 •u I : • v / r i ^ ' ■ i ■ /.V 1 /’ ,. ■o ! J . - \ ■ USC Wins NCAA Team Title; Jl . J- No Aggies Qualify In Meet LOS ANGELiJeS, June 20.—LP) hound, eoakted in ahead of his com­ trailed to the tape in fourth place. The University of Southern petitors in) the shorter dash in 9.5 First and second places qualified California Trojans captured their seconds, tying the coliseum record in the hurdles. w I ■- thirteenth National Collegiate in the event. /Price joined Rowland ap a. Track and FI rid championship Rowland failed again by a step tator for Saturday’s finals whei Saturday. * One meet record top­ to qualifyl this time in the 220- finished a flat last in the final' low pled and three were tied in this yard low hurdles. He stayed well hurdle heat, wo nby Dixon. twenty-eighth renewal, iof the up until 4te in the race, when he Vem McGrew of Rice and event: - faded before strong finishes by Walters of Texas, in the high, j The Trojans, who won.their first Michigan $tate’s Fred Johnson and and J. D. Hampton of Texas A1 NCCA crown in 1930 and during Dick Ault) of Missouri! R. E. Hall in the< 2-mile, will compete in th$ One span made it nine straight, of Texas A&M dropped out in the finals Saturday. There were no amassed 65 2-5 points to Carry off next low hurdle heat, when he preliminarie* in these even the team trophy1 by a wide mar- *te. - x- Southern California, with \12 quuliflera, was nevhr pushed for team honors, Anojther Lob An- Battalion ^ gefes school, UCIvA, nosed cut maiiford for second place, 31*90. The tesmiscores: LtBC 56-2*5, UOLA 31; Htanforri / P O R T 30; Michigan Atate U6; Pehn 8l«le 35; Bel oi i Hall 33; NYC 39: Yale MONDAY, JUNK 20, 1040 Page 22: Wlscmain 22; Ohio Btale [6; mmm Tulane, Han ©lego, :Missouri, 0Or* nell and ttmwu HI each! tfStii* llarlmra Onllege Pi Oenvef, Mld»!« gan ami Mlnitesola H eacii; Hhmle Islanil Mlalc, ? 2-6; Oklahoma, iln> W aitkus Intends} THt t'luvnit Whll Inker, nnd It ,M. HtevunMon, lb the bn«k rilaim, ami Hk a 7 each; California, tnumber* «f ih4 J hrtVi Hunk Mills, Allntt Marie ley, managi'r, Kml* Princeton, Utah HtaU\ (I each; Han the (Ki|l Ale Wnltlll, I'rlee Mtnllli, Aden Magee ,and Mickle Jose State ft 2*5.; Kansas and Vll* rtnrihnll Leu go ' XlMMlIli !' Jl.1- '■ ] Inhova, 4 each/ Arizona State RUMeltV (Temple), Brigham! Young, Haver- To Prosecute Girl forri and Washington State, 2 CHICAGO, June IH-iA*!—Eddie* •1 i each; Onigoh, College of Pacific, Waitkus, j’hilidclphia baseball star, 12-5 each; Auburn, Bradley, Tem­ was quoted today as saying he in­ ple, Colorado, Georgetown, Illinois, tends to press for prosecution of NCAA Tennis eight Title Aspirants Occidental, 1 each. •• ■•'4 tii the young woman fan who shot him (Editnr'H note: J. D. Hampton Wednesday. failed to place in the two mile The Chicago Heradd-American. run.) quoted Waitkus as saying Tourney In TiniersIn Ring Game Victories were few and far between “They say it is divine to forgive, herei Friday for the Texas contin­ but I’m not going to be divine I ulema 11 ;' - r . : gent! at the |%AA Track and Field where slip’s concerned. Austin. Today <ge eight on decisions an(| four by tiers than has Walcott. “If she'is found sane, I’ll prose­ !’ meet as only two boys from Texas By BILL HA t u of "Get la the Groove knockouts. Befoire Louis rendered Charles att meted nation-wide dolleges qualified in the prelimi­ cute her personally. If not, I will AUSTIN, Tex., June 18—‘A3*— NEW YORK-j-Oniit * is cer- niih l hors de combat, he was attention a > year ago February Victor Seixas Jr., of the Univer­ Luke Harrison, din Urove. ihg meavy- nary trials. expect the authorities to see that 4&in aboijit 'th4 <<| stopped by A1 Ettore, Tiger Jack following hts 10-round knock­ she is placed ih a mental institu­ sity of North Carolina has been Summer intramural p ijijpril, 1942, Luke went into.-, weight champtonshi gpt. jNeith- Fox and Abe gimon. i Augie Erfuth of Rice won a heat seeded No. 1 for the 65th Natippal y M.P. Corps as a buck out of Sam Baroudi in Chicago. in the high hurdles for the only tion. had a varied and inti er- Jersey i Joe or Ezzard Charles has been fighting pro Baroudi was carried from the Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament and stayed Jhere until ' per cham- victory registered by the SWC con­ “She spems to think this is a per both on an*) off Charles will j mi bouts since 1940. In 69 bouts he ring and died six pours later joke, :but I don’t. She should be which gets under way here Mon­ Luke has palled ’em, bjer of the dai|)iye year when pion. -They've i ah around tingent. Tom Cox, another Rice ’OA to O.C.S. Shortly after has, been beatenrfour times ad without regaining consciousness. taken off the street the same as day. and carried the ball too much! knocked out once by Lloyd Mar­ Though the death was listed as runner, qualified when he finished ij(i 1; his second lieutenant’s second to Stanford’s Jim Hoff in a a mad dog, because she is obvious­ Twice runner-up in NCAA from Cisco, Texas to* The two Negro he difyv'eights shall, a chap he subsequently beat accidental, Charles fought Ray He knows his sports a November of 1942, he was . • cjvbr the A.5- 440-yard heat. ly mentally ill.” Championship play, Seixas cur­ meet fbc the efcMr ^h, ... |^nd knocked out. However, Charles i a few months later, stopped him rently ranks seventh nationally. program set up for \ or.seas with the Special t)’ i pioniskeyCo nisi while he has not logt sinpe Elrner Waitkus was not allowed visitors c# Corps. The work he was , round route in (+HMi in nine rounds and turned over Two hometown boys making this afternoon after undergoing u The Tournament draw pits | few for anyone and ever; Park, home of the , hitg. f |i^^ox,x,_° onn | j( Violent) Ray beat him here ini his $10,000 purse to Barondi’s good stole thq show. Mel Patton, oerscas was v?ry similar to 'L n£ \V2z The minor operation to drain an ac­ of the outstanding entrants agaihst the least bit intereste] Wednesday evening vMf j . 1947, has riiet more obscure bat- 1 family. USC’s world 1‘ecord holder, w'on a For the past three ; is duing ht>w at A&M.,,, fact that [the White ox moved in ______ ________ ;___________ ' cumulation of blood from his right each other in the opening rpUnd 100-yard dash heat in 9.5 seconds of 12 single contests. , has been at the Anne: ifljf t night of his ten months , their outfield fjsijcije early in the lung cavity. 0 5 uez area, he had the Jack to tie the Coliseum record, then His condition after the second Matches which should draw pood puts it. Is still a freifli season and ml d Uiemj back again f •/ : • rolled to a 20.fi victory in a 220- jihow for the boys. After the Oght. Neith- operation was reported “much im­ galleries send Conway Cattoh of first year Luke spent has no bearing yard dash heat. Craig Dixon of eign Legion Outpost,) ojmonths ih Suez he was sen er battler) is a W}br. i ' y \ m proved” qnd one of his doctors said the University of San FranUfico 'fcaltfo, ^Egypt wiere he was ’ UCLA won heats in the 120*ya'rd against UCLA’s Herb jFlam, seeded you, he (was P.E. an I.* thl* first he may leave the hospital in three 1 j |ServiqriOfficer, They high hurdles and the 220-yard low weeks, barring complications. No. 2; Leonard Steiner of Cornell director. The last t time fori a ] n # f| njasons. hurdles to retain his favorite pos­ nlernutioiml Basketball i Meanwhile, the 19-year-old bru­ against Bob Lewis of Stariford has filled the capadjt;. «their primary !1 ition in those races. Men )in«! has had botjh |T nette typist, Ruth Ann Steinha-,University; and Janie's Brink of lej in Egivpt. Luke organized . coveted j tit Jim Fuchs of Yale set a new gen, who! shot him last Wednesday; the University of Washington^ No. fairs and Student Ac oift-natioj ql ba.sjketball series Loula after he) aleott Coliseum record in the shot-put is in jail pending a June 30 hear­ 10, against Dick Mouilrious of Tu­ his charge. :he Egyptians. The Ameri- in Vankee S MM. when he heaved the Ifi-pdund ball Luke was born ar ahd the!. Egyptians would Had Lduisj cljt ijs: mind a- ing on a charge of assult with in­ lane. 55 feet, 11 ’-i inches. The old mark tent to murder. She is writing her A second round of 32 singles Cisco!, Texas, making bput tn pf their best play- bout retiring, th ]nikht not ■-/y was 55 feet, 10% ienheg set by tests will be played Monday, Doub­ entrance into this v d match garnet. Luke states,. have been hgltf. Charles, autobiography at the request of a Elinor Hackney of Kansas State, court psyenlatrist.
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